2nd Race [2nd Tijuana, Daily Racing Form, 1925-04-02

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• . [ | ! 1 j I : 1 j j I i I ! 1 ; , i i ! , • i i i i , i i i i • • I I i Or rl DA PC ** 1~— Furlongs. 3-ycar-olils and upward. H;ii l -ns. Claiming:. £NU nttUC Jan. lO, 11 24 1 :04 4-5 4 lOG. Index. Coarse. Dist.Time. Track. Odds. Wt. St. ?i Str.Fin. Jockej. Started. Order of Finish. SEA GREEN, b. f. 3 M 99 By Sea Sick— Verdant, by Sunflower II. Trainer. J. R. Clark. Owner, J. R. Clark. Bred in France by A. K. Macomber. 88468 Tijuana 1 1-16 1 :51slop 14-5 97 7 5 51 5»1 J Berg U Voogeria. Whipsaw. JO Connell 88385 Tijuana 1 1:43 fast 49 99 10 7 51 221 J Berg 11 Aceeleiation. Setiuan, Peg O. 88302 Tijuana lm70y 1 :47Vsfast 10 102 13 10 101- 7s* S Griffin 13 J.Patton. J.OConnl. M.Prosity 88228 Tijuana 1 1-16 l:50V=!ow S7-10 97 10 7 41 4* K HglandlO Louis. Reydo. York I-assie 88123 Tijuana 3-4 1:I5%slop 24 M 9 9 9 7i J Smith 9 Recruit. Brightldca, M.Propty 87015 Tijuana 3-4 I il%faat 62 1"3 12 7 10l 92 R McHughU Little Bat, looters. Apricot 86632 Tijuana 3-1 l:13%fast 35 109 9 8 71 912 A Franco 9 Alt xiuiver, Mt. Shasta. Oil Iidy 86390 Tijuana 51 f 1:08 fast 12f 109 8 8 10211,IA Francol3 Coalition. Millwick, Sh. Limited 86258 Tijuana 5J f 1:11 mud 17-3 11:: 7 6 51 21 A Collins 7 Runuride. Pirouette, Lampo POSTMAN, b. c. 3 M 99 By War Cry— Rural Delivery, by Mortlake. Trainer. H. T. Griffin. Owner. R. Spreckels. Breeder. R. Spreckels. 88443 Tijuana 51 f l:0S%fast 17 lOf 102 12 a 3 2" H Elston 13 UtanaKoo. GneaGirl. Irvington 87933 Tijuana 51 f l:06fast 41 110 7 7 7 614 E J Laker 7 Romany Rye. Kockford. Olivia 187557 Tijuana 3-4 1 :i:lfast 21 110 8 8 812 710 J Smith 9 Sure Fire, Uockf d. Komny Rye 87472 Tijuana 51 f 1 :n6sfast ei 199 10 10 81 7" J Smith 11 Lthonton. JohnVAgie. FalseFace 187107 Tijuana CI f 1 :06%fast 170 116 8 7 7s 75 J Metcalf S Teton, Edmon. N tenough 87020 Tijuana 51 f l:0675fast 13f 100 9 3 918"S ilriffin 10 Otarer. B. of Kliztn. Sanlsabcl 86675 Tijuana 51 f 1:07 fast 175 100 12 12 12 1011 T Wilson 12 Kia, LdValentine. TheCheetah 36390 Tijuana 51 f 1.08 fast 11 110 13 12 13 1314 J Johnson 13 Coalition. Millwick. Sh. Limited DAMAR. b. f, 3 M SO By Damrosch— Linger, by Dublin. Trainer. B. Graham. Owner. Graham and Donnelly. Breeder. Payr.e tc West. 88443 Tijuana f l t l:0S*ifast 17-10f Ml 5 7 91 10«J H Wakoff 13 UtanaRoo. Postman. GneaGirl 88350 Tijuana 41 f ■%faat 84 107 7 6 ll2 9»i J J KoVtsH Letter!-., Cocksure, AnnaHegina 87990 Tijuana 5-8 l:02%slov 31 94 3 5 51 8» M Kdwds 14 Oill-ady. Missl» peritv. Nacomee 87737 Tijuana 5* f 1 :99 slow 18 94 6 11 121 IT" CI HtamerH HcmeUun. OilLadv. OlvninKing 187555 Tijuana :".-8 1 allfast l-2f 94 7 5 4" 4*1 K H glan 114 MyFrdPat. S.ampr, OlvmpnK. 87285 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 5f 99 9 1 2" 97 K Fisher 14 Cypreme. Mid. Bell. Wilt. Wood 87193 Tijuana 5-8 1:0-Ji5fast 21 107 5 5 5h 7 K Fator 13 W. Lights. Peterlatr, OniPjMJ 87015 Tijuana 3-4 l:M%BJUat 34 94 8 10 71 7»2 G HtiTieiU Little Bat, looters. Apricot 86843 Tijuana 5-8 1 M.lSfast lOf 102 8 6 6 5! It McllughU Lampo. Solim, nte. Freemason 86757 Tijuana M 1»2 good 22 97 3 6 7 5« R McHughU Dr.Hays, Joe I nderd, H.sUeir LUCILLE RUSSELL, ch. m, 6 M 106 By Atkins — Burnie Bunton, by Rancocas. Trainer. L. H. Tryon. Owner. P. L. Fullor. 