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OPPORTUNITY I Espanol, .40, Won | Our Reliable 1100.00 Special furnished immediately upon request, by telegraph or personal application. Terms: The winning* of a f6.00 straight wafer, mutuel prices, telegraphed day after horse wins. TURF TOPICS 311 IMPERIAL RLDO. CHICAGO. ILL. PHONE WABASH »0U Weekly Racing Guide A PICTORIAL OF THE TITRF PUBLISHED EVERY FRIDAY FREE CODE SPECIALS FOR TTTESDAY. BOWIE— Trainer-Blinkers - Finish HTJNTINGTON-Juda-e - Barn - Place TIJUANA— Handicai per-Furlong-Finish WEEKLY KACIXG GLIDE 25 Cents a Copy ON SALE AT ALL LEADING NEWSSTANDS DAILY RACING CHART, Inc. ... .... tPLBLlSHERS I-. ~ East 32nd Street _ew York, W. Y. thirtv i|PARLAY I JOE four a I I those who are specuUrs SUCCe*"- 8uce~»f-» »•» i» »U kinds of bus.nos. are se. j j YESTERDAYS PARLAY: high SiSea Moss, 0.30, Won five i|Green Blazes, 5.90, Won W4 I 4 | 0 0 Race players who have not been successful in beatine the races I am I 0 ■ inroad, on your hank rolls. I will advise you to subscribe for Parmy Joe ! 0 1 H1 : "J y°U 2 a««e ynr«-f- information is of such • 0 cahber that I have a following of orer 5.000 4 . clients, and I am srowin*- tronrer and stronger day after ■ © day. Amongst my followers are men of aU staff, of l.fe, poUtical. 0 professional and otherwise, and if this informa- ■ 0 0 0 sni, Subscribe T " l r"PI*"nt * y°" C" M reaIi" What W0»W haPP«" at once, and place yourself in 4 a position to reap a fortune 0 0 , 5 ™"~~™~~,~"— ■— — BUM ■— ■— — . 0 0 DO YOU KNOW. MR. . FLAYER THAT thtiv ,Dr -r 1 I I races by using methods trying tlfk 22. f IS tht J t* wC" b~«t of h*in« »"*« th. 0 0 i mation. and that i, the kind you get m Parity J„ TnJ t th* r*C" U U «•* *• ™al inf"- ,° 0 I y,°«urMdisl 38al-t*n P»rJ*T» for WO.OO M SS MkAuTlS? haTe ", ~tr««»r*i»«7 proposition at 1" tJ ,0.00. « All players who are interested m«t tSTL *H .Mmc» for » Period of ten days for 0| •• offer, a, the final day is Arif ITfonr r» T ke" sub«"Pt on at once in order to benefit by thU f 0 I Ability J of being shut out at the last mte * A »«***««« "- -t day. as there i, a pVs" 0 will get plenty of it. «y * »,t Zd "— ,s a promise for /v th« i0"1* than words- 8-hscribe. and you 1 1 J your door-grasp it. f«tur«. A great opportunity knocks at 4 0 J MY PAST RECORD IS A GUARANTEE FOR THE FUTURE 0 0 . riAMrMH SATURDAYS PARLAY: 4 4 DANCING FOOL mm, . . .430, Won PADLOCK $ 0 * 6.00, Won U" „ ■ -| TR,BUNE TDIDIIMr- -~~ FRIDAYS PARLAY: 0 o 5.50, Won BUTTERCUP $ * 5.00, Won ™°" THURSDAY S PARLAY: MISS MICC nncrriA.r — « ROSEDALE. 