Havre De Grace Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1919-09-12

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HAVRE DE GRACE FORM CHART HAVRE DE GRACE, MD., THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 11. 1919. First day. Harford Agricultural and Breeders Association. Fall Meeting of 17 days. Weather clear; temperature 75. Steward to Represent Jockey Club, C. J. Fitz Gerald. Judges, C. Cornehlsen and Joseph McLennan. Starter, James Milton. Racing Secretary, Josepii McLennan. Racing starts at 2:30 p. in. Chicago time 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. jQI71 K FIRST RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Sept. 16, 1912 1:05 3 105. Autumn Junior Purse. 4 JL3 Purso 1,115. 2-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to winner 15; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt A Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 43570 HASTEN ON sn 112 15 2 l Ink lis a Schugr J W McClelland 230-100 43271 MY LADDIE wn 112 5 7 G3 53 4 2U r Troxler W J Salmon 1775-100 43323BULLSEYE wn 112 10 1 lnk 2 23 33 C Robson R Parr- f32O-100 43509 HIS CHOICE w 109 3 3 44 3 3h 43 E Sande J K L Ross 150-100 4327GSMART GUY w 112 7 G 711 58 5 P Musgve R Parr t 43047 MARTHA LUCKTTwn 109 2 4 3 G G Gl H Thurber J W Parrish 2050-100 COLONEL LIT w 109 S 10 51 9s SJ 75 A Collins J H Louchelm 34S90-100 43230 DR. HALL wn 112 9 9 83 83 910 S13 R D-nyse R Goodlow S310-100 42077 CALVERT wr. 112 4 2 10 7l 71 93 J Conway J IS Dahlgren 51K5-100 ROYAL RED BIRD w 10G G 8 95 10 10 10 J Rodpez Estate of J E Seagram 17570-100 fCoupled in betting as R. Parr entry. Time, 24, 49, 1:02, 1:08. Track muddy. 2 inutuels paid. Hasten On, 1919.sh.00 straight, .10 place, .00 show; My Laddie, 2.S0 place, .50 show: R. Parr entry. .80 show. Equivalent booking odds Hasten On, 230 to 100 straight, 155 to 100 place, 50 to 100 show; My Laddie, 510 to 100 place. 125 to 100 show; R. Parr entry, 10 to 100 show. Winner 15. c, by Great Britain Crystal Maid, by Pirate of Penzance trained by K. Patterson; bred by Miss L. II. Lewis. AVent to post at 2:41. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. HASTEN ON, close up from the start, responded resolutely when called on in the stretch and. taking the lead, won going away. MY LADDIE gained steadily after beginning slowly and being shuttled back. BULLSEYE set the early pace, but tired and swerved out in the last eighth. HIS CHOICE ran well. Scratched 13399 Head Over Heels, 112; 121G3Sedgegrass, 112. it3?7and d SECOND RACE About 2 Miles. Sept. 30, 1914 3-57 4 142. Steeplechase. Purso Tc AO ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net value to winner 700; second, 200; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt 4 8 12 13 Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 43385CREST HILL w 7 147 3 4 5 3 33 1MUN Kcnndy J Lumsden 55-1CO 42392 OTTO FLOTO w S 134 4 1 l 2J l"t 2l 2- A Stretch J AV Dayton 9S0-10O 41740 FLARE w 5 139 1 3 3 43 4 3l 33 G Palmer E C Griffith 2730-100 43C98ALGARDI ws G 144 5 2 2" ll 2-k 4 425 J Hansen It M Taylor 503-100 38009 3DORCRIS w 7 139 2 5 4i 5 5 5 5 AV Howrd AV Garth S03-1C0 Time, 4:01. Track muddy. -2 mutuels paid. Crest Hill, .10 straight, .10 place, .00 show; Otto Floto, .00 place, .10 show: Flare, .50 show. Equivalent booking odds Crest Hill, 55 to 100 straight, 55 to 100 place, 30 to 100 show; Otto Floto, 180 to 100 place, 70 to 10! show; Flare. 