7th Race [7th Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-02

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7rr» DA PIT ■ Mile and TO Yards. i- ear-olds* and upward. I laiiniag. / III nHL/C 4 April IO, 1»1»-1:45 1-5-4 107. ASA JEWELL, b. g, 4 111 By Horron— Dishabille, by Kings Counsel. Trainer. G. M. Johnson. Owner. G. M. Johnson. Breeder. J. B. Gorham. 88488 See todavs hart. 88213 Jefferson 3-4 1 :14Vast 12 112 1 1 1J 1 D Connllyl2 Antonia. Norallayes. GipsyFlyer 86472 Jefferson 1 3-16 2:06=tmud 4 103 1 2 3« 3= V Swansn 6 Yoshimi. Escarpoletlo, Kent L. 8635S Jefferson lm70y l:53=imud 7 103 I 2 2= ll V Swansn 8 Spugs, Smart Guy. Muskeg 86210 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :46Vast 10 102 3 7 7» 6i V Swansn 8 LeeAdrin. Goldfield, SnowMden 86162 Jefferson 1 1-8 1 54 -.fast 7 103 6 6 71 6" R Zcchini 9 Stonewall. Gem. Colonel Wagner 86071 Jefferson 1 1-16 L-VSmud 7-5 1041 3 3 31 V D Merglei 7 Gayly, Ossaleen. Lugs 85986 Jefferson 11-16 1:51 slow 13-5 104 3 1 !* !■ D Merglei 11 Gayly, Pence Pal, Flaxy Mne 85957 Jefferson 1 1-8 1:56 Vast 8 107 4 8 8 8" J Gerrity 8 Stormalong, Juno. Tulalip 85797 Lexgton 1 1-16 l:51Hhvy 15 109 5 2 21 2» L McDott 8 Macbeth. WarPrize. Incle Velo L0UANNA, b. m 6 1C8 By Luke McLuke — Aunt Josie, by Ogden. Trainer. W. R. Padgett. Owner. W. R. Padgett. Breeder. J. O. and G H. Keen* 87954 Miami 5J f 1:08 Vast Hf 106 1 S 7» % 1 W Smith 12 Remnant, Mu-kaPgc, F.Sumpter 87480 Miami 3-4 1:14 slow 9 108 4 5 51 5 W Smith 8 Lees, Pat Casey. « hief Sponscr 87419 Miami 51 f l:oS*».good 24-5 110 1 6 51 41 W Smith 10 CareFree, Lt.Farrell, OldPaige 87236 Miami 3-4 1:14Vast 19 111 2 6 5J31W Smith f RlancheH , Swpstakes. .launebar 87084 Miami 51 f l:09Vivy 11 105 3 2 2» 1 W Smith 0 Piedmont. Felicitous, St.Quentin 80979 Miiini 51 f 1 :08 fast 71 113 3 6 51 5=1 W Smith 7 Felicitous. St. Qiientin, Joe Joe 86626 Hivana 8-4 l:13Vast 8-5 107 5 2 31 3=J W Smith 7 Perhaps. End Man. Mill Roy 8C576 Havana 3-4 l:12%fMt 4 106 3 I 4»k M W Smith 0 T.Dictator, TrueAm.an. P.-rlips 85383 Laurel 3-4 1:15 good 14 112 3 5 8* 97J W Smith IB Merrimac, Atlantida. loldMouut SPUGS. b. g, 7 110 By Charles Edward— Shoo Fly, by Meddler. Trainer. F. J. Kcarns. Owner, F. J. Reams. Breeder. E. Rucker. 87610 FUrmls 1 1-18 l:4S%s4oW 6 15 0 .". G B* C Allen B Caleatta, l.ee Adrin, INcpoIette 872I7 FJrn.ls 1 l-M 1.4J-Sgood 9 5 110 « I 2| 1" C Allen 9 Attractive. Futuro, Viennese 87123 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 : l9*:,slow 7 105 6 7 5* 3» C Allen 8 PromgTom. Vulnad. Cheiuiserie 86871 FGrnds 1 1-16 1 5Cr.hvy 9-5 108 5 4 2 2 V Ha", ey 6 Soviet. DeDsia, Koellia 84MS8 F.Grnds lm70y 151slivy ?,h 1"9 1 6 6« 5« C Allen 7 Soldier II. Lai Adrin. Remnant S6536 F Jrnd.i lm7"y 1 55 hvy 16-5 104 2 2l 24 B Tiner 7 Tippity Witchet. Xlskt, Rudl.uck OVER FIRE, ch. k, 4 111 By Cnder Fire— Silvey Shapiro, by Bannockbura. Trainer. J. P. Polk. Owner, J. L. Earl. Breeder. P. Dunne. 