Second Race [2nd Oaklawn Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-06

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SECOND RACE 5 12 Furlongs 3yearolds and upward Claiming March 21 1007 106 3 97 CIRSTIES CUB b c 4 113 1131S35 By Bearcatchcr Kirstie Hall Edwards 1S35 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 4 110 3 I1 I1 1 Callahan 8 KiiUlux Huffakcr SilvShapiro 11750 Oaklwn J4 l15slow 95 115 4 411G9G 31 3s J Cullahan 7 Thiatlu Green Bob A Ettahe 11G9G Ouklwn 4 l13fast 20 110 4 4I04G2 3l 3s J Cullahan 7 Iwin Port Light W oWisdom I04G2 Latonia 54 l15slow 13 112 G 9s 9IU J CallahanlO FortPliss Amelita GreenCrass 0297 Pimlico 34 l13fast 19 10S 3 3IH723 10 ° 10 5 J Callalianll ArraliGoOn LouiseV Subahdar IH723 Ailduct 34 113 fast 10 109 4 4WGSl 14 14 = J Callahanl8 Tiirf Housemaid Lively WGSl Behnont 34 llSfast 10 114 2 2921G C1 7 H ThurberlO Masda Ninety Simplex Everest 921G Saratoga 78 l25fast 10 11213 11213CRUSTY 9 11 I J Callahanl3 MasKarma KohiNoor Lively LivelyBy CRUSTY b g 5 54178S 115 By Broomstick Loyal W M Cain 4178S Oaklwn 34 l13fast G G43G li l II Cassity 10 1 ODd MBTn WdWdom 43G Oaklwn 34 l13fast 4 441GCO 4J 103 3 r J 5 = J H Cassity 7 Iwin Port Light Kirstius Cub 41GCO Oaklwn 34 l14slor 1 135 113 3 Il I1 II Cassity 7 II C lluscli Lucius Ettahe 41578 Jefson 34 119 mud 9 95 113 3 1 1s II Cassity 8 N Simpler Miiiawand Koederer 41537 FGnds 51 f 107 fast 1 15 108 5 5Gi 5 = G H Cassity 9 Lively Onico Port Light 41454 FGnds Gi f 110 mud 4 113 2 2Gi 1s I3 II Cassity Milda Dalilnda Valerie West 41438 FGnds Gi f 100 hvy 1 12 115 3 81 S10 II Cassity 11 Romeo Ettahe Thistle Green 11417 FGnds 5 5i f l13hvy 3 32 115 1 li 21 M Garner 12 Key Mar Tooinbeola Klijglgll KlijglgllBy BAGPIPE ch B 3 102 By Meelick Dona Hamilton G L Blackford 41817 Oaklwn 5i f l07fast S5 no 3 3h 31 K Haynes 7 Gallant Discussion Poverina 41287 FGnds 5i f 108 fast 75 11G 4 4J 4U L Stalker 11 Iwin Court Gallant Poveriua 40978 FGnds Gi f 107 fast 7 100 2 I1 I5 C Uobsonl2 Mdrmitu Iwliu The Cullen JSon 40521 Latonia 34 117 mud 35 109 2 G G1 G Moles th 1 DlxieCarrcll EdTranter Wave 40009 Church 1 34 115 fast 9 109 10 91 710 G Moleathl2 GFloss GMuehlebach Emanale 39943 Churchl Gi f l07fast 25t 309 10 GI 9 1 G Molesthll War Paint Bugle Call Twiford 38582 Douglas 5r8 101 fast 125 109 2 2l 2 G MolesthlO Bonstelle Caballo Iwlniwin 38477 Douglas 4i f 54 fast 35 109 3 3KUKLUX 41 45 G Molesthl2 Cacambo Sil Light Melancholia KUKLUX b g 4 113 By Broomstick Valkyrie L A Broaddus 41855 Oaklwn 34 l145fast 710 