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Oaklawn Park Entries and Past Performances for Monday April 7 7WEATHER WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST Tho figures under the headine Rec in the entries below show tho best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record wai made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 300 p m Chicago time 300 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Ic Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 3 12 Furlongs Furlongs2yearolds 2yearolds Maidens Allowances AllowancesTrack Track record March 2 1919 11 2 115 115Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Ree AWtHan 418151 Cnncioii 112 42 112 72 41773 Fun Ill 42 f 112 720 41894 Lady Pataud 112 42 10971 417TO Annette Teller 10G710 10G710Frivolity Frivolity br f by V o n Tromp Illusion KMI Iturgoynp 1 v by1 Meelick Army ArmyMaid Maid 109 Zindo byWaldo br c by Waldo Zirnla 109 St Germain b c cby by Sea King Queen Dixou 109 Wallace L blk g by Tony 1onero Bessie Latimer 109 Caiicioii is best of those which have started startedSecond Furlongs3yearolds Second Race 512 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record March 21 1907 106 Jf 3 97 97i i 418 Kirsties Cub 104100 4113X725 41788 Trusty 10S I07 i 115X720 115X72041817s 41817s Bagpipe 100107 3 102 715 41855 = Ktiklux 10G l09i 4 113X715 113X715417SS 417SS Words o1 Wisdom 108 106 113X715 113X71541G18 41G18 Padua 102l09Vh 3 107 710 41878 = Bars and Stars 103 107 7 112X710 39529 lima Schorr 97107 4 108 705 70541G19 41G19 Vintage M 109111 4 99 700 37810 Smoke Perkins M 4 109 700 41071 W If Buckner 107 105 4 109 700 39513 Mallowniot M 5 111 700 700Also Also eligible to start in order named should any anyof of the above be scratched scratched41785s 41785s Spokane Queen 105 1OI5 5 105 715 41914 Valerie West 102 107 5 105X710 105X71048i3 48i3 Archie Alexander 108 107 3 97X705 Kirsties Cub is fast and in good form formThird Third Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards Yards4yearolds ClaimingTrack 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 18 1919 143M 108 101X72541SW 418193 Verna B M 102 l481f 4 101X725 41SW Brando 10i 147 1 113X720 Mary Estelle 105 147 G 102X71 Walter Dant 4 112 715 Sol Gtlsey 105 144 5 107X710 Ben Levy 112 14 8 113 710 Lady Little 101 1491 G 102X705 F C Cole 105 147 5 11 3 705 Royal Tea 10 113X705 Hickoryniit 103 l4G 5 102 700 Saarti M 115 147 107700 Sir Dyke 114 145 10 113X700 Also eligible to start in order named should any i of the above be scratched 41899 Examiner 0113 715 7154185U 4185U Bessaiita 118X700 118X700Verna Verna B seems quite tho best bestFourth Fourth Race 1 116 Miles Now Waukosha Handicap upwardTrack 3yearolds and upward Track record March 28 1918 145 5 122 12241SOO 41SOO THINKER 102 Ir44 4 100 750 418583 Dick Williams 109145 5 1120740 40377 Mistress Polly 112 147 4 5x73 41818 Serenest 90 14 5 103X735 41898 Baby Lynch 100 140 7 10tX7 101X730 41800 Kewpie pXeil 8 l4t 4111 7 7Thinker Thinker should win at the weights Fifth Race 1 Mile arid 70 Yards Yards4rycarolds ClaimingTrack 4rycarolds and upward Claiming Track mord March 18 1919 143 4 108 Keziah 100 140 108x715 Sea Ircliiii 111 145 1107x710 1107x71010S Luki mai 10S l47iis 7 107X710 Jessie I iuisi 100 143 8 1080710 Theophile V 108 l471f 4 112X711 Menlo Park ParkMiklfula 105 147 7 102X705 Miklfula 114 145 i 113X705 Bolala 112 145 8 113x705 Xo Manager 107 145 8 1070700 Alston 108 145 7 107 107c70l 700 370753 Upright 114 147 10 107X700 110 l4fs 7 108 700 Also eligible to start in order named should any rtf the above be scratched 41819 Aldebaran 112143 12113x720 8941 Ndio 110147 5102725 5102725If If good Ndii niay win winSbcth Sbcth Race 1 11G Miles 3yearolds ind upwanl Claiming I Track record March 28 1918 145 5 122 12241915s 41915s 5107X72541K20 Lucius 113147 5107X725 41K20 Eulogy 103 14 ti 108x720 41915 Tito KM 148 i 107X720 4187 Queen Blonde 102 149 4 107 715 41820 Baby Cal PHl 147 i 109x715 41839 Bar of Phoenix 100147 5 133x715 41722 Milb 107 147 5 102X710 41741 Saints Bridge 103 143 4 108X710 41891 Ninety Simplex 108 7109x710 41858 H 0 Bascli 102 l4i 4 108X705 41879 Pliilistiue Kill l4 Vf 113x705 113x705Lucius Lucius is gool and favorably weighted