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WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST AND WEST LEXINGTON, Ky., September 20. Training gallops this morning were over a heavy track and with the "dogs" up and were few in number, as follows: 52 Weather cloudy; track heavy 48 Anticipate, half mile In fiS-tf,. 48 Airdrie, half mile in rH. f0 Bourbon Lad, three-quarters in 1:27. r,n Busy Joe. three-quarters in 1:21. r0 Beau Brummel II., half mile in 51. July 1 Brown Bee, half mile in 05. 49 Chief Brown, mile in 1:55. 47 Donna Roma, half mile in 55. 47 Dick Williams, half mile in 55. 48 Dresden, five-eighths in l:OS. ; Delico, mile in 1:40. 48 Elizabeth II.. five-eighths in 1:10. 47 Harvest King, five-eighths in 1:09. -49 Hopover, three-quarters in 1:23. July 3 Hocnir, three-quarters in 1:22. 49 Iwin, mile in 1:58. M J. Rufus. three-quarters in 1:23. 48 Kling, three-quarters in 1:27. 48 Louie Eon, five-eighths in 1:10. 48 Lillian Shaw, five-eighths in 1:0G. 47 Mandalay, half mile in 53. 49 May Rose, half mile in 57. 49 Marauder, three-quarters in 1:23. 48 Manager Waite. three-quarters in 1:24. 49 Parole, five-eighths in 1:08. 4; Reveler, half mile in 5S. 45 Rafferty, five-eighths in 1U1. 47 Redstart, mile in 1:5!. 47 Seafarer, half mile in 57. June-2S Service-Flag, three-quarters iu 1:27. 44 Trooper, three-quarters in 1:25. 4" Vulcanite, half mile in 54. 49 Viola Park, half mile in ,"0. 49 Viola Gaffney, half mile in "57. XEW YORK, X. Y., September 20. Saturdav Ver the 100:11 l01lrcs i,lcl"led tlie ftdlowlng-111013 At Jamaica, Weather clear; track fast 49 Alvord, mile in 1:15. 48 Achilles, three-eighths in 37. ..0 Alphee, three-quarters iu 1:18. 4 Appleton Wiske, half mile in 50. 50 American Soldier, five-eighths in 1:0C. Buckley, half mile in 51. .,,Vk"i.1 Hree-quarters in 1rl0. j.0 ..obwebs. five-eighths ia 1:02. V rlr r-vst!!1 JIe in 1:43. 5 -opynght, five-eighths in 1:00. 4! Doleful, mile in 1:48"- !n,K" Rock, throe-quarters in 1:15. -lr oO Back Home, three-eighths in 3t!Jfc. 27 Daydue, half mile in 55. 51 Druniniond, mile in 1:44 r llerty Gibbet, three-eighths in 3C?4. -!2 Grimily, five-eighths in 1:01. 48 Ilindoostan, half mile iu 50. 51 .lack ODowd, mile in 1:45. 49 Jyntee. five-eighths in 1:00. 49 King Plaudit, five-eighths in 1:2Gand. , 49 Lucius, mile In 1:40. 50 Lady Gertrude, three-eighths in 40. 50 Little Nearer, half mile in 52. -50 Marmite. half mile in 50. 49 Master Karma, seven-eighths in 1:34. 48 Monomoy, three-quarters in 1:17. 48 Nightstick, three-quarters in 1:115. 50 Onwa, three-quarters in 1:18. 50 Paddy Whack, mile iu 1:44. 41 Pickwick, three-quarters iu 1:15. , 50 Paddy, five-eighths in 1:02. 50 Pontypridd, three-eighths in 35. 50 Red Red Rose, throe-eighths in 30. 50 St. Isidore, half mile in 54. 47 Sand Bed, half mile in 52. 47 Trophy, mile in 1:45. 50 Truly Rural, five-eighths in 1:01. 50 Torchbearer, three-quarters in 1:15. 45 Ting-a-Ling. f ivc-eigliths in 1:04. 50 Whimsy, mile in 1:50. 51 Yvette, three-quarters in 1:15. 48 Young Adam, half mile in 54. At Belmont Park Training Track. Weather clear; track fast 50 Arethusa. half mile in 52. 51 Audacious, mile and an eighth In 1:57. 50 Armistice, five-eighths i:: 1:09. 50 Blue Star, three-quarters in 1:18. 50 Bar of Phoenix, three-quarters in 1:22. 35 Cinderella, five-eighths in 1:01. 18 David Ilaruni, five-eighths iu 1:01 Mi. 48 Dr. Johnson, three-quarters in 1:17. 48 Damask, three-quarters iu 1:15. 42 End Man, three-quarters in 1:1S. 50 Elfin Queen, five-eighths in 1:01. July 28 Elmont, half mile in 49. 49 Pair Gain, half mile in 55. 44 Fairy Wand, half mile in 54. Glen Lijht, half mile in 49. 41 Gox. three-auarters in 1:23. 47 Ilohokus. half mile in 53. 50 Hannibal, five-eighths in 1:03. Jamboree, half mile in 52. 43 Kings Champion, three-quarters in 1:17. 