no 2 241G73 2 2 N Barrett 8 KirsrCub Hiif faker SShapiro 41G73 Oaklwn 34 IttStfcfasi 41 106 1 2 23 II J Burkell Legotal Sylvanu Nominee 41645 Oaklwn 34 l14good 15 113 S SJ S O Willis 10 MMouse Bringhurst Kerenest 41303 FGnds 5i f lllhvy 15 109 2 3 3f J Kodgez 3 Blackie Daw JIarie Miller 40345 Latonia 34 lllfast 8 102 4 4S8875 42 GJ E Pool WaL Hall PDrapeau CanelMin S8875 Latonia 34 l12fust 2110 S9 1 11 I B Sande l Japhet Silk Lady Lady Ivan 58751 Latouia 34 l15mud 8 109J G 6 fi L Mink i Plum Ccvpyant WWHastiiigs 38G77 Latonia 34 l12 = ifast 88 107i 5 G G L Mlnlc 7 The Porter Quietude Korbly KorblyBy WORDS 0 WISDOM ch g 5 113 By Cicero Gelinotte 7 M Goode 41783 Oaklwn 34 ll ifast 115 US f 4i 4J X Barrett 10 Trusty J ODowd MBTrman 41740 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 5 112 1 2J Iuk N Barrett S PortLight laudBacon Cacambu 41G9C Oaklwn 34 l13fast 4 107 2 41 4SJ H J Burke 7 Iwin PortLight Kirsties Cub 41493 FGnds 5J f 111 hvy 31 113 2 1illN Barrett 7 Sabretash MBacon UBgoyne 410SS FGnds 1 11G l55hvy H5 103 1 2s 4i C Robson 8 Lucile P Jason Choir Master 41017 FGnds 51 f l10hvy 10 108 1 o1 GlS Sndman 8 SandyLad Gall id BHeiisley 40972 FGnds 5i f lOGVsfast 10 108 3 2J 2 C Robsonl2 Port Light Jack 1C Billie B 10937 FGnda 51 f lOSyslow 2J 109J 1 4J 5i M Buxton 10 Ophelia W Langden Tom Caro 107 By Predicateur Padoue II Tansor Cline 4J618 Jefson 34 11G fast 4 101 10111 11 4 7 3i 1 ° G PreeceJrl3 BlackAVing LoyPeter DanGirl 41585 Jefson 34 l16 slow 12 103 2 3 4 4 k 3 G PreeceJr 9 Tan II Speedster Lariat 41492 FGnds 5 f lllhyy 8 110 5 6 6 6t 5 3 R Pauley 12 Milda Nolle Yorke Vision 41333 FGnds 55 f 109 fast 4 100 11 9 8 72 S 3 J Mooney 12 CAComiskey Ueillpc SpQneen 41255 FGnds Bi f 109 good 15 09 2 1 2 21 2J J Mooney 10 Ina Kay FrShannoti BShilling 41162 FGnds 55 f 109 slow 8 107 8 5 7 6l 53 J Mooney 12 Ringleader WatWlow Vision 41130 FGnds 55 f l12hvy 7 102J 6 6BARS 6 6 52 5 J Rods ez G Miss Kruter Bathilde Malice MaliceBy BARS AND STARS b g 7 112 By Helmet Follies Bergeres W C Wearit 41878 Oaklwn 5J f l09 imud 5 111 2 1 1 li 25 M Garner 11 Harryl Scarpia II MissKrnter 41783 Oaklwn 5 f lOSfast 35 111 C C41C84 4 2 15 I1 J Grotli 11 Langhorne SpQueen ThSeven 41C84 Oaklwn 5 f l07 ffast C5 112 1 1 1 1 43 J Groth Eulogy Bob A Harry D 41661 Oaklwn 58 l0lslow 15 11 2 6 5 45 4 J Groth 5 Am Ace BChoice TothMing 41615 OakJwn 34 l14good 50 111 C 4 4 3 5 J Groth 10 MarsMouse Bringlmrst Serenest 4C821 JefSon G5 f lOS1 slow 6 111 8 8 8 8 6 F Murphy S B Williams FoxyGriff Medusa 40779 Jefson 5S