First Race [1st Oaklawn Park, Daily Racing Form, 1919-04-06

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FIRST RACE 3 12 Furlongs 2yearolds Maidens Allowances March 25 1919 41jj 2 115 Index Course Dist TimeTckOdds Wt St V V SA Str Fin Jockeys Started Order of Finish FinishBy CANCION b f 2 M 112 By Meelick Regea G L Blackford 41815 Oaklwn Ci f 42 fast G 132 1 I1 2J C Kschm S X dArmee L Pataud Benecia 41784 Oaklwn 3J J f 42fast 10 110 5 5J 21 C Kschm 7 Arborvitae MissPrneH Modiste 41705 Oaklwn 3S S f 42fast 20 112 1 G1 5J C Kschmll Castor Fun Miss Minks 41GG9 Oaklwn 3J J f 42fast 8 133 2 7 7 C Kschm 7 R Division Inquiry MPaniDll MPaniDllBy FUN ch f 2 M 112 By Peter Pan Ballet Greentree Stable 41773 Oaklwn ii f 42 slow 1G5 1J2 4 3J 4 D Connlly i Sis Ilelene M Minks LPataud 41703 Oaklwn 3J f 42fast U 111 n n413G5 35 2n D Connllyll Castor Miss Minks MissParncll 413G5 FGnds 3i f 44mud 135 115 8 71 0 F Murphy 12 Guaranteed 1Mb Quick Fire FireBy LADY PATAUD ch f 2 M 109 By Pataud Saiin D T Morris I1S34 Oaklwn 31 f 43ihvy 1G5 103 S 0 = Gn J Groth S MarvMay Mamie O MParhell 41815 Oaklwn 3J f 42 fast 15 112 3 3 3i J Groth 8 Zone dArmee Cancion Benecia 41773 Oaklwn 31 f 42 slow 15 112 3 Gi 36 J Groth 9 Sister HeleneVM Unlink Fun 41717 Oaklwn 12 47fast 25 10S 1 3l 3J J Groth RedllUose Kiirar EmWeller 41GGO Oaklwn 31 f 42fast 12 1031 5 5 O J C Brown 7 R Division Iniiiry Mlarnull 41524 FGnda 12 49fast 12 113 4 5i G J O Willis 10 Blue Jeans Oleaster Boonevillu 41491 FGnds 12 51hvy 15 109 1 4 3 = J O Willis 10 Peccant II PardneK Frank W 41452 FGnds 12 51mud 8 115 5 5ANNETTE G 5 = 1 D Connlly 7 Ragazza Edith K MissHonar MissHonarBy ANNETTE TELLER h f 2 M 106 By Magneto Milldale J C Milam 41570 Jefson 12 50fast 15 111 10 4i 4 M Garner 11 NWitwer OgdnGirl Itiddlcdei 41504 FGnda 12 49 gootl 20 107 G GFirst J 60 F Murphy C MlleDazie Rarar Guaranteed GuaranteedBy First start for the following followingFRIVOLITY FRIVOLITY hr f 2 M IOC IOCBURGOYNE By Von Tromp Illusion E C Bryan BryanBy BURGOYNE h c 2 M 109 1092INDO By Meelick Army Maid G L Blackford BlackfordBy 2INDO hr c 2 M 109 109ST By Waldo Zinda J Prather PratherBy ST GERMAIN b c 2 M 109 109WALLACE By Sea King Queen Dixon J W McClelland McClellandBy WALLACE L blk g 2 M 109 By Tony Bonero Bessie Ltimer E W Moore

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Local Identifier: drf1919040601_5_6
Library of Congress Record: