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nth KriCG I **• :,Hii "° Vanls. S-year-ttlds and upward. laimin?. April 10, Index Courae. Dist Time Tra. -k Odds Wt St % Str Fin. Jockey. Started. Order of Finish. MUSKALLONGE. c:i. g. S 110 By Mcelick— Gay and Festive, by Knight of th» Thistle. Trainer. J. Rowan. Owner. Mrs. J. Rowan. Breeder. G. L. Blackord. O1I708 Bowie C] f 1 SHfcfaat 1 • -5 115 1 1 I 1 §■ Hstinc- • Ma.lKth. Sun Uajih. Ey. lash MAS I I.owi- H r ! I 116 6 2 Ink Sa y Hstin-TIJ Johv Jewell. SunRajali. .Ioelia.1. 90862 M a :. I I 1 -Mifast 21 !•» IIS 2 1 1-1» H Hi. hnls • Tlrido. RkandRye. PlWdlH. 99795 M... : I7%teat II US I 1 t*| G Kllis 8 Belzoni. Sweet Money. Atossa 9:»530 M am I t I !"• fast 4: -! l.O G 3 33 3» II RJ hr.lsll I.uddieBrown. Topanw. Teluride I 99451 Miami 1 116 LI7fast 5 114 4 1 1 i 2i H HichrdslO Delusive, Blu.Sprite. Play Hour | 90271 1 1-16 1 :4f%CMt 10 113 1 5 4i 4* V Stott 10 Sandrae, Belzoni. Chief James 1 9907S Miami 3-4 1 1 12-6 120 5 4 5J 4* K Noe 10 Wellf er. MatSt.L.. Clitbrk ■8650 Miami 2-4 l:!3_fast 1 124 2 2 2J Is F Stevens 11 Keaolani, Paddle. Teluride F0RN0V0 ch. g. 8 103 3y Ecouen— May Dora, by Diidor. Trainer. G. W Cami»beii. Owner W. J. Kramerl. Bred in France by J. Sanford. 4M»7 1 I See today s . ban 4MHI42 Bowl- 1 1-i-i i .i-V.slow 7-M MCI 3 2 J» 2J V Stott ■ Tril.ue. Sndpile. BrisgsBuclinn 99115 Miami I I M 1 17%CaM 61 115 6 3 3 3- H Stutts 7 DinwiCdie. Bees. Admirer 9:».;07 Miami I 1 16 I M fast 12f 110 12 U : «J S" V Stott IS Delusive. Atossa, Sword 99147 Mi. 1 1 . IIS 1 r.lVast i". 105 9 S 4*1 6a V Stott 9 Pilgrim. Delusive, Crosswise 99080 Miami 1 1-16 1 :17»fast 36 1 0 10 10 9 « 9=s V Stott Ml Winnipeg, Kink. Sandrae 97890 Jafffisatl 1 1-* 2 4S%hVjr 6-5 100 3 3 21 3J V Stott 10 MonsMeg. Iteveillon. MthaMre 97816 .i-tf-ison 1 I I TSTHlHJ 7 107 5 3 21 I* V Stott 7 Soldier II.. UovalMiss, Kent L. 97765 Itfftta— 1 1-16 1 M%Cac 11 HI 9 4 2* P V Stott 10 Al Boyd. ConMc!. Lugs 97664 Jeffeison I 1-M 155 Uvv 41-10 M9 3 4 2 I* V Stott 8 Smlfluy. SlipySuiile. F.oflortli B0DANZKY. b. g. 8 105 By Celt— Nora Lanphorne. by Fatherless Trainer. W T. Maj-ruder. Owner C. L. Magruder . Breeder H. Har.cock. 00639 Bow- ij 1 1 a%al*W "■ : ■i i I •; 4; V Smith I Frcu.liL.i. Io.rSport. Caniflagej 97457 Bowi- 1 1-n 1 .s BatM ■ fB I I 10 I::- C M.Crsnl5 ;.-orL-cDeM:.r llolBos. DerrSou I 97257 Betjteta 5-S 1 6 113 3 11 2» K Hileman 7 Moiiutaiut li- I". Huzzas. TeaCosy 97177 B-ulai. I |.M 1 IS livy SI MC 5 3 l«l 4«i H I Lcmaaa, M Moom- H.M.Stevens 97 142 a—mil lmTOy 2 07 livy 21-10 MS 4 !