50 Kinnoul, three-quarters in 1:17. 50 Lads Love, half mile in 49. 50 Lion d.Or, mile in 1:52. 50 Lady Archer, five-eighths in 1:04. 50 Merry Princess, three-quarters in 1:20. 1 XutcrAeker, three-quarters in 1:18. 44 Xaturalist, half mile in 54-. 37 Overcast, three-quarters in 1:10. 50 Panoply, three-quarters in 1:18. 49 Padriae. three-eighths in 38. 50 Peter Piper, half mile in 49. 50 Pigeon Wing, three-quarters in 1:16. 50 Polka Dot, mile in 1:44. 47 Red Domino, half mile in 49. 45 Rambler Rose, five-eighths in 1:03. 50 -Rose dOr, mile in 1:42. 50 Royal Duck, five-eiirhths iu 1:03. 48 Senator Crow, three-quarters in 1:15. 45 Sugarmint, five-eighths iu 1:02. 22 Swirl, five-eighths iu 1:02. 50 Starry Belle, five-eighths iii 1:04. 4S Stickling, three-quarters in -1:15. 50 Scurry, three-quarters in 1 :21 . 48 Sanberia. three-"uarters ill 1:15. 51 Sagamore, three-quarters iu 1:10. 47 Sea Mint, ha ft mill- in 52. 50 Terentia. mile iu 1:41. 50 Thelma E., three-quarters in 1:15. 48 The Sachem, three-quarters in 1:17. 41! The Decision, mile in 1:50. 34 Uncles Lassie, three-quarters in 1:18. JiO White Socks, three-quarters in 1:18. HAVRE DE GRACE, Mil., September 20. The following were the wcrk-outs at the Harford County track this morning: Weather clear; track fast 49 All Smiles, five-eighths in 1:01. no Antoinette, mile in 1:47. Rnckhorn II., half mile in 50. June. II Balarosa, three-quarters in 1:22. 48 Baby Rasi-h, three-quarters in 1:18. 49 Boniface, three-ouarters in 1:15. 43 Babys Sister, mile in 1:47. 42 Rullseyo, three-quarters in 1:14.- 49 Brutus, half mile in 50. 45 Ballard, three-quarters in 1:20. 41 Currency, three-eighths in 3S. 50 Cain Spring, three-quarters in 1:10. HO Cudgel, mile in 1:43. 45 Cobalt Lass, three-eighths iu 40. 49 Carroll, mile in 1:47. Churchill, five-eighths in 1:04. 40 Chemung, mile in 1 :40. Dalwood. three-quarters in 1:17. 4S Driffield, half mile in 50. Dan. three-quarters in 1:10. 42 Dorcas, mile in 1:48. 49 Exterminator, three-quarters in 1:17. Ed Henry, mile in 1:47. 51 Etruscan, five-eighths in 1:0-1. 47 Franc Tireur, three-quarters iu 1:21. 44 Firing Line, three-quarters in 1:22. 47 Frizeur. five-eighths iu 1:02. 44 Frank Monroe, three-quarters in 1:15. 48 Gallant Kitty, half mile in 45. no Genevieve B., five-eighths in 1:01. 47 General, five-eighths in 1:03. 50 Goldcrest Boy, five-eighths in 1:09. 45 Hildas Brother, mile iu 1:50. Highland Lad. three-eighths in -40. 50 Josefina Zarate, three-quarters in 1:19. 51 John W. Klein; mile in 1:45. ? " " Kant Cost, three-eighths iu 38. 15 Kalipolis. five-eighths iu 1:04. 11 Kalitan, half mile in 55. 45 Link Boy. five-eighths in 1:03. 50 Looking Up, five-eighths in 1:01. 50 Lazy Lou, mile in 1:47. Miss Filley, mile in 1:48. 49 My Laddie, three-quarters in 1:17. 43 Mistake, mile in 1:50. 49 Mannehen, mile in 1:43. 38 Mark West, half mile in 52. 50 Midian. five-eighths in 1:08. 47 Mildred, half mile in 52. Xigel, five-eighths in 1:0-1. 49 Xoureddin. mile in 1:40. 49 Orestes, mile in 1:42. 50 Prunes, mile iu 1:44. 47 Point to Point, mile in 1:43. 47 Pulaski, mile in 1:43. 30 Runes, half mile in 44. 45 Refugee, mile in 1:47. Resign, five-eighths in 1:04." 51 Royal Red Bird, three-quarters in 1:20. 49 Smart Guy, three-quarters in 1:17. Sea Sinner, three-quarters in 1:20. 49 Sir Barton, mile iu 1:43. 38 Startling, three-quarters in 1:21. Soldat de Verdun, three-eighths in 40. 47 Scotch Verdict, threi-quartcrs in 1:17. 42 Slurdee, half mile in 52. 50 Sibola. mile in 1:43. Sister Emblem, three-quarters in 1:10. 4S Triomphant. three-quarters in 1:17. 50 The Lost Bird, mile in 1:44. 42 Thorn Bloom, half mile in .54. 43 Twenty Seven, three-quarters in 1:15. Thou Shall Xot Pass, five-eighths in 1:05. 40 Ultra, Gold, three-quarters in 1:17. 49 Widow Bedotte. mile in 1:40. 51 War Plume, three-quarters in 1:19.