Laurel Park, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-26

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Entries and Past Performances LAUREL PARK 1 FRIDAY, OCTOBER 26 - . . ; ... ... , , , ,. WEATHER. CliEAU: TRACK SLOW. ; ; ; 74738 Byron 100 1:14 111..710 The figures nader the heading: "Bee." in 74775 Nonnana 105 1:14 109. .710 the entries below show the best time of 74980 Idle Thoughts 113 1:153 105X710 each horse at the distance since January 1, 74980 Trafalgar 103 1:14 110. .700 1921, no matter where it-finished. Incase 75009 Jirason :1071:13 -101.. 705 whera record was made on other than a fast 75036 Neptune 100 1:14 107X700 or good track, abbreviations show track 7503C Spear Shot ....... 104 x 700 conditions. 76036 No Lady 101J1:15 04.. 700 ZZiZZZ . Fourth Race 1 Mile and 70 Yards. rursc ,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming. Racine; starts at 1:45 p .m. Chicago time 12:45. Track record: Oct. 7, 1918 1:42 4113. Superior mud runner. XGood mud runner. ,n,n , -tnii-Aiv 7 kwyT"; Fair mud runner. M Maidens. .Apprentice n ItflwZ lltoxW allowance. bBlinkers. Jgg .J Vai" 15 3 IS First Eace 5-8 Mile. 74903 bMiracle Man . 102 1:40 4 103X715. Turse ,300. 2-year-olds. Fillies. Maidens. 75013 Staunch 101 1:45 5 101X715 Allowances. 74642 bNorth Walcj 102 1:44 4 103X 710 V Track record: April 26, 1914 59 2 95. 75069 Jocose 114 1:45 4 103. .705 ,-,,.. 74476 Bowsprit 90 l:46s 3 103X70O TO .Bogart .....109 1:54 14 93X700 Ind. Horse. Wt Roe. A.Wt Un,, 507 "Seibian 1111:41 7 98X700 74816 Best Beloved 115 1:01 115. .725 74735s Priscilla Buley ...114 1:00 115.. 720 Fifth Eace 3-4 Mile. 74898 Clinging: Vine 109 l:01m 115.. 715 iurel Special. 815,000 to the winner and plate 74735 TIday ..1121:00 115. .715 yaiued at S500. 74810 Elsbeth 101 l:01m 115.. 715 -year-olds 73298 Warning ....100,1:02. . 115. .710 Track record: Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 3 110. 74735 Memento 113 1:13 115.. 710 SABAZEN . . ..T 107 110 nRynnn 74980 Bags 104 1:02 115.. 710 ; - iSaso 1:11 Ho. .850 . .119 7410 Happy Thoughts 75007 Just Me - 115.. 700 74738 Mensis 115.. 700 Sixth Eace 3-4 Mile 75034 Poedie "i?"700 Inverness Claiming Handicap. Honey Gal 115 Pursc . All Ages. Track record: Oct. 2, 19231:113295. o Second a -a Eace i 1 Mile. i v , , Purse ,300. 3-year-olds. Claiming. 75012-bHidden Jewel ....110 1:12 7 103X.2j, Track record: Oct. 21, 1919 1:37 4 125. 75012 Lady Boss ....... 1U l:12m 3 106X0 . Wraith . 97 1:12 5 103Xlo 74777 Simoon 112 1:38 115.. 725 f Lactone 951:10 5 115X715 74862 Humboldt 110X 720 7 I 110 1 12bt-4 115715 Tri SaWyCr X S CMando" ....99 1:12 4 110X715 .jS?at 1:39 112.. 715 iz73UbAvsx 115 1:12 4 108.. 710 JSI-ZJS 74941 bDr. Charles Wells. 97 1:12 5 10S. .710 f,C;l TrS 102 1:42 v J?SXS2 75012 Baffles 115 1:12 3 104 X705 lfs -Suand Drakes: 99 1:40 ifcllB! 1$ I . 0 SS .wrnts-:::: iiS $::?5 803 :-107 1:13 2 89 x700 G8227 Vandciburg 108X700 Seventh Eaco 1 1-2 Miles. 74899 May Buddy M .. .110 1:43 108.. 7C0 Purrc ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. 74667 Gold Mount 10SX700 Track record: Oct. 11, 1919 2:23 3 103.. 74667 Eechabite M ... 103.. 700 74944 bRoyce Eools ..... 8 1120725 . . . 74915 Smarty 5 103 X720 ace3!JMl1 , . 75040 01d Welbourne ... 3 10OX715 Purse ,300. 2-year-olds. Claiming. 74936 Belle Amie 101 2:34 3 100X715 Track record: Oct. 2. 1923 1:11 3 110. 74944 bOld Faithful 105 2:34 5 112X710 74980 Fehrah 99 1:14 100X725 75037 Blarney Stone 97 2:32 5 11CX710 75036 Roman Girl 100X720 74974 Irish Pat 3 100. .710 75007 Omega ....109 1:lGm 104X715 74956 Dellahm 102 2:33 5 107.. 710 -74898 PJay On 107. .715 75037 Fitzrus 3 105X700 74980 Chief Archee 102 1:16 102X715 75040 Old Timor 3 101. .700 LAUREIj PARK JOCKEY PERCENTAGES. From Janaary 1, 1923, to October 15, 1923, inclusive. At or At r Over Oer Jockey. P.C. Wr. Mts. 1st 2d. 3d. Jockey. P.O. Wt Mts. 1st. 2d. 3d. McAtee. U 24 104 3S3 97 71 63 Babin, G .10 105 258 27 31 34 Walls, P. 21 103 549 113 84 92 Corey, G 10 108 134 13 8 IS Smallwood, E. ...... .18 108 363 65 03 40 Ambrose, B. ......... 09 408 100 8 12 16 Garrett, M. 17 80 289 48 37 24 Tarrington, T 09 112 54 5 10 6 Howard, H. 17 85 148 25 22 23 Costello, K. ...-.09 96 223 -21.12-18 Lang, C .17 104 497 84 71 68 Flynn, R. .09 100 185 17 14 17 Lee, F. .17 93 202 - 35 20 23 Thomas, J .09 103 75 7 7 7 Morris, L. 17 109 141 24 17 24 Tryon, A 08 102 12 1 0 0 Ball. R. .16 106 205 33 25 23 Williams. S .08 88 12 1 4 0 Callahan, J. 16 95 362 59 53 52 Prible. D; 07 95 41 3 4 3 Legere, B 10 102 184 29 32 29 Tborndyke, F. 07 100 27 2 2 0 Kummer, E 16 108 124 20 16 19 Bullman, S 07 107 71 5 ,5 7 Marinelli; B .16 102 311 49 33 41 Ward, L 06 05 69 " 4 8 2 Clavcr. A 13 102 378 56 60 76 Leylaud, J 06 95 17- 1 3 2 Pool, W. : .15 105 405 61 54 46 Rowan, J 06 109 143 9 17 - 17 McCarthy, E. .14 95 7 1 0 0 Finn, T 05 106 57 3 T 8 Robinson, C .14 110 47 7 3 Taylor, C. J 05 102 128 8 8 12 Chalmers, J . 13 93 433 59 64 48 Lilley, W 04 114 54 2 7 8 Corcoran, J 13 100 442 57 57 49 Bond, G 03 83 35 1 B 5 Farland, H .13 95 196 26 46 29 Breuning, G 03 104 29 1 2 1 Lowe. S 13 104 23 3 0 0 Huff, N. 03 107 37 1 4 2 McLane. S .13 103 137 18 6 11 Callahan, H 92 33 0 O 1 Schwartz, M. .... .12 108 103 13 14 12 Fisher, A. .. 90 4 0 0 0 Allen, A .12 108 7 9 7 9 King, G .. .. 108 7 0 1 0 Barnes, 15 ......11 105 223 25 20 24 McNamee,- R. . .. 102 20 0 2 6 Bryson, F -..11 90 198 22 19 22 Mcrgler, D 84 25 0 4 4 Josiah. E. ..... .. .11 109 37 4 0 2 Nicholson, O .. 100 8 0 0 1 Kessner, J .11 92 123 14 12 10 Ralston, A 93 2 0 0 0 Woodstock, F. 11103" 149 16 12 20 Bobbins. E .. 98 24 0 0 5 Roach, A. .. .11 102 246 20 31 29 Shanks, J 95 3 0 0 1 Roehm. E 11 107 123 14 12 12 Simon. M 98 16 0 0 0 Thomas. H. 11 "103 124 14 14 14 Smallwood, J. G 100-1 0 0 0 Pierce; B. -30 100 30 8 1 1 Tamaro, J 93. 5 0 0 0 lot DA PC C-S Mile. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Special Weijfht. 1 OL nMUL. April 2Gi 1914 50 2-5 295. Index Course DIst Time Tck Odds Wt St K Str Tin Jockeys Started Order of Finis BEST BELOVED, blk. f , 2 M 115 By Peter Pan Juliette II., by Marco. Trainer. S. L. Burch. Owner, S. X. Burch. 1 - Breeder, Eoss. "- 74816 Laurel SI f l:07fast 3 112 1 3 4s 2 P Walls 11 Beau Nash, Director, Batsman 74735 Laurel CI f l:07fast 6- 133 7 3 2l 31 B Marinellil2 DcarMaria, PriscillaRuley, Just 74286 Laurel 5 f 1:08 fast 11 115 7 3 2 2i C Lang- 10 T.fnlCarrle, EbbTide, -HtyLrtdj- 73764 Aqueduct 5-8 l:00fast 50 115 8 4 41 51 F CollelttilG Blissful, Tolima, Breakfast-Bell 73674 Belmont 5S f l:05fast 20 ll4 10 11 8 S McLane 11 LadyBellc; Rinkey, Peari Mesta PEISCILLA ETJXEY, b. f, 2 M .115 B7 Ambassador IV. The Beef, by Trap Bock. Trainer, J. McCormack. Ownerr. Belair Stud Stable. Breeder. Belair Stud. 74733 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 16-5 115 3 2 S 21 T Finn 12 Dear Maria, Best Beloved. Just 74639 Laurel 51 f l:06fast 11 112 4 2 2 2 T Finn 13 T.Exposure, BeauNash, EbbTide 74466 Laurel 61 f 1:07 fast 18 104 3 4l 41 T "Finn 9 Whetstone, Elsbeth, Gr. Carrie 7674 Belniont 51 f l:05fast 31 114 5 3 .3 41! T McTag-tll TadyBclIe. Rinkey, Pearl Mesta 73517 Belmont 3-4 MC l:llfast 50 104 6 5J 5 B Marinllil3 Tree Top, NeLMorse, Pr. Doreen 73372 Belmont 51 f l:05fast 30 105 T 6 6 71 B Marinlli 9 LyDiana, TreeTop, A.Mronell. 73320 Belmont 61 f l:06fast 5 114 3 2 2 4 F ColIetti 11 Fly By, Janet Blair. Nemesis CLIUGHf G VINE, b. f , 2 M 115 By Bard of Hope Eunningr Vine, by Transvaal. Trainer, H. J. Kennedy.: Owner, K.-N.-Gilpin. Breeder. J. B. Eespess. , 74898 Laurel 51 f l:09slop 12 115 3 2 G 5 S McLane OPlajOn, Kidnap, LaVaguo 74735 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 45f 115 5 4 4 5T S McLane 12 DearMaria, P.Ruley, B.Belovcd 74288 Laurel 61 f 1:08 fast 341 115 J 7 81 V S McLane 10 GfulCarrie, B.Belovcd, EbbTide 74101 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 7f 114 9 91 10" S McLane 13 Whetstone, Memento, Ebb Tide 73356 Timonm Abo-8 59fast 9 110 6" E Smwod 0 OurStar, F.GIoriosus, Ilneipectcd 73264 Freehold Ab5-8 l:03slow 3 110 3si W Obert 7 Dartaway, Damage, Skywards 73200 Freehold Ab 5-8 1:02 hvy . 