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CURRENT NOTES OF THE TURF Entries to the Pimlico fall stakes close next "Wednesday. The stable of G. W. Loft, trained by M. Hirsch, has arrived at L-iu;el. A. Hooker has taken over the .7. .7. Maher racers, which include Old Koenig, Ima Frank and other good ones. The date for the running of the Latonia Championship has not been definitely decided upon, Manager Winn reserving his decision until . the dates for the world series baseball games are announced. It. E. Watkins good three-year-old colt Ticklish was badly cut down in his last race, a small : artery below the knee having been severed. It will be some time before he will be able to stand training again. The horses of Commander .7. K. L. Ross have . already won over 50,000 in stakes and purses during the present year, and with so many valuable stakes vet to be decided at Laurel and Pimlico his ; total for 1919-may surpass the 00,000 mark. Dr. Robert Hanlcy, a well-known Canadian physician and turfman, wiio raced a small stable of liorses for a iiumbpr of years in Canada, this country , and Cuba, died last Thursday at the Hotel 1 Dieu in Kingston after an operation for appendicitis. Three of the John Sauford racers, now in charge of Preston Rurcli, will be retired to the Hurricana 1 Farm at the close of the fall season, while Achilles, the fourth member of the string, will be sold. The ! other three are Alpheo, La lielle Helene and Pontypridd. All are fillies and valuable as brood mares. The efforts of the King of Spain on behalf of the breeding industry are bearing good fruit. Two two-year-olds of his own breeding are winning i good races. They are Willoro. by Wilonyx, and 1 Mistake, by Littleton, both English sires. Hitherto the chief prizes in Spain have been carried off by imported liorses. A. K. Ma comber will sell the following six two-year-olds next Thursday at Aqueduct: Arrowhead, b. ff y Uncle -Xarco; Babylonian, eh. g. by r Uneli. Iast Cherry; The Archer, b. g, by Uncle liusy Lass; The Nephew, b. g, by Uncle Qualify; ; Challenger, ch. g. by Uncle Star Dreamer; The Lamb, h g, by UncL Winifred A. Ncddnm is a pretty shifty youngster anil justifies . John E. Maddens early estimate of him. The son J of Ormondale Miss Kearney fetched ,100 as a yearling and so far lias won five of seven races I the last four without a defeat and ,582. He gave great promise on the farm and was thus given ; 1 Maddens own name spelled backward. It is said in support of the health of the Maryland liilltnels that "Puck" Poriiinn bet 10 on i Rapid Day in the machines last Friday. Kapid I Day beat lte Frank in the race, the league Ilaniti-cap. and each ticket paid 1. SO. Thus the 00 won . ISO, an almost impossible yield under the bookmaking system of speculation, no matter what t tlte number of operators.