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Bowie Entries and Past Performances for Monday April 7 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK GOOD The figures under the heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice 1 j allowance First Race 12 Mile Mile2yearolds 2yearolds WeightsColts Maidens Special Weights Colts and Geldings GeldingsTrack Track record April 5 1918 48 2 112 112Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rec AWtHan AWtHan418G72 418G72 Culvert 114 49 115 725 41887 Roisterer 118 52 115 720 41887 Le Bleuet 107 riy3 115 715 71541073t 41073t Sandy Heal 108 24 115 705 41827 Little One 115 52i 115 705 41210 Billy Boots 115 700 700Paul Paul Jones br g by Sea King May Florence 115 Cornioran ch c by LOiseau Lyre LyreOrietta Orietta 115 t Murray b c by I King James Bellamia 115 AV S Murray entry Calverts only race was promising promisingSecond Second Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Track record Nov 24 1917 112 1 122 122418CS3 418CS3 Loyal Peter 108 115 3 108723 418483 Beauty Sleep 1061110 3 98 720 418892 Aigilante 115115 310SX715 41019 James A Sheridan 108 117 3 10S715 41S 8 Cora W 105117 3 103 710 40554 Boston 5 115 700 41889 Miss Sterling 99 113 4 110 705 41S88 Sauf Conduit 3 108 705 40089 Mohican 103 114 4 115 700 41403 Huey Travis 40029 Mackenzie 115115 4115700 4115700Laughing Laughing Eyes II br f by Irish IrishLad Lad La Ribaudu 3 103 Challenge ch c by T r a n s v a a 1 Qualify 3 103 Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched 41SGS Leinster 110 117 3 108 705 41849 Miss Fauntleroy 101116 4 110 700 7004188S 4188S Lowtide 3 103 715 71540SOS 40SOS Sir Haste 102110 B11BX B11BX418SS 418SS Bonnn A 103110 3 103 715 715Loyal Loyal Peter is racing well wellThird Third Race C 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track ClaimingTrack record Nov 29 1917 119J5 1 112 418903 Cadillac 116 122 5 115X720 115X72041S093 41S093 Refugee 114120 6115720 611572041000s 41000s Tiger Hose 92 122 3 95X715 41008 Risponde Vi108 123 4 105X713 41893 = Edith Baumaim 103122 0105X715 41908 Kilmer 118122 6118X710 41869 Ideal 108122 4108X710 41911 Thorn Bloom 100120 H 115X705 41909 Parlor Boy 118122 111150700 388 9 Celtabel G 110700 1107004KJ13 4KJ13 Hazelnut 5 110X700 110X70040S07 40S07 American 4113X700 41871 Napoli 108123 4108X700 4108X700Also Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched 41911 Firing Lino 110 122 5 110X715 41909 Kingling II 113 122 J G 110X725 4186S Frank Shannon 3 105X710 41909 Bronco Billy 105121 5 115 705 41871 Scaramouch 115125 7115X705 41809 Gloaming 115 124 7 115700 41889 01100705Race Comacho 107123 01100705 Race of doubtful outcome t tFourth Fourth Race 34 Mile Advance 3ycarolds Handicap3ycarolds Handicap Track record Nov 21 1917 112 4 122 418292 1137504188S2 HOI CRAIG 102 1153 113750 4188S2 Frizenr M 104 740 418303 Duchess Lace 107 113 115X735 115X73541891s 41891s Belario 110113 108 735 73541S912 41S912 Mahony 114113 112735 41850 John Cullinan M 100 720 720Roi Roi Craig is fast and best seasoned seasonedFifth Fifth Race 1 Milo and 20 Yards Yards3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Selling Track record Nov 30 1915 143 4 107 41S52 Kilts II 5 111 723 418523 Indian Chant G 110X720 41850 Plurecn 3 94 715 418722 Dolina 109 l49h 6 1110710 41911 Firing Line 102 144 5 110X710 41851 N K Beal 110 l46h 51100703 41910 Glasstol 4 108 700 700Kilts Kilts II should win again againSixth Sixth Race 1 116 Miles ClaimingTrack 4ycarolds Miles4ycarolds and upward Claiming Track record Nov 25 1915 148 1 116 41893 Bill Hunley 99 148 4 107X725 41833 G M Miller 11G 147 12 109X720 41892 Garbage 101145 7109X715 41893 Stir Up 100147 7109715 418933 Candidate II 101149 4107X710 41833 Otisco 5 99 710 41912 Sea Beach 101 149 6 109X705 41913 Inquieta 103 148 9 1070705 8112X70041S93 41833 Front Royal 105149 8112X700 41S93 Pulaski 105149 5109700 5109700Bill Bill Hunleys last race would win here Seventh Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record Nov 13 1915 143 3 105 10541SS9 41SS9 Plurenzi 3 95 725 41913 Luther 114131 9113X720 41913 = Fountain Fay 115 144 9 111715 41912 Progressive 102140 91030713 41892 Harwood 114147 8110X715 5110X71041S49 41832 Amalgamator 110144 5110X710 41S49 Wewoka 3 95X710 41893 Flora Finch 103146 5105X705 Plurenzi 5105X705Plurenzi is good and lightly weighted