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SECOND RACE 34 Mile 3yearolds and upward Maidens Claiming Nov 24 1917 112 4 122 LOYAL PETER b b g 3 M 108 10841iGSBowie By Peter Pan Loyal E L Hodgson HodgsonJ4 41iGSBowie 341l14ffast J4 U 34ff ast GI 1102 110241C18 H2 21 2 T Rice 8 Jack Leary TiKorIlose Toddler 41C18 Jefson 4 11G fast 10 308 C 1 1 I 3i G W Car113 Padua BlackWing DancingGirl 40S91 FGnda 51 f l07good 15 114 2 22 2 ll M Buxton 12 Ragnarok WMask 1lianMaid 40534 Bowie Gi f 111 livy 1210 114 1 3 3 2V 7 2 L McAtee 13 Tidal Hurricane Baby Girl 40474 Bowie 34 l15fast 7 308 1 1 1 I3 21 L McAtee 13 Prevaricate Sky Alan Bl Devil 40206 Empire 51 t llOGfast 20 114 3 3 3 7i 8 3 E Haynes 13 Dminmoml War Cry Diff Eyes 40186 Empire 51 f l07fast 12 108 4 1 2 2i 22 A Buxton 12 UnwiseChild Goaler Uurricane 40163 Empire 51 f 107 fast 8 112 2 2BEAUTY G 6 8l 7rt M Rowan 0 Roi Craig T Rose Hindoostan BEAUTY SLEEP b f 3 M 98 9841S4S Bv Sir Archibald Golden Slumbers J L Donahay 41S4S Bowie Glt i22fast 11 923 2 2 2l 32 D CarswelllU Transpero GevieveB Flrinte 40474 Bowie 34 l15fast 22 1061 G 7 8 7l 76 J McTagtl3 Prevaricate LoyPeter SkyMan 40075 I aurel 51 f l07fast 8G 102 G G39S9G 7 7 83 811 R Moore 12 Bagheera Ceramic Sylvano 39S9G HdeGce GI f lOSfaat Sf 106 5 3J 92 63 Q Preece 10 Mar Hollins Avion UncleJohn 39817 HdeGce GI f l07fast 19t 96 7 7SSS03 45 G1 Gi A Carsw1115 Pinard Equimau Abassadorlll SSS03 Aqduct 41 f 52fast 100 114 9 11 H2 11 T Davies 13 Polygon Stickling Marmite 38613 JBelmont 58 3 00 hvy GO 105 8 8VIGILANTE 7 71 7 J Rodgez 8 FleeSIieik Kerensky UnderFire UnderFireBy VIGILANTE br g 3 M 108 By King James Virgilis R Pending 41889 Bowie 61 f 123 fast 8 103 6 2 2 22 2 W Doyle 9 Plurenzi Auctioneer DrCpbell 41849 Bowie 61 f 122 fast 10 307 G 2 2 41 6s D Stirling 10 Tan II Houdini Sibola 40926 FG rids 51 f llJhvy 7 103 4 3 2 Si 3 1 M Rowan 9 Laggard Milda Elizabeth Marie 40905 FGnds 51 f lllmud 10 110 6 5 5 62 G33 B Kleeger 12 Micurist SCKeener Tmbeola 40SOG Jefson 51 f 110 good 115 112 5 4 5 G 3 F Robson 9 CourtGallant JHealey Padua 4077C Jefson 34 I19y goodl5 101 4 33 Z 2i R Romlli 9 GWington WSpper Revlvor 407G3 Jefson 34 119 hvy 2 107 2 2 2 3 3M Rowan 4 Toombeola Astraea Minawand 4072G Jefson 34 121 hvy 2 105 2 2 2 3H 51 M Rowan S IX Dare DBriglit GWhington GWhingtonBy JAMES A SHERIDAN b g 3 M 108 By Braxted Queen Bee Crown Stable 41G19 Jefson 34 11G fast 7 KS 1 4 fi 4 4i 4s Q Preece 10 Pliircun Speedster Xotate 41370 FGnds 1 l45mud G 103 G 7 G CJ G N