Sixth Race [6th Oaklawn Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-06

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SIXTH RACE 1 110 Miles 3yearolds and upward Claiming March 28 1918 145 5 122 LUCIUS ch gr 5 107 By Isidore Roxane T H Cross 41115 Oaklwi lm0y l4Gfast 3 li 542 3 3J M Rowan Miss Kruttr Tito Lucius LuciusI3 41S75 Oaklwi 1 l45Vrniud 1110 113 532 I3 1 M Rowan 7 H Horse Lit String Sea Urchin Urchin4l 41801 Oaklwi 1 116 l4Gfast 95 115 1 3 3 4l 5 Gentry 7 Medusa Ellison ISajazet ISajazetIl 41752 Oaklwl Im70 146 slow S5 10S 3 3 2 Il I3 A Schugr 7 SinTime LibtrtyStar Lukcmao 41CGO Oaklwi 34 l14slow 7 US 1 G 31 31 L Gentry 7 Trusty II O Bascli Ettahq 40S94 FGnds Im70y l47good G5 103 4 2 1 31 31 E Donhue 8 QunApple BigFellow CHodce 40S34 FGnds Im20y 144 fast 6 112 644 5 5T3 E Donhue 7 Irish Kiss Berlin Pit 36561 Jefson 1 l415islow 1310 108 3 2 3 11 I1 F Robson G Kinney Bob Hcnsley Gold Boy 3i I12ijfast if 9 10 10l 7 1 A Schugr 12 Startling LcUarcs ToTMlng EUXOGY b m 6 108 By Fair Play St Eudora L A Broaddus 11820 Oaklwn 1 11C l4Gfast 4 103 2 1 1 Il 2n c Brown S Kenward Cain Spring Grumpy 41777 Oaklwn 1 l42slow 165 106 2 2 2 lh 21 H Hamtn 7 BabyCal llbnUo CliristIIolters 41719 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 95 105 2 1 111GS1 I2 I4 H Cassity 12 Rookery Ermitana DurRoberts 11GS1 Oaklwn 51 f l07 fast 135 104 4 4 31 lh H Cassity BobA HarryD Bars nhil Stars 41324 FGnds Im20y l44good 7 104 5 1 1 lz I1 S Sndman S Al Pierce Bluebannock TzeLsi 41295 FGnds Im70y 147 last 15 10611 88 88409S3 12 12 H Cassity 12 Philistine Tli Green JWakely 409S3 FGnds 1 116 l47fast C 99 5 1 1 140S36 32 13 H Cassity 11 Mab Don Dodge Black Broom 40S36 FGnds Im70y l48mud 4 109 5 5 5 8 813 C Kschm S Dapdalns Parrish Benefactor BenefactorBy TITO br g 6 107 By Dr Leggo Georgia Girl W E Dexter 51915 Oaklwn Im70y l4Gfast 12 113 G 3 5 2J 2 ° 1 Mclntyre 9 Miss Knit IT Lucius Gleipner 41707 Oaklwn 1 l41fast 31 112 1 2 2 41 45 L Gentry i Bogart Waterproof Medusa 41662 Oaklwn 1110149 slow 8 112 4 1 1 4 412 L Gentry 8 Grumpy Ilonolulu Boy Bajazet 41467 FGnds 5J fl13 fchvy 135156 4 3 34H5S 23 1J Lt JRnllslO Kttnlio Kilmer Amalgamator 4H5S FGnds 1 11G l53mud 115 111 321 11 IS Li Gentry 7 Hondo RFavoritc Bluebannock 41395 FGnds 1144 mud 4 111 2 2 2 2 25 j Mooney 7 Pilsen Don Dodge Sosiiis 41279 FGnds 1 11G l49fast 12 107 1 S 9 10 107J J Mboncy 11 Sir Oliver Bencfiictor Villdo 41241 FGnds ImpOy l47Vihyy 95 112 3 2 2 11 1J D Gentry 7 BHampson AlmaB Kglingll KglingllBy QUEEN BLONDE ch f 4 107 By Free Lance Binda C W Gassor 11S79 Oaklwn 1 1lfi l19 fimid S5 111 5 3 3 2 23 1 Groth C Ihilistinc Lfta Cloipner 41797 OaKTwn 34 l13fast oO IOS S 7 7 J Grolh S St Isidoro Bringhiirst Ivama H7CS Oaklwn 34 llfi livy 10 III 7 5irii j Groth 7 Docod Bob Hcnsloy Paddy Jl 110 FGnds 1116151 livy 2 105 443 3 I4 1 G Moles th 7 Jason Luclle P Blue Rock 4insr FGnds Iin20y 146 livy 3 107 7 S 7 2 li I4 G Moles h Jl A Louise B Shilling Bracelet II FGnds 51 5Jfi09 f 109 fast 3 20 IOS 10 S Si 655 G Mblesthli CAConiiskey Rcilloc SpQueen 11208 FGnds 55 f lllhvy S SO 107 S S1lli 7 7J G Molcsthll P Connelly Sosius Early Sight 409S3 FGnds 1 1lli l47fast li 15 102 12 11 13 13p 121 9 II Stearns 11 Mab Don Dodge Black Broom BABY CAL b p 6 109 1091lt By Dorante Pepita W C Weant 41520 Oaklwn 1 115 l46 ffast 4 IOS 1 5 4 r 5 M Garner S Kinward Kulogy Cajn Spring 41777 Oaklwn 1 l421fcslow i 107 4 4 4 411G 2i IJ OM Garner 7 Kulogy Hondo Christie Hollers 41722 Oaklwn 1 11G 148 fast 2 2J 110 1 3 3 2i 2 II J Burko S Hondo Oleipner Little String 41619 Oaklwn 1 116 149 good 8 313 1 3 3 3i70y 15 2k J Groth 7 Ieta Paul Connelly Bogart 41294 FGnds Im70y i70y l16 IMffast fast 2 109 1 2 2 I1 2i 7 Dursch 14 StsUridge Dundreary Dervish 41279 FGnds 1 116 1 J9fast 7 107 4 3 3iu 2 4i C RobsonlJt Sir Oliver Benefactor Willdo 41106 FGnds I 11G l49slow 7 iu r r 5 G54 M Garner Willdo Foxy Oriff Don Dodge 40963 FGnds 1 116 l4good 20 109 2 2 3 3BAR 3l lot G Walls 8 Sleeth Mary H Hondo HondoBy BAR OF PHOENIX b li 5 113 11341S39 By Bartender Pocltet J E Nash 41S39 Oaklwn 1 31 fi 201 fast 2 113 f 4 4 1 1i M Rowan 11 Willdo Thanksgiving W Dant 41776 Oaklwn 1 116 143 slow 4 111 422 4224150S 21 2nt M Rowan 0 Cain Spring PaulaV SeaUrcliin 4150S FGnds 1 1S l55good G 100 10 7 7 4 45J Jl Rowan 12 Honolulu Boy John Iliirie Leta 40158 Bowie Im20y l44fast 28 106 9 9 9 61 oJ S Sndmanll Ballast Graphic Jusqu an Bout 0424 Bowie 1 116 151 good 5 104 544 4 ° 3 1 H Myers 5 PButtcrfly ICliant HBrother 40313 Pimllco 1 12 234fast 10 104 267 f 2 53G Walls 7 Bolster Wodthrush Buckboard 40299 Plmllco 1 14 2OSfast 9 112 2 7 8 84 73J G Walls 10 Piedra Ken Boy Wood thrush 40271 Pimlico 1 14 2OSfast 7 113 465 465MAB 44 3J G Walls 10 Mad Curie Bolster Bierman BiermanBy MAB br m 5 102 By Meelick Dona Hamilton H T Batchler 41722 Oaklwn 1 116 148 fast 21 IOS 7 5 6 8 S3 F Stevens 8 Hondo Baby Cal Gleipner 41158 FGnds 1 116 l4S fast 3J IOS 1 1 3 S2 9 F Stevens 11 SBridge Philistine Dabiah II 09S3 FGnds 1 116 l47fast 6 104 333 11 I1 F Stevens 14 DodDodge BckBroom Rhymer 40902 FGnds Im20y l43fast 3J 102 221 22140S35 4 GTJ F Stevens 7 Baby Lynch Graphic MKruter 40S35 FGnds Im70y l47Mmud 8 106 4 1 1 140r8S 1 1 F Stevens 10 Handfull LoahCochran JHurie 40r8S Jcfson 34 115 Rood 7 106 5 4 41 3i F Stevens 7 Kenward Miss Filley Sayonarra 40335 Latonia Im70yl44fast 65 107 6 G 4 lh 34 F Stevens 10 Thinker Hope Sayonarra 9792 Lexton 1 116 l46fast 20f 107 8 4 4 4SAINTS 21 45i F Stevens 12 Trapping Diadi Rcpton RcptonBy SAINTS BRIDGE b e 108 By Bridge of Earn Ste Denisc Turcan Smith 41741 Oaklwn 1 316 200 fast 3 107 3 4 2 24170S G5 CJ H J Burke S Grumpy Waterproof Bajazet 4170S Oaklwn 1 18 154 fast 2S 108 3 2 2 22 2J H J Burke 