Empire City Form Chart, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-26

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Empire City Form Chart YORKERS, If. Y., THURSDAY, OCTOBER 25, 1923. Empire City 1 mile. Seventh day. Empire City Racing Association. Autumn Meeting of 12 days. Weather cloudy. Stewards, A. H. Morris, William Butler and W. S. Tosburgh. Judges, E. C. Smith and C. Cornehlsen. Btarter, Mars Cassidy. Racing Secretary, V. E. Schaumburg. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. 17 ST 4Z tC FIRST RACE 1 Mile. Oct. 16, 1922 1:38 4 120. Round" Hill Parse. Purse ,000. 4 OvFJJ 3-year-olds and upward. Maidens. Claiming. Het value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P S 74888 IRENE SWNEY wb 3 1081 5 2 5 3l 3 21 in F CollettiB McGovern 2 3 21 4-5 1-3 74971TIKEH wb 4 105 2 3 l1 1 14 1 24 W Milner J S Farina 10 12 6 2 S-5 74246 HIGH COMDER w 3 110 3 4 24 2 21 3 3 H ThurberJ RIgione 7-E17-1017-103-51- 74995 SOVIET w 3 105 1 5 4 6 410 4" 4 T McCorkC Dealey 21 31 31 1 2-5 74849BABY BOY wb 4 103 4 1 3 44 5 5 6 E Beach F Williams 60 SO 30 8 4 Time, 25, 49, 1:16, 1:43. Track heavy. Winner Ch. f, by Great Britain Lauretta, by Marco trained by A. Carter; bred by Xalapa Farm. Vent to post at 2:32. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the pame. IRENE SWEENY, after being saved under slight restraint to the last turn, gradually improved her position when called on and, wearing TIKEH down, headed him in the last strides. THCEH set a good pace to the last sixteenth, but tired when challenged. HIGH COMMANDER raced in closest pursuit to the stretch and tired. SOVIET ran poorly and was weakly ridden. Scratched 73S55 Protocol, 105. Overweights Irene Sweeney, 1 pounds. f7 K. A A SECOND RACE 1 Mile! Oct. 16, 1922 1:38 4 120. Putnam Purse, Purse ,000. 4 uUuD 3-year-olds. Claiming. Het value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 74844FLYING DEVIL w 105 3 2 21 3 2l 1 1 H ThurberS Gooch 21 13-513-51-2 out 74764 RUDDY wb 1081 4 1 14 l1 U 2 21 F ColUettiR L Gerry 21 31 3 7-10out 74804RECOMMENTION wb 113 2 3 3 3" 3" 3" R MthewsC L Downs 3-5 1 4-5 1-6 out 74995 DICKS DUGHTER w 104 1 4 4 4 4 4 4 A McLhlinC A Applegate SO 60 50 15 4 Time, 25, 49, 1:16, 1:44. Track heavy. Winner1 B. c, by Wrack Sanci, by Eolus trained by F. J. K earns; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. Went to post at 2:57. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Wen easily; second and third driving. FLYING DEVIL, after racing in near pursuit of the leader from the start, closed np rapidly In the stretch and, taking the lead in the last eighth, won casing up. RUDDY set a good pace and displayed the most speed- for three-quarters, then tired. RECOMMENDATION raced on the inside in the deepest going and was poorly ridden throughout. DICKS DAUGHTER was always beaten. Overweights Ruddy, 1 pcunds; Dicks Daughter, 2: f7tZtZ THIRD RACE About 3-4 Milo. July 22, 1913 1:07 5 128. Purse ,000. All 4 OUO 4 Ages. Claiming. Het value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi 4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S 74971 TOP SRGEANT wb 5 115 2 4 1 l1 11 W AndsonJ V Richards 4 7 5 2 1 74889TICKLISH wb 7 110 6 S S3 2 2 A AccardyW H Fizer 4 41 41 2 1 7S892 GLENL1VET wb 3 109 1 B 6 3 3 H ThurbcrFlorlda Stable 30 30 30 8 4 74967 DRIFTWOOD wb 3 108 6 2 31 4 41 44 L Fator J Butler 21 31 1G-51 1-2 74889 MIRIAM COOPER w 4 106 4 1 4 5 6 61 M Fator M Shea 4 6 6 2 1 74971 STACY ADAMS wb 4 109 3 3 2 2 5 6 F CollettiElue Star Stb 2 3 9-5 4-5 1-3 Time, 23, 48, 1:11. Track heavy. Winner Ch. g, by Cock o the Walk Fairy Ray, by Radium trained by J. F. Richardson; bred by Mr. Arthur B. Hancock. Went to post at 3:24. At pest 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second a.. third driving. TOP SERGEANT took the lead soon after the start and was never menaced, winning" under tout restraint. TICKLISH moved up fast on the inside while rrunding the last turn and made a game finish. GLENLIVET closed a gap and finished gamely. DRIFTWOOD had no mishap. MIRIAM COOPER ran poorly. STACY ADAMS qtit badly after going a good half-mile. Scratched 749G7 Kings Belle, 107; 74357 Fluff, 109; 75025 Bud Fisher, 109. Overweights Driftwood, 5 pounds. rfKfkfCQ FOURTH RACE 1 Mile. Oct. 16, 1922 1:38 4 120. Sixth Running Ardsley Han-4 OvOo dicap. ,500 Added. 