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FOURTH OF JULY FEATURE i Independence Handicap National Holiday Feature at Latonia. » Hiinety-Four Nominations for Popular Fixture — Outstanding Stars of Turf Among the Entries. LATONIA. K.v.. April 1.— For the nat:onal holiday. July 4. the Kentucky Jockey Club offers as the big attraction at Latonia the Independence Handicap, with 0,000 added, for three-year-olds and over, at one sstta and three sixteenths. There were ninety-four nominations for this years running of this fixture, which was established in 1910 and run each year since with the exceptioi of 1912. Practically all of the stars of the turf are among the ninety-four entries for the 1925 Independence Handicap. Such as Sara-zen. Ordinance. Chilhowee. Black Gold, In Memoriam. Princess Doreen, United Verde, King Corin II., leopardess. Chaeolet, Hopeless. Nassau, Honor, Beau Butler. Little Celt. 1 iogenes. Stanwix, Osprey, Vigil. Revenge and Happy Thoughts are some of the older division, while Kentucky Cardinal, Kit Kat. Brave Bob, Hedge fence. Chantey. Al-madel. Klector. Captain Hal, King Nadi. Bridesmaid and other good three-year-olds are included. There is every assurance of a great field for the big race. The following are the conditions and entries for the. Independence Handicap : lNDEPENDKNCH HANDICAP.- For three .Tear-olds and upward, By subscription of hB•" each: 5 additional to start: 0,000 added, of which 1.500 to second, 00 to third, fourth to save ■take. Weights five days before race. Winners of other thin a claiming or selling purse after publication of weights. 3 pounds extra. Acceptances to l e named through the entry box the day before the race at usual time of ilosing. To be run July 4. ONE MILE AND THREE-SIXTEENTHS. Anders. m and Kendle Annilnlutor. b. c, 3, by Dick 1iunell Alice Daird. Anderson and Kendle Abstract, br. c. 3, by Delhi — Temps. Audley Farm Stable — Princess Doreen, b. f, 4, by Spanish Prince II. Lady Doreen. ltaker. It. L. Cherokee Lee. blk. f, 4, by Black loner -My Fair Kentucky. Barnesdale Stock Farm Stable — tnlted Verde, br. b, 7, by tJolden Maxim — Yankee Tree. Board. Arthur Bourbon Boy, ch. c, 4, by North Star III. Bedt me Stories. Breckinridge. Desha Kentucky Cardinal, ch. c, 3. by North Star III. — Lucrative. Bright. .1. C. and C. B. Phidias, ch. g, 4, by Zeus Edna C 1 1 in*. Brown. J. Hart J. ■. Denny, br. c, 4, by Ju.-quau Bout Mary Michaels. Camden. J. N. Tilka, ch. c, 3, by Light Brigade — Enigma. Camden. J. N. Graeme, ch. g, 4, by Light Brigade — Volanda. Chilhowee Stable- Chilhowee, b. c, 4, by Ballot — Bonrhon I.i:s~. Collins. R. W. lee O. Cotner. b. c. 3, by Last Coin or High Time--Precious Pearl. I Corrigan. James Y. San Ctar, ch. c, 4, by Sunder -— Yokahama. Corrigan. James V. — Kit Kat, b. c, 3, by Sky Rocket Cat Cleugh. Cowan. S. A. Provident, b. g, 4. by Hessian— Wcleli Queen. Cowan. S. A. Boon Companion, ch. c, 3, by North Star III. Blushing Beauty. Coyne. I*. King Jorin II., b. c, 4, by Golden Maxim Yankee Tree. Cudahy. ;. C. up Bearer, ch. g, 3, bv The Finn —Mae Taft. Cudahy. ;. C— Glide, ch. f, 4, by Manager Waite — Gossip. Daihr. C. B. Deeming, b. f, 3, by Spanish Prince II. — Pin Feather. Fair Stable arazeu, ch. g, 4, by High Time — Ku h Box. Ferris, C. M. Brave Bob, b. c, 3, by Grand Parade Eager. Frakes. R. C. San Vicente, ch. c, 4, by Friar Rock Santa Malta. ! Callahcr Bros. Cherokee, b. h, 5, by Sweep — loatarabia. Gallaher Bros. Menifee, b. c, 3, by North Star HI.- r.ouriioii Lass. Grabner. Fred M. Step Along, ch. c, 3, by Uncle — Irahel. Greentree Stable -Ordinance, b. c, 4, by Ormon- dale Donna Hoca. Greentree Stable Hedgefence, ch. c, 3, by Whisk Broom II. Homely. Creentree Stable Chantey, ch. c, 3, by Pennant-Enchanting. Greentree Stable leopardess, b. f, 4. by Dominant — Fresiiay. Hancock 4 Clay- Caffn.