12 111 4el H Myers 5 Lagoon, Buzz Saw, Norah TIDAT, b. g, 2 M 115 By Broomstick Julialeon, by Helmet. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner, G. W. Loft. Breeder. G. W. Loft. 74735 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 5 115 12 12 12 9" G Babin 12 DearMaria, P.Ruiey, B.Belovcd 73073 Saratoga 51 f l:05fast 12 112 10 8 7 5 G Babin 14 BobsMary, nourmore, BobCahill 72672 Saratoga 61 f l:06fast 10 112 18 11 lll 910 G Babin IS Klondyke. Sun Flag, Fly By 75487 Saratoga 5-8 1:00 fast 60 112 11 5, 6 51 G Babin 17 Mino. Husky. Fly By 72449 Saratoga 5-8 l:01hvy 30 112 7 13 13 12" G Babin 18 Swingalong, St. James, G.Arinor ELSBETH, b. f, 2 M 115 By Jim Gaffney Katriana, by Woolsthorpe. Trainer, H. Sites. Owner, Griff wood Farm Stable. Ereeder. J. E. Griffith. 74816 Laurel 51 f l:07fast 0 112 3 6 71 73J Thomas 31 Beau Nash, B.Belovcd, Director 74735 laurel 61 f l:07fast 10 115 S 9 81 V J Rowan 32 DearMaria, P.Ruey, B.Bcloved 74466 Laurel 61 f 1:07 fast S3 104 1 1 11 21 J Thomas 9. Whetstone, Gr.Carrie, Uris.Ruley 74196 H.deGce 61 f l:C6fast C3 100 2 5 4 8 J Thomas 10 Donaghee, Byron, "Frcderjcktown 74101 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 17 111 " t 4l 51 J Rowan 13 Whetstone, Memento; Ebb Tide 73895 H.deGce 6-8 1:02 mud 20 101 11 8 81 61 J Thomas 14 BlKArt, Plymara, SnowMaider G9758 Pimllco 1-2 49slow 9 103 1- 2 2 4 A Abel .5 Showy, Deep Thouzut, Jtags G9547 PImlico 41 f 59ifast 15 109 1 2 610 Cl A Abel 8 Y. Princess, CoL West, Fly.Fui WARNING, br. f, 2 M 115 By Pardner Zenda, by Jake. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner, D. L. Eichards. Breeder, X. N. Blackwell, Jr. 73298 Devshire 5-8 l:00fast 138 100 10 11 11 11" H Holmes 11 F.Mack, Atlantida, Leatherwood :3234 Devshire 5 f l:0Gfa8t 74 100 6 6 6 C!1 H Holmes 6 Colonel West, Energy, Deronda 73116 Devshire 6-8 1:01 fast 8f U2 12 32 12 12" H Holmes 12 Atlantida, S. Marie, Hermidale G9754 Pimllco 6-81:02 slow 39 107 3 4 6 6" S Bullman 7 Relentless, Wrrenton,. IlrnsliAl C9632 Pimlico 41 f 55 fast 30 102 7 3 3 41 E Bell . 8 Belle K., Fehrah, Sam Smith 19468 H.deGce 1-2 49 fat 7 114 14 14 14 14l E Legere 14 Neptune, Without, Uproar G9345 H.deGce 1-2 4S fast 8f 113115 Fell. G Alexdfal3 June Flower, Juledon, Dazzler MEMENTO, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Pennant Eemembrance, by Hamburg" or Broom. Trainer, .J.-Eowe. Owner, H. P. "Whitney. stick. Breeder, H. P. Whitney. 74735 Laurel 61 f.lK7fast 36-5 113 10 11 11" S L McAtcc 32 DearMaria, P.Ruley, B.Bolovc 74286 Laurel 51 f 1:03 fast 11-10 115 6 9 9 Si J CorcoranlO GfulCarrie, B.Beioved, EbbTid 74101 H.deGce 51 f l:07fast 2 114 7 5 5l 2 L McAtee 13 Whetsfe. EbbTide, P.andYelv 73821 H.deGce 5-8 1:01 fast 6 113 5 10 10l 91 J Thomas 14 Sunmagne, MoonStar, BeauNasl EAGS. b. f , 2.,CM US B7 Crimper Emerald Gem, by McGee. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, E. Parr. Breeder. J. S. Cosden. , 74980 Laurel r 341:15Erood 4 92 5 2 lk 41 S WliamslO Fehrah, Fredericktn. Wrkhori 74738 Laurel 1 l:41fast 13f 95 1 1 5k 8" D Mcrgler 11 Quinham, Bramton, Ebb Tide 74693 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 9 112 8 51 e" D Mergler 8 Gonfalon, Suppliant, Warrentoi 74514 Laurel 3-4 l:15fast 31 10J" 8 7 5 51 A Claver 14 La.Drole, Without. Vehement 74322 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 9f 10111 T tl A Claver 11 Trop. Water, Byron, Fderkfi 74169 H.deGce 8-4 l:12fat 17 113 .7 4 3i 4 E Barnes- 10 Moon Star, Helr-at-Law, Modes 74054 H.deGce Z-4 l:13fast 15f 97 11 8 t 5 F Lee 13 Leathered, SwMaiden, A.Horton JUST ME, b. f, 2 X 115 By Lough Foyle Gratis, by IsIIaEtem. Trainer. J., Brooks. Owner. H. E. Dulany. Breeder, H. E. Dnhury. 75007 Laurel 3-4 1:16 mud 22f 104 9 4 51 81 T Finn 13 Omega, WarrenLynch, Bramtca 74898 Laurel 51 f l:09slop 9f 110 8 S 8 SJT Finn 9 PlayOn. Kidnap, LaVasue 74666 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 14 103 7 5 71 E Lesere 9 Without, Stage Star. La Vasu MENSIS, ch. f. 2 M 115 By Ed Crump Drexel Hill, by Nasturtium. Trainer, J. Brooks. Owner, H. E. Dulany. Breeder. T. N. Page. 74738 .Laurel 1 l:41fast 52 100 9 9 10s 9" G Bond 11 Quinham, Bramton, Ebb Tide POEDIE, b. f , 2" M 7 .115 By Escoba Nepara, bySUr Shoot. Trainer, J. F. Schorr. Owner, C. Fellowes. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 75034 Laurel . 51 f l:0Smud 68 109 6 6 C 6" N Huff 6 PrlnccHamlet, B.Omar, Sparta HONEY GAL, ch. f, 2 M 115 By Under Fire -Olloqny, by EusseU. Trainer, O. Derosset. Owner, A. 3. Wells. Breeder, S. K. Nichols. First start. 3-year-olds. Claiming:. Oct. 21, .1919 1:37 3-5 2nd RACE y SIMOON, .ch. 3. 115 By Seahorse II. Moon Bear, by Magnificent. Trainer. G. E. Tompkins. Owner, G. E. Tompkins. Breeder. E. M. Weld. 74777 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 1 110 2 3 11 1 J Callahan G ScotchBrm. Philosopher, Mdufl 74660 Laurel- 1 1-1G l:43fast 38 100 6 5 4l 4 J Callahan 0 Thimble, Sun Thistle. Bighearl 74416 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 9 116 3 5 81 85J E AmbroselO Jimson. Suppliant, Rosa Yeta 72956 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 20 112 4 4 21 21 C Kummer 7 Rock rocket, Peddler, Rejection 72789 Saratoga 3-4 l:12fast 12 112 8 7 7l 6t0 C Kummer 9 High Hand, Skirmish, Peddler 71235 Aqueduct 1 l:44slop 15 113 12 10 81 8 C KummcrlS SprdEngle, IlighUand, Cooncan 71167 Aqueduct 61 f l:19fast 50 110 4 6 71 7" C Kummerlu Skyscraper, RosaYcta, H. Hand HUMBOLDT, b. c. 3 110 By Athelinjr II. Celesta, by Sempronius. Trainer, P. M. Burch. Owner, Nevada Stock Farm Stable. Breeder. Nevada Stoc Farm. 7486:: Laurel 1 1-16 1:48 fast 13 10G 7 7 6 31 F Lee 7 Bonfire, PoorSport. Insulate 71999 Hawthne 3-4 l:15slow 6 103 9 9 9 9" F Lee 9 Gor. Shaw, SanPablo, C.Enrique 71882 Hawthne lm70y l:44fast 5 101 1 1 li 41 F Lee 5 Flower Shop, Eddie Jr., Mis.Boy 71755 Hawthne 1 1-16 l:47fast 10 101 7 1 1 1" F Lee 13 Rliability, Dminatr. Dfounder 71645 Hawthne S-4 l:13fast 2 110 1 3 5 5 E Denny 13 Glenconoko, Roy. Spring, H.Finn 71289 Latonla 3-4 l:12fast G 110 7 G 61 M Garner 12 Tempting, Everhart, Rachel D. 66841 Bowie 7-8 l:28fast 28 10512 J 9 813 Lowe 12 FonLore, Rockltottoin. PayDeai G6384 Laurel 61 f l:0Sfast 3 115 5 4 41 71 B Parke 8 Gcn.Thatcher, SunMist, Dr.Hill EVELYN SAWYER, ch. f, 3 104 By Ballot Cyllene Crors, by Cyllene. Trainer. K. Patterson. Owner, K. Patterson. Breeder, Nevada Stock Farm. 75070 See todays chart. 73987 H.deGce 3-4 l:13slow lOf 102 10 10 81 81 J Chalmcrsl4 Royal Charlie, Tidings, Poppy 73863 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast If 107 11 11 71 71 F Lee 15 Faith, Vice-Chairman. Ha idee 73219 Saratoga 3-4 1:13 cood 30 101 7 8 7 Gi F Hastings 8 Skirmish, CaptCostigan, Bncada 73011 Saratoga 1 l:3Sfast 50 1011 8 12 8 10" E RobbinslS L.Antoine. Th.Square, Honorable 72363 Map.Hts 3-4 1:12 fast 12 103 6 4 5 3T1 S Banks 7 Athana. Adventuress, Cash 72257 Map.Hts 1 l:43hvy 14-5 101 5 3 51 5 F Horn 8 Zapatos, P. Express, K.Cpenter 72072 Map.Hts 51 f l:05fast 15 106 2 2 3 3 E Robblns 12 BrownBelle, OldTop. Full o Fn n;SULAIE, br. f. 3 112 By Black Jester Electric Fuse, by Henry the First. Trainer, G. C. Winfrey. Owner, G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. P. M. Walker. 74945 Laurel 1 1-4 2:10slop 32 93 5 7 S R. Pierce 8 Smarty. Fitzn-e, BelleAmle 74862 Laurel 1 1-16 1:48 fast 12-10 104 4 5 51 tl P Walls 7 Bonfire, PoorSport. Humboldt 74608 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48fast 5 97 4 4 3 2 G Bond 8 Haidcc. Bonfire. Col. Whallen 74520 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 48 97 1 5 5 51 G Bond 8 L.Myra. Belphrizonia, Rejection 74421 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 5 108 1 6 4 5T1 S McLane 8 Belphrizonia. Poor Sport, Bendita 74053 H.deGce 1 l:42faat 7-5 107 5 1 14 11 S McLane 8 Sea-Wolf, Viol.Biue, Redbrand 69829 rimlico S-4 l:12fast 10 103 4 10 10 10 S McLane 12 Mabel K.. Admirer, Poor Sport HAIDEE, b. f, 3 107 By Theo Cook Little Eock, by Trap Bock. Trainer. M. Demarest. Owner. G. C. Smith. Breeder. E. F. Simms. 