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CRESCENT CiTY DERBY TO BE REVIVED FORT ERIE, Ont., August 10. It. A. Eddy, gen-oral manager of the Business Mens Racing Arr-,i .-elation of New Orleans, announced this morning that for the coming meeting plans had been perfected for a revival of the old Crescent Citv Derby, to which not less than 0,000 would be added, and that if sufficient nominations would be forthcoming from horsemen a much larger added value would be placed on the old time race. The two-year-olds will not be catered to in such a lavish manner a 3 last winter for the first month, but two races for that age would be run each week and In the second month three would be carded. It was also stated that no purse of less than ,000 would be offered, while a handicap would be offered daily with one stake a week for the entire racing season.