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s u w _ g f _ 0 0 0 9 a 0 s 0 t f p s ] = a " f, ] fl • l | I t , | : t i I • i ; , i I i 1 I 1 I ■ : | ! I j ] : . , , I ! ! j I 1 : I 1 I I 1 HUNTINGTON HUNTINGTON. W. TA.. MONDAY. APRIL 12. 1926 1 Mile. Eighth day. West Vlr-inia Jockey Club. Spring meeting of 21 days. Weather raining. Presiding Steward. L C. Smith. Presiding Judge. W. K. Phillips. Starter. A. M. Knight. Racing; Secretary. W. R. Booker. Racing starts at 2:.M p. m. I Chicago time. 1:2.0 p. m. I W indicates whip, S spurs, B bl.nkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. t4-i O PIRST RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug. 15. 1924— 1 00— 2—117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-vr" 4 3. Jail ward. Claiming- Net value to winner 80: second, 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt 4 -.. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Uquiv. Odds Strt BBBBi I IH Ml M PIATT wb 4 104 2 5 4 3- 2J 1?. P Miller Hislo B Kuss MB-MI 00651 WITHOlT w i 10S 14 l* 1" P 2»* I Prible K S Smith 2090-100 00.790 HKI PEP wb 4 lOfi C 2 61 B BB 3» .1 Holin II C Wilburn UM Ml 97174 BKI wb N 108 7 7 31 P P 4 C K Allen T Cheek 400-100 .90894 ISANTHO IANSYw i 103 I 1 P 4 B P I Smith .1 W Wachtl r US-MI 006.73 SANDY H. w 9 103 | | 7 7 6 C= ¥ Kehrt J P K Willis UBV-M 00634 PIERRE RHlE w 7 10S 4 6 .7- 5- 7 7 S Kirk J J Kenny 2540-100 Time. :25. :51V 1:07V Track heavy. mutuels paid niiomas Piatt, BT.3B sttaight. S-7.S0 place. . IO show; Without. ,.S0 pla. e. .44 show: Bed Iep. 40 -how Equivalent booking odds Thomas Piatt. 2.70 to 100 straight. DO to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: Without. 240 to KM plate. 120 to 100 show : Bed Iep. 70 to 100 show. Winner Br. g, by North Star III. Brown Bess, by Blitzen .trained by L. J. Kuss: bred by Mr. H. P. liardueri. Went to iHist at 2:."!0. At | ost 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same THOMAS PIATT came on the outside of the leaders when entering the strecth and. coming fast, out gamed WITHOlT in the final drive. WITHOlT set a good pace and saved ground where possible, but tired slightly near the end. 1!KH MB* began slowly and closed up inn. h ground. BBB showed early speed and ra.ed into the lead, but tired in the stret. h. SAMHO IANSY tiled and ran aaartp " going. Scratched OtMDSMolIie Tokalon. 110. Overweights- Sandy If.. 1 pound: Thomas Piatt. 1. |r|| O SECOND RACE— 0-8 Mile. Aug. 15. 1924—1:00—2—117. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and ""4 M.and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80; second. 3; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt ; Bj Str Kin Jockeys Owners Baatr. Odds 83ft 0063.7 PETEB I.KE wb 5 112 1 5 4 41 2 1 J Dolin A Cassenheimer 160-100 00595 CI KA ENCANTO w 7 108 5 2 P I1 1- 2 J Conner* H W Miller 45 -100 00651 MABtlE MABTINwb 4 110 4 6 ■ 21 31 3* ¥ Kehrt J M Hubbard 2USO-100 00546 LADY OXFORD w S 110 6 1 2h 5» V- 4* C K Allen Willie and McDonald MMM 00596-T. II. EVERITT wb 4 112 3 4 5 P 5» 5» D Prible C H Everitt MMM 00134 SACAJAWEA w 8 110 2 3 6666PJ Berry P O Julian 3M0-100 Time. :25V 51 V5. 