-y, ch, c, 3, by Jim Gaff- ney Dolly Higgins. . Ilarmd Bros. Air Castle, ch. c, 3, by Manager Wait- Vision. Harned Bros. Stonewall Jackson, ch. c, 3, by Inder Fire I.ittie Panchiti. Hamed Bro- Bona Vera, b. f, 4, by Sir Martin --Rece sion. Headley. Hal Price Chaeolet, b. m, 7, by St. Amant Martial Note. Headlc. Hal Price Hopeless, b. g, 5, by Huon Kolinsky. Headley. Hal Price Almadel, ch. c, 3, by Llti- mu- Busy I.ass. Headley. Hal Price Suprcmus, b. c, 3, by Ultimus Mandy Hamilton. Headley. Hal Price Old Slip, b. c, 3. by Brown Prince 11. Plume. Holiiiau. S. N. Barracuda, ch. h, 0, by Trap IOk Balamoire. , Holman. S. N. Nassau, br. h, 5, by Nassovian — I Plulistia. Hulman. S. N. Bradleys Toney, blk. h, 5, by Black Toney Bandcllo. Holman. S. N.- F:iector, ch. c, 3, by Ballot - Sister. Hoots. Mrs R. M Black Gold, blk. c, 4, by Black Toney I.seeit. Idle Hour St ok Farm Stable— Honor, b. c, 4, by Fair Play rysta! Maid. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable — Beau Butler, b. c. 4. t.. Black Toniy Santa Anna II. Idle Hour Stock Fa-tn Stable lib Tail. b. c, 4, by Heln ,t Miss Kinglets. Idle Hour Stock Farm Stable L* Mon:e. b. f. 4, by Sou in Uvt Peg o My ileart Idle Hojr Meek Farm Bill Strap, b. c. 3, bv North j Star III.— Serelia International Stnble Little Celt, ch. h, 5, by Celt -Ijttb- Flower. Island Farm Stable C.riuth, ch. c, 4, by Corcyra , Santois Sweetheart. Jeffords Mrs. W. M Diogenes, ch. g, 4. by Ballot ! , Sn oky lin p Frederick Dare Say, ch. f, 4, by Cudgel 1 orpeuhow. K.iis.i. a. A. aptain Hal, blk. c, 3, by Black lon. WaWiili;." KclUy. Frank J. Jr. Mission Peak, ch. c, 3, by i Paicines B. First. Kenton Farn.s. The Musi. Master, ch. c, 3, by Damn.-, h May L. Han I .-o.-y Wat.-rs, lir. c, 3, by Cataract Bronzew in;;. laMM Faim Stable "bit t.i gong, b. g, 5, by Luke M. Luke Agnes Virginia. I mm*. John Starlx-ck. b. r. 4, by Troutbe. k Met. ill. J. C. Spi. and Span, b. c, 4, by Whisk Broom II. Sul. Kosa. Mclean. E. B. Modest. h. c, 4. by Colin Shyness M.Iean. E. B. i.oi.l Bug, b. c, 4. by Broomstick i...lden Itod. Matlack D 1 Guest of Honor, ch. h, .".. by Patau.! ; Bright Start. Milam. J C Stanwix, ch. c, 4, by Ballot Miss Crittenden. M.IK John P. ttsprey, ch. g. ."., by Fair Play Olyinpi*. , I j , ! , i ; Moore. C. W.— Battle On. br. g. 3. by Sweep On— Biddy Mi-Gee. Respess. J. B.— Progress, ch. c, 3, by Colonel Vennie— Fleetabelle. Salmon. Walter J.— Vigil, ch. h, 5, ty Jim Gaffnoy — Vignola. D. W— Son of John. t . c. 3. by Sir John Johnson Water K. Smith. James B.- King Solomons Seal. br. g. 5, by King — Himation. Trea y and Walkrr Delectable, b. f. 4. by The Finn — Watirn.iluii. Trotter. K.--Bedford, ch. g. 4. by The Manager— Lidy Welles. Troxler. J. J— King Nadi. br. c. 3. by King James — Nadillette. Viau. Mrs. L .— Afris. ch. c. 3. by Omar Khayyam — Bonnie 1 iss Viau. Mrs. L. — Tenia r. b. e. 3. by Omar Khavvam —Patricia IV Weil. Ike— Tip Toe Inn. blk. in. 5, by Hessian — , Lizzie Dixon. Whitney. H. P. — Revenge, b. g. 5. by Chicle— Regret. Whitney. II. P. Bridesmaid, br. f. 3, bv Chicle—! Kowcs Bud. Whitney, H. P. -Flagstaff, ch. g. 5. by Broomstick — Inaugural. Whitney. H. P. — Klondyke. ch. g. 4. by Whisk Broom II. — Cresson. Whitney. II. P.— Transmute, ch. c. 4. by Broomstick — Traverse. Whitney. II. P Courageous, ch. c. 3. by Whi-k Broom II. — on rage Whitney. H. P. -Overall, br. c. 3. bv Peter Pan — Frilbry Whitney. II. P. --Arcady. b. g. 3. by Peter Pan - Querca. Whitney. II. P. Panic, b. c, 3. by Peter Pan— Misk Hamburg. Whitney. II. P. Sandhurst, b. c. 3. by Johren — S.imlria. Wli tney. II. P. Lawless, ch. g. ::. by Peter Pan Ruth Law. H. P. Denizen, br. g, 3. by WhM Ir.iom II. Delid.ra. Wiedemann. Carl In Memoriam. I . h, 5. by Enchantress II. Wiedemann. Carl- Gamester, ill. c, 3. by N. rth Star III. Plucky II. n Xalapa Farm Stable Sweeping Away. br. c, 3, by Mn [ Lidy Eastman. Xalapa K.inn Stable Prince of Bruirlion. ch. c, 3. by Prime Palatine Forever. Xalapa Farm Stable Hippy 1 noughts, b. f, 4, by. Sir Hail, n Gipsy lxive.