74802 Laurel 1 1-16 1:4S fast 31 95 5 4 4" 51 H Howard 7 Bonfire. PoorSport, Humboldt 74668 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 21 97 1 1 1 1 H Howard 8 Insulate, Bonfire, Col. Wballei 74561 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 12 93 6 2 2 3 H Howard 8 JewellV.D., Bhrizonia, Bliancl 74371 Laurel 3-41:13fast 11-5 1021 8 4 4 41 G Taylor 10 Joseph Brant. Finality, Feodor 74147 H.deGce lm70y l:4Gfast 41 99 4 1 l"k 2 F Lee 8 MnlioscII., Explosive, Secretrj 73863 H.deGce 3-4 l:15fast if 104 3 4 3 35 W Pool 15 Faith, Vicc-Chairman, Sea-Woli 72346 Empire lm"0y 1:43 fast 20 90 8 2 31 6" J J DwsonlO Hillsdale. Acosla. Tarn 72313 Empire Ab 3-4 l:10fast 30 101 8 14 13 13 C Taylor 15 Liberty Girl. Trite, Maize 71783 Empire ImTOy 1:47 fast 5 931 9 3 2 3 C Taylor 15 Tarn, Fluff. Pelion SEA TAG, blk. f. 3 105 By Atheling EC. Suavita, by St. Leonards. Trainer. A. Swenke. Owner, A. Swenke. Breeder. Nevada Stock Farm. 75069 See todays chart 74859 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 25f 103 11 12 13 13 E Legere 15 Colando. Rhinegold. ScaSand 74371 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 23 101 2 5 7 8" J ChalmerslO Joseph Brant, Finality. Feodor 74175 H.deGce lm70y l:46fast 7-5 106 4 2 21 2 A Roach S Dumbfder, MayBuddy, Sectary 74172 H.deGce 3-4 l:13fast 43 103 . 8 7l 6i J Chalmers 9 V.-Chairman, Ticaeey. Far East 73675 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 21 104 4 8 9 9" F Sharpe 9 Knighthd, SnnBrae. Dr.C.WelU 7110S Dorval 3-4.1:12fast 12 97.4 E 9 9" R Costello 9 Cordelier. IraWilson, Itadiant 70708 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:16slop 43 93 5 3 11 2 R Costnlloll Kirah, Black I.aby, War Tank, 69469 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 14f 100 15 13 14 15" B MariellilS Fnsee, Hereafter, Rhinegold 69317 H.deGce 3-4 l:14fast 28 95 14 14 14 14 R Costellol4 ricnic. Forest Queen. Fusee 69152 Bowie 3-4 l:15fast 28f 99 3 1 4l 5T1 R Costelloll Papillon, Uillhouse, Sultan BAY L b. f, 8 112 By Wrack Kilcroa, by Stalwart. Trainer. T. E. Cumminirs. Owner, W. W. Loney. Breeder. Belair Stud. 74333 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:48fast 90 107 6 9 9 S F Bryson 9 Darniey. Dancer, Roisterer 73845 -Dufferin 7-8 l:32fest- 6- 105 3 F Watrous 8 Allah, Kingling H., Uncle Jerry 73641 Dufferin 61 f l:26fast 4 104 Gl F StevuM 6 Buckwht, LilacTime, SirLeonid 73639 Dufferin Ab 5-8 l:02fast 13 107 3l R McDott 8 Avion. LadyBinmore, M. Holland 73566 Dufferin 6 f 1:27 slow 31 101 31 F Bryson 8 Buckwheat. Reformer, Arragosa DUCES AND DEAKES, b. g, 3 .103 By Thistleton The Loon, by Grebe. Trainer, T. J. Healey. Owner, B. T. Wilaos.. Breeder. J. M. Whelan. 74818 Laurel 1 1:41 fast 10 1051 8 6 51 V B Marir.clU12 R.Rools. K.of theHr. M.Maiim 74641 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48fast 17 101i 1 6 3 3 D Nichson 8 Com.Ci. FrkMonroe, K.of tHer 74469 Laurel 11-18 1:47 fast 21 98 T 4 6i O Nichson 7 King John, Smarty, Sea-Wolf 74374 Laurel 1 1-8 1:54 fast 21 102 T 4 4 51 J Callahan 7 The Forgner, Zouave, Invigtor 73943 H.deGce lm70y 1:51 mud 12 1031 4 4 6 4i D Nichson S Jew.V.D., H. Baker, Cote dOt 73867 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:43fast 22 95 T 6 5" H Callhan 7 Lunetta, Wcstwood, Bluffer 73107 Saratoga 1 l:33fast 30 99 4 6 6 61 E Gorman 8 Y.St-ir, Carmcncita, K.Charmg 72891 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 8 1031 9 8 9 914 B Marincllil3 R.Mtaln, Rccdation. L.Antbln FOXTAIL, b. g, 3 115 By Short Grass Triple Crown, by Star Shoot. Trainer, H. Fuller. Owner, Mrs. E. H. Josiah. Breeder. Short Grass Stud. 75013 Laurel 1 1-lfi 1:51 mud 76 H41 3 9 9 9 J Rowan Rupee. Ettahe Lady Zus 74903 Laurel 1 1-16-l:51slop 6f 106 4 7 101 10" M Garrett 15 Cote dOr, Zouave, Rupee 74776 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 36f 117 8 12 13 12 E Josiah 11 Rhinegold, Valentia, The Lamk 74606 Laurel . 3-4 l:13fast 18f 114 4 6 10 10" E Josiah 13 Camouflage, Sagamore, Reprisal 73720 Dorval 1 l:42fast 19-10 105 2 1 1 11 E Josiah 6 LaDerniere, BlarneyRose. McTak 73632 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 8 105 6 2 21 31 P Groos 7 T.sPlnra. n.Artillcry, I.Wilsoa 73492 B.Bnnets 51 f l:07slow 28 114 7 3 3 31 J Rowan 8 H.Artillery, MaxGold, M. Jumbo 73381 B.Bnnets 3-4 1:14 f as t 4-3 111 7 2 71 71 E Josiah 8 Dif.Eyes, FlorceDcen-. Dix.Dick 73322 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:15mud 44 112 10 4 9 Sl E Josiah 10 Pchwork, SunBrae, Assy.Queea 72697 Dclmier Ab OrS 1:C3 fast 11 111 6 E Josiah 5 DixieDick, Gonwithim, BigNois 72617 Delmier Ab61 f l:23fast 10 111 Pulled up. E Josiah 6 Assume, Gonwithim, Dixie Die WEST- PITTSTON, b. f , 3 107 By Sweep Santa Maria, by Golden Maxim. Trainer. J. Boden. Owner, Triple Springs Farm" Stable. Breeder. P. T. Chinn. 73460 B.Bnnets 1 1-8 l:55fast 1 91 6 1 2i 4i H Howard 3 TheClockmender, Royden, Ajom 73046 Cnaught lm70y l:46fast 31 89 4 1 1 Is H Howard 9 Mouette, Tantalus. StmiglitShot 72673 FortErie 3-4 l:16good 7 98 7 7 51 51 H Howard 7 LilacTime, Hartelle. GrnSpring 71299 Hamton 1 O T 1:10 fast 12 90 8 8 9 9" H Howard 9 RoyalDuck, Fornovo, Belphriza 70709 B.Bnnets 1 l:!3slop 9 93 6 6 6 5,4,H Howard 6 Caladiiim, Brilliance, Pampas G9450 H.deGce" lin70v I:4Sfast 41-10 101 11 3" 11 21 A Abel 11 ZeusLassie. Zeureka. Blue Tony VANDEEBTJEG, g.. c, 3 ... .108 . By Vandergrift Ave Eussell. by EusselL Trainer. A. C. Porretto. Owner. W. J. Kramer. Breeder, B. VHey and Sons. 68227 Jefferson 51 f 1:08 fast 8 100 7 4 4l o10 A Abel 7 BetterTimcs. Eliz.Bean, Contour 68091 F.Grhds 3-4 1:14 good 21 114 5 3 34 4 L Lyke 11 P.Sport, P.Brown, Win.TakeAU 68071 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15hyy 32 114 4 8 8 6 L Lyke 9 StumpJr., Sultan, W.aywassamo 67239 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 good 15 104 4 . 2 6 6J C Lang 0 Anonymous, Vcnnie, Rock Salt G7029 Jefferson . 51 f ,1:12. mud 4 116 2 5 61 6" J Corcoran 7 Untried, Permarco SettingSun 06834 Bowie 61 f 1:08 fast 21 114 9 8 8 81 F Weiner 12 RgHomc, Noel, D.E.OSullivan MAY BUDDY, ch.--c. 3 M T 108 By Eosturtium Bird Cage, by Wirein". Trainer. G. Luckey. Owner, T. P. Welsh. Breeder. F. S. Peabody. 74899 Laurel 1 l:44slop 10 113 2 4 5 4 J Chalmers 7 ScotchBrm, Macduff, Redbrand 74668 Laurel 1 1-16 l:48fast 14 103 5 7 71 71 J Chalmers 8 Haldee, Insulate, Bonfire 74323 I-aurel lm70y l:45fast 29 -102 6 7 8 Ci J Chalmers 8 MtnRosell., K.John, C.Whlea 74175 H.deGce lm70y l:4Gfast 12 103 1 1 1 3 J Chalmers S Dbfounder, Sea-Wolf, Secretary 74053 H.deGco 1 l:42fast 63 110 2 3 3 5si W Lilley 8 Insulate, Sea-Wolf, Violet Blue 73825 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:51 fast 10f 110 10 13 13l 12" W Lilley 14 King John, Lit.Ammie, Tingling 72316 Hawthne 3-4 l:13fast 21 313 3 3 2 21 E Petzoldt 7 Palladium, Rhinegold. Dustprf 71916 Hawthne 3-4 l:12fast 10 305 5 7 6l 71 R Doyle 14 JakieUay, Winnipeg, Rhinegold 62079 Churchill 41 f 54slow 13 110 5 6 6 C B Kenndy G Poppye, Hughes Graham. Corto GOLD MOUNT, ch. g, 3 M 108 By Mont dOr JX Falltam BaU. by Olambala. Trainer, T. Lynn. Owner, E. K. Bryson. Breeder, E. T. Wilson. 74667 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 64 112 8 9 9 9" L Morris 10 Rosa Yeta, Quinham. Sea-Wol 74464 Laurel 3-4 l:12fasc 35 102 7 6 71 S J Leyland 8 BIueHawk, Superlative, T.Lamb 74172 ILdeGce 3-4 l:13fast 104 101 7 5 60k 710 J Leyland 9 V.