l03 good 8 113 3 2 1 1 I1 G Walls 8 Scrjremaii HMabel Piiiclmrst 40742 Jefson 58 107 hvy 4 114 1 1 1 is jnk G Walls 9 WSIipper FMonroe MSrling MSrlingBy ILMA SCHORR b f 4 108 By Peep oDay Gloriole J W Murphy 30529 Cheyenne 5J f 109 alow G 103 103S9IS7 S14 C Gross SI Vigmija Striker Honolulu 15oy S9IS7 Cheyenne 55 f l07fast 5 103 7 C Gross S Thirty Seven Jack K Toy Miss 39108 Cheyenne 5S l01fast V 101 JU C Gross 8 KiofIvthias Velvet Okla Irish SS245 Church 1 34 l14fast 06 102 6 G G 7i SIJ N Barrett 12 Nope Klldnrc Roy Kenward S810 Lex to n 31 l13fast 6 4 6J 4 1 B Pool 12 WoWisdom Liberator ToyMiss 7644 Oaklwn 5J f l07 = 4fast 10 106 8 10 10 10i 10 F Judy 12 Royce Rools KsCub FrozGlen 37515 Oaklwn 34113 fast 40 int 1 22 f l 73 If Judy 10 Onico Green Grass MarysBeau 37565 Oaklwn 55 f 107 fast DO 100 8 77 10i 1018 F Judy 11 Grumly David Craig Pilscii PilsciiVINTAGE VINTAGE blk f 4 M 99 By Ogden lady Vincent G T Sams Sams41fil9 41fil9 Jefson 34116 fast 30 111 7 7 S S5 9 C CochranlO Ihiretn Speedster Notate 41550 Jef son 5Jflllhvy 100 111 7 77 7 725 L Cochran 7 Scarpia II Key Mar Korfhage 41012 FGnds 1 1S l57slow 100 92 3 211 11 11 II1 M Cruise It Old Ben Cracow Honolulu 41022 FGnds 1 11G l54hvy 100 91 1 3 7 8 8 8 M Cruiso S Jack Reeves Grumpy PetitBleu 40931 FGnds 1116152 hvy 50 102 4 6 6 7 7s 7 H J Eurico 8 Bombast Ohoir Master Cracow 40962 FGnds lm0y l4GgOod 100 95 4 613 13 13 33 = G Cochne 13 SFaec Indolence Dahabiah II 40925 FGnds 55 f lllfchvy 30 108 8 10 10 10 10 F Stevens 10 FStar ClarRutb TASheridan TASheridanSMOKE SMOKE PERKINS b c 4 M 109 By Goldsmith Miss Paladin Stephens la Flore 37810 Oaklwn 34 114 fast 50 305 9 S 12 12 1210 S Sndmahl2 Reilloc Miss Folly Seneca 37657 Oaklwn 34 115 fast 50 110 12 12 12 12 12 F Stevens 12 Gilligan Dickie W Haseen 37491 Oaklwn 34 l14fast 50 107 10 10 12 12 122 J Modney 12 SctcliKiss HBgoyne Gilligan H BTICKNER br g By Radford Determination R Gatewood 41671 Oaklwri 34 114 fast 30 116 2 G 66 G 61 S I Gentry 10 PortLight GreyEgle Liberator 41509 FGnds Im70y l4Ggood 30 106 7 9 G 7 G G1 L Canfield 9 Grumpy Kilmer Romeo 41483 FGnds Im20y l45hvy 10 112 2 5 6 8 8 S It Gentry 8 DDodge Marianao Kinglingll 41322 FGnds 1 11 2094fsrood 12 r 107 3 2 5 G1 G11 J Rodgez 8 Bajazet Regreso Lucile P 41292 FGnds 1 11G l49fast 7 108 6 6 7 71 7 i J Mooney 10 Foxy Griff Medusa Bogart 41199 FGnds 1 11G l53mud 165 114 3 2 G 5 43 11 J Mooney 8 Cracow BForite G Wington 41129 FGnds 61 f 113 hvy 4 113 4 45 43 3 H Ericksn 6 ParBoy MarTom FandSquare 41096 FGnds 51 f 111 hvy 10 115 8 