6th Race [6th Huntington, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-13

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QJ| £3,CC ""•■ s-.«ai"- ,,Js »n,J »I«ard. Claiming. Oct. IS, 1923—1 :3s — | j Index Conree. Diat Time. Track. Odda.Wt. St. Str.Fin. Jockey. Started Order of Finleh. ; LIZZIE N.. ch. f. 4 110 By Setback— Balma Teital. by Luck and Charity. i Trainer. H. G. Hammat. Owner. Hammat tt Davia. Bleeder. I. E. Clark. ; OAd.tfi llunmn lm70y i :.,:: hvy •; 107 2 3 3" 2- D Prible •"• Arraco-.a. S « Court. Pn-tproof ; MMS HunKtn 1 1:43 tast 5J 110 I I *JJ " D Prible I Ma--onTowlc. Molim-ro. AmliiKi J « ll.~ I 1 Hunglon l:n7"y 1 -"Hn 1L 109 3 3 ?. !l F Kehrt " Arragosa. Molioero. Ascot 5 ! 988. Haana i l f 1 :ir "4stnud and 111 9 7 «"* ti"i A Collins I I. .clone. Marie Maim. Ituuchief 5 UU488 Iliiv.iiiH :i-l I IHtlllJ 5 197 8 G 4»- 2" ¥ Kelirt 8 Colossus. Crwoodltoy. I.ctieorge ? 99295 Havana lm7«1y 1 :.*.» slow 4 100 3 4 4»| i"| Q Morton fi Savoy. KveeStar. .o ilMorniui; J 99242 Havana lm50y IMSkW 6 102 4 4 4 | 4M G McCann ."» Metnatit. Onl.vStnr, ISrayAnnie 991X1 Havana 1 1-16 ! :.r.9hvy 6 98 6 3 2« 2J G Morton 7 Salvage. Aslibnrton. MaryAgnes j 98785 Havana 1 1-lli 1 flHM 6 104 2 3 3« 4,u D Pi ible 7 Wise Guy. Zero. Clip i MASON TOWLE. ch. g. 5 112 By Hourless— Humanity, by Voter. i Trainer. M. H. Jordan. Owner. M. H. Jordan . Breeder. B. Combs. 5 00599 ilun gton 1 1:43 fast 9 5 109 1 1 1- 1» J Connors U I.ir./.ie.V. Molinero. Ambalance f 00548 llit:m..ii 3-4 l:1."»Hgood 12 119 3 2 "- "• .1 Connors fi ewM K n. Msl Brown. B. Brush J 97 289 H.ulah 1 1-1C 217 hvy 9 106 6 7 7 -« P up C Corbt 7 W.Dant, Q nMaaonia. Walespa J !»721fi Keulali .".-f 1:13 hvy 41-10 108 6 4 t»| 2J .1 Mann I Meaner. Van loo. Jacobean i 90902 H.ulah lmTOy 1:0.". mud 31 10S 5 4 7 : 7 ■• V Murphy 0 lllustr tor. Blkolia. S.McMtfrs 96852 lieuiali 01 f PIS mud 71 108 7 6 6»i .".51 V Murpby 8 H.Buck. T. Almoner. S McMters i SEA COURT, b. g. 8 100 By Sea King — Lady Hillington. by Garry Herrmann, j Trainer. S. N. Varian. Owner. Four Oaks Stock Farm Stable. Br«ener. G D. Widener. 0005K lluntoii lmTOy i :."". hvy 41-10 98 4 2 21 3= T McKIroy E Arraosa. Lizzie N.. ]»u«t proof | H0ir.fi Mobil- lmTOy i-rol l,vy 21 109 4 2 2» 2 " C Phillips 5 Kichelieu. Purl, Victor M. i 00240 Mobil.- 61 f 1 X|hn 4 107 6 2 3» 4*i I. M ornery 6 G.Clayton. Prumnd. SlipySmile 95778 I.atonia 1 3-16 2:02good 19 103 6 6 6«3 6" J Guy fi Lighter. Stump Jr.. McVickar J 95018 litonia 1 1-16 HTMeTT 20 104 4 8 8M 8-* J Guy 8 StumpJr.. lireioma. Escarpolte J l 4CC:t KadePk. 11-8 1:33 fast 5 110 5 2 2= 2s 1 Guy 7 Gem. Dnstproof. Haiti 5 MM1 DadePk. 1 1 41-»»last 37-10 110 1 6 411 3J J Guy « Tule. Adjuster. Protectreae ; 94449 DadelU 1 1-8 1 :53Hfa t Si 101 5 4 3» 3 .1 Guy C Murray. Tule. Halu ; SMART GUT. b. g. 9 103 By Theo. Cook— Canny Miss, by Ogden. Trainer B. F. McClain. Jr. Owner. B. F. McClain. Beeder. W. Garth. ; 00599 llungtnn 11:43 fast 5 103 6 5 V- r." O Mazou.