1:06S- Track heavy. mutuels paid Ieter Lee. $.7.20 straight, .00 place. .00 show: Cul « Encanto. 3!. SO pla.-e. $..60 show; Margaret te Martin. $.7.80 show. Equivalent Imoking Mills I ter lee. 100 to 100 straight. 100 to 100 place, 70 to 100 show; Cuba Encanto. BO to 100 pace. 80 to 100 show: Margarette Martin. P.I0 to 100 show. Winner — I.r. g. by Peter Quince Mary I.e Bus. by St. Savin trained by M. Lieser; bred by Mr. A. I.. Kerguson. Went to isist at .".:04. At post 1 minute. Start sood and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. IETER LEE raied prominently to the stretch turn, then came on the outside and. passing the leaders in the stretch, drew away easily near the end. CUBA ENCANTO set a good pace to the stretch, but tired in the last sixteenth. MABt.AItETTE MABT1.N moved up from the far turn aud held third place safe in the stretch. I.AliY OXKOUD tired early. Sera tilled 00.700 Cork o the Rooxt. 108: 97100 Tom Saunders, 103. Orerweight Margarette Martin. 4 pounds. ii-t A THIRD RACE— 5-8 Mile. Aug;- 15. 1924—1:00—2—107. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and up-jj 4 JLt ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 80: second. 0 k third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt % »_. Str Kin Jockeys Owners E |iiiv. Odds Strt BBMM**AFB3M BKM wb 3 89 7 1 I1 - 1 li O Mazoue B E McCIain Jr 400-100 00683 MABY 7. w S 110 3 4 P 2 2l 21 J Connors M II Jordan 350-100 00507 MELVINA wb 5 113 5 7 7 7 3" 3- C E Allen Illinois Stable MMM 00626 COL. PAT w 6 106 4 3 2| P 4 » 4» J Motar W II Hoist 2010-100 00595 BOONA w 6 109 6 S 4J 5 » 5l 5" J Dolin .f B Baldwin 610-100 00635 1TEBLO wb 9 114 2 5 5* 4* 7 6= P Taulelle J Stillman SI0-I00 00634 BLACK ABT wb 5 113 1 6 6* 61 6= 7 A Wliams Ci K Allen 1220-100 Time. :25V :51V l:06«j. Track heavy. mutuels paid Apres Moi. 0.00 straight. .tK plai e. 40 show; Mary G.. . SO place. ,110 show: Melvina. 20 show. Etiuivalent aaaMBB odds Apres Moi. 400 to 100 straight. LIB to 100 place. 20 to 100 show; Mary ;., .HI to 100 pla-e. .70 to KM show: Melviua. 10 to 100 show. Winner Ch. t, by Tea Caddy Miss Kinu, by The Kinn trained by B. K. M. lain. Jr.: bred by Mr. W. A. Shea. Went to post at 3:35. At post .! minutes. Start good aud slow. Won easily: second and third driving. APRES MOI showed the most speed throughout, but was tiring somewhat at the end and was shaken up to outfinish MABY ;. The latter was always in closest pursuit and finished resolutely. MELVINA saved ground when entering the stretch, but could never get to the two leaders. 00L. IAT tired after racing well to the stretch. Scratched 000.72IOrphclin. 110: 00509 Knot Grass. 110: 0OT.71I r. V. T. Adams, 10.7; OO02I lord Allen. 