87831 jotters, .ii li i. 2.ir»-w.fast 12 i» 9 5 in 7!1w Hogskiu ch erLMr. Gladys?., M.alarrlaa K6827 I.Grnds Ln7oy lZ%hvy 2-5 104 4 2 ll 1 W Hogskl 8 Tantalns. Meniijolm. Koonowlle 86599 FC.nds 1 S-M 2T-,hvy Z| 1 ■ 2 2 2* t* W Hogski t K-c|Hdte. R . aVeta. T. Witchet 80514 F.Gr nds 1 1-16 1:57 Shvy 15 ]• 4 3 5 6 4=1 W Bogski | Vanlatri.k. I.lew. Ilyn, Rluellill 80044 Jefferson 1 l-M 1:47 Vast 30 107 3 6 6 6" W Bocakl 8 Frankt.lor. PlysDVTU, Ddbsh 85954 J-fiVrson lm7"y 1 1l r,:"asi 40 1"4 4 5 5 5-" W Bogski B Ranter. Pir Cell. Rrad.sToii. y 82176 Hthorne lm70y 1.46igood S-5 111 2 11" 21 M Barrett 5 Dobson. Follyn::ira. Glanmore ROSA YETA, ch. m. 5 102 By Sandbar— Hannah Louise, by Yellow Tail. Trainer. W. C. Trober. Owner. W. C. Trober. Breeder. Oak Hill Farm. 87507 Miami lmT.y I !75f.ist 91 112 7 7 7 7" J Maiben 7 Atomin. Firmament, Lagoon 87423 Miimi 1 1 16 l:4w%g»4Ml 31 1041 1 5 5 711 F Stevens 7 WarMask. Asaph. Aspiration 87058 Flrnds 1 1 16 1 51%hvy 1 100 3 3 4» 4«» D Fisher 5 Georgia May, Peace Pal. Smarty 86822 FGr nds lm70y l:535hvy 7 100 1 4 C! 7" G Fields 7 Rush Ruck. Futuro, Nivlag 86770 F.Grnds 1 1-8 l:56=ngood 13-5 100 6 9 9 9== J McTgue 9 Sixlence, Tip. Witchet. Stonewl 86599 FGrnds 1 3-16 2:13Vivy 20 108 3 3 3» 3» G Fields 5 Esc polte, OverFire, T Witchet 86557 F.Grnds 1 1-16 1:58 hvy 8 104 6 4 5» 5" J McTgue 6 M gtWare, P.McCann, SeaCourt 186337 Jefferson 1 1-16 l:52=imud a 105 5 4 4| 4" V Swansn 0 M.Ware. RlancheiJac, Lovelina TRAJANUS. br. g, « 1°3 By Hock View— BelgraTia. by Ben Brush. Trair.er. G. C. Brenton. Owner. C. C. Smithson. Breeder. E. F. Sims. M802 Laurel 11-16 1:49 fast 32-10 109 4 8 W 13*2 E Duliriul 14 Cote dOr, RedWine. P.Leignton 84595 If doGee 1 1-4 2:07=%fast B-3 109 5 8 6 54 J Maiben 9 Vice-Chirmn Rchbito, Bunce 84401 HdoGoe 1 1-16 l:51Vsmud 19-5 110 1 1 2s 2» C Lang 8 Episode. Dumbfnder. Rechabite r.4I69 H tea ro 1 1-16 l:4CSfast 22 Ml 6 6 6* 512 J MoTagt 7 MterHand. SgarthArn. Carlton 83670 Mlboro lm Jy lSfast 11-5 111 4"i A Allen 5 S. Breeze. MuchAdo. l .andlrkes 81050 Windsor 1 .1-16 2:01=tfast 4 109 2 8 81 8J J Chlmers 9 Fancy Free. Aug. Maid. Trnpnet 80919 FortErie lm70y IMOgood G-5 111 1 5 3» !: J Wallace G LkyAntoine, All inAH, C.Cadna SOVIET, ch. g. 6 108 By Short Grass— Ukrania, by Peep oDay. Trainer, H. E. Yorke. Owner. M G. Lupo. Bieeder. T. J. Clay 88319 Jefferson 1 1-16 1 :.2»tsl .w 7 107 1 4 4« 3» I. Mmery 11 Generosity. Hen Wood. Bat. Shot 882 78 Jefferson 1 1-2 2:36 fast 20 104 1 2 2l 2* G Cooper 6 Goldfield, Proceeds, Generosity 882 18 jetterson 1 1-4 IOSfast 7 110 1 6 7 751 G Cooper 7 FredKinney, Proceeds, GladysV. 