- C. MainTowle. l.izzieV. Molinero 5 00549 HunRtt.n 1 l:46*sgood 8-5 104 2 3 2 11 Mazoue 8 Garish. Tule. Lasting Ix ce ; 9969: .leiterson 1 1 -16 1 : " mud 81 106 1 7 »* S» W Garner I KuuuingKox. ItahMing. SirRalph i 99432 .Ieffers,,n 1 1-16 l:48=sfast 109 104 8 7 9" 9-* O Mazoue 11 Nereid. Molinero. Kbb Tide ; 99200 Jeffeis.,n 1 1-16 1 :48Sgood 94 99 1 2 7*3 7 » O Mazone 11 I/dj.Vilr y. DrnrSou. Vibrn"m J 98409 IGitnls 11-16 1.49 good 68 103 4 7 7»4 8»1 P Fisher 9 Repeater. Wild Bill. Marjorie C. J 98159 l.Gin.ls lilt WTtlilM 15 108 6 4 3» 4 = D Tyler 8 Halu. MissClaire. Dr.MacMillan J 98093 KGri.ds 1 I-!6 1:..2 hvy 41 108 114 4»i D Tyler 14 Gayly. Miss Claire, Van Patrick j AMBULANCE, br. f. 4 101 By Theo. Cook — Red Cross Girl, by Plaudit. Trainer. C. F. Dunn. Owner. M. Rosenstone. Breeder. E. F. Simms. - 00082 HniiRion M l:03Shvy 16 102 5 6 7Ti 7Ti 1 Smith 9 Padlock, U.tto. Vodka » 00599 Hun gton 11:42 fast II 106 4 4 4T 4»i G Webb • Maxmlowie. l.ixzie.N.. Molinero I ] O0548 Hunt-ton 3-1 UMMMfl 41-10 lh" 6 I 5" S" A Wliams • NewMn. MnTowle. MxI.BrwwW j 00120 Havana 3 4 l:13*gfast o 105 10 9 7i64iG McCann 10 Mayo B.. Shindy. Ijigoon 99884 Ha x ana I 4 1:3J mud M 103 8 5 11 V- G McCann 8 Burgoyne. C J.Craigmile. Garish 99849 Havana ImiOv 1:48 fast 5 102 6 1 2" Lj G McCann 7 Le Bleuet. Smudge. Bounce ; 99810 Havana .1 f 14WM 4 110 8 6 3« 21 A Pickens 11 I.ydia Drew, larisli. Haltou S S0ANS0. b. c. 3 101 By Orpiment — Elevation, by Lore Wisely. J Trainer. N. B. Davis. Owner. Mrs. N. B. Davis. Bred in England by Maj. 3. S. ] Cope. 0O08O Hun gton 5| f l:ll«4hvy 14 102 6 4 3- ■ C K Allen 7 VagtDitty, ;eralSetli. Galnsha j 00544 Hungton :S 1 :03g..od 11 108 2 7 1*1 S*l W Tavlor 9 l.niberJack. Vag. Ditty. Bequest j j 98029 KCrnrts lmTOy 1 :47fast 79f 107 8 10 11 " 10;: H Gotterjp12 Diane. Bess McCann. Creystone ij 98188 C.Gi n.ls 3 4 l:14*„good 44f 107 10 9 10" S»A Iicastell D slnfenio. Pnlucky. TbeMissu- j ] 98195 r.Of-Nta 3-4 1:19*tmud 128f 109 12 11 9" 7« H GotruplJ Mite. WliiteSliep dess. lnc|eBill|] 98089 CGrtuls 3-4 l:15hvy 146 100 7 8 81785H Gotrup S XettieSwp. lrklyHeat, Alborak ; j LAVIMIA. br. m. 6 105 By Jim Gaffney— Sweetheart Sue. by Peter Quince. Trainer. H. E. Brown. Owner. H. E. Brown. Breeder, W. 6. Threlkeld. 007 17 Sec i.elavH chart. OO020 Hun gton .7-8 1 :H-,slow 3 110 4 I 4» 4s C E Allen • BrandcU. C T.Wtli ton. KILilli- 00570 Hun gton T.i f 1 :09kg. od 6 103 5 5 63J 5»J S Trenchd 7 Bruneth. Quaver, lanorel j 0050 l Hun gton .".-* I.OWfcalaW G-.". 96 1 3 1" 1- L Smith I Sq.McM frs. Sent .Traie, MaryG j 00059 l.-fferson 3-4 1:16 mud 43-10 100 5 6 7M7T V Smith 12 lriuccRcgt. J inieTrinz. Cpdike j

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041301/drf1926041301_10_1
Local Identifier: drf1926041301_10_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800