Judge Murphys New Duties: Appointed Assistant to General Manage at Fair Grounds-is Also Presiding Steward, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-26


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JUDGE MURPHYS NEWDUTIES Appointed Assistant to General Manager at Fair Grounds Is Also Presiding Steward. NEW ORLEANS, La., Oct. 25. John Dy-mond, Jr., president and general manager of the Business Mens Racing Association, yesterday announced that he had appointed Joseph A. Murphy as assistant to the general manager in addition to his duties as presiding steward. Judge Murphy, who arrived in the city-yesterday, will assume his new duties at once. The first and most important work will be the allotment of stalls, which J. Stone Ware has in charge. The Fair Fair Grounds literally has "horses to burn." From every section of the United States and Canada applications for stable room have been received and the work of finding space for these applications is no easy task. Judge Murphy will remain in the city for ten days or two weeks, going over minor details with Mr. Dymond and will then go to Bowie for that meeting. During the Jefferson Park meeting he will keep an office at the Fair Grounds for daily conferences with the general manager and during the races will have active charge of the racing office under the stand.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923102601/drf1923102601_17_5
Local Identifier: drf1923102601_17_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800