88098 J* ffcrson 1 1-2 2:34fast 15 105 1 2 31 4« G Cooper 7 Muroelline. Gladys V.. Sophy 87967 Jefferson IKK l:49*fast 7 107 9 4 4 4". J McCoy 12 Barion, TheLeopard, TarrayceC. 87890 Jefferson 1 1 16 149 4fast 12 113 3 5 4" 21 J McCoy 6 Ossaleen, Anaprisa, Telescope 87612 l~ Orate 1 1-8 l:55%slow 8 114 2 9 7" 7" W Fronk 12 Isaman, Old Tinier, War Prist 8754C F.Grnds 1 3-16 2:O0«tfast 15 103 2 S 6« 611 J McT cne 9 Westwood. Rork, St. Martins TOODLES, ch. m, 6 98 By Celt— Puritan Girl, by Yankee. Trainer. W. Thomas. Owner. Mrs. H. F. Dubner. Breeder. J. H. Shrere. MM! Laurel 1 1-4 2:07 fast 32 99 6 5 5* 5" O Brown 6 K.Troxell, F.Free, R.Duck 84802 Laurel 11-16 1:49 fast 45 106 9 11 8 S« O Brown 14 Tote dOr, RedWine, P.Leigkton 8459« H.deCYe 1 1-4 2:07?sfast 16 106 6 7 b* 5T1 O Brown 9 O. Faithful, Hickory, M. Rose II. 84492 H.deGce lm70y 1 :44»ifast 47 105 8 7 !• * 6*2 O Brown 11 Turbulent, Ebb Tide. Racket 84231 H.deGce 1 1-4 2:0714fast 27 105 1 4 42 4M O Brown 8 Suppliant. Episode. Rechabite 8410ft H deGrVe 1 1-16 l:4xfast 44 108 12 10 91 9= O Brown 15 Normal. South Breeze. Widgeon 83064 K worth 1 3-16 2:08 hvy 2 98 2 2 l1 l1 O Brown 8 Debadou, HillmanC, MdtStors BLOSSOM HOUSE, b. g. 6 107 ay * uise— Agnes May. oy The Commoner. Trainer. S. Hesseltine. Owner. S. Hesseltine. Breeder. J. W. Parrish. 87763 Miami 3-4 l:13=*fast 144 110 12 11 11= 11= J Martin 12 Orpheus. Flax, Ducky 87662 Miami 3-4 1:13 fast 96 102 9 8 S2 812 J Martin 9 Iproar, Ducky, Pat Casey 85787 Rowie 1 1-8 l:59=fast 5 106 13 7 4l !• G Htamerl5 Demijohn. Prince K., Smarty 8ft74S P wie 1 3-16 2:06 fast 21 106 7 6 3 2= G HtamerlO RosaYeta, Demijohn, OldFthfnl 8ft687 Bowie 1 1-16 1:50 fast 6f 105 11 10 10 K»« Q Htameri2 Potentilla, Leisch, Skirmish 45231 tolumbs 1 1-16 1:50 fast 17 108 47 J Gerrlty 0 Harmonious, Scissors-, F.Rowena 84603 Dfferin 1 1-16 1:55 fast 3-2 103 1 W MoK h» 6 Figuration, Vendor, Dellahm 84501 Dfferin 7-8 1 :30,fast 14-5 It* 5:i W McKht 8 Doc Corbet t. Mormon, Sweepsts 84178 Wdbine 1 3-16 2:00Vifast 23 5 112 14 5 6" W McKht 7 Wood Lady. Arragosa. Yoshimi

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925040201/drf1925040201_5_4
Local Identifier: drf1925040201_5_4
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800