«• S" D Burn-y 8D.Be.l-. S.| Mr] Masters. Voorflor 965S2 B-ulah 3-4 121 livy 4 tfj 3 23 21 E Hileman 8 Crestw.lBoy. V.Boy. Maitltuncli 96265 ;roti 1 1 MWlTf S-5 112 1 I VI 1*1 II C.illian 6 Peace 1al. Drummond. Tex JUST CLARE b. f , I 97 By War Snot— Finette. by Vesuvian. Trainer. G. E. Pruett. Owner. G. E. Pruettl. Breeder. J. V . Marchbank. MM B.M- Ii7-v I Ifcatew tJ «l I 4* 4" 0 Clellatid 7 Try Again. Just. Poor Sport 9920S 1 ijuan 1 1 1 44 last 0 • :. I 1 1* 1* R Jones I ScnatorDotiLin. Ill tDle M Iaige 90136 Tijuana ] 4 1 IS In v 9 9S 6 7 i:l s V Walh 12 Wracklane. Adonis, V.,rui- 9S96I Tijoai • lmTOy 1 6 ■ 2 4 J- 4 4 Tm.- 11 II. liloader. S.-n .0 nl:iti. Ilanet 98339 TIJmun 1:42 fast ■* ml 4 I* E*l V Wallis 11 Duly Bov. Sorline. CtFinisher; 9M06I Tijuana 5-4 101 fast 6f IS 11 M 9»ilo»V Wallis BI Norfi.l.l. Sims. Limited. Mr.lieta I 98010 TIJ— ■ Ml 1» raat 14 9:5 4 C 7*1 6° V Wailis 10 WolfsCry. BrissBan-l. WarZone 97825 : I 4 I ll%teat 24f M4 1 6 6« 7» V Wallis 1.3 Bob Boy. Earl Combs. Bunerva 9763* 1 uana 5-4 1 02V.K ..i 12 Ml 9 10 llH4 W Matter*!! Bam Doyle. Il.ippy. B;ibv Doll 97535 TIJaaaa I I *%«••» M 444 7 7 6- 1*1 H White 9 Illn.lCliicf. 1rndJoc. ColuSwp PADDY HYNES b. | S M 93 By Short Gra.s— Water Dame, by Waterboy. Trainer J. Wilson. Owner. J Wilson Breeder. J. Marronc. «ioi42 Baaris 61 I B teal -• M4 1 1 6j w Harvey • tocaaaa, But.-r.up. Hobson 9090:; 1 am I : M%l 1st 7S N 6 C .; . | ■ ; Arnold 10 Viiluail. Bin.- Sprite Mac o Iloy 09825 Miami 1 ;i teal I M I • ri I E Betmaai 7 Bclcgatc, Barluna. Somers«-t 99753 M» ■ 1 ■ -:.■ 1st I MS 4 7 7 6-, II Ri.linl- :t ieinpet. Iliicila, Ir.-.l k Bapliai 1 99502 Miami 7--.;.i.-t :.|6 116 6 and .«»; ; CM. 10 Sw tlloiiev. Smackover. CulfCirl 90379 Miami N f 1 ".Sfast 292 OS S 8 9 » 3 - H Bi.hrd-.12 SplAciint. Dinvdie. S.vtMon.y BREAKERS AHEAD rli a. 3 M 90 By Danger Rotk— Ornamental, by Ornament. Trainer. F A Herold Ownei W. J. Kennellyj. Breeder. W. C. Seipp. oo63» Baarta ;-» l:JI«aala»» S r. 1 1 4* •*• H Bull • k S SaaS, s«-nat.-. Baftate 4io552 Baarie : 4 1 17 slow 7|f 114 M 4 t» 21 K Smith 13 Gatammta II. s nate. Laxate • mill Baarta l| C 1 19 List 22f 1!6 M 1 ■ 1 » "• : 2 « F Smith 12 Cliff. Pakrir, Columbia II. 99J79 M.arni 4| f IM%tmM Bi US 11 11 r.-ll* F Stevens 12 Si.lAc unt. Dinw die. Stvt Money 98769 Miami V.Ci-, r,.»im 1.1 6 113 6 : !» = »«• y Sfvens lo Muriel s . Delegate, Seacrare 97123 l!..*H --4 ! lrast if 106 6 9 9*2 S F Stevens 1- Starda!.