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OAKLAWN PARK FORM CHART HOT SPRINGS ARK SATURDAY APRIL 5 1919 Oaklawn Park Nineteenth day Business Mens League Spring Meeting of 30 days Weather clear temperature 60 ncis Nelson Starter A B Uade Racing Secretary J B Campbell Racing starts at 300 p ni Chicago time 300 p m W indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record age of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance A Q A FIRST RACE 5 12 Furlongs March 21 1907 106 3 97 Purse 600 4year ± JLy JLTC olds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt VI Vs StrFin Jockeys Owners o u o P a 4181fi R STRICKLAND w G 101 1 1 3 31 1 1 11 Steiirns P T Miles MilesS1 15 20 20 S 4 41750 JACK K w 4 113 3 2 S1 5 4 2 D Connlly W L StanfieUl StanfieUlCi 3 4 1351 12 41878 LIBERATOR w 7 109 11 9 Ci 4J Si 3J R Troxler J B Goodman 3 41 41 85 45 41772APBLE JACK wn 5 ICG 4 4 2i 21 2 43 J CallahanW P Cunngham SO 40 40 15 8 41750 KING K wit 7 103 J 7 7 7l 5J 0 M Garner W C Weant 0 8 7 2J 65 41785 ROYAL TEA wn 10 106 6 11 11 91 BI 6 H Cassity L G Pierce 15 25 20 S 4 41785 DOCTOR ZAB WB 6 106 5 3 1J 11 71 71 O Willis J AVakeman 20 SO SO 10 5 S2528 KECLUSE wn C 106 10 C 41 8l 91 81 J MclntyreA N Hayden 8 15 15 6 3 41788 124181G VALERIE WEST w 5 107 12 5 C1 6i G1 9 C Brown J P Lyons 2 21 21 1 12 4181G NASLEDOVATI w 5 106 910 lOntll1 10 10 C MaddoxF G Harper 30 30 SO 12 C 417G2 SUREGET w 12 110 88 95 10 = 11 us E Haynes H G AVoOds 15 20 20 8 4 35293 CAPT FREDKS WB 5 106 712 12 12 12 12 M AndsonAV A Porch GO 50 50 20 10 Time 10Time 23 48 101 108 Track fast fastWinner Winner McCulloughWent B m by Czar Searchlight trained by I J Miles lired by Mr Tosopli S McCullough Went to post nt 307 At post 4 minutes Start Rood mid slow AVon handily second and third driving HUTU STRICKLAND away well aiid racing in forward contention from the start saved much ground when coming into the stretch and drew out in the last sixteenth to win going away TACK K was forced back at the halfmile post and had to race wide but finished fast and gamely LIBERATOR stood a hard drive in tho stretch and linishcd close up APPLE JACK tired in the last eighth after showing speedScratched much speed KING 1C finished well AALERIE WEST lacked speed Scratched 41 878 Langden 10 417S5 Bert Williams 106 41702 Jane 101 101Overweights Overweights Sureget 4A pounds fl t Ol CC SECOND RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 18 1919 143 4 108 Purse 5600 i J J J 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt StrFin Jockeys Owners OHO 41878 MISS KRUTER w S 109 2 1 2 31 2 1s 1 L Stalker W Caliill C 8 S 3 S5 41707 TITO wn 6 113 6 C 3 5 4 2l 2nt 7 MelntyreAV E Dexter S 12 12 5 21 41875LUCIUS wn 5 113 5 5 4 21 I1 3l 3h M Rowen T H Cross 2 3 3 fi5 35 41870 GLEIPNER w G 113 1 3 7n 7l G1 53 45 E Haynes H Neusteter S 12 10 4 85 41878 PRANK MONROE w 5 113 4 4 I1 lh 3 41 Si R Troxler L A Soregnl 0 25 12 5 2i 41442 OLD BEN WB S 113 329 9 Sl 61 O Willis D T Morris 10 15 15 6 3 41G98FL OF STEEL WB 5 113 S 7 6 G 71 G3 73 C Brown R L Rogers 5 0 3J 6535 418392AVILLDO w 6 113 99 S3 S 81 7l S3 D ConnllySolomnJarmn 343 4525 41777 KING NEPTUNE wn C 113 7 S 52 41 5J 9 9 M Garner Frazier Hayes 8 12 12 5 21 fastWinner Time 24 45 115 142 146 Track fast Winner DoyleWent I in by Transvaal Lillie Krntcr trained by W Caliill bred by Mr Martin Doyle Went to post