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ENGAGES PAUL J. MILES Thomas Bourke Adds to Official Roster of Illinois Jockey Club in Homewood Meeting. BOWIE, Mi, April 12.— Thomas B.urke has engaged Baul J. Miles to officiate at the meeting of the Illinois Jockey Tub at the new Homewood track to be conducted from July :: until August 7. Mr. Bourke. in speaking of the Illinois situation, said : "So far as the Illinois Jockey Club is concerned we have always encouraged harmony. We believe there will be room for another track. We have always believed there arc enough men in Illinois to supervise and control racing. We will welcome otru r . We believe racing will succeed under right conditions, but we are confident that a n.w law establishing a commission is necessary Blans have been made and are completed for the successful passage of a race bill next January. Hon. Thomas Curran. recognized as a leader in Illinois legislation and directing bead of our legislator committee, has assumed responsibility of our effort in enacting legislation. There is nothing more to be done except maintain harmony and mark time. "The Illinois Jockey Club brought back racing. We have carried on thus far. We exi ect to continue. Others can help but they must not assume dictatorial methods.