-. Adieu Columbia II. FORLORN, ch. c. 3 M 90 By Thunderer— Waif . by Greenback. Trainer. J. F. Richardson. Owner. J. F. Richardson. Breeder. H. P. Whitney. 00700 Howie 2-4 1:1:5 fast 69 99 5 7 7" 7,s O Clellnn.I 7 Kspanol. ButfnBrisbr. Iriunph 00611 Bowie 2-4 1:17Vnud 53 9SJ 4 6 Ce"!! lotrup I Mat] mm, CrandBev. liaaSMajr 97493 Bowie 1 l:45ifa?t 9f 98411 13 13"13- .1 Logan IS Haze. Compromise. Tempest 97451 Bowie ImWW l:47f4teat 32 105 I 8 S"» S*- W Harvey 8 Token. Coldmawr. Mons Mes 97123 Bowie 3-4 1 :15ifast 9f 11112 10 M*» *•* J Kellum 12 Stardale. Adieu. Columbia II 96815 Rmpire 51 f 1 OS fast 10 115 2 4 5»J 5*1 J Kellum 13 Music Girl, Fasciste. Sbenaniuan 96596 Empire r.J f 1 :08 fast 15 115 9 9 6»i 5«J J Kellum IS llapliazd. Slieni«an. "pliorl.all 90550 Kmpire Ab 3-4 1:12 slop 20 115 I f. 45J 4Ti J Kellum » Camilla. Mite. Cliernb 90500 F.mpire 4 f 1 :07=sfast 30 110 10 11 lOilO1 J Kellum 11 Janetta. GrandBey OnmBWll 96213 Jamaica 5 f 1 :07-i£ood 30 112 10 11 7,:8:0L Sessa 11 Jeal. PhiiiiDealer. BallyNuisanco MURIEL S.. b. f, 3 90 By Rapid Water— Filigree, by Ultimas. Trainer. T. Lynn. Owner. E. K. Bryson. Breeder. Estate G. W. J Bissell. 00640 Bowio |j f 1 :2245slow 6S 92 7 7 "I 7»J L BMwrds 7 Buttercup. Hobson. Coon can 00557 Bowie lm70y 1 :".0 slow 42 M I 4 5T 5» L. Bdwrds 7 .limson. lnvictus. Duckling 00445 Bowie 1 1 16 1 :f.2sfast 11 .tOJ 6 I 5» o« I Kdwrds 7 Teluride. Invictu. Billv Mann 00287 Tampa lm70y 1:.V. hvy 9.J 100 6 6 .".J 47 S Hebert 8 Dr. Carl. Rose II.. Curler 00027 Tampa lm70y 1 M..lsfast 9J 92 3 ?, 3 J Walker 7 Seagrave. Maimonides. Curler 99871 Tampa lmTOy 1:49 good 11 103 8 8 84 S" A Yerrat !• NineSixty. Westlt. N thuMis* 99738 Tampa 1 1-16 1 :34=ih y 15 9Ci 7 3 43i 5s J WesbofflO Madtlenstonn. Wtloint. PtaSlJ ZAMA. ch. g. 5 105 By Olambala— Meioana. by Mexican. Trainer. G. C. Brenton. Owner T. G. Kenglal. Breeder. R. T. Wilson 00587 Bowie I 1-S SSWhVJ 27 107 2 I S»8"A Hunt S Yosliimi. M vContrary. lnvictus 96361 laurel 1 1-S tJI fast 95 112 7 8 8! 8" A Hunt 10 CyCnbles. Mqticr.ido. "embour 95516 II.deGce 1 1-16 1:50-Vast 49 108 3 4 2 4»J A Hunt 8 Demijohn. Calembour. Bramt.m 95261 Mhoro lm70y 1:52 fast 3-2 108 I" P Taulette 0 Bod-inzky. Itali. BclielorsEr r 95150 MIboro Ab 7-S 1 :31 fast 10 107 2" P Taulette 43 Jifmar, lold Leaf. .Noble Lady 95039 MIboro lm70y llSfKJbml 6J 10S 4: F Booker 5 Doctor Jim. loldniark, Itali 93640 Toledo Ab 2-4 1 092ifast 8 108 4 6 5« 5T C Dishmon 8 MarieMaxiai, lilades. BettvM.i 90515 Brooklyn 7 8 1:30 fast 9-10 112 4 I 21 2i D Stirlins « Murie Maxim. C.lenn. Ieace I"nl