Barrett 8 Sylvano W Willow llSamuels 41257 FGnds 1 11G l4Sfast 3 100 3 G 8 G 101 7 D ConnllylS FSIiannon Plurenzi Br Velvet 41278 PGnda 1 11G l49V5fast G 1001110 98 4i 43 C Robsonl4 GorRoberts Brando Philistine Philistine4113G 4113G FGnda Im70y l52hvy 20 105 8 C 4 2 2 2 i J Rodgez 8 Daliabialill Astraea Wilfreda Wilfreda410SS 410SS FGnds 1 l49hvy 12 11G 777 G C 7 W Crump 7 Newel W ETranter CBootlie 41004 FGnds Glf l10hyy 15 llo S 8 G 61 6J M Rowan 10 Cobweb War Mask EdTranter EdTranterCORA CORA W b f 3 M 103 By Stanley Fay Ethel G Wm Walker Walker51GS 51GS Bowie 34 l14fast 132 10T S S 7 fii Cls D Stirling S laokLeary IxvPeter TigRose TigRoseSSIKG SSIKG Bult Ab G8 G9fast IOC Fell A Casey 7 McLane OldBillBender Leinster Leinster2S29G 2S29G Bait Ab 58 09fast 102 GW A Casey 7 KMBride OBBnder MUnstic MUnsticS8154 S8154 Pimlico 4 41 f r6 fast 12f 111 9 999 U18 A Casey In the Sun Milda Marie Council 38113 Pimlioo 4i t 54V4fast 53f 109 2 11 11 II24 A Casey 12 Ophelia Esquimau Star Realm 37831 Bowie 12 48faat 129 112 8 8 8J 9 A Casey 9 FMhan MKLdecker LMdie LMdieBOSTON BOSTON ch h 5 M 115 By Greenways Best Queen Mary W S Murray 40554 Bowie 1110154 slow ICf 111 10 11 11 11 11 11 = = D Stirling 11 Virg Yell Bar One WBedotte 40315 Bowie 1 14 212slow 31f 106 C 3 3 5 41 7IC D Stirling 12 HsBrotlier GenevieveB BCoy 40177 Bowie Im70y l47fast 97 106 15 1C 16 15 II1 II19 D Stirling 16 Zouave El Plaudit LeDinosaure 40420 Bowie Im20y l47good GC 112111010 10 10J 1210 A Johnson 15 Sibola Caddie Alma B BS9S9S S9S9S HdeGce lm70yl4Gfast 8C 115 5 810 9 8s 8 A Pickens 13 Q Blonde Dramaturce Goblet 37839 Bowie Im20y l4Gfast 14 108 304 3 31 4 = J D Stirling 7 Egmont Chas Cannell Dalrose Dalrose3C547 3C547 Bowie 78 l30Vfeslop 491 109 5 6 8 9 9 9 T Rice 11 Miss Kruter Refugee SeaBeach 34436 Hlllcrest Ab58 l037islow 25 105 7 G Corey 0 Manfred Lady Michigan Trend TrendMISS MISS STERLING b f 4 M 110 By Peep oDay Annagh E Lutz 41889 Bowie Ci f 123 fast 31 103 2 7 C GJ G3 H Ericksn 9 Ilurenzi Vigilante Auctioneer 40818 Jcfson 58 l S slow 10 113 2 G 6 G 412 M Garner 10 Rookery Notate Jack Healey 40776 Jefson 34 l19Mgood 4 105 S G G G1 642 H Wakoff 9 GWington Vigilante WSper 40742 Jefson 68 107 hvy G 107 G 4 4 4l 4si H Wakoff 9 BandStars WSpper FMonroe FMonroe40GS3 40GS3 Jefson 61 f l10slow 5 107 G 6 7 7 ° 7 H Ericksri 8 Ettahe Little D Alma B B4Q5S5 4Q5S5 Jefson 34 117 good G 110 2 3 3 3t 33 H Ericksn S Sabretash LibertyStar Pulaski Pulaski405GS 40568 Jefson 58 lOGhyy 8 104 4 3 3 31 25 H Ericksn