tit 333 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing MISS KRUTER was kept well up from the start and drew out in the stretch to win as her rider pleased TITO was prominent for the first half aild seemed done at this point but finished gamely1 and took second place in the last few strides LUCIUS would have been an easy second with a good rider GLEIPNER closed a gap in the last quarter FLASH OF STEEL was always far back AVILLDO was outrun badly throughout throughoutScratched Scratched 41851 Verity 91 41839 Miss Wells 105 41S952Aslraea 91 Overweights 91Overweights Miss Kruter 1 pound THIRD RACE 1 Mile March 11 1916 139 6 118 Bruce B Campbell Purse Purse S600 3yearolds and upward Allowances Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 StrFin Jockeys 0 H 0 P 41877 = SILVERY LIGHT w 3 101 3 5 4h 51 3J 21 lh H Cassity H Tullett f65 32 32 25 out 418573MARS out418573MARS MOUSE w 4 114 7 3 25 2h I1 1 21 R Troxler R O Egan G5 75 1 13 out 41877 ED STONE w 3 101 4 4 G1 C3 5 31 31 C RobsonE AV Moore 10 12 12 4 85 41837 OBOLUS w 7 109 1 2 31 3 4s 410 N Barrett H Field fG5 32 32 25 out 41775 MINAWAND w3 96 2 1 I2 I2 23 5l ° 5 ° J CallahanW P R6ed 8 10 8 3 75 41798 SKYE BALL wn 3 104 67 5a 41 Gl G10 610 C Brown F Bicknell 20 30 10 S 4 40097 NOLAWN wn 4 109 8 S 7 7 7 73 7i T Buel J J Maher 20 30 30 8 4 41737 TOM BROOKS wit 3 lOf 5 G 8 8 S 88 O Willis E Trotter 30 40 40 10 4 tConplcil in betting no separate place or show betting bettingTime Time 24 48 113 140 Track fast fastWinner Winner Ch c by General Roberts Rose Cherry trained by U Hawk bred by Mr George M Van Gonlen GonlenWent Went to post at 358 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same SILVERY LIGHT moved up with a rush after going Jiveeighths and overhauled MARS MOUSE in1 the last seventy yards MARS MOUSE was made much use of in the early running to dispose of MINAWAND and tired in the last eighth ED STONE closed a big gap and was going fastest at the end OHOLUS was well up for the entire race MINAWAND set a fast pace and quit badly in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 41S35Cromwell 101 41S37 Harvest King 114 114Overweights Overweights Skye Bull 5 pounds Tom Brooks 5 A A Qfl r FOURTH RACE 1 Milo and 70 Yards March 18 1919 143 4 108 Maurico Bath rJL rJLL7 L7 JL 4 House Handicap Purse 800 3yearolds and upward Net value to winner 600 second 125 third 75 Index Horses AWtPPSt SiStrFin Jockeys Owners O H 0 P 41857 UNDER FIRE wn 3 99 4 3 4 = 3i 35 I3 In C RobsonP Dunne DunneWB 23 3 2 71014 41799 DRASTIC WB 4 111 2 1 5 5 5 41 2s M Garner C E Patterson 21 3 21 91014 41837 SLIPPERY ELM w C 113 5 4 3 41 4 31 Z ° L Stalker Wdlawn St Fm2J 4 31 6513 418373GREY EAGLE w 4 102 3 2 in 21 21 2i 45 H Cassity F Gering Jr 45585 25 41541 KOHINOOR wn 5 104 15 2J I1 11 5 5 M Rowan E Arlington 687245 Time 687245Time 23 43 113 140 144 Track fast fastWinner Winner SykesWent B c by Swynford Startling trained by P Dunne bred in England by Sir Mark Sykes Went to post at 424 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same UNDER FIRE raced into the lead on the stretch turn but tired near the end and just lasted long enough to win DRASTIC dropped back at the start and was far back for the first half but moved up with a great rush when called on and would have won in another stride SLIPPERY ELM ran much below his true form and had no mishaps