111. Overweight — Pueblo, 4 pounds. ii-t ET FOURTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 3-4 mile. April 7. 1936—1:13— UU I 1.U 5 — 111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming-. Net value to winner 89; second. 0; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt »4 J/j Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Sir t 00651 -*SBCK ELOWBWB 8 113 6 5 5J 41 *h 1" L Mills M Sanders MMM ©0653*BILLS HOPE W 4 10-1 2 3 1 l« 11 2* O Mazoue B ¥ McCIain Jr 420-100 00600 JOS1E BL w 6 111 4 4 2» P 21 3» L Saucier Johnson fc Rogers OB-MI 00596 NOKO w 4 109 I 6 6 5 5» 4 ¥ Kehrt I. J Kuss BMMM 00651 BT. MICHAEL w S 112 11 3 3 3" 5» J Berry Mrs W yuinlan BM-BM 83837 HANDKlLL w 13 113 3 2 4 6 6 6 J Connors H Davis 1510-100 Time. :26. :52VS. 1:17. Track heavy. BMtacta paid Shamr.w k Klower. straight, .00 place. .20 show: Bills Ho| e, $:! 20 pia.c, 52 20 show: Josie M.. .40 show. Equivalent booking odd- Shamro.-k Klower. 200 to 1X straight, : to 1K place. 10 to 100 show; Bills BaB*. 00 to 100 place. 10 to 100 show: Josie BL, 20 la 100 show. Winner--B. j;. by Celt Belle Kleur, by Eon trained by M. Sanders; bred by Mr Arthur B. Ilan-caek. Went to [Mist at 4 -03. At post 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving: second and third the same. SHAMBOCK FLOWER .dosed up ground rapidly while racing on the outside of the leaders :n the stretch and. finishing gamely, cot up to win in the final stride. KILLS HOPE -howed laa most speed in the going and stayed well in the final drive. JOSIE BL raced promi-ingy. but tired and barely lasted to outfinish NOKO. The latter finished gamely, but on the extren ulside. ff~l ft FIFTH RACE— Futurity Course 170 feet less than 34 mile. fApril 7. 1926—1:12—5— vF" 4 M.%3 111. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claim. ng. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index Horses AWtlISt || M Str Kin Jockeys Owners Bouiv. Odds Strt 00628 BAB I.KJHT wb 3 10C, | 1 V 1- 1 1*1 W Taylor L Abel 110-100 00053 .MOVE ON SETHw 5 10S 5 3 21 2 2l 2f Ma/.oue 15 I- McCIain It lO-lM 00626 -C T. WORTH TONw 4 MM :. 5 4 31- 33 3= S Kirk .1 T Buckley MMM 00053 TOM MICKS w 5 107 I 3 52 W 5" 4* I. Mills BJ Sanders 1710-100 99974AMELIA S. w « I0»i 4 7 3 4 4" 51 D Smith A Winters s20-100 n063K,BLl E BRUSH wb 7 110 7 4 C f.* 6- 6* C OMney Mrs M oMilum.-y BSMM 00565 LADY OKOROE w G 115 1 6 7 7 7 7 E Hilemun Palmetto Stable 30I0-10U Time. :26. :52V l:172j. Tiack heavy. mutuels paid Light. . NO straight. BSJM p!.:ce. 20 show: Move On Seth, .4t place, .40 show: C T. Worthington, .40 show EUivalent Unking odds— liar Light. 140 to 100 straight. GO to 100 place, 10 to 100 show; Move On Beta, 70 to 100 place. 20 to 100 show: C. T. Worthington. 