2.00, Won RED ROCKET.... $ 9.00, Won MAT ■-■■■ WEDNESDAY 8 PARLAY: ■■« NAT EVENS 0.30, Won BLACKSMITH ... $ »"-iw, 8.10, Won null TUESDAY S PARLAY: MUNG0 MIIMSVk — : 3.80, Won CARE FREE 1.90, Won inuMIUV . MONDAY S PARLAY: ,r-,.,r-. JOHNNY JEWELL 1.10, Won TITINA $ f 900 Won " AT«Mm SATURDAY S PARLAY. AT0IV,,N 2.20, Won JULIE.. It-IU, 410 Won WOn ; r, CL,FF |cr- ■mmm FRIDAY S PARLAY: 3-80» Won NIGHT SHADE . . . .$ 7.80, Won HOT PEPPER 5.20,HWor 8 E FREE $ 7.80 Won NORTHERN STAR, 1 JffiS" * AToisA " $ 8 20 Won UTTLETOKALON,6.60,TUwTnYSPL 140 »H.tUf Won WOn MONDAY S PARLAY: HD DR. AADnc»..o -.. CARDENAS 1.80, Won BROWN BETTY . . 7.10, Won .rn ttzuansttsssiiz ,iooo for ten ** *• — * •• ~- a Parlay Joe " 151 West Forty-Second Street, Suite 1218 New York, N. Y. _ 0 . a u . . : | May i FAMOUS TURF BUREAU g*2 000 FOR SIX WINNING PARLAYS -g I ALL CLIENTS MUST RECEIVE SIX WIN I PARLAYS FOR THEIR TEN DOLLARS- NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE DY WHATSOEVER. STRICTLY TWO HORSES EACH ALL CLIENTS. WHETHER IN THE CITY OR OUT OF TOWN WE HAY* OPENED A CHICAGO OFFICE FOR THE CONVENIENCE OF WESTERN «iSSg | e, YESTERDAYS PARLAY: * freen Blazes, 5.90, Won Muskallonge, .30, Won Sir 0 TO 1 WIN PARLAY TODAY -g I DAY AT TW° Released t"™ WIN*S. LIMIT ODDS." citynteiuS »• •** Out of town as well as should prove the easiest wfne« of th selson Do P»ot LJ1T« Clpt. °f H** Tod,ly s two ho"~ no consideration should you miss ZjSOi " SSB ■"" Johnny Campbell 4.70, Won oSndng Fool 4.30, Won -, , FRIDAY S PARLAY: Zeod 7.10, Won French Lady 9.30, Won r, . _ I THURSDAY S PARLAY Red Rocket .00, Won Miss Rosedale 2.00, Won W„* Nat C- ~*~ WEDNESDAYS PARLAY: Evens 0.30, Won Macbeth 30 Won -v£e°"eCcLeNo «-. weeks f.r courteous service? su ascribe to our Chicago office and receive prompt and Chicago clients, call in person. If out of town, remit 0 00 via West,™ n,i.. ~ m Mi six winning parlays. Chicago Telegraph office open from 9 a m to 4 p m FAMOUS TURF BUREAU E00M 412 A8HLAND "aSLfWS? Ck0KNPw LARK STREET. CHICAGO ILL. Ottices in New York and Baltimore I """" Zeod, 4.20, Won otherAgoL%odayhe ""* *"* esterday- Wir« my share. An- Saturday I gave Johnny Campbell, 4.70, Won Friday I gave Zeod, 7.10, Won. I send only one a day, and a good one. My terms are: Wire to help pay expenses, and wire winnings of , after horse Z £ °thewY:em- iiS2 gVe? h°neSt -rVice Torhf?ftSeeenW;nears.NO Wire at once — should pay limit. E. FLETCHER Jamaica, N. Y. SUPR™IJLASH liUGADTTQMr Single Issue. 35 cents. Ten weeks. 13.00 _,u ». B0WtE GETAWAY SPECIAL Sold at all newsstand,. ™«» [*** to win at New Orleans and TODAY S FREE CODES: "£!? 8n!ft.J?I0P°S,tl0n Wedne«°*y »t Havre de BOWIE— Feb-8-5-Il-M. Ce- 8P°rt»»«n. wire name and correct address. TLTUANA— Jan-21-25-1-11 J0E McCARTY Saratoga Springs, N. Y. FOLLOW DAILY RACING GUIDE-FIRST WITH THE LATEST