GREY EAGLE suffered from interference by UNDER FIRE in the stretch and tired near the end KOHINOOR quit in the stretch stretchOverweights Overweights KohiNoor 1 pound FIFTH RACE 34 Mile April 2 1918 112 7 115 Elks Purse Purse 600 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third 50 418183A N AKIN w 7 113 7 4 42 21 11 lh H Cassity E Trotter 852 9571013 4172DNEPPERHAN 95710134172DNEPPERHAN w 1 116 41 1 lh 2l 2 N Barrett G B Cooper 344 85710 41645 BON TROMP WB 4 111 G 3 21 31 41 3n C RobsonJ Lowe G 7 5 2 45 41797SBRINGHURST 4541797SBRINGHURST w 8 116 32 3 41 3 4h D ConnllyG V Barnes 31 4 4 8535 85354150G3KATE 4150G3KATE 65414G9S BRIGHT w 4 111 55 51 5 51 5h E Hayiies W Smith 8 10 7 21 65 414G9S OF PLEASREwB 0118 16 6 6 6l ° 613 G W CarlH Field 10 15 15 G 3 4183G TYRANNY w 3 100 27 7777 J CallahanP Ungar 50 100 50 20 10 10Time Time 23 48 113 Track fast fastWinner Winner DodsonWent B g by Algol Tremar trained by E J Salt bred by Mr R P Dodson Went to post at 440 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same A N AKIN moved mi fast after going the first quarter then lost ground by coming wide into the stretch but held on well and outstayed NEPlERHAN in the final drive NEPPERHAN away fast showed tho most early snecd but was tiring at the finish BON TROMP raced forwardly from the start and stood tho final drive well BRINGIIURST had no mishaps KATE BRIGHT finished close up SANDS OF PLEASURE wis going fast at the cud cudScratched Scratched 39850 Arthur Middleton 114 41S59Iob Hensley 114 t t Q l Q SIXTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards March 18 1919 143 4 108 Purse 600 rtJLiJ JLJ 3ycarolds and upward Claiming Net value to winner 450 second 100 third Index Horses AWtPPSt StrFin Jockeys Owners O H O J 4183PSBARB SHILLING w 4 107 3 3 2l 3U 2l I1 1U C RobsonG B Cooper Si 4 4 75710 41873 ROOKERY w 4 107 8 G 31 2J 1 = 2 2 J MclntyreJ O Talbott 3 31 1656535 4183GJBYRNE 16565354183GJBYRNE wn 3 101 1 2 I2 U 3 3l 3U G W Car IT Shullman 8 8 8 S 85 418593DURD 85418593DURD ROBERTS w 5 110 9 7 5 J 5 4 4J 4i N Barrett J Lowe 4 4J 4 8545 4185 KEZIAH WB G 105 4 4 41 41 5 51 5h C Brown C AV Gasser G G 4i 8543 41H74 854341H74 CARAWAY w 3 89 5 5 6h Gl G1 GI G S Boyle T M Botts 30 30 SO 12 G 4181 4181SLUKEEMAB SLUKEEMAB WB 7 110 6 S 81 71 7 73 V J CallahanAV C Weant 6 8 S 3 75 4185G 754185G BIT OF RLARNEYw 4 104 2 1 7 8t sl 8 82 H Cassity McKsterPoole 15 20 20 8 4 41780 BROWN FAVRITEw G 113 710 9 913 91 = 915 930 D ConnllyR H Good 8 12 12 5 2J 41738 RUTH HARRISON w 7 105 10 910 10 10 30 10 M SchwtzW H Cox 10010010040 20 Time 20Time 24 48 115 141 1455 Track fast fastWinner Winner Bi f by Contcstor Tlie Laundress trained by B Munford bred by Mr Edward Frazcr Went FrazcrWent to post at 509 At post 2 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third driv ¬ ing ItARltAiCA SHILLING well ridden and away forwardly raced info the lead after reaching the stretch and won easing np ROOKERY was hard ridden and raced prominently throughout but after taking the lead tired in flic last eighth BYRNE quit after going threequarters in the lead Jiiit out ¬ stayed DURWARD ROBERTS The latter raced wide for most of the way KEZIAII was hard ridden but rail jtoorly jtoorlyScratched Scratched 11S3D Duko of Shelby 110 41S3G3Strikcbreaker 112 41753 Bolala 110 41859 Dclira 105 Overweights1 105Overweights1 Byrne 5 pounds