8MALLOWMOT 86 6 4 H Wakoff 11 Maud Bacon Pilscn Lobelia MALLOWMOT br h 5 M 111 111rr33 By Cederstrome Kitsilas Mallory Tryon rr33 Cheyenne 34 l13fast 31 300 921 J Mclntyre 9 Wand Ma Maulsby Miss Wells 39407 Cheyenne 12 47 fast 27 112 712 C Tmpson 9 Joe Blair W Shield OrBlossotn Also eligible to start in order named should any of the above be scratched SPOKANE QTTEEN ch m 6 106 By Von Tromp Alice Gary D K Carter 41785 Oaklwn 5X f l08fast 3 1055 7 5 C y 311 Til Garner 11 BandStars Lshorne ThSevcn 41333 FGnds 55 f 109 fast 2i 110 4 3 3 32 3J H Casslty 12 CAComiskey Reilloc PGKing 41254 FGnds 55 f l09sood 41 1103 112 21 M Garner 10 Kins K Paganini Margery 40050 Laurel 34113fast 14f 11211 11 13 13 12 W MclnrelS Sybil Bellringer Pepper 38994 Latonla 34 l13V fast llf 107 8 6 4 1 918 J Dursch 12 Zim High Gear Sir Edgar 36975 FGnds 34 117 hvy 4 10SS 2 2 3 3J C D Connllyl2 AGetz JFCumngs Korfbage 36443 DMpnte E5 f 108 fast 103 31 A Johnson 4 Gladiola Psumption El Mahdl 25950 Reno 34 l13fast 185 110 110VA1ERIE 45 A Johnson 6 Mineral Jim Dervish RoyalTea VA1ERIE WEST br m 5 105 By Bannockburn Slnfl J P Lyons LyonsC 41914 Oaklwn 55 f 108 fast 25 107 5 C 6 G 98J C Brown 12 IS Strickland TackK Liberator 417SS Oaklwn 34 l13fast 8 105 8 8 S 8 C Brown 10 Trusty J ODpwd MBTruiau 41595 Jefson 34 l16slow 1C5 104 5 2 2 1 33 C Brown Romeo Toddler Poverina 41564 Jefson 55 f lOSslow 4 108 2 1112 lji C Brown 11 Approval McdMiss BronBilly 41454 FGnds 5J f 110 mud 95 110S 1 123 421 J Dursch 9 Trusty Milda Dahinda 36S77 FGnds 34 l12fast 10 99 4 3 Fell G Walla 14 Basil TothMning Manganese 35532 HdeGce 34 l13fast 910 98 3 2 1 1s I8 B DonhuelO Owana Perpetual Flare 35478 HdcGce 34 l12fast 6 08 6 3 1 2 3s L Willie 12 Assume Widow Bedotte Anita AnitaBy ARCHIE ALEXANDER ch e 3 97 By Harrigari Anytime J Randolph 41S9C Oaklwn 34 116 hvy 3 1 1 15 tfi S JBoyle 10 NSimplex EagerKate Bathilde 41761 Oaklwn 55 f l10hvy 165108 4 3 2 411 5 = 3 E Whtley 7 Hindoostnii Poverina Verity 41740 Oaklwn 34 l13fast 5 99 3 55 6J 6 E Wlitley 8 PortLigbt WoWdom MBacon 41139 FGnds 75 f 139 hvy G 108 5 3 3 4 4 4 J Mooney 5 Sailor The Cul Bon Newel W 41116 FGnds 55 f l13hvy 125113 1 3 4 52 5 J Mooney 7 Discussion JJCasey Tantalus 40973 FGnds 5i f lOCfast 165 110 6 43 7 7 1 J Mooney 11 RoiCraig TlnderFire SilvLight 40939 FGnds 51 f lOSlislow 20 94 3 43 31 4J C Robsoh 7 Pickwick Pepper Bon Tromp 40S73 FGnds 5J t lllhvy 6 112 1 3 3 3 2i M Garner 5 Under Fire Iwin Lit Maudie

Persistent Link:
Local Identifier: drf1919040601_5_7
Library of Congress Record: