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WESTERN CANADA RACING CIRCUIT fn the advertising columns will be found the announcement of the Western Canada Fairs Asso ¬ ciation giving the list of members with their secretaries and dates for 1919 1919There There is a number of new members this year and the circuit will be divided into classes A and H the former comprising the five big western Canadian fairs and the latter nine smaller fairs and a joint racing program has been issued offer ¬ ing over 70000 for harness and running races racesWestern Western Canada is developing rapidly and now that peace has lx en declared and soldiers are re ¬ turning home from overseas more attention is be ¬ ing devoted to sporting matters The discipline of war the attention to physical fitness and the outdoor life have revolutionized the lives of many who never before took much interest in athletics or sporting affairs and it is anticipated that a great deal of enthusiasm will greet the opening of the racing season of 1919 in Calgary on June 28