-Chairnian, Ticaeey, Far East 68286 Jefferson 3-4 l:14fast 12 105 10 10 10 10" F Murphy 10 B.Leigbton, Chiva. Tender Seth C7602 F.Grnds 3-4 l:15fast 7 304 11 4 4l 31 G Mein 11 Radiant, Sw.andPty. Sw.Mama G7381 Jefferson 3-4 1:15 fast 10 303 8 7 G 61 E Kummerll Bodazzle, Ormont, Rerk G7145 Jefferson 6-8l:04hvy 3 103 6 4 4 41 E Smwod 9 Permarco, Ternandos, Begnm G7107 Jefferson 51 f 1:09 good 5 115 6 1 2 2s E Smwod 9 Majority. First Blush, Yorick G6876 Bowio 3-4 l:14fast 38 101 7 4 4 3 G Mein 11 Belphriza, MalielK., D.andDkes 66827 Bowio 61 f 1:09 fast 6 114 7 4 4 31 C Lanir 12 Caladium. Reeliabite, Spin.Flax EECHABITE, b. g, 3 M . 103 By Fayette Teetotal, by Desmond. Trainer, C. Manley. Owner, D. Gummel. Breeder, H. R. Dulany. 74667 Laurel S-4 l:13fast 21 107 7 5 4 Gt0 S WliamslO Rosa Yeta, Quinham. Sea-Wolf 7441G Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 12 116 7 7 7l 71 L Allen 10 Jimson, Suppliant, Rosa Yeta G6827 Bowie 51 f 1:09 fast 23 114 3 2 2 2 B Parke 12 Caladium. GoldMount, Spin.Flax 66316 Laurel 3-4 l:16fast llf 100 2 7 Gi S1 S McLane 8 Vigil, Daniel, Dunlin C5576 H.deGce 51 f l:0Sfast 126 100 7 7 8 8" S McLane 4 Pdential. Sosr.Aroon. Dghregan 61581 Pimlico 1-2 49fast 17-6 112 3 2 21 3 D Stirling 5 Bucado. Catapult, Reap G1505 Pimlico 41 f 55mud 28 112 5 6 5 5 D Stirling 13 Paul Micou, itacquetta, Papillon ; 2-year-olds. Claiming:. Oct, 2, 1923 1:11 2-5 V-. 2prJ RAQE ZxoXf FEHRAH. br. f. 2 100 By Flittergold Mint Drop, by Irish Lad. Trainer, J. Arthur. Owner. J. Arthur. - Breeder. Himyar Stud; 74980 Laurel 3-4 l:13good 7 96 6 3 2 1 R Pierce 10 Fderickfn. Wrackhorn. Rags 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 8 100 1 3 4" 21 H Howardl.3 Normana, Jackson, Vultilla 74521 Thcliffe 51 f l:0Sfast 7 105 1 6 41 2n K Ericksnin Scastake, Mollie It., Zillah 74328 Thcliffe 3-4 l:15fast 31 104-1 10 O IVs H Holmes 11 Fl.Princess, Odd Seth, Malvern 74149 Woodne . 51 f l:06fast 11 105 4 8 9 910 C Taylor 9 Ombrage, Parthema, J.ittleClair 73999 Woodne 3-4 lrl3fast 9 99 4 1 2 41 P Walls IV FlectPrincess, Malvern, OddSetu 73233 JDevshire 5-8 1:01 fast 5 102 2 2 l" 21 W Fronk 10 Whiff,. Sarah Ginger, Bigwig 7283G Kenilwh 51 f l:06fast 7 100 1 7 7 Gsi J -Wallace 8 RedWeed, Little Clair,. Crescent 72563 FortErie 51 f l:08fast 10 107 2 4 7 G5JT Wilson 8 Odd Selh. Chief Archee, Metsoa ROMAN GIEL. ch. f . 2 106 By Peter Quince Lilly. B., by McGee. I Trainer. J. G. Wagnoh. Owner, M. J. Beid. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 75036 Jaurel 3-t l:15mud 5 104 4 1 l1 l1 E Legere 11 SaraliGinger, Without, SpearShot f 74900 Laurel 1 l:42slop 11 102 4 2 2 2 E tgere G Mender, AnnaUorton, Dowry 1 74738 Laurel 1 l:41fast 99 94 6 8 71 6T1 H Howafdll Quinham, Bramton, Ebb Tide 74466 Laurel 51 f 1:07 fast 60 113 3 9 9 91 C Robson 9 Whetstone, Elsbeth, Gr. Carrie 73233 Devshire 5-8 1:01 fast 4 104 7 7 61 6 A Roach 10 Whiff. Fehrah, Sarah Ginger1 72055 Hawthne 5-S l:00faet 8- 106 7 5 5 5 A Roach 9rret.Politician, Snowdcn. Whiff 70856 B.Bnnets 5-8 l:01rdst 7-5 114 2 2 21 4 A "Roach 7"Malvern. Ombrage, Snownen 70566 Thcliffe 5-8 lrf4hvy 18-5 110 6 4 4 21 M Schwtz 7 LyQksilver, Fehrah,-F.Prccss 70091 Wdblne- 5-S"l:04hvy 3-2 106 "4 5 5 31 A Roach 8 S?sAlibi," I.Bachelor.Toscanelll 69523 H.deGce" 41 f 54rast 31-10 111 4 .8 51 2 A Roach S JuliaM..Jackson, A; J. Buja t ". . " - ..... : r n ; . , i i . . - Cpatinoed u tenth, page. 1 . . ,. c- LAUREL ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES Continued from Feventh page. MEGA, ch. f . t 104 By. Meelick Gay ud Festive, hy Knight of the Trainer, K. Hinch. Owner, B. H. Harris. Thistle. Breeder. G. L. Blackford. 75007 Laurel 3-4 1:1 mod 11-5 109 6 1 l1 . ll B Legere 13 War.Lynch, Bra m ton. Altissimo 7139S Aqueduct 41 t 52fast 20 105112 12 12 12 G Babln 10 A.Marronell.. Parthema, Salacia PLAT ON, blk. f , 2 . 107 By Play Square Maxie Taylor, hy Marta Santa. Trainer, T. J. Donohne. Owner. C. X. Whiting. Breeder. E. Lauderdale. 74898 Laurel 51 f-l:09slop 19-5 115 2 1 1. VI L McAtee 9 Kidnap. La Vague, LadyMabel, 74735 Laurel 51 f l:07fcfast 45f 115 4 7 101 12" A Clover 12 DcarMaria. P.Ruloy. B.Beloyed 74563 Laurel 611:03 fast 3281 112 2 3 31 91 A Claver 12 Whiskers, H.-at-Law, Snpplnt 72731 FortErie 51 f l:06fast 11 300 .7 "7 7 7" P Walls 7 Drumstick, Fast Mack, Maivesn 72626 FortErio 5-S l:05mud Gi 110 2 3 3 23 P Walls 7 Briar Sweet. Tea Cosy. Fear 72469 Hamton 51 l:07fast 27 105. 8 .7 1 7" F Stevens 8 Yrana, Ombrage. StrutM.Lizsie 69406 H.deGce 1-2 48 fast 6f 113 I 1 Sl 61 J Wallace 15 Sunny Light, Off Color. Duekj PH ARCHEE, b. c, 2 103 By Marathon Elwah, hy Chuctanunda. Trainer, H. O. Bedwell. Owner. Kenton Stable. Breedors. Payne and West. 74980 .Laurel 3-4 I:15good il 104 10 10 30 If" H ThomaslO Fehrah. Frcdericktn. Wrkhorn 74054 H.deGce 3-4 l:1314fast 9f 102 6 12 12 12 J ChlmerslS Leatherd. SwMaiden, A.Horton 73233 Dev3hiro 5-81:01 fast 14-5 115 3 3 51 531 J Pcvic 10 Whiff, Fehrah, Sarah Ginger 73144 Devshire 51 f 1:08 fast 13 108 3 3 5l 81 W Fronk 11 I.Thghts, An.IIorton, Sir Glen 72836 Kenilwh 51 f l:06 23-10 110 3 3 31 74 E Taplin 8 RedWeed. Little Clair. Crescent. 72628 FortErie 51 f l:llmud 21 113 1 3 6 6" E Scobio 0 Little Clair, Metson. Star Cloudy 72563 FortErie 61 f l:0S4fast 17-10 114 4 2 ll 2and E Taplin 8 Odd Scth, Metson. Halbert 72489 Hamton 51 f 1:08 fast Sl-10 10813 1 11 ll E Scobie 9 Aunt Jane. Helen Cook. Malvern BYRON, ch. f, 2 111 By Sir Martin Mercadel, hy The Commoner. Trainer, M. J. Murphy. Own nr. S. Louis. Breeder. E. T. Oxcard. 74738 Laurel 1 l:41fast 10-10 113 2 7 810" F Lee 11 Quinham, Bramton, Ebb Tide 74644 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 61 106 3 2 2 31 E Legere 0 Leathcrwd, A.Horton, T. Water 74418 Laurel 1 l:42fast 8 108 8 2 21 21 F Lee 9 SnowMaidcn, EbbTidc, Gay Ben 74322 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 8 115 2 2 2! 2 W Liliey 11 Trop. Water, Fderkfn. A.Hton 74196 H.deGce 51 f l:06fast 29 103 1 2 2 2 F Lee 10 Donaghee, Frederkfn, S.Maiden 74054 H.deGce 3-4 l:13Vyast 9 "116 8 9 81 Vi J Rowan 33 Leatherd, SwMaiden, A.Horton 73937 H.deGce 51 f l:08V"mud 24 113 10 8 S 6" G Mem 12 McAuliffe, Sunny Sal. Sarko 73861 H.deGco 51. f 1:08 fast 17 H5 12 11 91 52 G Mein 13 Bees, Sarko. Anna Horton NORMANA, h. f, 2 109 By Superman Washerwoman, hy Earla Mor. Trainer, J. Beamish. Owner, "W. C. Baines. Breeder. H. T. Oxnard. 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 6f 105 7 2 l1 lJP Walla 13 rehrah. Jackson, Vultilla 73841 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:02 fast 9-10 108 2l W Taylor r. Belle Isle, Sleigh Bells, Calcdon 73226 Cnaught 51 f l:07fast 9-5 104 5 2 2 2P Walls 0 Ombrage, Malvern, Argumental 73109 Cnausht 51 f l:07fast 13-5 108 3 3 1 li P Walla 8 Toscanelli, TeasReady, S.sAlit.l 72480 Hamton 61 f 1:08 fast 6 95 7 5 6 5 J Chalmers 9 Ch. Archee, AuntJane. Hel.Cook 72451 Hamton 51 l:08fast 31-30 314 9 I 7 71 R McDott 9 Metson. Cli. Archee, Star Cloudy 72354 Hamton 5-8 l:01fast 5 110 S 5 41 4s! R McDott 10 nclen Cook, Ch. Archee, Fehrah 71529 Hamton 6-8 l:00fast 17 112 7 4 6i G T Wilson 8 AuntJane, S.M.Lizzie, V.Burton 71491 Hamton 5-8 l:00andfast 8 111 2 4 4l 5 F Sharpa 7 Fast Mack, Stage Coach, Pecific 71293 Hamton 5-8 l:01fast 6 309 5 2 2 ll E Scobie C Ch.Archee, Tig.Tim, Aunt Jane 70566 Thcliffe 5-S l:04hvy 7-5 112 6 5 51 611 E Smwod 7 LyQksilver, Rom.Girl, Fehrah IDLE THOUGHTS, ch. f, 2 105 By Dick Finnell Lady Manager, hy Tho Manager. Trainer. J. G. Wagnon. Owner. M. J. Roid. Breeder. W. S. Threlkeld. 74980 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 14 99 1 1 31 Pi F Lee 10 Fehrah, Frcdericktn. Wrkhorn 74775 Laurel 3-4l:14fasf 21 113 6 7 61 91 L McAtee 13 Normana, Fehrah, Jackson 74322 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 22 106 9 9 9l 91 A Roach 11 Trop.Watcr, Byron, Fderkfn 7419G H.deGce 51 f l:08fast 10 105 6 6 7" 9si A Roach 10 Donaghee, Byron, Frcdericktown 73298 Devshire 5-8 l:C0andfast 41 112 4 6 61 51 A Roach 11 F.Mack, Atlantida, Leathorwood 73144 Dcvshiro 51 f 1:08 fast 31 110 4 2 1 1 A Roach 11 An.Hbrton, SirGIen, P.Politicn 72927 Kenilwh 51 f 1:07 fast 5 107 4 3 l1 1 A Roach 13 A.Horton. CharlotteB., Lit.Claii 72836 Kenilwh 61 f l:06fast 17-5 106 5 4 61 6 A Roach 8 RedWeed, Little Clair, Crescent 71177 Dorval 5-8 l:00fast 21 116 5 2 2l 4l A Roach 6 Odd Seth, Trafalgar, Malvern 71073 Dorval 5-8 1:00 fast 47-10 112 1 2 21 3 J Chalmers 4 Donaghee, Suppliant, Hermidc 70668 B.Bnnets E-8 1:01 fast 6 119 2 2 4 672 A Roach 7 Donaghee. StarCloudy. OddSeth TRAFALGAR, hr. g, 2 110 By Rapid Water Alberta H hy Handspring. CTrainer, W. Irvine. . Owner, E. F. Whitney. Breeder. G. W. J. Bissell. 