G Scourgeman Arerity Dovcridge 40490 Jefson 5J f 115 hvy 5 107 6 6 66 G15 H Ericksn G SndyLad LdyLeona Ringdove RingdoveSAUF SAUF CONDUIT b g 3 M 108 By Sweeper Wedding Bells II Kentucky Stable jmS Bowie 5J f 108 fast 35 116 3 5 7 G1 51 T Rice 8 H Ianky Frizeur T Ferryman 41478 FGnds 51 f l09 hvy 20 104 4 4 4 4 41 S Stfdman 8 G Grass Ringleader Batliilde BatliildeMOHICAN MOHICAN b g 4 M 115 By Isidor Sadaauada W P Burch 40189 Laurel Ab 2 359 ° 4fast 4G 130 8 8 9 8 S 7 W Howard 9 EagleThistle Melos ManSlayer sst7 ManSlayersst7 HdeGce Ab 2 402good 128 135 4 10 9 G G 41 A Sims 10 Turmoil Dave Campbell Outlaw K11G OutlawK11G Pimlico 1 l43good 24 108 G 8 7 G G1 71 C KummerlG King John Dragoon Oenone SS073 OenoneSS073 Pimlico 1 l42fast 09 104 5 5 5 G 6 61 J Kederis 6 GameCock HValley Blazonry SS012 BlazonrySS012 HdeGce 34 l13fast 12f 10310 9 9 9J 7 S Sndmanll Bzonry PBterfly CACoi CAComy 37975 HdeGce 58 100 fast 87 110 12 10 8 6l G2 C Kummerl2 Adele Millrace Brig o Dee S7906 HdeGce 51 f l09fast 62 S6J 7 735G34 8 8 71 7ri C Mergler 8 T as Steel PeepAgain General 35G34 Aqduct 58 l01fast 8 110 8 8HUEY 9 99 9 M Euxton 10 GGlow Svengali GWshington GWshingtonBy HUEY TRAVIS blk g 3 M 108 By J H Houghton Myrtle Ledi G Peterson 41405 FGnds 5i f li2V hvy 7 11C 7 7777 M Andson 7 Lillian G Lariat Nelle Yorke 41320 FGnda 5i f l10good CO 115 7 U 8 8 = S M Andsnl2 Phantom Maid Warldol Lariat LariatMACKENZIE MACKENZIE ch g 4 M 115 By Meelick Gay and Festive D E McGinnis 40029 Jamaica Im70yl4fifast G 314 0 4 4 4 C3 G16 F Robson 8 Bet Point to Point Santiago 30977 Jattiaica lm70yJ 4Gslow 20 102 2 f 6 4 4J 412 G PreeceJr 0 Piedra Broom Peddler Bolster 39903 Aqduct 1 l42good 25 115 11 10 11 8 71 6ci M Rowan 17 Bar One Assign Grouse Grousei9188 i9188 Empire 51 f lOSMSlow 12 112 7 22 31 12 R Troxler 12 ODnovan GWington Sntiago MUGS Empire Ab34 110 fast 30 109 8 99 91 78J W Kelsay 14 Onico Heredity Kirsties Cub CubSSS71 SSS71 Aqduct 58 l01mud 30 110 17 19 19 19 19 W Mclnre20 Debadou Wigstone Daedalus DaedalusS8759 S8759 Aqduct 1 l39Mfast GO 101 7 G 8 8 8 S W Roth 8 Empress CLeydeckcr ComLaw ComLawSS43G SS43G Belmont 34 st l10good 15 115 12 10 9 9 112 C KummerlO Polymelian JauBout Wigstone WigstoneFirst First start for the following followingLAUGHING LAUGHING EYESJL brfi 3 M 103 By Irish Lad Ribaude RibaudeCHALLENGE CHALLENGE ch c 3 M 103 By Transvaal Qualify R F Carman CarmanAlso Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched LEINSTER ch c 3 M By Celt lanna C McGinnis 41SG8BOAVie 