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Havana Entries and Past Performances for Sunday April 6 WEATHER CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Reo in tho entries below show the best time of each horao at tho distance since January 1 1917 no matter where it finished In cases whoro record was made on other than a fast or good track abbre ¬ viations show track conditions Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 300 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner A Fair mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceFirst First Race 5 12 Furlongs Furlongs3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Jan 21 1017 103 o 102 102Todays Todays Ind Horse Wt Rcc AWtHan 11715 = Imdscy 104 107 4 92X72T 11SST Miingancse KM 101 8 110X720 110X72041SS 41SS Call Shot Ill 105 7 118 713 USS Woymoutli Cirl 102 105 3 ViX710 11821 Wheat Cakes lOfi 105 4 D7710 D7710UIL2 UIL2 Iijnroita II 105 1M5 8 102 710 118S1 Littlo Nephew 105 1M S lliiX710 USS Syrian 118 107 If 7 118710 118710417ii 417ii AValtcr Mack l0 Jf 4 101X705 101X70541SS1 41SS1 DriffkId Ill 105 r 112X705 11KSI Blauchu Donaltdii 103 108 r 307X7H llMr Btvclry Janus 109 107 7 100X700 100X700Liiulscy Liiulscy is favored in the weights Second Race 34 Mile 3viMrolds and upward Churning Track record Dec 28 1015 111 1 111 118S03 Louisu Mack 107 113 3 9SX725 9SX7254iao3a 4iao3a Minnie H 105113 a 99X720 X720 41882 = Hiirlock 110113 4 4112713 112715 71150715418CO 4180 Kosiou Goose 114113 7 71150715 1150715 418CO Herder 102114 4 112 710 41901 Pcthir 110 118 C 115X710 115X710418S1 418S1 RcUringcr IOS 113 5 115 710 101 113 7 113705 101 113 8 115X705 41922 Vignola 112 114 7 113X700 41023 Lackrosc 112 114 11 115X700 4101 Presiimption 107 113 113Ixtuisu 10 1151700 Ixtuisu Mack is in lightly Tliird Raco 34 Mile 3yoarolds Maiming Track record Dec 28 1915 111 1 111 111101X725 I1SC1 AVION IOS 118 11811X11 101X725lli715 101X725 11X11 IjukMwaniia 107 113 lli715 11I03 = Dainty Lady 100 113 lli71594X710 94X710 41922 Iiik Ituff 101 113 SX710 SX710103X710 41852 Iustcr Clark 1O1 114 11441Sit 103X710 41Sit = Miss Ivan 104 113 113418154s 95705 95705110X705 418154s Bagdadiiio 105 115 115412t 110X705 412t Lucky I Iidy idy 112 115 115Avion 102 700 Avion should win easily Fourth Race 34 Mile Mile3yearolds 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Dec 28 1915 111 4 111 41884 Dimitri J07 112 8107X725 8107X72511S81S 11S81S MiKsCove r103 114 4 90X720 41781 = James G 97113 5100X715 41884 Premium 105113 5110715 511071541884s 41884s Blondel 107114 3 94 710 41883 Encore 95112 7 05x710 41884 Sparkler 102 111 7 108x710 41818 Mae Murray 101 113 5 100 705 705Dimitri Dimitri is fast and good goodFifth Fifth Race 1 Mile and 50 Yards Yards3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 0 1918 141 5 117 4 1855 Jack Snipo 110 143 5 11 C 723 723418ii 418ii = Lady I angden S3 144 3 87720 41902 Heredity 4 101 715 41920 Xangarce 114 145 7 108715 Timothy J llogan107 145 418152 lake Schiis 105 144 4 112 710 41905 Ucy Eiinis 114 145 5 114 710 41905 Cork 107 143 4 104X705 41920 Assessor 9 108 703 4121 = Kicking Kid 105144 4 107 700 41925 Scorpii 101 142 7 107X700 Jack Snipe should win again againSixth Sixth Raco 1 Mile Mile3yearolds ClaimingTrack 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 23 1919 138 5 10 11SSI5 Leap Frog 105 141 3 92 725 41902 Cavan Boy 102 140 4 97X720 97X72094J115 41925 Frank Kuogh 94J115 4 102715 11922 Ziiu 1 11 l5fh 10 105X715 105X715Ill 41880 Fascinating Ill 145 8 109X 71 3 41904 = Vocabulary 103140 4100X710 4100X710KM 41921s Frank Burko KM 141 4 102X710 41905 = Tokalon March March41RS5 105 140 5 105 710 41RS5 = Point to Point Point4190I55 115 139 5 105705 4190I55 Suvilliau 105140 C 105X705 419251 Guide Post 100 13 if 9 109 705 41855 John Graham 105 141 12 10X70 41921 Toy Iiss 0 107 700 41881 Chcmung 108 141 5 111X700 41814 Ycnghcc 113 140 9 9rog rog is promising promisingSeventh Seventh Race 1 14 Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record March 1919 205 r 110 41855 Solid Rock IOS 05 0 108725 41812 = John W Kitin 105 5 113X720 41881 = Diadi 108 05 8 108715 41815 BMC 8 113X710 41925 Lytle 05 5 113X710 41905 = Alrnino 110 07 5 10SX705 41901 = Kingfisher 110 0 5 113X700 41855 Zodiac 107 14sy S 117X700 I Solid Rock stays well