74980 Laurel 3-4 l:15good 89 1U 3 S S1 91S E SmwodlO Fehrah, FredericUfn, Wrkhorn 74775 Laurel 3-4 l:14fast 27 110 13 13 13 13" E Legere 13 Normana. Fehrah, Jackson 74644 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 112 108 9 8 61 Sl S Bullman 9 Leatherwd, AnnaHorton. Byron 74516 Laurel 51 f l:07tast 109 106 8 8 8 8" W Pool 9 S.M.Lizzie, O.Color, K.Ransom 73861 H.deGce 51 f 1:08 fast 3f 115 Wheeled. E Smwodl3 Bees, Sarko. Anna Horton 71889 FortErie 61 f l:07fast 24 103 4 6 6 6" H Callhan C Parthema. Dr. OMara, Julia M 71726 FortErio 51 f 1:10 slow 13 100 5 6 C 61 H Callhan 7 D.Thught, S.M.Lizzie, AuntJan 71440 Hamton 5-8 l:00fast IS 111 7 8 81 S11 J Rowan 9 V.Burton, DpThought, Donaghei JIMSOK, hr. g, 2 101 By Jim Gaffney Damson, hy Ethelbert. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, 3. B. Cosden. Breeder. S. K. Nichols. 75009 Laurel 5-3 l:00mud ,14. 1091 8 7 7 6 C Lang 9 T.Bxposure, Y.Pnceas, Cockney 74926 Belmont 3-4 MC l:13slop 12 104 10 6 7 7" S WilliamslO Ducky, MissDomino, Dante 74819 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 15 110 4 S 3 41 G Babln b Whetstone. TimeExpose. Hnsky 74695 Laurel 1 l:38fast 61 110 5 4 4 5 C Lane 6 Rustic, Fluvanna. K.sRansom 74607 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 16 1071 7 41 31 C Lang 8 SunnySal, Cockney, Ruddy Light 74416 Laurel 3-4 l:33fast 31 107 1 1 Ik 1C Lans 10 Suppliant, Rosa Yeta. DearMaria 74320 Laurel 51 f l:07ast 31 115 7 4 S31C Lang 8 Modest, Suppliant, Beau Nash 72241 Empire Ab 3-4 1:10 fast 5 112 8 7 71 7i C Lang 12 NoonFlre, GqldBug. PrinccLpold 73120 Empire .51 f 1:07 fast 3 107 1 4 31 51 C Lang 12 Laurano, Flax, Prince Leopold 71874 Empire 51 f 1:08 fast 9-5 112 2 2 1 lf C Lang 7 Sue Donovan, SIcepyHcad, Sting 71745 Empire 51 f lWjifast 13-5 112 1 1 U 2 C Lang 12 Thorndale. Dazzler." Modest tDIsqualif ied f or foul. . . NEPTUNE, ch. g, 2 107 By Sea King Harvest Qneen, by Peep oDay. Trainer. Wm. Garth. Owner, J. S. Cosden. Breeder. "W. Garth. " 75636 Laurel 3-4 l:15mud 3 107 9 9 9l fI S Wllamsll Rom. Girl, Sar. Ginger, Without 74778 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 9 100 S 3 5 5JS Wliams 7 Gonfalon, Cockney, Modest 73933 Aqueduct 3-4 lilSslop 13-5 108 1 3 4 4 G W Croll 5 Fridayl3th, Drumbeat, Es.dOro 73582 Belmont 51 f 1:06 fast 8 110 12 6 10s 101 D Mergler 13 The Poet, Drumbeat, Lee Adrin 73174 Saratoga 3-4 l:15hvy 13-5 117 2 1 41 6i C Lang 8 Economist, Apology, Fredtowu 72764 Saratoga 51 f l:07good 10 103 1 Fell. C Lang 10 Rival, Lester Doctor, Sunayr V250I Saratoga 51 f l:06fast 5 112 1 1 11 4 C Lang 12 Billy Warren. Dncky. Batsman 72466 Saratoga 51 f 1:08 good 16-5 110 2 1 ll 1 G Lang 5 Ormesvale, Sunayr, Passport SPEAR SHOT, b. e, 2 104 By Assagai Maglo Shot, hy Magic. Trainer. E. E. Watson. Owner, E. E. Watson. Breeder, W. S. Kilmer. 75036 Laurel 3-4 l:15mud 34 110 6 5 4 41 P Walls 11 Bom. Girl, Sar. Ginger, Without 74523 Thcliffe 61 f 1:07 fast . 24 95 4 8 81 8" J Woods 12 Baffles. Knighthd, HyArtillery 73738 Dufferin Ab 5-8 l.-02fast 104 1 W Taylor 8 Belle Isle, Sir Glen. Pacific 73637 Dufferin Ab 5-8 1:03 fast 5 105 3 W Taylor 7 Pacific, Belle Isle. Salt Shot 73188 Devshire 5-8 l:01fast 24 110 3 2 7 31" 1 G Corey 12 Prin.Aino. F.Rufflcs, Pollymara 69577 Pimlico 1-2 4Sfast 4 110 7 9 11 "10" A Johnsonl3 SirGIch, AuntJane, HappyNIghl 69468 H.dcGce 1-2 49 fast 24 116 3 Z 3l 41 A Johnsonl4 Neptune, Without, Uproar NO LADY. hr. f, 2 94 By Wrack Star Lady,, by Star Shoot. Trainer, H. Garth. Owner, B Parr. Breeder. A. B. Hancock. 75036 Laurel . 3-4 l:35mud 3 110 11 10 10s 101 C Lang 11 Rom. Girl, Sar. Ginger. Without 74857 Laurel 51 f 1:08 fast 8 112 7 10 9i 5:i C Lang 25 MucliAdo, Sligo. OurStar 74775 Laurel 3-4 l;14andfast 10 106 11 10 81 101 J Corcoranl3 Normana, Fehrah, Jacksoa 74328 .Laurel . M l:13fast 9f .1011 8 5. 51 73 P Walls 11 Trop.Watcr, Byron, Fderkfn 73861 H.deGce 61 f 1:08 fast 3f 115 11 33 11s 30 C Lancr 13 Bees, Sarko. Anna Horton 72791 Saratoga 5-8 59V4fast 5 108 7 8 81 5S C Turner 13 Eventide, Postillion, Mitau VUTi DA PC 1 Mile arid 70 Yards. 3-year-oldsr and upward. Claiming-. Oct. lll nMUt. 7; 1018 -1:42 1-5 4113. EOUEN, h. g, 7 108 By St. Aniant Kaffir Fowl, by Gallinnl. i Trainer. A. Brent Owner. A. Brent!. Bred in England by J. Sanford. 75010 Laurel 1 1-16 1:50 mud 19 304 10 12 13 91 J Chalmers 12 F.Monroe, Cote d.Or, M.Maxim 74527 Thcliffe 1" 1-16 l:47fast 34-5 310 3 4 61 i .D Stirling 13 Vacuum, Roseate, Bolster 74426; Thcliffo 1 1-16 l:47Vfefast 61 109 8 1 1 ?1 D Stirling 9 Tr.Blazer, S.Lconid, L.ChneeII. 74297 Tlicliffe 1 1-8 llfast 7 113- 5 4 21 5 D Stirling 8 SkeerFace, H.M.Stevens, Bolster 73770 Dorval 1 1-16 l:4Gfast 5 105 8 7 61 63 L Aron 9 Hohokus, Piedra, T.ackraender 73635 Dorval lm20y l:4l74fast 5 1U 2 7 71 5s D Stirling 10 Huttontrope,- Dancer, Tamir 73539 Dorval . 11-3 1:56 slow 33-10 109 7 2 P 51 J Chalmers 8 Hohokus, SandyBeal, Pir.McGee 73355 B.Bnneta 1 1-8 l:55?fast 1 111 3 3 41 51 J Chalmers 9 Tamper, Fannie Nail, Jacquerie 6PUGS. h. g. 5 109 By Charles EdwardShoo Fly, hy Meddler. f Trainer, G. A. Alexandra. Owner, A. Alexandra, Breeder, E. Rucker. 75010 Laurel 1 1-36.1:50 mud 6 113 6 6 61 6i B Marinellil2 F.Monroc, Cote dOr. M.Maxim 74818 Laurel 11:41 fast 14f 108 U 4 8s 68i J Chalmersl2 R.Rools, K.of theHr. M.Maxim 74210 Woodne 1 1-16 l:48andslow 5 . 98. 2 3 3 31 F Stevens 9 Vennie, High Speed. Belle Amie 73744 Dufferin 1 1-16 1:55 fast 21-10 107 51 H Holmes C Wylie. Devonite, Citizen 73568 Dufferin 7-8 l:33slow 10 114 41 G Alexdra 8 Wild Flower, Devonite, Betsinda 73253 Devshire 3t4 l:13fasi 5 108 8 7 and 7 J Wallace 8 Dentaria, Black Deer, -Arragosa 71737 Devshire lrr70y 1:57 mud 19-10 1C9 4 M Schwtz 7 Booneville, Tamper, Fitz-Boodle 71606 Devshire 11-161:47 fast 10 110 6 H Zander 6 151. "Hackle, M. Rose II., Murray 70751 B.Bnnets 1 "l:465imud 41 3141 2 5 6 6. G Alexdra 7 Jacoues, Despair. Zed COL. WHALLEN, b. g; 3 - 101 By Dick Welles Roda, by Dr. Leggo. Trainer. M. J. Murphy. Owner. S. Louis. Breeder. J. P. Baker. 75010 Laurel 1.1-16 .1:50 mud 5 105 5 4 41 51 P Walls 12 F.Monroe. Cote dOr. M.Maxim 74781 Laurel 1 .1-16 l:46fast . 12 105 7 3 4 -41 P Walls 8 Ticacey, Royal Duck, Sedgcfield 74668 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sandfast 6 107 3. 5 6i 4 H Farland 8 Haidee, Insulate, Bonfire 74642 Laurel ,11-16 1:17 fast 16 104 4 4 4 4 H Farland 8 Bendita, All Fair, Day Lilly 74469 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 6 JOS 2 3 5 4 C Lang 7 King John, Smarty. Sea-Wolf 74323 Laurel lm70y l:45fast . 16 103 3 3 2nk 31 F Lee 8 MfnRosell., KingJohn, Valtia 74292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:lSfast .7 108 1 2 3l 2. J Corcoran 8 Smarty, Tingling, Day Lilly 73931 H.deGco 1 1-4 2:0Sslow 8-5 103 3 1 21 ll J Corcoran S YoshimI, Invigorator, Hickory 73899 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:ltmud S 103 1 2 3 31 G Mein 8 The Roll Call, Fitzrue. Vendor 73385 Timonm 1 1-16 l:49fast 3-5 119 31 G Mein 5 Venal Joy, Thriller, War Victor MIRACLE MAN, b. g, 4 103 By Sweep BIscayne, hy Rensselaer. Trainer. J. Arthur. Owner, J. Arthur. . , Breeder. W. C. Goodloa. 74903 Laurel 1 1-1C l:51slop. ; 6 107 7. 4? 