Judge F. Gerhardy Dead: Popular Racing Official, Shot by Suspended Trainer at Akron, Succumbs to His Wounds, Daily Racing Form, 1923-10-26


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JUDGE F. GERHARDY DEAD Popular Racing Official, Shot by Suspended Trainer at Akron, Succumbs to His Wounds. AKRON, Ohio, Oct. 25. Judge Fred Ger-hardy, prominent race track official, whose home was in Detroit, Mich., died in a hospital here tonight from wounds received last Saturday when he was shot down by-Marion "Webb, a trainer of thoroughbred horses. His son, Fred "W., Jr., and Mrs. Gerhardy, were at his bedside when the end came. Judge Gerhardy was GO years old and in his younger days was a jockey of decided ability. In later years he has held various official positions, particularly that of racing secretary and judge on many tracks in this country and Canada. He was the presiding judge at the recent meeting held here at the Northampton track and on Saturday morning, the last day of the meeting, together with Peter Callen of Toronto, one of the associate judges, was shot down by trainer M. "Slim" "Webb. Neither racing official was armed and the only apparent reason for the attack was that judges Gerhardy and Callen had suspended "Webb for inconsistent performances of his horses. Judge Gerhardy was shot twice, one bullet passing near the heart and the second through the arm. He appeared to be improving until yesterday, when his condition took a turn for the worse, the end coming shortly after 6 p. m. Judge Peter Callen, who was also shot down at the same time, is reported on the road to recovery. It is said that "Webb will be immediately arraigned on a charge of murder. Chicagoans who attended the meeting held at Hawthorne last summer will remember seeing the genial Fred Gerhardy, who acted as racing secretary until called away to officiate at another meeting. Many old-time sportsmen will also recall the days when the handsome Fred rode for the Aetna Stable of Hankins and Johnson. All sincerely deplore the untimely end of a well beloved and capable racing official.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1923102601/drf1923102601_2_5
Local Identifier: drf1923102601_2_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800