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DAILY RACING FORM VOLUME XXXI. NUMBER 92 Littered .is Mcaa4-ctaM matter. April -. UML a- Mm post-offire at CMcag*. Illinois, under Act f M.inh 3. 1ST9. W. J. McMurray. Publisher and General Manager D.iilv During Winter Months. Dally P.. |.| Monday Balance of ihe Year. A Daily Reflection of the Anieric.m Turf by Telegraph DAILY RACING FORM PUBLISHING CO 411 PLYMOUTH COURT - CHICAGO. ILL. 157-159 EAST 32nd ST. NEW YORK CITY. N. Y. 50 RICHMOND STREET. EAST. TORONTO. ONT. 320 EAST THIRD STREET. CINCINNATI. OHIO BUBSCKimON ItY K1KST -CLAM MAIL: May to November, inclusive S4 00 ] er month December to April. taKtatfC ?." .00 l er month IAYAltl.i: IN ADVANCK. P.Al K Nl miM ItV MAIL. IS tKXTS BACH. Til JtrnONI LOT IIABB1SON. Tor bn-iness :ind emulation purposes only. This telephone h.-is no connection with the news or ■Mortal li partments and cannot be used to communicate with them. To bo considered ami answered, all queries to D„i:y Raring Form must be sent over the full MM and with the address of wiitei. The nrnnes and addresses are subject to a Kh.i1 and foreign diiectory teat. 86508 is first index of 1925