34 l14fast 2 110 7 7 8 71 G J Metcalf 8 JackLeary LoyPeter TigRose 38326 Bait Ab 58 59fast 109 109SSaiCBalt 34i B Smith 7 McLane Old Bill Bender Bianca SSaiCBalt Ab41f 57fasV T 110 110MISS 710 J Bauer 9 MeLane OBBender Quickstep MISS FAUNTLEROY ch f 4 M 110 11041S49 By Fauntleroy Miss Minnie Sunny Stable 41S49 Bowie 61 f 122 fast 236 102 7 989 = 9 = 2 R Denyse 10 Tan II Houdini Sibola 41584 Jefson 34417 slow 25 103 6 11 30 102 105 R Denyse 12 Overbalance L Small NModel 41572 Jefson 3f4 llCfast 12 110 G G 12 12 12 M Garner 12 Liberator Azalea Margery 41505 FGnds GJ f 109 good 25 10812 12 12 12 1212 M Garner 12 JackK LMiller RStrickland 41230 FGnda 51 f l10hvy 15 105 5 6 G 6 G C Cochran 0 ANAkin SofPsure KBright 40181 Empire Ab34 l10faat 20 109 7 9 10 101 12 M Buxton 13 Bill McCloy BAngel ILadyll 40158 Empire Ab34 l09fast 20 102 7 7 7 7 7 H Ericksn 7 M Kruter Bathilde MMurray 21617 Belmont 1 l40fast 20 104 8 8 8 8 92 II20 W Kelsay 12 Valerius Piedra Grouse GrouseLOWTIDE LOWTIDE Troy41SSS ch c 3 3VO 103 By Sir Wilfred Sandy Bar J Troy 41SSS Bowie 51 f 1C8 fast 140 11G 3 33 75 G13 R Denyse S H Ianky Frizenr T Ferryman FerrymanSIR SIR HASTE ch g 5 M 115 By Hastings Artemisia Ohio Stable Stable40SOS 40SOS Jefson 1345 good 50 116 3 4 C 8 9 9 = 7 N Burger 1 Gor Roberts Indolence Dervish 40776 Jefson 24 l19V good GO 109 9 99 82 8 ° N Burger 9 GWington Vigilante WSper 40585 Jefson 34 117 good 20 113 G 5 7 71 711 C Kschm 8 Sabretash LibStar M Sterling 40529 Jefson GJ f l14hvy 20 107 2 G 5 G u22 F Smith 7 Key Mar Nepe Mico Girl 40509 Jefson 84 l23hvy 20 115 3 G G G U33 V Collins 0 OllieMartin Scrgeman Ettahe S62S2 Latonia 34 l15hvy 225f 106 2 10 12 12 1215 W Crump 12 SolMintz Conterblast Premium 347S5 Thornfe 34 115 fast 19f 102 10234G33 10 ° N Burger 15 EJnnings Bird Man RMantell 34G33 Thorn fe 34 l17ygood 14 105 105BONNA 4s N Burger 10 Tw Seven D Campbell LDeer BONNA Ach f 3 M 103 By Stanley Fay Pecasta Wm Walker 418S8 Bowie 51 f 1OS fast 60 111 4 44 31 721 D Stirling S II Ianky Frizeur T Ferryman 41618 Jefson 34 1J6 fast GO 105 4 4SSU6 5 9 8l Gl W RidenrlS 1adtia Black Wing Loyalleter SSU6 Bait Ab4i f 57tfast 107 G A Casey 0 McLane OBBender Quickstep 38189 Pimlico 41 f 57 hvy 168 10012 9 Lost riderS Sndmanl2 1inard Dr Rae John Powers IiS120 Pimlico 4i r DGfast 15f 109 9 11 11 102 102 A Casey 11 L Vulcain Jack Leary AgCook o7845 Bowie 12 49 ast 71 111 1 4 8 8 A Casey 8 Auntie Milda Tiger Rose 37803 Bowie 12 49tifaat 33 111 7 7 8 81J A Casey 8 Wewoka Ormouda MKLecker