41 9J F Thdyke 15 Cote dOr, Zouave. Rupee - 748C3 Laurel lm70y 1:46 fast 4 101 5 1 3 3 H Howard ti TheForeigner, DayLilly, BasUlIe 74781 Laurel 1 1-16 l:46fast 14 103 8 C 6 61! F Thdyke 8 Ticacey. Royal Duck, Sedgefield 74699 Laurel 1 1-16 l:47fast 8 103 2 3 4l 45i D Mergler 8 Honorable, Ticacey, The Lamb 74526 Thcliffe "H:414fast, 8 102 8 9 71 9 D Randell VJ Anaprisa, Ten. Can, Tribune 74121 Woodne 1 3-16 3:59fast 15 96 3 3 41 4 R Randell 11 Joaquina,. Baby Mine, B.Uodder 74005 Woodno 1 1-8 l:54fast 41 105 3 .1 3 l 5 D Randell S SeaMonarch. TenCan, Bel.Amie 73957 Woodno 1 1-16 l:47slow gf 101 7 12 12 32 C Taylor 13 So It Goes. Lampus, Vennie - 73.086 Devshire lm70y 1:45 . fast 25 105 7 9 9"1 9,s F Thdyke 12 Dcllajm, JackFairman, TheGaff 72733 FortErie 1 1-16 l:464fast 33-10 105 4 1 1 1 H Howard 9 Roisterer, Fred Kinney. Piedra 72566 FortErie 1 1-16 l:461tfast 6 100 2 8 9 8" H Howard 9 Stonewall. Royal Duck, Croupier STAUNCH, b. m. 6 101 By Astronomer Faithful hy Broomstick. Trainer. C. N. Freeman. Owner. W. H. Cooper. Breeder. D. Gideon. 75013 Laurel 1 1-16 1:51 mud 19 100 S 4 7"k 7 H Farland 9 Rupee; Ettahe Lady Zeus 74641 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 28 102 6 7 7 7 H Farl ind 8 Com.Ci. FrkMonroe, D;andDkcs 74374 Laurel 1 1-8 134 fast 18 105 1 5 6 6 H Farland 7 The Forgner, Zonave, Invigtor 74292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:iSandfast 27. 106 4 4 41 5s H Farland 8 Smarty, Col. Whallen, Tingling 74175 H.deGce lm70y l:46fast 16 108 6 3 4l 6:I F Le.e 8 Dbfounder, Sea-Wolf, M.Buddy 74058 H.deGca 1 1-16 l:48fast 10 111 3 7 9 9l C Lang 10 Day Lilly, Thriller. Sea Pirate 73900 H.deGce lm70y l:494mud 12 107 5 6 41 41 F Lee 7 Silent King, Tingling, Bonfire 73S25 H.deGca 11-16 1:51 fast 25 107 13 6 5 93 F Lee 14 King John. Lit.Ammie, Tingling NORTH WALES,:b,igu4y; h 108 By Bachelors Hope Grecian Bend, by Blu8. Trainer, E. S. Wallace. Owner. W. E. Martin. Breeder. B. B. Strassburger. 74642 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 23 105 7 6 71 CjC Taylor. 8 Bendita. All Fair. Day Lilly 74610 Laurel 1 1-8 1:55 fast 6 109 3 2 41 51 H Farlp.ndlO Irish Pat, Cote dOr, FrkMonroe 74469 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 41 109 1 7 7 73 J Chalmers 7 King John, Smarty, Sea-Wglf 78413 Map.Hta 1 l:38fast 7 1Q . . 22 H Farland 7 Qrys. Ford, CKuffan Tail.Maid 76374 Map.Hts 1 1-16 l:46fast : V.-U-.1Qand. 2J A Kroger 8 S.Turret. W.Tnbow, T.Feigner 76291 Map.H.ts 3m70y 1:43 fast . 5,-103 2? W Lancet TailorMaid. So.Breeze, "G.KuMan 76688 Map. Hta 1 l:43Hhvy 14 JM 3 M Garrett 5 BuUetProof, TailorMaid, Ettahe JOCOSE, ch. c 4 103 By Celt Marrim eat IX. by Snaariogs. Trainer, A. 8. Dodd. Owner, W. Grant.- . . Breeder. C. E. Clament. 75069 See todays chart. 74606 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 132 110 11 10 ,9 91 J Rowan 11 Rhlnegold, Valcntla, The Lamb 73863 ILdeGce "3-4"lilIfasf 82 J17 "3 13 14s,14 C RobsonlS Cghjordan. Toppye, FarKast 73107. Saratoga 1 l:3Sfaat 30 114 . 6 7 7 7" T McTag"t 8 Y.Star. Carmencita, K.CharnTg 72891 Saratoga, H:3Sj5fast 30 110 32 10. 10 10" C Allen 13 R.Mtain, Recdation, llAntoine 71437 Hamton 3-4 1:15 fast 5 120 Lost rider. C Bourssa 7 ret.Piper. St.Qntin, Stone "Age 71075 Dorval lm70y l:41fast 13 114 4 1 l 41! J McCoy 10 Rouen, MJ.Baker, Feigncd.Zeal 70996 Dorval. 3-4 l:13fast 6 111 6 5 5 5 J Chalmersl2 Dancer, Ira Wilson, guanalr. . 70826 BVBnnets 11:41 fast 6 107" 6 3 3 7 E Scobia 8 StirRcalm, Moco, DccpSinker 7p571. Thcliffo 1 l:46slop 33-10 lit S 1 P 21 E Scobie 10 OldTimer. J.Fairman. MIr.Man BOWSPRIT, ch. r. 3 103 By Berrllldon Beaupre. hy Ogflea. Trainer, G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeder. W. Garth. 74476 Thcliffe 1 1-2 2:36fast 22 104 1 , 5 7 7" G Fields 7 Delahm, TheCkmnder, B.Amie 74332 Thcliffe 11-16 l:48fast 5 104 6 6 5 41 G Fields 7 Dentaria. WerWillow, Vacuum 74176 .Woodno 3-4 inSJimud 21 104 6 8 7 7" G Fields 8 Knighthd. Whalebone, Mercury 74073 Woodno 1 1-16 l:46fast 39 99 3 8 8" M Garrett 8 SoItGoes, Redstone. Melachrino 71731 Devshira 1 1:50 mud 27-10 309 3 F Stcven3 0 Dentaria, P.Hxpress, Rusticator 71606 Devshire 1 1t16 1:47 fast 7 103 4s F Stevens C BI. Hackle, M. Rose II.. Murray 71508 Devshira 1 1-16 l:47fast 9 101 41 F Stevens 9 Gath. Roisterer. White Boots BOGART, brt g, 14 ,p 98 By Bannockburn Belle Ward, hy Luko Blackoarn. Trainer, B. Chapman. Owner, B. Chapman. Breeder, B. Schreiber. 70799 Dfferin 7-8 1:33 fast 17 111 51 M Schwta 6 Blossomllousc, RoyC, W.Flower 70713 Dfferin ,Ab 5-8 1:04 slop 8 115 31 M Schwtz 0 Col.Taylor, LadyBinmore, RayL. 70074 Dfferin Ab 5-S l:03mud 31 U0 31 M Schwtz 8 StarCourt, Service Flag, Fleer 70449 Thcliffo 1.1-8 1:56 fast 51 103 5 4 5 51 D Fisher 7 nickory, CleanGonc, Chteaugay 69172 Bowie 1 1-8 l:57fast 133 98 4 6 6 6" D Fisher G Biavo, Wylie, Joaquina 66833 Bowie 1 1-16 l:53fast 19 109 32 8 7 9" M Schwtzlu Mystic, Radical, Kings Belle 66790 Marlboro 1 1-16 l:57fast 11-5 104 1 2 2 21 W Organ 7 LaKros. DottasIJest, Burgame 66758 Mboro Ab 51 f l:10fast 8 3101 5 4 3 24 M Schwtz 9 Gus Schccr, Streamer. Elite 65532 ILdeGce lni70y 1:48 fast 133 109 6 6 6 6" M Schwtz 6 K.of t.Hcr, KingJohn, H.Baker SERBIAN, ch. g. 7 98 By Ivan the Terrible Arline. by The Commoner. Trainer, J. Phillips. Owner, Mrs. J. Phillipi. Breeder. C. C. Patrick. 75070 See todays chart, 73901 H.deGce lm70y l:48mud 21 110 8 8 8 8" F Thdyke 8 PeacePal. Deep Sinker, Smarty 72408 Hawthnc 1 1-16 l:54hvy 11-5 98 5 2 2 21 H Farland 0 Halu. Tingling, Dainty Lady 72158 Hawthne lm70y 1:45 fast 30 104 8 4 5 61 N Swart 10 Wrangler, Staunch, Apricot 71723 Hawthno 1 1-16 l:53mud 10 111 7 7 61 41 N Swart 10 Cromwell, Flibtygibt, ByJor 70887 Latonia 1 1-16 l:53hvy 4 108 3 3 4 6" T Brothers 7 Col.Baker. F.Acres, T.Swlmmer 70854 Latonia 1 3-16 2:0Shvy 8 104 2 5 6 5 R Doyle 6 Normal. Grande Dame. YoshimI S4 Special 2-year-olds. Oct. 2, 1923 1:11 2-5 5th RACE B"leiiolirel SARA ZEN. ch. g, 2 118 By High Time Rush Box, by Box. Trainer, M. Hirsch. Owner. Pair Stable. Breeder. M. E. Johnston. 74408 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 1-10 122 2 2 1 11 C Kummer 5 MoonStar. Aga Khan, MissWhisk 74291 Laurel 1 l:38fast 1-3 91 1 1 1 1 J Callahan 4 Flagstaff. Bighcart. Blazes 73858 Aqueduct 3-4 1:12 fast 7-20 127 1 1 1 l1 C Kummer 5 Sun Pal, Elvina, Hourmore 73553 Belmont 7-8 3:24fast 3-10 113 1 1 1 1 E Sande 9 AgaKhan, Sunspero, S. and Span 73454 Belmont 51 f 1:05 fast 1-3 118 111 ll E Sande 11 McAuliffe, Bonaparte, S.Audnc 73134 Saratoga 51 f l:0omud 9-10 115 1 1 1 1 M Garner C H.T. Waters, ISobTail, Pkpockel. 72088 Hawthne 5-S 59M;fast 6-5 103 1 1 1 1 M Garner C Sanola, TimeExposure, Val.Light HAPPY THOUGHTS, br. f , 2 - 115 By Sir Martin Gipsy Love, by Cssarion. Trainer. R. J. Waldron. Owner. Xalapa Farm Stable. Breeder. Mrs. W. V. Thravos. 74100 Aqueduct 5-S 584fast 1-15 119 2 1 1 1J A Schugr G Ncgrina, Tond Lily, Relentless 73348 Belmt 51 f MC l:0ifast 9-20 112 4 1 Is ll A Schfgcr 8 Ladkin, Sun Flag, Swingalong 72812 Saratoga 3-4 l:llfast 1 119 2 1 11 1!1 L Fator 9 Parasol, Befuddle, Nellie Morse 72625 Saratoga 5-8 594iast 3-5 109 3 2 2 1 E Pool 13 A.Marronell., Postillion, J.Rlair 72061 Kworth. 5-S 59fast 4-5 115 6 1 1 1 B Kenndy 7 Drumstick. Br.Sweet. Bal.Lake 34 Mile. Inverness Claiming Handicap. All Ages. Oct. 2, 1927 6tll RACE HIDDEN JEWEL, b. g, 7 103 By Disguiw Ruhia Granda, hy Grsenaa. Trainer. A. Swenk9. Owner. A. Swenke. Breeder. Wickliffo Stud. 75012 Laurel 3-4 l:14mud 2 107 1 2 21 k G Rosa f Iady Boss, Raffles, E. Clayton 74941 Laurel 3-4 l:14tslop 14-5 106 5 1 1 1 E Legere 9 ExcuseMe, Dr.C. Wells, R.Home 74821 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 13-5 109 1 1 2l 4 G Lang 8 Lady Boss, Pietrus, J.F.OHara 74737 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 13-5 103 1 1 41 6 R Costello 7 Leatherd. BlueHawk. Chjordan 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 12 110 1 1 11 2" C Lang 7 May Blossom, Apex, Mainmast 73938 H.deGce 3-4 l:15Vandmud 32 112 1 2 3l 31 R Costello i SethsLemon, FrankG., LyBoss 73589 Dorval 3-4 l:13good 37-10 101 1 1 1 4 R Costello 5 Mkallongc, Jacques. Bui. Proof 73536 Dorval 5 f l:07slow 41 105 1 2 41 5 R Costello 6 Battersea, Ablaze, Lilt LADY BOSS, ch. f. 3 106 By Manager Waite Viola Guild, by Masetto. Trainer. G. C. Winfrey. Owner. G. C. Winfrey. Breeder. W. W. Darden. . 75012 Laurel 3-4 l:14mud 4 103 2 1 l1 l" J Callahan 8 Hid. Jewel, Raffles, E.Clayton 74821 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 43-10 90 4 2 ll 11 H Howard 8 Pietrus, J.F.OHara, Hid. Jewel 74568 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 14 1061 4 1 3l 41 G Bahin S Cghjordan, MabelK.. D.C.Wells 74417 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 12 103 1 2 21 31 E Legere 9 Cghjordan, Dr.C. Wells, MabelK. 74104 H.deGce 3-4 l:12fast 10 100 3 4 5 44 J Corcoran 6 Faith, SethsLemon, Mabel K. 73938 H.deGce 3-4 l:15mud 18-5 105 5 3 4 41 J Wallace 9 S.sLeraon, FrankG., Hid.Jewel 73129 Saratoga 3-4 l:12mud 11-5 111 3 2 2 1 G Bahin 5 Marnette, CapeClear, Dexterous 73072 Saratoga 1 l:38fast 8 104 1 1 3l 71 F Lee 8 ThreeSquare, Savoy, Anonymous 72144 Saratoga 3-4 l:154hvy 8 103 5 4 5X 51 L McAtee 11 Malmsey, Water Girt, Protocol WRAITH, hr. g, 5 103 By Malamont The Spirit, by Yankee. Trainer, J. W. Dayton. Owner. J. W. Barton. Breeder. N. Macfarlane. 73380 B.Bnnets 51 f l:06fast 5 114 2 3 3" 3 J Rowan- 6 Diadema. Joclla J., Muskallonge 73294 B.Brmets 3-4 l:13fast 3 117 7 5 6l 4 J Rowan 7 PcterPiper, Dr.C. Wells, JoellaJ. 72797 Kenilwh 3-4 l:115fast 31-10 HI 2 4 4 6 E Scobie 11 Brunswick, Mercury, Speedy Girl 72676 FortErie 3-4 l:13good 13-5 112 3 1 1 l1 J Mooney 8 SethsLmon, Jacques, Westwood 72527 FortErie 3-4 l:12fast 9 110 1. 1 1 ll E Scobie 9 Jacques, Mercury, Tidings 72473 Hamton. 3-4 l:13fast 51 115 7 6 541 F Sharpe 8 Mercury;- Ablaze. Tidings 72356 Hamton 3-4 l:12fast 6 111 7 7 61 71 G Tields 9 S.sLemon, ret.Piper, Westwood 71856 FortErie 3-4 l:13fast 9-5 104 4 3 3 2 E Scobie 6 S.Lemon, B.Drmmond, SailingB. 71725 FortErio 3-4 l:15slow 19-10 108 3 1 1 1 E Scobie 7 S.Lemon, Camouflage, Sangrade 71406 Hamton 61 f l:06good 3 108 2 4 31 2k G Fields 7 Wraith. Lady Bass, Finality 70667 B.Bnnets 61 f 1:07 fast 23-10, 109 1 4 l" 3 H Howard 8 Admirer. LtenDearie, GyGables LAST ONE, bg. 5 115 By Judge Wright Glenelgs Last, by Glenelg. Trainer, A. E. Alexandra. Owner, Mrs. A. E. Alexandra. Breeder. T. Bate. 74737 Laurel 3-4 l:12fast 5 115 4 5 61 41 B Marinelll 7 leatherd, BlueHawk, Chjordan 74427 Thcliffo 3-4 l:134fast 1 320 1 1 1 1 F Watrous 5 S.sLemon, J.F.OHara, BProof 74296 Thcliffe 61 f l:07yifast 6-5 117 3 1 ll l1 F Watrous 7 J.F.OHara, S.Lemon, Remnant 73951 Woodno 3-4 1:13 slow 7 107 4 5 6 51 F Watrous 0 Billy Kelly. Lilt, Battersea 73677 Dorval 3-4 l:llfast 33-10 106 1 2 3 Si F Sharpe 5, Bat sea, N.npshire, Mkallonge 73462 B.Bnnets 3-4 l:12fast 21 311 2 3 21 3 J Wallace 4 Battersea, Hldur, Tetcr Piper 73325 B.Bnnets 5-4 l:13mud 4 112 1 2 2J0 21 J D Mney 4 Battersea, N.Hampshire, W.Man 73068 Saratoga 3-4 1:11 fast 10 103 8 5 61 51 F Hastings 8 Dimdale, List-Dcarie, SilkTassel 72831 Saratoga 3-4 l:10fast 20 108 3 4 51 7 F ColIetti 11. Bluemont. Rocket, Knobbie 72130 Kenilwh 7-8 l:24Jfast CI 109 4 1 1 1 T Brothera 7 Hildur. Cooncan. GraceMayer POE, h. g, 4 , 115 By Huon- Crystal Maid, hy Pirata of Penzance. Trainer, BL. Waldron. Owner, Xalapa Farm Stable. Breeder, E. .F. Simras. 74669 Laurel 1 1-16 l:43fast 2 107 2 4 6 51 A Schtger 6 Thimble, Sun Thistle, Bighcart 74358 Jamaica 3-4 1:12 fast 3 114 2 2 in 3 A Schtger G Dmesdale, Galantman, Whirlwd 74190 Aqueduct 61 f l:18fast 3-2 108 4 2 2 2 A Schtger 0 Ruuviso, Mutiny, Hyperion 66241 Latonia 3-4 l:12fast 4-5 -105 4 3 21 2 A Schtger 7"L.Cfin:mp, Treasurer, Clias.lXcnrj 66028 Jamaica 3-4 l:12sIop 1-4 116 5 1 1!1 1 A Schtger 7 Prelude, TheAlmoner, BlmeBrsh 65901 Jamaica 3-4 l:12?fast 1-2 115 2 1 1 Is A Schtger 8 Supercargo. Good Time. AnnaM. COLANDO, b. g, 4 110 By Colin Virginia Nunn, by Gold Heels. Trainer. C. Phillips. Owner. C. PhiUiosl. Breeder. McLean and Bedford. 74859 Laurel 3-41:12fast 1C-5 103 1 2 11 1 C Lang 15 Rhinegold. SeaSand, HobeyBaker 71758 FortErio 3-4 l:16fast -9 107 Left. F Thndlkell St.Quentin, ParEast, TedsPlum 71353 Hamton 3-4 l:llslow 9-5 HI 5 3 31 41 E Pcobio 8 St.Quentin, JewellV.D., Nenette 70528 Thcliffe 3-4 l:14VSfast 13 110 4 2 - 2- e5! E Scobie 8 MustardSced, Wraith. LadyBoss 70365 Thcliffo 3-4 1:14 fast 61 105 2 4 4" 4 J McCoy 6 Best Love, Wraith, Wrangle 70279 Woodne 3-4 1:12 fast 81 99 7 8 7i 6S1 T Wilson 9 SethsLemon. Wraith. Clansman 69656 Pimlico 3-4 1:13 fast 14-5 115 3 3 3 31 J McTagrt 7 Wraith, Tony Sue. Top Sergeant 69319 ILdeGce 3-4 1:14 fast 8 101 14 3 41 G Mein 12 Camouflage, ByJiminy, ByMine APEX, ch. c, 4 108 . By Ultimus Crazyquilt, hy Hamburg. Trainer, M. Smart. Owner, S. Ross. Breeder, F. Johnson. 74373 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 3 108 4 2 Snk 3. S McLano 7 M.BIossom, H.Jewel, Mainmast 73008 Saratoga 3-4 l:ll4fast 23 115 3 4 5 6 S McLano 6 FairPhantom, Goshawk, Bighrt 72727JSaratoga 7-S l:24fast 13-10 112 2 2 9 10 E Sande 11 NoscDive, Wellfinder, A.Patriaa 69638 Pimlico 3-4 l:llfast 4 104 2 1 1 l" S McLane 7 T.Witchet, Luminist, ByJiminy 66836 Bowie 3-4 1:14 fast 13-5 107 12 . Fell. S McLane 13 May Blossom, Ettahe. Cum Sail DR. CHARLES WELLS, ch. g, 5 103 By Superman Doughnuts, by Dare bin. Trainer, R. B. Jacksori. Owner. W. S. Murray. Breeder. H. T. Oxcard. 74941 Laurel 3-4 l:14slop 5 115 4 3 41 3s E Roehm 1 Hid.Jcweir Excus-eMe. R.Home 71671 Laurel 3-4 1:13 fast 11 114 8 6 21 1 P Walla 8 Cloughjordan, MabelK., Pietrus 74568 Laurel 3-4 l:13fast 15 105 7 6 41 31 H Howard and Clghjordan, MabelK., LyISoss 74417 Laurel 3 4 1:33 fast 24 100 5 7 31 21 L Ward 9 Clghjordan, LadyBoss, MabelK. 74170 H.deGca 3-1 1:13 fast 16-5 115 3 2 2 2i T Bonham 8 Rhinegold, M.Twain, Hutf trope 73675 Dorval 3-4 l:12fast 5 115 8 4 -3l 3 C Jackson 9 Knighthd. Sun Brae. Joella J. 73534 Dorval 3-4 l:I5:JssIow 31 115 6 1 11 l1 J Chalmers 8 JoellaJ., Ch.Sponsor. H.Artillery RAFFLES, ch. c, 3 104 By Luke McLuke Phebe G., by Mazagan. sTrainer, G. Phillips. Owner, J. McMillen. Breeders. J. O. and G. H. Keene. 75012 Laurel 3-4 l:14mud 33-10 106 7 3 3 31 G Fields S LadyBoss. nid.Jewel. E.Clayton 74525 Thcliffo 51 f 1:07 fast 8 106 11 ll ll G Fields 12 Knighthd, HvyArtillery. Yalta 74296 Thcliffe 61 f l:07fast 32 305 7 7 7 71 G Fields 7 LastOne, J.F.OHara, S.sLemon 70750 B.Bnnets 3-4 1:16 mud C7-10 100 3 4 31 2 J McCoy 4 Bullet Froof. Heeltaps. Rnbien 70323 Tricliffe 3-4 l:13fast 12 104 1 2 21 2 J McCoy 5 Heremon, Wrangle. SethsLemon 69942 Map.Hts 3-4 l:lSmud 1S-5 106 21 R Harton C Bul.Proof, Macbeth, TailorMaid 69638 Map.Hts 3-4 l:14Vhvy 6-5 94 1 I Parke 5 Long Island, G.Mayers, G.Maid 69669 Map.Hta 61 f 1:07 fast 6 96 41 1 Parke 10 Bril.Ray, ChiefSpnsor, L. Island EXCUSE ME, b. c, 4 113 By Meridian Horizon, by Hastings. Trainer. R. F. Carman. Owner. R. F." Carman. Breeder. R. F. Carman. " " 74941 Laurel 3-4 l:14slop 43-10 120 3 4 3"k 2s Q Lang 9 Hid.Jewel, Dr.C.Wells, R.Home 71682 Latonia -:1 l:37fast 20 111 5 .-7 7 710 W Kelsay 7 J. Bowdre, Revenge, PindarPeel 71526 Latonia 3-1 l:14hvy - 7-104 6 - 4 3 1 J Heupel 7 Ten-Lec, Great Jaz, Tuscola 71241 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 17 107 6 6. 7 6 J Howard 9 Pind.Peel, Centimeter. R.onTima 71128 Latonia . 3-4 3:ll"4fast 13 106 6 -6- 7 7" J Howard 7 Comixa. Great Jaz, Translate 71032 Latonia 3-4 l:llfast 7 308 7 6 7 6" H Garner 8 Comixa. Pindar Peel. Elemental 70514 Churchill 7-8 l:24fast 19 108 2 2 51 41 L McDott 6 Barracuda. PrceTiiTii, In.Trail MOEL. b. c, 3 104 By Broomstick Christmas Star, by Star Shoot. Trainer, J. P. Schorr. Ownar, E. B. McLean. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 74821 Laurel 3-4 l:1354fast 7 111 7 7 41 61 P Walls 8 Lady Boss, Pietrus, J.F.OHara 73938 H.deGce 3-4 l:15Vmud 15 116 S 8 71 7s! E Smwod 9 SVsLcmdn, YrankG., Hid.Jewei 73554 Belmont 1 l:374fast 15 104 5 4 7 7i M "Fator 7 F.Friend. MIssCerina, Dustabout 73415 Belmont 11:38 fast 6 112 1 4 4 41 L Fator - 7 Homestretch; Belzoni, Purity 72398 Empire. Ab. 3-4 1:10 good 4 110 4 3 3 2 H Thurber 7 Chcstcrbk; Ctlmeter, T.Witchet 12236 Empire Ab 3-4 l:09andfast 12 114 6 4 4 4 C Lang 10 Canaque, Wdlawn. StonyPoint 72117 Empire 1 l:40andfast 15 108 7 5 6l 61 G Babin 10 Skyscraper, Jac.Jnliani StoneJus 71873 Empire 11:40 fast 15 1021 6 3 2 5 C Lang 9 Atherstone. Tuxedo, Horologe FREDERICKTOWN, b, c. 2 89 By Pennant Gentlewoman, by Sain. Trainer. J. Rowe. Owner, Greentree Stable. Breeder, Short Grass Stud. 74980 Laurel 3-ji l:15good 2 110 7 4 i 2n J CorcoranlO Fehrah, Wrackhorn, Rags 74322. Laurel 3-4 l:13fast "4 113 3 .4 31 3 J Corcoranll Trop.Watcr, Byron. AnnaHorton 74196 H.deGce 51 f l:06fast 27-10 J09 4 3 3 31 L McAtee 10 Donaghee; Byron, Snow Maiden 73488 Belmont andl;f l:05fast 16-5 102 1. 3 2s -11 B MarinllUO Eventide, Without, Apology 72414 Belmont 3-4 1:12 fast 15 107 4- V.6 6 41 F ColIetti 6 B.Warren, Humorettc, Batsman ;174 Saratoga, , 3-4 l:15hvy 11-5 1061 1 3 3 31! F- ColIetti 8 Economist, Apology, LU.Thtle 7th RACE 1 121ea - "aios and lip,Tard c,aimlns; Oct. 11, ioi ROYCE BOOLS. b. g, 8 113 By Salvation Saintolat, by Eain. Trainer, 0. B. Akers. Owner. Pastime Stable. Breeders. Lawrence tc Comstock. 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:09slop 4-5 113 3 2 11 1" J Callahan 7 JcwcllV.D., O.Faitliful, O.Timer 74818 Laurel 1 1:41 fast : US 4 1 Is l5 J Callahan12 K.of theUcr, M.Maxim. H.Gcar : 70386 Bolmont 1 1:37 fast S 113 10 6 51 7 C Turner 11 AHOver, S.andlloots, T.Sergeanl I J820G F.Grnds 1 3-16 l:59good 8 109 1 1 2 2J G Mcin 11 Best Pal, Olynthus, Calcutta i iS8093 F.Grnds lm70y l:45good -5 101 1 6 3s 2 L Mt-Dott 7 Copper Demon, llama, Noiinal f.79GC F.Grnds lm70y l:44fast 7-3 105 8 8 71 61 J Chlmers S Louis A., llama. Servitor 67901 F.Grnds 1 l:2Sfast 13 107 8 7 5 4 J Chlmers 8 liestlal. SirTh.Kcan, IrisliKiss EMARTY. b. g. 5 103 By Theo. Cook Canny Miss, by Ogden. Trainer. G. W. Campbell. Owner, J. M. Collins. Breeder. W. and L. Garth. 74945 Laurel 1 1-4 2:10slop 12 103 3 1 ll l1 T Finn 8 Fitzme, BelleAmie, Bonfire 74569 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 3-2 107 Left at post. E Legere 8 Highspeed, Gondolier. PrSport 74469 Laurel 1 1-16 1:17 fast 1C-5 113 6 4 21 2 E Legere 7 King.lohn, Sea-Wolf, CoLWlialii 74292 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast Sl-10 1C9 2 1 VI I- E Legere 8 Col.Whnllen, Tingling, DayLilly 74148 H.deGce lm70v l:16fast 18-3 111 2 1 l1 1J J Corcoran 10 Flint, Lady Zeus, Aeosta 73901 H.dcGco lmTOy l:lSmud 21-10 115 3 2 3l 31 E Smwod 8 PeaccPnl, DpSinkcr, IIkyFinij OLD WELBOU3NE, cb. c, 3 103 By Fayette Queen Wolf, by Whipsnade. Trainer, S. L. Burch. Owner. A. C. Randolph. Breeder. A. C. Randolph. 75040 Laurel 1 3-16 2:03mud 131 94 C 4 2 li B Brening C V.ofDreams, OldTimer, Bastille 74899 Laurel 1 l:44slop 121 113 7 6 4 5 B Brening 7 ScotchBrm, Macduff, Redbrand 74520 Laurel 1 1-16 1:47 fast 143 110 8 8 8 S,e S McLane S L.Myra, Belplirizonia, Rejection BELLE AMIE, b. f. 3 100 By Von Tromp Ruth W.. by Kings Counsel. Trainer, C. R. Richards. Owner. F. Wieland. Breeder. E. Cebrian. 74980 Laurel 1 1-S l:53good 9 104 7 7 61 f.10 B Marinelli 7 T.RollCall. Gondolier. R. Duck 74945 Laurel 1 1-4 2:10slop 9 103 8 5 4fc 31 E Legere S Smarty, Fitzme, Bonfire 74740 Laurel 1 1-4 2:07 fast 7-10 102 1 1 11 ll P Walls 7 ClonnGone, Ladyl.illian, L.Zeus 74476 Thcliffe 1 1-2 2:36fast 11 103 6 2 21 3 K Ericksn 7 Dellahm, ThtCkmdcr. F.Bean 74381 Thcliffe 1 1-4 2:06fast 12 101 6 6 6 6" K Ericksn C Soldierll., Dellahm, Blarn.Stone 74121 Woodne 1 3-16 l:39fast 41t 101 5 6 95 9" F Sharpe 11 Joaquina, Baby Mine, B.Hodder OLD FAITHFUL, b. g. 5 112 By Horron Smirr. by Carnage. Trainer, G. E. Phillips. Owner, G. E. Phillips. Breeders. M. Young and J. EL Gorham. 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:C9slop 30 10S 7 C 4 31 G Fields 7 Roy.Rools, JewellV.D., O.Timer 74741 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 13-3 113 1 5 6 Cci P Walls 7 Irish Pat, Roister. Day Lilly 74672 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 11-10 105 6 5 11 V P Walls 4 My Dear, White Satin, Damask 74215 Woodne 2 1-4 3:55slow 13 105 4 4 4 4 E Kumnier G Bastille, LittleAramic, R. Duck 74118 Woodne 1 1-2 fast 20 99 1 7 6 5" L Ward 7 Damask, lrocyon, Olynthus 72415 Hamton U O T 2:03fast 8 113 4 6 5 EiE Scobie C Fornovo, Belplirizonia, Rl Duck BLARNEY STONE, b. r. 5 116 By Berrilldon Top Rock, by Rockton. Trainer, C. R. Richards. Owner, F. Wieland. Breeders. W. and L. Garth. 75037 Laurel 1 1-16 2:03 mud 4 113 6 2 U ll B Marinelli 0 Fitzruo, R.Wgfield, Morm.Elder 74822 Laurel 1 1-S l:52fast SO 110 8 8 8 S2 G Rose S Sog.Aroon, Gondolier. Relphrizia 74524 Thcliffe 1 1-16 l:46fast 24 111 5 6 6h 5s G Corey ! Elias O.. Vennie. Gray Cables 74381 Thcliffe 1 1-4 2:06 fast 41 111 5 4 21 3 G Fields C Soldierll., Dellahm, H.M.Stevns 74182 Woodne 1 1-4 2:07slop 8-5 104 2 3 3 2i G Fields 4 FzySncczy, Wr.ickGrass. Louis 73954 Woodne 1 1-4 2:03slow 87 9S 6 5 6 Ei M Garrett C My Dear, LittlcChicf, Olynthus IRISH PAT. b. g. 3 . 100 By Berrilldon Mollie Kean, by Bobbie Kean. Trainer, J. Bauer. Owner, J. J. Lyons. Breeder. R. R. Howard. 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:C9slop 8 107 4 4 6 G" G Rose 7 R.Rools, JewellV.D.. O.Faithful 74741 Laurel 1 1-4 2:06fast 9 112 3 1 1 ll F Wdstck 7 Bolster, Day Lily, Cornice Ci 74610 Laurel 1 1-8 1:55 fast 6 108 2 C 1 l3 F WdstcklO Cote dOr, FrunkMonroc, Acosta 74145 H.deGce 1 1-16 1:48 fast 25 112 Left a; post. W Lilley S Belplirizonia, PoorSport, Untried 73893 Aqueduct 1 1:40 slop 10 1031 2 3 3 3 H Thurber 3 Recommendation, High Triuce 73857 Aqueduct 1 l:40fast 7 109 5 6 6 C G Cooper 1". CapeCIear. Anniversary. Fusee 73434 Wheeling lm70y 1:54 slow 51 112 3"J W Taylor 5 Lucy Kate, Glenn, Mad Nell DELLAHM. ch. g. 5 107 By Prince Ahmed Delia Mack, by Tho Commoner. Trainer, H. G. Bedwell. Owner, Kenton Stable. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 7498G Laurel 1 1-8 l:53good 8 107 6 6 7 74 H Fowler 7 T.RollCall, Gondolier, R. Duck 74822 Laurel 1 1-S l:52ast 13 114 6 5 6 4 J Chalmers S Sog.Aroon, Gondolier, Relphrizia 74525 Thcliffe lm70y l:41fast 5 115 7 S 4l 41 M Garrett S Pioc.von. RoyalVisitor, PushPin 74470 Thcliffe 1 1-2 2:35fast 11-10 107 3 1 Is Is G Corey 7 TlieCkmdcr, B.Amie, Fan.Bean 74381 Thcliffe 1 1-4 2:06fast 3-5 103 2 1 1" 21 F Stevens 0 Soldierll., B.Stone, II.M.Stevens 74299 Thcliffe 1 1-16 1 :46"ast 21-10 103 8 1 Is l5 M Garreti 10 Ten Can, Joaquina. Dantzic 74212 Woodne 1 3-4 3:02 slow 7 123 5 8 8 S It Romelli S IlIucinatn, Pcrsisce, TIBlazer FITZRUE. ch. c. 3 105 By Fitzwilliam Mary Street, by Onondaga. Trainer, J. E. Stinlev. Owner. J. E. Stanley. Breeder. J. K. L. Ross. 75037 Laurel 1 1-16 2:03 mud 9-5 110 5 S 3 21 C Lang 6 Bl.Stone, R.Wgfield, Mor.Elder 74915 Laurel 1 1-1 2:10slop 7 110 6 2 2 2 C Lang SSmaity, BelleAmie, Bonfire 74G41 Laurel 1 1-16 l:4Sfast 5 107 8 8 51 53 S Bullman 8 Com.Ci, FrkMonroe, D.andDkcs 74569 Laurel 11-16 1:47 fast 146 106 7 4 4l 41 S Bullman 8 Highspeed, Gondolier. PrSport 74421 Laurel 11-16 1:17 fast 27 1C6 8 7 73 7" H Callhan S Belplirizonia. Poor Sport, Bendita 73990 H.deGce 1 1-16 l:lSslow 53 107 4 4 6s 4 S Bullman S Westwood, ThcRollCall, SeaCove OLD TIMER, ch. c. 3 101 By Ballot Nepera, by Star Shoot. Trainer, T. E. Osinmings. Owner. W. W. Loney. Breeder. K. D. Alexander. 75040 Laurel 1 3-16 2:03mud 8 104 3 2 3 3 G Fields 6 O.Welbrnc, V.ofDrnis, Bastille 74944 Laurel 1 1-4 2:C9slop 65 102 2 3 3b 4 J Chalmers 7 R.Rools, JcwellV.D., O.Faithful 74330 Thcliffe 3-4 l:13fast 38 103 6 6 6 Gl F Bryson C Mercury, E. Clayton, Joella J. 74264 Thcliffe 1 l:39fast 46 301 7 7 7 7" F Bryson 7 J.P.Jones, Fair Gain, Marsdale 74070 Woodno lm70y l:43?sfast 39 105 8 5 6s 5 F Bryson 10 JchnP.Jones, G.Spherc, Romany 73743 Dufferin 1 1-16 8 108 2J W Taylor 0 Melachrino, Buckhnll., B.Hodr 73701 Dufferin 7-S l:32fast 7 104 541 F Stevens C W.Flower, Melachrino, B.Hodder

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