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LATEST WORK-OUTS FROM THE EAST 664 SARATOGA SPRINGS. SARATOGA. N. Y., August 10. Todays training gallops here Included the following: Weather clear; track fast Three -Eighths Mile. GG2-AspinwalI 37 GG2-Ralco 37 002-Crock o Gold.. 40 GG2-Supcrcargo 37 OGO-John Paul .Iones41 Gt2-Snob 35 GGO-Little Chief ...35 058-Sherando 3i CGl-Manheim 37 C5J-Wapiti 30 CGO-Pirate McGee ..37 Half Mile. . s, GGO-Budana 47 GG3-Knobbie ..: 4S G2!-Bcllatrix 40 GG2-Leghorn . ; 51 G70-Behevolent 4S G.VJ-Mark West . .4S Gill-Chateau Thierry5l OoS-On "Watch- 50 GGl-Carpenter 50 GGO-Overtake 40 055-Careful 40 Gt2-Paul .Tones 50 057-Comic Song . ; . .49 C18-Simpatiea 50 GG2-Dolores 55 G30-Sunnyland 50 057-Evil 48 GG2-Split Grass 50 C20-Flyitig Jib 50 057-Tody 50 C50-Granny Loo . . .48 GG2-Tiiunderclap . . .47 G2-Gallant Foe ...40 GG2-War Note 4S 057-Invinclble 5G Five -Eighths Mile. CG2-Bemorecarefl 1:02 GG2-Overcast 1:03 GGO-Capt. IIshlcr.l:02 GGl-Philosopher ..1:02 G19-Halu 1:01 002-R. Brigade .1:03 GoS-Mission Bells. 1:01 G58-Vy of t. Mnl:02 G54-Master Hand .1:01! GG2-Vic 1:03 GGO-Opperman ....1:02 Three-Quarters Mile. 375-Alono at Lstl:17 GUI-Light Rose ..1:15 G60-Bright Lights. 1:23 003-Muskallonge .1:11 G5S-Court View .1:17 CG3-Morvlch 1:15 G59Enfilade 1:11 GGl-Royal Primsel:17 GG2-Elected II. ..1:10 GG2-The Boy 1:15 GG3-Hold Up 1:14 Gfil-Ultimldge .. 1:14 002-Jock Scot ...l:l.-i G5S-Vista 1:1S G43-Kai-Sang 1:11 GGO-Violinist 1:IG G50-Lanipus 1:10 G52-"Ve::r:nGer ..1:1G Seven-Eighths Milo. GGl-Gath 1:30 GGO-Nblawn 1:31 CG2-Mahony 1:20 GG2-Wanatah 1:20 Ono Mile. CG2-Bchavc Yrelfl:40 GG2-Swccp Clean .1:40 t GG3-Frizlct 1:45 G20-Seotland Yot 1:43 G35-Flambettc ...1:45 GG2-Scottish Chief 1:41 581-Irish Kiss ...1:45 G33-Secrt Greetgsl:43 Jessie 1:40 G57-Thornhedge .1:40 G59-Messines 1:40 5S2-Tho Wind ...1:40 GOl-Natunillst ..1:42 CG2-Victor S 1:45 CGl-Smarty 1:42 CC2-Westwood ...1:41 Milo and an Eighth.- CG2-Dartmoor 1:55 GG2-Night Raider. 1:57 CGl-Extenninator 1:57 GG2-Touch Me Notl:55 Mile and a Half. GGl-St. Patrick ..2:45 Little Chief has his speed. Knohbie seems fresh and good. Both Budnna and Thunderclap went well. Evil ran fast. Irish Kiss galloped an easy mile. Mission Bells did a good work well. Night Raider seems in good condition. Minkallonge showed an improved work-out. St. Patrick went easily over the long route. Naturalist and Smarty were under restraint all the way. Messines was kept under restraint. Dartmoor and Touch Me Not were not extended. Westwood was given an easy gallop. Sweep Clean went easily all the way. Exterminator went evenly under restraint. Enfilade could have worked faster. Scotland Yet seems at her best. Behave Yourself did a useful mile. Scottish Chief showed improvement. Flam-bette went easily. Morvich is in fine condition. War Note seems fresh and good. William A. did a splendid work. Light Rose worked fast.