88424 Tijuana 51 f l:oS«£fast 11 M5 4 4 C » "z G JohnsonH LyBerrldon. Jenks, LyBarrett 88350 Tijuana 41 f oiStast 59 109 2 2 21 4*1 G Joh.isonl4 Letter!., Cocksure, AnnaKegina 88333 Tijuana 51 f l:0S*£fast 14 109 13 3" 8-2 J IicrilloH Lorcnal,.. Ixistl hip. LkeChapala 88257 T;juana 3-4 1:15 good 63 105 1 1 2? 10"j J PierilloU Tooters, ShtaSprings, Tailteann 88047 Tijuana 2-4 1:1« slow 51 110 4 3 3 21 G Johnson 7 Bs.eYn-. TV— ilM.. Alicellvej 87901 Tijuana 3-4 l:14tDfast 17 M2 2 2 51 7"! L Schaefer 8 Solimente. Scattershot. WceGirl 87555 Tijuana f.-S IM%xaVst 20 99 6 7 71 !"! C Hooper 14 MyFrdPat, Scampr. OlvmpnK. 87132 Tijuana H C LoMfcfast 38 H6 7 5 5J 8J C Hooper 1 1 Oukomine. llar.slleir, Ituhivari MIDNIGHT BELL, blk. m, 5 M 106 By Lay Low— Violet May, t y Peep oDav, Trainer. H. E. Davis. Owner. Swastika Stable. Breeder. G. Coon«y. 88397 Tijuana 41 f 5:".**;fa*t si 116 11 12 121 14-« E Taplin 14 Can ga. P.a lane. Look. Acquitted | 88380 Tijuana H f l:M%fMt * f 191 4 19 41 22 It McHughU Ponimoi. Col. Matt. Laiy Tiptoe ItSSM Tijuana 1-4 l:M%fis«l H 13 6 S 6* 5" H Elston 14 Kuddy. Joe I nderwood. Tikeli 188333 Tijuana i| t I4t%faat 20 109 7 6 61 422 H Elston 14 Ix renaL.. IistChip. LkeChapal.i 87910 Tijuana 1 1-16 LJOfast 22-5 112 1 8 9 9" W Hburn 9 Pat Mahrev. Torsida. Dynamic 8;872 Tijuana 3 4 1 :14ifast 1?.7 112 11 11 71 7»i W Hburnl-t RostMnt, Irogrm. Hganslleir | 87678 Tijuana 5-8 1:01 fast 22 110 13 12 12 10" II Klston 13 Goodllope. II.-tgnNIIcir. Boxana 87649 Tijuana 41 f B%Caat 51 116 14 U 12» 1214 J J Hobtsll TwinFox, SirJ.Vergne, B. Meyers j LETTER B.. b. f. 4 M 107 By Sigurd— Dottie B., by Six Shooter. Trainer. H. Booker. Owner, Rancho Wikiup Stable. Breeder. H. H. Trowbridee. 1 88424 Tijuana i| f l:«%fBat U 109 11 10 71 5-1 G Ellis 14 LyBerrdon, LleKussell, Jenki 88333 Tijuana H f 1 :t.8%fast 25 104 12 11 10- 71! 1 Holbertlt LorenaL., LaatCMa, LkeChapal.i | 8801* Tijuana S-4 116 fast Sl-10 M 5 12 91 4 A MtensnU juota, T t sfcln Dl lls . Jacklti 87467 Tijuana 3-4 1:13%fast 10f 106 12 11 102 4»i A Mter.s nl4 Joel J. Time and Tide. Sing On 87285 Tijuana 3-4 1:14 fast 30 111 13 13 122 11" G Kllis 14 Cypreme, Mid. Bell, Wilt. Wood 87138 Tijuana 1 1-4 2: OS Vast 26 10-4 5 11 12 12" C Corbett 12 BIkThong. ltoyalyn. AuHevoir 186988 Tijuana 1 l:43%Dwt 179 119 S 10 91 9J2 C Corbett 12 Margt White. Cadmus, BusyBob 86675 Tijuana 51 f 1 :07 fast 22-5f 108 7 19 81 8« K Hglandl2 Kia, LdValentine, TheClieetah MM Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 36-5f 109 12 12 11» tl K Hglandl2 Kirkwood, Seamier. Nor.Uoney I LLOYD BROWN, b. g, 3 M 94 By Killdee — Ida Brown, by Ben Trovato. Trainer, A. Neal. Owner, Neal and Bartholomew. Breeders. Neal A Bartholomew. | 88424 Tijuana i| f lM%tm* 39f 96 14 12 1111" C, Htamerl4 LjBerrdon. L*l»BsjsaaD, Jenks 88333 Tijuana 51 f I :tS5sfast 8f 97 9 12 121 12*2 A Mtcnsnl4 lanaal . Li-tChip. LkeChapal i i 88198 Tijuana C-S 1 :03*sslow 6if 119 13 11 12* 10" G Zarelli 13 Llanimp. Jenks, Peter Patter 88122 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 slop 9f 99 9 10 11 1017 It Fisher 14 Alajah. Melchoir. Olympiad ALBION BOY, b. g. 7 M 113 By Frank Mullens— DoUy Mintxer. Trainer, V. Campbell. Owner. Mrs. M. Murray. 88461 Tijuana 41 f C6%hvy 61f 99 3 4 4 3 R McHughl2 Fullanti. Fernandoa. Review | 88196 Tijuana 5 8 l:03%slow fjf -[i» 6 11 11 10Ji K McHughU Dr.Corb«-tt, KingWth, SmileAa 87930 Tijuana 41 f 55fast 69 109 4 5 51 10»J K Craig 14 PegO. Bavenwing. Lady Tiptoti .87784 Tijuana 5-S 1 :02«fegood 142 101 5 7 7» 91 A PrgrassU Roxana. Tailteann, letter F. 87739 Tijuana 5-8 l:02~slo w 40f 108 5 8 8 82» A lrgrass 8 Kt. hhill. Runaway. Dr.MeAur 85452 Yogstn A b 5-8 1 ooblast 102 111 710 G Webber ID Las. White, IraWilson, FllTapa j 85390 Yogstn Ab 5-8 59*4fast 53 115 61G WebberlO KatbleenK . ChteStar. Norbeck 85290 Yogstn Ab 5-8 BSSfast 103 115 61 It Ryan 9 Hllloro. Iist OM, legacy 85085 Yoffln Ab 5-8 59=«ifast 11 113 64 R Ryan 10 Misslli Hand. Norbeck TheCreola I LITTLE TOKALON. b. f, 3 M 99 By The Manager— Tokalon, by Tammany. TTainer, J. J. Ago. Owner. A. W. Kaufman. Breeder. J. W. Fuller. S8452 Tijuana 6 8 1 :02Sslop B2 104 3 4 4» 5" L Schaefer 8 Polo Star, Jenks, Shasta Rapids 87373 Tijuana 6 8 1:01 good 4f 101 6 7 9 ll» S Griffin 12 Rubivnri, BessL , LadyRerrilln 87193 Tijuana 5-8 1 :02Vandfast 17-5f 112 2 4 41 63i E Barnes 13 W. Light*, PeterPatr. Grey Rock 87081 Tijuana 41 f 54=r,fast 11 Mt 115 5 7 7 7»J M Edwrdv 8 Querulous, Skoki, Miss Caltha 86843 Tijuana 6-8 1 :014sfast lOf 112 4 8 8 8"i J Smith 14 I.ami o. Solimente, Freemason 86629 Tijuana 5-S 1:01 fast 35 112 4 5 62 7*1 J Gormleyl3 Miss Shasta. Wee Girl. Enette 86566 Tijuana 1-4 l:14-fast 29 101 14 13 13 12" C Hooper 14 Clydclla. Aggie. Xas Ta Raga 86504 Tijuana 5-8 l:02Vsgood 16 108 6 7 93 S»J J Gormley 14 SmartHorse, Runleg, MissSliasta ACQUITTED, b g. 4 M 108 By Trial By Jury— Virginia Hope, by Mint. Trainer, D. Dennis. Owrer, J. A. Dennis. Breeder, J. A. Dennis. 88434 Tijuana .1-8 bafVfeat 46 107 4 5 52 41 A Prgrassl4 Cleg. Dan Arvi, Cocksure 88397 Tijuana 4 f 55*fcfast 27-10f 111 1 6 6J 3 A Prgrassl4 Catioga. l.al.Rook. Alicellaivey 88334 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14Sfa.st llf 107 3 5 61 6"3 A FrgrassH Mart Hunch. I5ig Indian. Xapan 88256 Tijuana 3-4 1 :14»tgood 43f 107 10 11 13s 102 R McHaghH Olympd. YkshireRelh. Sunbow 86189 Tijuana 5-8 1:02 fast 18-5f 106 6 9 10" 9»1 J Gormley 13 AticKing, C.A.Comky, Scamper LOVE SONG, b. f. 4 M 102 By Liberty Loan — Rose of Borgia, by Bargia. Trainer. C. Cook. Owner. C. Cook. Breeder. A. K. Macoznber. S8410 Tijuana 4 f 57hvy 20 9S 11 8 8J 8 J WThamlt LyAbbott, DanArvi. ChrMaster 88397 Tijuana 4i t 5*sfast 27-10f 111 8 10 11 12" S ODnellH Canoga, PalanceBook, Acquitted 75505 Tanforan 5-8 1 :02«ifast — 106 5* F Weiner 0 Skoki. Norwood. Ida Frances 75368 Tanforan 5-8 1.02 Vast — 112 V* K Ericksn 7 Combustion. V.Holland, Crowner

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1925040201/drf1925040201_6_5
Local Identifier: drf1925040201_6_5
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800