20 to 100 show. Winner — B. c, by Sir Barton Light Shoes, by Hamburg trained by L. Alxd; bred by Messrs M. and 1*.. B Jones. Went to at I 20. At p »st 1 minute. Start good and slow Won easily: second and third driving BAR I.IOHT set I good pace all the way. but was ridden out to retain lis advantage. MOVE OK METfl raced in rJaanM aanaM throughout and ran .1 good race. C. T. WttBlH INCTON saved ground on the last tuni an I was hard ridden. AMELIA S. ran well to the stretch, but tired near the end Scrat. bed 00547"- Hoover. 107: 0OM00 Bahinda. 107: BBHt*Faa Maker 10.7. Overweights-- C. T. Worthington, 1 •_. |x Lady C-orgi. 4 f£m7t ry SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. April 26. 1923— 1: 05 «5— 5— 109. Purse 00. 3-year-olda Vf" 4 JL 4 and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 0. Index llors.-s AWtlISt % •. Str Kin Jockeys Owners E.piiv. Odds Strt BBB3B BBANPBMS w 5 114 5 1 l1 1« 1 |i J. Saucier Johnson and Rogers 140-100 . 00654 OLD TOP w i 112 4 2 2 2 3 2» o Mazoue Mrs I. Cry 240-100 00020 I.AVlNIA w S 103 3 4 3* 4» 4"» 31 C Hraly H E Brown 2010-100 00506 *MV BIDDY w4 103 2 5 5 3U 2- 4- D Smith W M Cain 2180-100 00636 STAY ON wb 4 110 6 6 ti" 6 andk 53 J Berry J W Biley 310-100 i97l80i.loE CAMPBELL, w 7 114 7 3 41 5» 6 6 P Taulelle See fj Krazier 2060-100 95108 DELLAHM w 8 114 1 7 7 Pulled up E Hilemaii ; BJ Glynn 25U0-10i Time. :»4V :50V 113H. Track hwivy. twatluued ut« eleventh puce HUNTINGTON Contiuuen rroui toiru pare. J: £CP JO *48" *,r,i,r,t- 55 Ha-. *2.40 _ shoT- show; Old Top. .60 place. .40 0 . t!io"s:.e"ski,; xsrsurrt :w to io° » *» io° - ™ t-- . KfaJCT" Hr * • a-Mrt MaV E11,n- U Cmmlm ,train*d + K E" ■»•: »»red by Mr. S. K. drivinr" WjKhM tS tbV £ in "Ineed R? iTln SHMTf "d hird a his udvantaite. TOP .1 K. f , eKt at ,he Pn to rPtaiu u ra. ed elose ui. t|,n i *1..... I . ,, i . bAMMA mad- a n-solute .ha.len,..- „ .. 1 7Z rl .,d fi « fL ,aKt "2,? M* ZT 2TS Pla,t-tiring . at the end. lKI I 1 1 M uas l,ir „nd i,i»i i, f i . , ,., »HI ran well, but was " " 1J"" 1St,,J- ,08- Whitney. 111. «»3«1Hb« Uueen, 98; 00510 Charles . uverwemhts ltrandeis. 4 pouDdn: Dellabm. 4. 00718 5B»naJ!ia JLgSgr.y - : ■MM Hi ASTRO wb G 109 5 5 lJ 1* 1= 1= 1J D pribi„ ~ T . , 0056K HAY IMNGI.K I.IM 1 6 5* 4 2 2= •= J Dol n I u c-■ ?"*? 14°-100 | 00657-T1 I.K wbCWJ 4 2 3 V 3= 3« 3- D Smith W M I ? M"-W IM.549 CAftlSH w 4 107 1 1 2U ! ""„ ,2°-1,° J| 4 4« 4 W Taylor u M . « 00681 TOMB MeOOOIfB w 3 101 I 3 4" andl fi I I c ■ i L n V°naU 710" MIVSHIKLY 1. IISKwb 4 102 .; 4 fi fi 5b fi 6 T McKlrov T t "" .. V*°-m I Time. m. 51H. 118%. im, lTrackCvy " 15, M00 Winner Itr. K. by Star Sho..t Klmaha. l.v OMn trained ™ l.v 1 T Al.r, i . x- . Wen, ,., ,£ „, .-.."O. At 1 minute U lln , 5 XiaPa Farm driving. KI. UOnO ra.e.I int., lilv ..T " Pa""V: „ M,,,nd and tnlrd un easv lead earlv -ind , .. Mowly. but rtarf a Mg t-V S hLmM . e v VlTv «"d ... ,r IK 5 5!*81* *■» Ph. .. OAKlSa ran well to h- s.ret.l,. then oui, SHlhl KY 1 Isf • h "*V,r ***— » AM S.raMi.,1 Ni685»Fanie. 10t»: KNJ85 Generosity. 105 OverweiKht Tommie Metoomb. .". iKjiinds.