125 to 100 show. AVinner B. g, by Simmons Allie Burden, by Algol trained by J. AV. Healy; bred by Mr. AV. Skin-kcr, Jr.. AVent to post at 3:0S. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and thirft driving. CREST HILL was waited with until in the last turn of the field before making his challenge, then came fast when called on and was going away at the finish. OTTO FLOTO made most of the running and liuisked gamely. FLARE fenced well for u green jumper. ALGARDI tired. 7 THIRD RACE 3-4 liilo. April 24, 1913 1:11 3 91.. -Hip .Hip-Hooray Purse. 4eD-6 O 6 JL fl Purso. ,115. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net valuo to winner 15; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt ?4 Str Fin Jockey3 Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 43024 B1LLY KELLY w 3 1 20 4 2 21 21 l"fc 1 E Sande J K L Ross flO-100 43132 "SIR BARTON WL 3 120 15 I1 l1 2 2 R Troxler J K L Ross t 43552MIDNIGHT SUN w 4 1 05 7 3 53 4 4k 3J II Thurber J R Skinker 1CD0-1C0 4350.1 CRANK wn 5 105 3 4 Gls 5i 5 4" P Ilisgvc S Ross 1540-100 43234 QU1ETUDE ,v 4 102 G 1 43 31 Sh 53 C Robson A II Morris 4320-100 432S1CURRENCY wn 1 104 2 G 3h 6 G Gl S Sndn-an J T Strite 35210-100 42952 SAILOR wn 3 105 5 7 7 7 7 7A Schugr J AV McClelland 3G40-100 tCouplcd in betting as J. K. L. Ross entrv. Time, 23, 48, 1:14. Track muddy. mutuels paid, J. K. L. Ross entry, .20 straight, .30 place, .50 show; Midnight Sun, .00 show. - Equivalent booking odds J. K. L. Ross entry, 10 to 100 straight, 15 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Midnight Sun. SO to 100 show. AVinner It. g, by Dick AVelles Glena, by Free Knight, trained by II. G. Redwell; bred by Mr! Jerome B. Rcspcss. AVent to post nt 3:40. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. AVon handily; second and third driving. BILLY KELLY was taken back when SIR BARTON went to the front and kept under restraint until in the last quarter, then took the leail and was hard held. SIR BARTON set a. fast pace, but tired and just lusted long enough to outstnv MIDNIGHT SlN. The .latter ;made a fast and game finish. CRANK ran well and finished fast. QUIETUDE ran well to the last eighth. Scratched 43191 Sun Briar, 125; 13541Milkmaid, 112; 43I9G Leochares, 120; J35G3Startling, 105; 43221BiIl McCloy, 101; 43251 Louise A., 102; -13193 Duchess Lace, .97. Overweights Currency, 3 pounds; Sailor, 5.. 4Ff "fl Q FOURTH RACE i Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 25,. 1915 1:42 4 119. Seventh Run-O d JLO ninor HARFORD COUNTY HANDICAP. ,000 Added. 3-year-olds and umvard. IJet valuo to winner 3,650; second, ,000; third, 00; fourth, 50. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 43478THE PORTER w 4 121 3 3 3s 1" l3 l4 l4 AV J OBn J F Schorr 550-100 ,43571EXTERMINATR w 4 12", 4 2 2"t 315 23 2 2" A Schugr AV S Kilmer 35-100 43554 SLIPPERY ELM w G 101 5 1 11 2nk 310 3 33 C Robson R A Smith 1075-100 43475 CLEAN GONE wi: 3 95 1 5 5 5 5 43 43 S AVida J J Farrell Jr 2050-100 43111 ESCOBA wkr 4 114 2 4 4 4s 41 5 5 II Thurber, K D Alexander 3505-100 Time, 25. 49. 1:14, 1:40, 1:45. Track muddy. 2 mutuels paid, The Porter, 3.00 straight, .90 place, .40 show; Exterminator, .20 place, .10 show: Slippery Elm, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds The Porter, 550 to 100 straight, 45 to 100 place, 20 to 100 show; Exterminator, 10 to 100 place, 5 to 100 show; Slippery Elm, 15 to 100 show.. AVinner 15. c, by Sweep Ballet Girl, by St. Leonards trained by J. F. Schorr; bred by Mr. David Stevenson. AVent to post at 4:06. At post 0 minutes. Start good aiid slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. THE PORTER-raced into the lead on the backstretch, which he increased to the finish and won in a canter. EXTERMINATOR raced SLIPPERY ELM into defeat, but could never get up to the leader. SLIPPERY ELM set the early pace and ran a good race, but tired. The others were beaten all the way. Scratched 135773Ciulgcl, 130; 43494 Sun Briar. 120; 43717Sir Barton. 123; 43717Billy Kelly, 118: 43717sMidniglit Sun, 104; 13375Hauberk, 100; 43559 War God, 107; 43193 Duchess Lace, 9G; 43094 Bondage, 102. - - - j A Qff"lJ Cfe FIFTH RACE 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Sept. 25, 1915 1:42 4 119. Purse Slntf tO JLc? 4-year-olds and upward. Selling. Net valuo to winner 815; second, 200; third, 00. Index Horses AAVtPPSt i Vz 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 43375 HAUBERK w 7 109 1 1 H VI Vh l4 1 R McCrnn J F Sweeney 70-1 CO 43142IIANK ODAY w 7 10S 2 2 53 5 3: 3 2" A Schu gr J O Talbott 475-100 435783Q. OF THE SEA w 5 10U 4 4 3S 23 2l 21 3 E Sande J K L Ross 575-100 4324 9 HUBBUB w G 105 7 G C G Gh 4"t 41 P Musgve AV J Press 2315-100 12139 BALLAD w 5 106 G 7 7 7 7 Gl 5 M Mountn C K Moore 3065-100 43564 H. BRE1VOGEL w 4 ICG 3 3 43 43 5 52 G2 II Thurber S Louis 13GO-100 43118 DAIRYMAN w 4 101 5 5 2h 3 4l 7 7 J Heuuel F J Sullivan 21750-100 Time, 25, 50, 1:1G, 1:41, 1:48. Track muddy. inutuels paid. Hauberk, .10 straight, .70 place, .20 show; Hank ODay, .00-place, 2.80 show; Queen of the Sea, .40 show. Equivalent booking odds Hauberk, 70 to 100 straight, 35 to lf0 place. 10 to 100 show; Hank ODav, 100 to 100 place, 40 to 100 show; Queen of the Sea. 20 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Martinet Druid, by Sir Dixon trained by AAT. Short; bred by Messrs. AVilliams Bros. and Holland. Went to post at 4:37. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. HAUBERK, easily best, set a good pace from the start and won in a canter.. HANK ODAY worked his way up on the outside and outgamed QUEEN OF THE SEA in the final drive. The latter was much used in following the pacemaker and tired, but finished gamely. HUBBUB finished fast. HARRY BREIAOGEL and DAIRYMAN showed speed, but quit. The winner, entered for ,000, was bid up to ,405 and bought in. Scratched 43572 AVarsaw, 114. 4Q76A SIXTH RACE 1 1-16 Miles. Sept. 22, 1917 1:45-5 105. Purse ,115. 3-year-olds d andty and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 15; second, 200; third, 100. Index Horses AAVtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 42136 PILSEN w 5 112 11 4 31 H l3 l4 1 E Sande D C Fountain 175-100 43202 BALLYCONNLL wn 3 105 10 5 5h 4h 21 2- 23 P Musgve S Ross 23C0-100 43026 INDOLENCE wn S 112 3 3 81 8 7i 65 3h C Robson E Loh 625-100 43151 LIT. COTTAGE w 5 112 5 7 71 71 4h 4and J P Ryan AV Dauphin 735-100 42C53CABALLO wn 3 102 4 G 4i 5 6l 31 53 D CarFWll L Brown 4 3G15 3 VIGILANTE w 3 107 1 1 I1 2 33 53 CI D Stirling R Pending 7740-100 42597 BEN HAMPSON wn F 115 6 8 G1 G1 10J 71 7"t J Connors J J Fahey 699-100 43500 G. M. MILLER wb 12 112 2 2 ll2 101 81 8l 83 AV Obert R F Carman f 427733CAPITAL CITY wn 5 115 9 12 12J 13 13 ll3 0- E Hilemn M Smith 4370-100 43514 FNK SHANNON wn 3 107 8 10 101 12 123 102 10l EC Thurber S Louis. 22C0-10O 43235 BAJAZET w 4 112 7 13 13 ll1 ll1 93 111 A Collins C C AVright 24C0-1O0 42314VIRGINIA YELL wb 4 107 13 9 23 32 5J 121 123 R McCrnn G AV Forman G70-100 43G880COMACHO wn 5 112 12 11 9 9 913 13 J Rod gcz H Dernham f tMutuel field. Time, 24, 49, 1:16, 1:44, 1:52. Track muddy. " mutuels paid. Pilsen, .50 straight, .S0 place, .90 show; Ballyconnell, 3.90 place, .80 show; Indolence, .40 show. - Equivalent booking odds Pilsen,-175 to 100 straight, 90 to 100 place, 45-to100 show; Ballyconnell, 595 to 100 place, 240 to 100 show; Indolence, 120 to 100 show. AVinner Ch. g, by Duval Helen Miller, by Jean Bereaud trained by D. S. Fountain; bred by Mr. B. F. Guthrie. AVent to post at 5:07. At post 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AVon easily; second and third driving. PILSEN raced into an easy lead while rounding the far turn and was pulling up at the end. BALLYCONNELL ran well and was cased up in the last eighth. INDOLENCE closed a big gap. LITTLE COTTAGE also made up ground. AIGILANTE showed speed in early naeemnking. CABALLO ran well. Scratched 124292Americau Eagle. 112; 435143Sir William Johnson, 112; 43235 Diadi, 107; 43G972 Bathilde, 110; 43217 Tie Pin, 112; 43G5G Belario, 107; 43G5G Slumber II., 112. 4QF5rtf71l SEVENTH RACE 1 1-4 Miles. Sspt. 25, 15132:056 103. Purse ,115. 3-year- O 4 i JL olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo to winner 15; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt V4 94 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 42492THR1FT w 4 105 S 1 R McCrnn T E Crist 8S0-100 43504 ROMEO wi: 2 102 1 21 V Colti.ti J H Lavello 90-100 A 32003 AUSTRAL wn 4 111 6 3 R Denyso R Goodlow 12G0-10O 43500 COL. VALNTINEwn 4 110 4 410 C Robson AV Durnan 575-100 43097 SEN. BRODRICKwn 4 110 5 51 J Rodgez T Francis 1250-100 42288 FAIRY PRINCE wu 3 10G 3 c2E Sande J J JFarrell Jr 3345-100 4 3117 LEGACY wn 3 lOG; 7 7 H Cassity P Clausen 2555-100 42181ROYAT w 3 105 2 8 J AVessler J A Murphy 3100-100 Time, 25, 50, 1:17, 1:44, 2:14. Track muddy. mutuels paid, Thrift, 9.G0 straight, .30 place, .00 show; Koinco, .10 place, .50 show; Austral, .30 show. Equivalent booking odds Thrift, SSO to 100 straight, 2G5 to 100 place, 130 to 100 show; Romeo, 55 to 100 place, 25 to 100 show; Austral, 115 to 100 show. Winner B. g, by Aon Troiup Spinosa, by Ossary trained by T. E. Crist; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. AVent to post at 5:37. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon easily; second and third driving. The race was run in a blinding rainstorm and it was impossible to distinguish colors. THRIFT was an easy winner after apparently leading all the way. Overweights Fairy Prince, 2 pounds; Legacy, 2.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1910s/drf1919091201/drf1919091201_3_2
Local Identifier: drf1919091201_3_2
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800