2-year-olds. Het value to winner ,915; second. 00; third 00; fourth, 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt "4 Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 74931FABIAN w 107 3 4 3 3 24 l1 1 C Turner Riviera Stable 3 4 13-51 2-5 94806 SUN PAL WB 117 4 3 2l 1 11 2 2 C KummerL Rosenberg 2 3 3 1 2-6 74847 STING w 110 6 6 6 44 3 3 3" F CollettiJ BuUer t 6 8-5 3-5 94553 MR. MUTT wb 115 6 6 6 J 4l 4 4 J Merimee II C Fisher 9-5 2 9-5 7-101-3 74999CAVE WOMAN w 104 2 1 1 2 6 6" E M Fator J BuUer t 6 C 8-5 3-5 94S85WAMPEE w 105 1 2 4 6 C C 6 H Thurberll T Wilson 10 12 12 5 2 Coupled as J. Butler entry. Time, 24, 49, 1:14, 1:40. Track heavy. Winner Ch. c, by Ballot Inspiration, by Ayrshire trained by F. Taral; bred by Mr. H. H. Hewitt. Went to post at 3:45. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. FABIAN raced in the middle of the track throughout and, after being saved close up for three-quarters, then moved up rapidly in the last eighth and took the lead and, won easing up. SUN PAL, prominent from the start, took the lead on the last turn and responded gamely when challenged, BVt his rider eased him up in the last seventy yards and almost lost second place. STING saved gTou.Yi on the turns and finished gamely between the two leaders. MR. MUTT after being outpaced for five-eighths finished with a belated rush on the outside and would have been second in anotbr stride. CAVE WOMAN was eased up when beaten. Overweights Wampee, 5 pounds; Fabian, 2. I F7KfKCk FIFTH RACE 5 1-2 Furlongs. Oct. 22, 1923 1:05 2 120. Dahlia Purse. Purse 4 uUdv ,000. 2-year-clds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. ladex Horses AWtPPSt Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H O P S MgEBONY BELLE w 108 T S 1 14 1 14 F CollettiR L Gerry 2 2 8-5 7-101-4 34308 HANDS UP vb 105 1 3 2 2 2 24U Fator K W Garrison 4 6 41 8-5 7-10 74845 BABBLING w 112 4 1 4 3 34 31 H ThurberFlorida Stable 4 6 41 8-5 7-10 74845 GLADYS V. w 104i 5 6 6 E1 5 " T Burns W H Flzer 8 12 12 5 2 74845MITAU w 111 2 2 3n 4 4 5 L Fator R Lurie 2 3 16-51 2-5 74722 INSURANCE w 104 3 4 5 6" 6 6 R MthewsJ Byer 30 50 60 15 6 74994 ACHIEVABLE w 105 6 7 7 7 7 7 A McLhlinC A Applegate 50 50 50 15 6 Time, 23, 48, 1:08. Track Heavy. Winner Blk. f, by Dick Finnell Chestnut Bell, by Pirate of Penzance trained by G. M. Odom; bred by Messrs. J. D. Carr and Bro.. Went to post at 4:12. At post 2 minutes. Start good and slow for all but ACHIEVABLE. Won easily; second and third driving. EBONY BELLE, away forwardly, set a fast pace for the going and won all the way as her rider pleased. HANDS UP raced in closest pursuit all the way and finished gamely. BABBLING raced gamely all the way. GLADYS V; had no mishaps. MITAU qtit in the last eighth. Scratched 75021Escoba dOro, 108; 74968 Quick Time, 102. Overweights Gladys V., 2 pounds; Insurance, 1. !7tZfflfk SIXTH RACE About 3-4 Mile. July 22, 1913 1:07 5 128. Russett Purse. Purse 4 uUDv ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Het value to winner 00; second, 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtTPSt i Str Fin Jockeys Owners O H C P 8 74997 MISS STAR w 3 114 4 1 2" lh lt Ink c Turner Riviera Stable 1-3 2-5 1-4 out 74927 SATELLITE WB 3 104 1 2 In 21" 21J 2 T Burns E Arlington t21 41 31 out 73178 ALL AMERCAN wb 3 96 2 4 3 4 35 3 310 W Milner T W OBrien 500 500 200 30 out 72152 BLACK KNIGHT wb 5 103 3 3 4 4 4 4 H ThurberW H Fizer f21 4j 31 out fCoupIed as E. Arlington and W. II. Fizer entry. Time, 23, 47, 1:10. Track heavy. Winner B. f, by Hesperus Is tar, by Von Tromp trained by F. Taral; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrlan . Went to post at 4:36. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won ridden ott; second and third driving. MISS STAR was away fast and heading SATELLITE on the last turn, responded gamely to a hard hand ride and finished him in the final drive. SATELLITE set the early pace, then raced stride for stride with the winner, but slightly tired in the last sixteenth. ALL AMERICAN always held BLACK KNIGHT safe. Scratched 74972Dominiquc, 120. Overweights Satellite, 2 pounds; All American, 2; Black Knight, S.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923102601/drf1923102601_9_1
Local Identifier: drf1923102601_9_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800