5 Kenward Leta Thanksgiving 6 G i H J Burke 7 HKing D Williams BMcDwl 41530 FGnds 1 116 14S fast 75 103 12 9 7 31 2U H J BurkeU HonoBoy Philistine J Hurie 41358 FGnds 1 11G l4SV fast 41 103 10 9 5 11 1s II J Burkell Philistine Dalmbiah II Hondo 41291 FGnds Im70y l4Gfast 6 107 8 8 6 640S4G 2l lh II J Burkel4 Baby Cal Dundreary Dervish 40S4G FGndg 1 116 l54hvy 10 112 10 7 7 740S08 94 9JO A JohnsonlO Willdo Dervish EdithBaumann 40S08 Jefson 1 145 good 3 111 9 9 8 8NINETY 54 433 F Robson 9 Gor Roberts Indolence Dervisb DervisbBy NINETY SIMPLEX ch g 7 109 10941S96 By Marathon Flash of Lightning R E Watkins 41S96 Oaklwn 34 11G hvy 1110 115 C 3 23 iu J Groth 10 A Alexander KagKate Bathilde 41620 Jcfson 34 116 fast 6 IIS S 7 2 3 = L Gentry 13 Scaramouch MJiimbo LMiller 41578 Jefson 34 119 mud 95 111 5 3 21 Z II J Burke 8 Trusty Minawand Rocdercr 41479 FGnds 55 f 110 hvy S 117 7 5 2 I1 D Connlly S Onico RHAderson Scarpiall 41312 FGnds 1 116 152 livy 85 112 3 4 1 54 614 D ConnllylO SStalwart Kenward Bl Rock 41279 FGnds 1 116 l49 fast 5 102 8 1 2 G C4i S SndmanlS Sir Oliver Benefactor Willdo 41212 FGnds 1 116 155 hvy 95 110 5 3 1 11 IJ L ConnllylO Tito Pulaski Mary H 411G7 FGnds 1 11G 150 slow 4 109 5 7 4 71 714 D ConnllylS Indolence LucSy R Scrgeman ScrgemanBy H C BASCH b g 4 IOS IOS418TS By Marta Santa Caviet D J McDermid 418TS Oaklwn 1 116 l47fast 31 104 3 6 6 3l C Brown 7 HonoBoy DickWilliams lolite 41739 Oaklwn Im70y I45y3fast 185 106 2 0 5 41 32 H Cassity S Nominee Sayonarra J ODowd 41706 Oaklwn 34 l14fast G5 115 6 1 141GGO I4 1 D ConnllylO Jack K Bathilde Eliz Marie 41GGO Oaklwn 34 l14slow 6 116 2 2 240G05 2 2i D Connlly 7 Trusty Lucius Ettahe 40G05 Jcfson 34 116 good 2 115 5 3 lz li F RbbsonlO Lib Star Capt Hodge Breezy 40508 Jefson 55 f 115 hvy 4 108 5 5 44 35 D Wlshrd G BShilling Camba Amazement 38349 Chiirchl 1 18 l54fast 11 97111 10 11 113S184 91 S18 B Donhuel2 Alda High Horse Clare 3S184 Churchl Im70yl49 slow 10 931 9 9 10 10PHILISTINE 91 918 H Lunsfdll Old Ben Sosius Mount Rose II IIBy PHILISTINE ch g 6 113 By Samson Flower T F Bornman 41579 Oaklwn 1 116 l49mud 12 111 211 I4 1s A Johnson Queen Blonde Leta Oleipner 41S20 Oaklwn 1 116 l4G4fast 15 109 7 7 7 gs jte j Johnson S Kenward Eulogy Cain Spring 41777 Oaklwn 1 l42slow 7 1075 177 7 7 C Brown 7 Baby Cal Eulogy Hondo 41530 FGnds 1 1lu 148 fast 4 112 1 1 2 21 32 A Collins 14 Hon Boy Sts Bridge JHurie 41497 FGnds 1 116 152 hvy 41 112 4 4 5 11 1 ° A Collins ti Prgressive Luther SStalwarl 41358 FGndg 1 116 l4SM fast 6 110 4 4 2 2 2s M Rowan 11 SsBridge Dalmbiah II Hondo 41295 FGndg Im70y 147 fast 4 111 1 3 6 31 1 ° A Collins 12 Th Green JWakely FofSteel 41278 FGndg 1 116 l49Vsfast 1G75 111 3 4 2 21 31 A Collins 14 G Roberts Brando JASridan

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Local Identifier: drf1919040601_6_4
Library of Congress Record: