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SIXTH RACE 1 11G Miles 4yearolds and upward Claiming Nov 25 1915 148 BILL HUNLEY ch e 4 107 10741SD3 By Setback Homesick H Herron 41SD3 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 13 111 0 6 5 541S33 5 33 If R Pauley 8 Almal K Itinann Cdidatell 41S33 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 37 109 It 7 7 7 4J 1051 R Pauley 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 41610 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 12 109 8 S G 7 G3 4 II Pauley 1ft Regrcso Dundreary EBamann 41588 Jefson Im20y l4CV slow 7 109 1 1 1 1415CC 1 2 21 R Pauley 8 Frank Monroe Ornery Pluto 415CC Jefson 5i f l10slow 12 116 S 7 7 81 8 ° H Ericksnl2 Kingling II L Miller Bracelet 41323 FGnds 1 14 209 good 15 102 2 2 4 7 74 71 J Mooney 8 Willdo Benefactor JackReuves 41294 FGnds Im70y I46y5fast 15 101 10 9 9 8 10Z 10 E Whtley 14 St Bridge BabyCal Dundreary 41219 FGnda Im70y l52hvy 10 102 5 5 5 4 43 3 i J Mooney G Amalmator Thirst Prgressive PrgressiveBy Disqualified for foul foulG G M MILLER b h 12 109 10941S33 By Lissak Subdue R F Carman 41S33 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 6 111 3 3 6 6 6i 513 TV Doyle 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Baumann 40479 Bowie 1 14 211 fast G 114 4 3 3 3 4nt 512 v j QBn 8 Luther Buck Nail Baby Sister 0440 Bowie 1 116 152 fast 10 112 5 10 11 8 S3 10l ° W J OBnl2 ItlThistle SisEmblem Luther 40394 Bowie 1 116 l54Kvy 5 114 10 10 9 10 72 GSI W J OBnlO Blue Thistle Luther OcPrince 40341 Bowie 1 116 151 fast 32 112 5 6 3 1 11 3J W J OBn 8 W Thyme Millrace OcPrince 40237 Laurel 1 14 209hvy 6 107 7 8 7 7 7 74 L Etisor 8 SkyPilot BHmpson S Sandals 40221 Laurel 1 14 206 fast 39 111 9 7 6 4 5 5 3 W J CXBnlO Queen of the Sea Dan Valais 40114 Laurel 1 ll 207 good 5 113 3 6 6 7 61 6 1 W J OBnll SkyPilot Goldcrestltoy Grouse GrouseBy GARBAGE ch g 7 741S92 By Aeronaut Trash R P Wat s 41S92 Bowie Im20y l47Vifast 7 74JS53 1 1s If W Doyle 8 Hurwood Fairly MissMcGiggle 4JS53 Bowie 1116152 fast 7 112 4 2 4 4 G5 5 D Stirling 7 Luther Puts tindCalls llarwood 41550 Bowie 1 116 l55slow 25 ill 8 7 7 740ICO 12 121 II1 H Myers 14 Tie Pin Langden Margery 40ICO Bowie 1 116 l51fast IB 110 10 10 10 1040jS 10 S1 5 i T Rice 11 Kebo SisEmblem SilSandals 40jS Bowie 1 110 lE3hvy 24 105 7 7 7 74fl27 7 51 61 = II Myers 7 Goldcrest Ioy Ind Chant Kebo 4fl27 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 3 114 14 14 12 14 15 158 L Ensor lr Amalgamator Buck Nail Kebo 40170 Empire Im70y l45fast 25 104 1 1 2 4 4 41S H Myers 5 Sdnigonll NSplex Cumbine 40152 Emnire 1 14 208 fast 10 114 4 1 1 1jDisqualifiod 2 31 31 A McDott 4 S Class Irregular Harwoodll jDisqualifiod for foul foulSTIR STIR UP b e 7 109 109418i By Ildrim Skirts R Pending 418i Bowie lm20y 147 fast 4310 112 211 21141Ki 71 71 D Stirling S Hill llmiKy AlmaP Elimaim 41Ki Bowie Im20y 147 fast ISf 111 S 2 2 10 12 D Stirling 13 Boxer Zouave Edith Haumauu COO Bowie 118158 fast 15 108 1 6 7 5J 6i R McCrnnlU Crumpsall FounFay GoldlSoy 40412 Bowie 1 14 215hvy 165 101 111 I5 1s R McCrnn 7 Kgmont Miss Fannie M Slayer 40370 Bowie 1116155 slop 39 104311212 H3 SlayerH3 9 L Stalker 12 PBterfly WBedotte OPrince 40327 Bowie 1 116 l50fast 34 109 9 10 10 11 10 1 L Stalker 15 AnihlgaWtor Buck Nail Kebo 29P1S1 HdeGce 1 116 148 fiast 9 111 1112 12 12398GnideGce 13 131S R Ryan 13 Biermaii IrisWlaid ItSimmoiiB 398GnideGce 1 llo l47fast 4 112 2 3 4 4CANDIDATE 41 34i R Ryan 10 Refugee Say Bill Simmons SimmonsBy CANDIDATE II b C 4 107 10741SJ3 By Voter Padoue II KA Beal 41SJ3 Bowie ImSOy 147 fast 5 111 4 S S G1 4 G Corey S Bill Iluhley AlmaB EBmann 41833 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 35 112 11 11 11 91 91 G Corey 1H Boxer Zouave Edith Banmauii 40277 Pimlico 1 14 208 fast 54 107 8 9 9 9 93S J Callahan 9 Piedra Valspar Sunnyiand 40228 Laurel 1116147 fast 9f 104131414 10 II1 A Pickens 15 Sdinnll DrCpbell Artrator 40076 Laurel 1 l41fast 14 117115 15 15 14l 1423 J Butwell 15 Leta Prunes Wood Violet 40008 Laurel 1 14 208fast 11 110 1 4 4 3i 3 A Pickens 7 Ken Boy Arbitrator Royat 39902 HdeGce lm70yl4Jfast 33 111 6 8 S 7 5IS S Sndman 9 Grey Eagle Leta Grayson 39841 HdeGce lm0yl43good 16 104 7 9 9 9OTISCO 71 G1 Q Preece 9 Vocabulary Gold Boy WViolet OTISCO b m 5 99 9941S33 By Toddington Mrs Seyrall W L Holstine 41S33 Bowie Im20y 147 fast ISf 106 7 3 3 33S318 11 S19 H Ericksnll Boxcrj Zouave Edith Baumann 3S318 Batlt Ab 78 l2Sfast 108 9 TV Hinphy 9 KNonght Pajaroitall FJnson 37715 Havana 1 l41good 4 104 3 3 C 7s FJnson7s 71S Bullman 9 Clark M Lytle Algardi 37633 Havana Im20y l4Shvy 3 105 2 2 2 2 23 J Howard 7 Old Beir JackHanover Nashville 7575 Havana ll40fast 20 103 111 111T511 I1 31 F Murphy 9 ALawrence B Abbey Nashville T511 Havana 58 l01fast 2 104 8 G 61 6 F Murphy 11 L Cricious DuFIoss Beau Lady 37383 Havana 34 l12fast 12 109 5 3 53 7l ° F Murphy 10 HighLassie Katahdin ColMatt 37355 Havana 34 l13fast 4 106 4 4 4SEA 8 = 815 F Murphy 10 James Oakley James Katahdin KatahdinBy SEA BEACH b g G 109 By Marta Santa Sea Spray T E Crist 41912 Bowie Im20y l4Sfast 10 108 2 3 3 6s 61S W Obert 7 Progressive DDodge CHodge 41870 Bowie 6i f l22fcfast 11 115 3 3 41 432 J Metcalf 7 Sis Emblem Br Billy HShaw 40787 Jefson 58 l03Vgood 10 112 7 7 6 G10 M Rowan 8 Hazel Dale Eveljn V Safranor 40779 Jefson 5S l03good 15 107 5 8 8 8 = ° M Rowan 8 BandStars Scrgeman HMabel 40540 Bowie 1 116 l53hvy 11 110 6 12 11 12 12 A Collins 13 BPeddler BlThistle GrEagle 40410 Bowie Im70y 151 hvy 11 104 2 3 3 3l 25 G Walls 7 Dolina SisterEmblem FirLine 40393 Bowie 1 116 l56 hvy 9 110 4 4 5 7 81 G Walls 11 Flora Finch Fairly Sam Hill 40093 Laurel Im70y 146 fast 21 113 4 2 2 8s 7 1 A Collins 9 Bravado Sea Urchin Zinnia ZinniaBy INaTHETA b m 9 107 By Fatherless Ellerslie CW Walker J 41913 Bowie 1 116 l53slop 26 107 5 5 5 5 5n W Obsrt 5 Luther FoiinrFay Indolence 41832 Bbwie Im70y l49fast 54 107 3 5 6 7 7o W Obcrt 7 Foim Fay Pgressive Handfull 41610 Jefson 1 116 l49fast 30 107 10 10 16 1C Handfull1C 163t C Brown H Regrcso Dunilreary EUuiiiuuu 4U79 Jef son 1 116 156 mud 41 102 4 4 4 3i 591 S Boyle 9 Flora Finch Petelus Fairly 41552 Jefson E f lllhvy 3 106 6 5 C2 61 C Brown T GJiieral J TliumnicI TphileV 41CM1 FGnds 1 116 152 slow 20 106 6 7 6 121123 S Sndmanl4 DonDodge Adelantei Scrgeman 41008 FGnds 1 116 l54hvy 15 104 4 3 7 7 7SI S Sndman 7 Little Cottage Sosius Keziah 40992 FGnds Im20y 147 hvy S 106 3 5 7 8 S31 C Robson 8 Mary H Langden Al Pierce FRONT ROYAL br g 8 112 11241X By Ornus Dimple J E Farnsworth 41X Bowie Im20y 147 fast 27 111 4 G 5 12 11 C Taylor 13 Ioxpr Zouave Edith Baumann 39922 HdeGce 1 14 207fast S3 106 5 5 3 339S58 42 G4 A JohnsonlO Little Cottage Dalruse Royat 39S58 HdcGce 1 11G l47fast 31f 10G 11 10 10 103IMU 122 12i R Ryan IS Capt Ray Fairly THorn Bloom 3IMU HdcGce 1 11G l52hvy 73 110 233 233S9701 3s Bloom3s 37 R Ryan S Eddie Henry Boxer Euterpe S9701 HdeGce 1 116 149 fast 62f 113 3 5 5 41 6JJ R Ryan 12 EHenry Wodan TBelgian II 29605 HdeGce 1 116 l50fast 19 109 5 7 S 6 5 N Fodan Fairy Legend Stir Up Biermsn 9584 Timium 1 116 l48fast 105 1053U554 21 R Ryan Fount Fay Molly O Kismet R 3U554 Timiiim Ab61f l20fast 110 110PULASKI 8J R8J N Foden 10 Clark M O Prince Uoadmaster PULASKI br g 5 109 10941JU3 By Out of Reach BalzaheM R Pons 41JU3 Bowie Im20y 147 fast 24 112 7 5 6 6418K 8 C l AV Doyle S Hill Iluuky AlmaH EBmann 418K Bowie Im20y 147 fast 39 111 10 9 9 S1 G1 T Rice 11 Roxer Zouave Edith Uaumanu 41603 Jefson Im70y 148 good 12 109 S 7 7 7 7 A Collins 8 Gorltoberts oxer FrMonrot 41564 Jef son 5i f l09slow 7 111 10 10 8s 8 3 S Sndmanll Val West Approval Med Miss 41421 FGnds Im70y 153 hvy 4 111 466 41 51 O Willis 8 Luther Dundreary Bean Spiller 41243 FGnds Im20y 146 hvy 4 111 5 3 3 4 4 O Willis C DickDare RhyniHr Prgressire 41212 FGiids 1116155 hvy 12 108 S 5 4 3 34 O Willis 10 Ninety Simpler Tito Mary II 41133 FGnds Im70y l54 hvy 8 114 4 3 3 4 C1 O Willis 8 Amelita N Simpler Gleipuer