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SANFORD MEMORIAL STAKES Falls Prey to the Speed and Gameness of Sir Hugh. 1 1 Steeplechase a Failure as a Race Krewer the Easiest of WinnersTrack Gossip. f 1 SAUATOGA, X. Y., August 10. Another stake victory fell lo Kentucky tliis :i f ta-riiomi as a result of Sir Hughs prowess in leading lioine liis opponents in the .San ford Memorial .Stakes at three-quarters and having a guaranteed value of .$.",1111. of which amount .3,02.j was the winners net portion. Right colts, accredited with being of the better class, started in it. Deadlock being an addition to the overnight list. ISctting wisdom favored Mustard .Seed, with P.ig-lieart and Olympus coming in for steady support n ml tlie Keiituckians here were loyal lo their own and generous of their support for the Camden representative. The start found Olympus in the van, with Column closest in pursuit, and Mustard Seed following, the Kent nekton being somewhat lardy at the start, but in a clear position to escape the interference that took place, resulting in Mustard Seed and. Column suffering. Olympus,- despite his 130 pounds, continued in tlie lead under it and set ji good rate of speed for a half mile, with Mustard .Seed and Bighenrt, the tatter llavliif,- ifiovwtnpTjist.lfriT p-.-iug tlie ttmt eighth, alternating in second place. On the stretch turn Olympus and MiCstard Steed both gave way and liiglicait took up the running, hut his tenure of the lead only lasted to the last eighth, where Sir Hugh, coming along swiftly, easily passed into command and won as his rider pleased. I.igheart held on fairly well to secure the middle portion of the purse and Column shook off Deadlock for third place. The time of the race. 1:13, marked only mi ordinary performance. In addition to the monetary consideration. Sir Hughs owner received a 00 cup, added to the race by Mr. John Santord. DISQUALIFICATION IN STEEPLECHASE. Tli! steeplechase, over about two-mile course, was farcical, two of the starters Wisest Fool and Itohcrt Oliver failing to cover the course properly, both running around the tenth jump and enabling Suywhich, thoroughly snciit. affected witli a slight hemorrhage and completely out of any apparent chance, to take the race without opposition, for. by the time the others had been cheeked up and returned to go over the jump they had failed to take Saywhich wis so far in advance that she only had to canter along to achieve the victory. Wisest Fool was held responsible, and he was, for the running out of Itobcrt Oliver, as he forced him around the wing at the tenth jump when the pair were almost on even terms. The Widcner representative was promptly disqualified out of second place, which he had earned by virtue of his faster recovery and resumption of the course where he had run out. His displacement gave second place to Hubert Oliver; no third money being allotted. K chert Oliver was the favorite, with Saywhich absorbing much attention. The latter was going at great speed when she began bleeding and Wisest Fool appeared all over the winner at tlie time that he caused Kohert Oliver to run out. The mile and an eighth, which had only Lunetta and Itellsolar to contest the purse after the withdrawal of Iive Tap, was productive, of a lawn stampede before the start and the fluctuations in prices of such notable change that it created comment. Why I.ellsolar should have ruled so overwhelmingly favorite over the Ilallciibeck filly is one of those incidents that crop up occasionally, to the profit of the more level headed. l!ellsdar at no time in tlie race showed that -she was able to cope with I.uuetta, Fator taking the latter into the lead at once and keeping her going at a good pact-, had ISellsolar in distress before tlie stretch was readied and it left Lunetta to go and win as her rider pleased. The Kancocas Stables Krewer was installed an overwhelming choice in the mile dash after Uoucy linker. Thunderstorm, Doiuiacoiiiia and Knot hud been scratched. Sande never gave his supporters much concern over the result, for he took Krewer promptly into the lead and never had to release his strong hold on him to pass the finish several lengths before Fair Gain, which during the stretch drive disposed of Servitor for second place, Tom McTaggart, the only other starter appeared sore, stiff and a relic of his former self. RACE UNDER FRENCH CLAIMING SYSTEM. Fifteen two-year-olds started in the opener, fashioned under the French claiming system, and the victory fell to H. T. Wilsons Kirtle, which took the lead at the start and scurried away from the others to win easily from Kadiola, witli Fred Kinney in third place. The last race found maiden three-year-olds in clashing, with the .fliu.OOO .Summit, in Frederick Johnsons colors, ruling a slight favorite over J. K. WUUiiers Mercury ami Preston Iturchs Gallivant, but in the running Mercury led for the entire way and Turner was looking back at Summits futie rush in tlie stretch. Gallivant finished third. Todays attendance again showed an increase over former week days and there was sharp lawn action. The racing, however, was somewhat ordinary, and tlie light fields that ruled were mainly of the cheaper grade horses. Tlie Alabama Stakes, for three-year-old fillies, will lie the feature tomorrow, witli the following starlcrs and riders, as well as an estimate of tlie prices by an expert layer: Hit of White. Carroll. to 1. fChateatl Thieiry, Keogh, 0 to 1. tKiihila. Coltiletti. lo 1. Careful, Ivusor, ." to 1. Prudery, Fator, .i to iCuiplcd J. Sanford entry. Jockey I.yke suffered a five days suspension by lie starter in Tuesdays final race. C. linhiusoiis vContluueU on eighth P.ifce. SANF0RD MEMORIAL STAKES Continued from first page. suspension was made by the stewards for his rough riding while astride Hiff Hang. B. Kunimer was suspended for three days for cutting across ; the start in he opening dash. Jockey F. Kcogh has contracted with Mont fort Jones for second call. Preston M. Hiirch bought Gallivant privately before the sixth race and ran him in his interest. Howard Oots was among the arrivals from Canada during the afternoon. Frank J. Hryan was among the days visitors, lie is busy arranging details in connection with Maryland racing. Frank .1. Kelleys horses here will be shipped back to Kentucky by trainer George Land in time for the opening at Latonia. Jockey F. Weiner was suspended for three days by the stewards after the first race for having struck jockey Tryon with his whip during the race. Jockey H. Hamilton will leave the service of J. II. Hosseters stable; at the end of his present contract and will ride for J. B. Nash. Kaylor Hickman. Jr. and A. H. Charlton were among the arrivals from Louisville today. They came by motor. Jockey D. Kyers was held blameless for Hubert Olivers mishap in the steeplechase, the patrol judge corroborating Hyers statement that he was unable to prevent AVisest Fool from bolting the jump.