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GOOD PRICES AT TUESDAYS SALE FORTY-THREE YEARLINGS GO UNDER THE HAMMER FOR 20,450 CELT-PRIMULA II. COLT BRINGS 2,000, HIGHEST FIGURE OF THE SEASON SARATOGA, N. Y., August 10. Excellent prices were realized at Tuesday nights sale nhenthe yearlings from the Belair Stud of William Woodward of Maryland, together with offerings from the Kentucky farms of the Short Grass Stud Corporation, K. D. Alexander, W. W. Darden, J. IT. Morris Bosque Bonita Stud and others, were sold under the hammer at the J;asig-Tipton sales mart. In all, forty-three colts and fillies sold for the grand total of SI20,450, an average of 2,840 per head. Bidding was sharp, particularly when a striking looking or coveted youngster was in the ring. The attendance was large and included many prominent horsemen and the full strength of the breeders. The seasons top price was realized on the colt by Celt Primula II., by St. Denis, which went to R. L. Gerry for 2,000. The youngster was one of the eleven from William Woodwards Belair Stud, and engaged spirited bidding from the start. The Belair youngsters led lie other consignments in the matter of aggregates, as well as average, this band realizing 4,00, an average of ,054.50. R. L. Gerry was an extensive buyer of the Belair-bred colts and fillies, seven of the eleven offered going to his account. He also secured the youngster by Rock View Arrowshaft -for ,300. Next in prominence to the Belair offerings were the consignments by the Short Grass Svud Company. There were ten in this outfit, and they sold for a total of 0,750, an average of ,075. The star of this band was the colt by Short Grass Triple Crown. Bidding on him came from all quarters, with the final contention coming from S. C. Hildreth and Gifford Cochran, the latter securing him for 0,500. The Short Grass Christophine celt was also an object of interest, S. P. Harlan taking him for ,100. Kenneth D. Alexanders Escoba youngsters, the first of this sires get to reach the market, elicited considerable attention, and the prices realized for the youngsters were highly encouraging, the five comprising this band going for a total of 0,S50, with the star, a good looking colt by Escoba La Recolte, knocked down to J. C. Milam on his bid of ,600. -.Muqfl surprise wafr-occasionedby:. the .failur e of the much heralded Malamcnt Louisianne colt, owiied by W. 0. Parmer, to bring more than ,000. His owner had confidently expected that he would bring 0,000. He is a growthy colt and almost the equal in size and conformation of a fully developed two-jcar-old. Fred Taral, acting for the account of the Riviera Stable, secured him. W. W. Dardens George Smith Droll colt brought ,000 and went to W. J. Salmon. The brood mare Misplay, ten years old, by Fair Play Miss Hanover, by Hanover, with colt foal at side, by Ambassador, went for ,000, Capt. P. M. Walker becoming her owner. The sale of the mare was due to the dissolving of partnership between W. W. Darden and A. Schardt. Sam C. Hildreth bought the colt by Wrack Medora for ,000. This youngster is a brother to the two-year-old Little Chief, a stake winner this year, and a member of the Ilancocas Stable, trained by Hildreth. The complete summary of the sales follows: Property of the Belair Stud. Purchase Color.Scx. Pedigree. Buyer. Price. Bay colt, by Celt Primula II., by St. Denis 11. L. Gerry 2,000 Black colt, by Rock View Arrowshaft, by Ogden It: L. Gerry 7,300 Bay colt, by Wrack Medora, by Rabelais S. C. Hildreth 5,000 Bay colt, by Wrack Lady Errant, by Knight Errant R. L. Gerry 4,300 Brown" or black colt, by Heno Daphne, by Ballot It. L. Gerry 4,000 Bay colt, by Celt Springfoin, by Sainfoin 1. C. Milam 2,100 Chestnut colt, by Rock View Marie Frances, by Sir Dixon S. A. Clopton 2,000 Bay filly, by Wrack Kilcrea, by Stalwart Win. W. Lonely 2,100 Bay filly, by Wrack The Reef, by Trap Rock R. L. Gerry 2,100 Black colt, by Heno Pastclla, by Strephon R. L. Gerry 1,100 Chestnut filly, by Rock View Stcllata, by Star Shoot It. L. Gerry 1,000 Property of Short Grass Stud Corporatjon. Bay colt, by Short Grass Triple Crown, by Star Shoot G. A. Cochran 0,500 Bay colt, by Short Grass Christophine, by Plaudit S. P. Harlan 7,100 Bay or brown colt, by Short Grass Intrigue, by Kingston II. S. Bonus 4,100 Bay filly, by Short Grass Gentlewoman, by Sain R. L. Gerry 2,300 Chestnut colt, by Short Grass Cheer, by Plaudit . ...W. M. Martin 1,800 Bay colt, by -Short Grass Miss Present, by The Tartar E. J. Wall 1,400 Chestnut filly, by Short Grass Set Square, by Simon Square J. Byers 1,100 Chestnut filly, by Short Grass Erla Lee, by Hindoo E. Peters 1,000 Bay filly, by Short Grass Safe Home, by Hilarious J. Bycrs 850 Bay filly, by Glencairn Conisora, by The Commoner C. T. Worthington 000 Property of K. D. Alexander. Bay colt, by Escoba La Recolte, by Meddler J. C. Milam ,000 Bay colt, by Escoba Mollie Elliott, by Voter. Carr and Piatt 2,000 Chestnut colt, by Ballot Nepera, by Star Shoot Wm. W. Lonely 2,100 Bay filly, by Escoba Chin Chin, by Voter C. Buxton 1,550 Biack filly, by Escoba Crossbun, by Peter Pan Pelican Stable 1,000 Property of W. W. Darden. Bay or brown colt, by George Smith Droll, by Dick Welles W. J. Salmon ,000 Porch Climber, b. f, yearling, by George Smith Nannie Hodge, by Rossington Hollie Hughes 2,500 Chestnut filly, by Ballot Miss Mooney, by My Boy II S. A. Clopton 1,300 Bay colt, by Malamont Mis. Sewall, by Masetto C. Buxton 850 Property of W. W. Darden and A. Schardt. Misplay, ch. m, 10, by Fair Play Miss Hanover, by Hanover, and Bay colt, by Ambassador Misplay, by Fair Play Capt. P. M. Walker ,000 Chestnut filly, by Manager Waite Viola Guild, by Masetto Walter Ormsbec 400 Trifler, blk. m, 11, by Ogden Fads and Fancies, by Yankee. .Cromwell and Dempsey 400 Property of Bosque Bonita Farm J. H. Morris. Brown filly, by Escoba Affect, by His Highness J. S. Ward ,200 Chestnut colt, by The Cook March, by Samson Carr and Piatt 1,200 Chestnut colt, by Escoba Tardy, by Lord Estcrling Carr and Piatt 1,100 Property of Joseph Marrone. Chestnut colt, by Glencairn Vena Fair, by Fair Play H. Rites ,100 Brown filly, by Glencairn Spring Song, by Sweep R. L. Gerry 900 Chestnut colt, by Glencairn Caraquet, by Bryn Mawr Carr and Piatt S00 Property of W. 0. Parmer. Chestnut colt, by Malamont Louisianne. by The Commoner Riviera Stable ,000 Property of Morris and Alexander. Bay filly, by Escoba Antipathy, by Ornament J. S. Ward ,700 Property of Mrs. L. M. Rogers and J. N. Camden. Chest nut. filly, by Ballot Lardella, by Lackford D. W. Scott ,700 Property of Owen C. "Rouse. Chestnut colt, by Ballot Wajdeiia, by Star Shoot , J, L. Holland ,500 !