untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-26


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H" Superior Advance Information ""f Filed With This -Paper Day Before. FRIDAYS CODE: Beef rPear-Found-CTater-Shoe-Orane Navy-Chest-Water. Strictly confidential no wires. Buy your form nd get our HEAL inside information. Write for particulars. .- . - M FRANK JMADDEN, Mgr. . 407 Clinton- St.-, Brooklyn, N. Y. ll 1 LUCKY I JERRY HARDING I 101 West 42nd St. Suite 409. New York City. TERMS: 0 DAILY; 0 WEEKLY Not Best Because Blgrgcat Hut Biggest Because Beat. TODAYS ONE HORSE appears to be placed In a soft spot and -what is more the price should be a very liberal one, as this horse has been kept carefully under cover. My personal representative at track says that this one should prove to be one of the best paying: propositions we have every handled. ,000 REWARD will be paid in cash to anyone -who can prove that I have not a representative In Maryland. My many years of experience and association vfith horsemen enables me to obtain genuine high-class information. Yesterdays one and only horse: THE BOLL CALL 7.00- Won Wednesdays one and only horse : OMEGA .40- Won i Mondays one and only horse : - . . -FEHEAH "1 .6.40- Won Every horse mentioned in this advertisement iras filed in advance with this newspaper. The original messages are on file in my office and can be - seen by anyone upon application. I advise an exceptionally strong play on my next three horses, namely todays, Saturdays and Mondays, as they come to me exceptionally strong. If you desire to participate in some real honest to goodness bona fide information, wire your subscription by Western Union or Postal Telegraph. " HARVEY AMES Earle Building Broadway at 52nd Street. Room 407-8. New York. N. Y. SPECIAL "Harvey Transaction" TODAY By request I have arranged to give my big investors this opportunity at any cost. Subscriptions will be limited to localities. Terms: FIVE HUNDRED DOLLARS. Payable strictly in advance by telegraph or in person. The last "Harvey Transaction" arranged as the above won and paid over 7 to 1. "WAItNING: I have no agents or representatives anywhere. . Deal directly with this office and avoid being imposed upon. TELEPHONE CIRCLE 5790 DAWSONS DAILY WIRE DAILY 0 -WEEKLY JUST AS OLD MAN DAWSON SAID: RUBY 5.10- Won was the only horse wired yesterday. look them over, men. Read em and weep. I am on the job AT ALL TIMES TO GIVE MY CLIENTS THE BEST. FOLLOW AN HONEST AND RELIABLE HORSEMAN. TODAY A 10-1 SHOT Old Man Dawson advises the limit today. for this one or 0 for 6 of "DAWSONS" one horse wires. Send money Western Union or Postal. WEDNESDAY I WIRED: TAW SON S2S.30-S2 "WON TUESDAY I WISED: COLONEL GILMORE 3.70- "WON MONDAY I WIRED: GOLDEN BILLOWS 5.70- AVON You or I cannot get these kind through guesswork. To locate these kind I spsnd liberally and need subscribers to help make this service a success. A. DAWSON C NEW CHAMBERS ST. NEW YORK CITY "TOTO" THE LITTLE MUTUEL MACHINE A Sure Money Maker for You Complete layout with each machine fits in vest pocket. Can be played anywhere. Advertising price this week only 20 cents. Send money r stamps and self-address envelope, to EUREKA 16 PARK ROW NEW YORK CITY Pay JFrom Your Profits The Master Key System o"f playing the races will be mailed yon for one weeks -trial. No charge unless it shows an average- profit of at least 0 a day on the scale of play. FOR PARTICULARS mail this ad. with your name and address, to J. Kv WILLIS . 948 Windsor Sti - Cincinnati, 0. 116 NASSAU STREET NEW YORK CITY ROOM 401 UNITED TURF NEWS SEMI-WEEKLY PRICE .00 PRICE .00 Special Rate Hailed, One Month nine issues, .00. Published Every "Wednesday and Saturday, FOR SALE FOLLOWING NEWSSTANDS: Cleveland Shroeder, 214 E. Superior. Detroit Dunns, Shelby and Michigan r Family Theater, Cadillac Square. St. Louis, Mo. Laser, 711 Market St. LAUREL BIO GETAWAY SPECIAL TODAY: Garner-Studor-Sloan-Sysonby-Zev. Daily Occasional in Kentucky .00 DAILY 0.00 WEEKLY Yesterdays Latonia Occasional: Golden Billows .10-, Won "We know about a horse today at Latonia that has been under coyer. Goes for the money today and will be a price. . Out-of-town clients wire ?5.00 for todays occasional, or twenty dollars for one week six cccasionals. Occasional every day in Kentucky. FILED IN ADVANCE "WITH THIS PAPER, NATIONAL TURF NEWS Room 417, No. 101 "W. 42d St., NEW YORK CITY. Yesterdays Kentucky Wire Horse: Golden Billows. . ..10- Won ANOTHER ONE GOES TODAY Terms for this information is .00- for one wire, or 0.00 for six wires. Subscribe for thi service. Wire released every day at 11:30 a. m. TODAYS CODE HORSE: G-L-L-A-T-C-Y-N. No telegram to wait for. All you need is our codo and a copy of Racing Form. Horss published in code every day in Racing- Form. Wire your subscription at once with correct name azd street address. .00 FOR SIX DAYS. We will mail ycu by special delivery our code. GOOD FOR SIX DAYS PLAY. POST HASTE .70- "WON PEST ..10-52 "WON GOLDEN BILLO"WS .. .10- . "WON BLACK GOLD .90- "WON Four winners out of 7 races. No BUNK about these, as they are mailed to you the night before, special delivery, in plain sealed envelope, for thp small sum of .00 FOR SIX DAYS. 51.00 DAILY AT ATT. NEWSSTANDS. 411 BALTIMORE BLDG. -rr V OHICAGO.TILL. Subscribe for Daily Racing Form DAILY RACING . FORM PUBLISHING CO. 441 PLYMOUTH COURT - :: CHICAGO, ILL. 157-159 EAST 32ND STREET, NEW YORK, N.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923102601/drf1923102601_16_4
Local Identifier: drf1923102601_16_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800