Daily Racing Form Charts: Bowie, Daily Racing Form, 1926-04-13


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_ — DAILY RACING FORM *%?§£*: CHAR5TS _andandandand I — BOWIE « Coprrig*t. 1926. by Daily Raring Farm Publishing Co. M EOWLE MD.. MONDAY. APRIL 12. 1926. PrinceH Georges Park 1 Mil*-1 Tenth .lay Sou-hern Miry- Si land Agrn utural and Pair Association. Spring meeting of 11 days. Weather clear. Steward Bepr.-M nl in- Maryland Staff lia iil Commission. George Brown. Jr. IwMWT lt-Ullf, Carlos a M de ..irmcndia. Inspector General. W. Bradley Carr. Stewards. IV J. Miles. Baker Waters and u George Brown. Jr. Judges. John I. 1 lirner. J. M. Aniicrym. Joseph McLennan and John 1.. Campliell. m ■Barter, Jam.-- Mlt.m Racing Secntary. Joseph Ml. nnan. a Racing sta-ts at 3:31 p. m. Chicago time. 1:30 p. m. W indicates whip. S spurs. 1! hlinkers. Kig-lir.s in papnt ns.-s following the distance of each rac- indicate date, track record, age of Iiors- and = might carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. ftATA-A FIRST RACE— 1-2 M;le. April S. 1924— : 47 %— 2— 109.1 Purse SI. 200. 2-year-olds. Fil-W • "*y lies. Maidens. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third. 00 : fourth, 0. Ind- Inn AWtlISt , Str Km Jockeys Owners Euuiv. Odds Strt SKA MOSS w 11.7 t 5 1| 1 1 W Harvey B W tarter : 115-100 s BBBM PYRBX m IK. 4 2 61 »*X" C. Turner H P Whitney ttw-VW 00551 DAXOBROUS KITTYw 11.7 7 6 71 41- 3= W Smitli Pastime Stable 745-100 PANDORA w 11.". S s X 2 4i I. He A— H 1 Whitney t u Kl.oHx M w 11". ! 7 51 P M W Ot.evt C H Miller 4O»i0-10o w •MSI MATILDA B wR 115 in 8 7 63 J D-nson Hevilo Stable 141.7-100 1 _ 00.7 0 IMKKCI.USK w 117 :: 1 -l CJ 7 C I-inS H Bed well lSOO-liO g SlIHH KAY w 11." I 4 4. | I 1 Krostte R Parr t f -Coupled as B. W. Carter and K. Iarr entry; +11. P. Whitney entry. _ Time. :23V :4S. Track fast. miiluel- paid- JJt W. Carter and It. Parr miry. BML3B straight. $.1.40 place. .10 show; II. P. WMIljr ratty, K2.M place. 10 show; Dangerous Kitty. .70 show. 0 K iu valent aaattBg Klds 1;. w. Carter and It. Iarr entry. 417 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place. .".0 0 t.. MB -how; II. I. Whitney entry. 13 to MB pla. e. .7 to 100 show; Dangerous Kitty. 25 to 100 show 0 Winner— B. f. by Wrack HMH des Bois. by Ajax trained aj K. Truetnan; hrrd by Belair Sttldi. 9 Went to iNist im I :.!. At im.s 1 minute. Start good and sow. Won driving; second and third the sjin. . SKA MOSS showed the most speed from the start, raced straight and held 1VKKX safe in a the fin;il flr.i.. IYKEX would n..t evtend hersell in the early running and swerved at the eighth jiost. 0 litit finished fast and gamely. DAXGEROIS KiriV ran a good race all the way. PAN DOHA taced Kie-n throughout. SITER ItAY slewed early speed. » s AA7AC SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. tNov. 20. 1524—1:12*5—3—106. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and 0 W 4 "O upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50. second, 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. . t Index Ib.rs. s AWtlISt , ._. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Eiiiv Odds Strt 9975.1 BKPAXOL, wr I Mi 7 4 41 21 11 1" V Stott F J Kearns 270-100 f «0583*Hl TTON HEIGHT w 4 106 .1 1 li l1 !■ !• ] Iyland J C Bennett 375-100 p 97543TKH MIH w 6 110; 4 2 :•■ 31 3j 3" * W M.IVtt W C Trover 400-100 s IHtlffHHI MARSH wb 4 107 ., 7 « 4 4- 4 J Tamaro J Karrell Jr 410-100 ] OOOfJ.llM.M Y BROWN WB 3 95 5 • Sh 5* a4 5 « Brown J ■ Beall 402:7-100 OOtilti* IlltST KI 1TK N" «T I SI 2 3 It" 6- «1.65 I. Kdwr.ls W C Seipp t;5.7-100 OOftl I POItLOBN nl M II 7 7 7 7 tlellan.l .1 1 Bi.hardson 6»::.-100 = Time, :24, .49. 1:15. Track fast. a " niutu.N paid Lspanol. S7 40 straight. $::.70 place. .7t» show; I.utton Bright. .70 place. $.".10 Kliiw : Triumph. J:: 2«t show. h/.|iiivalent Isooking lHi INpanol. 270 to 100 straight. Kj to BMi place. 2.7 to 100 show; Button Br.ght. 132 t.. Iixi |.| c. . .7.7 t., KKI show: Triumph. M to UtO show. W niier Klk. g by Ksculia — Klla II.. by Yankee itiained by i". J. Kearns: bred by Himyar Kind, f, Wen! t.. po»t at 2:.7K. At po»t 1 minute. Start good and sb.w. Won driving: second and third ] the HSBP. KSIANOI. showed much speed from the start and. racing into the lead in the stretch, out- fl gamed M TloV r.ItK.IlT ill the final drive. The latter set the early pace and saved ground where • |K.s.;ble. but l.nd right at the end. TltUMIH ran a fairly good MM, W1I1TK MABSIi was veakly l r-.i.b-n :.i..i riahhwd well on his own courage. FIRST HMTIOX showed early si eed. | Scratched .0«M;ti7 .Johnny iimplxll. 11.",. Overweights Triumph, .j pound: Kirst Ldition. 1. • = ~" : -~ =a I ilArTi*lrT "HIRD RACE— 3-4 Mile. Nov. 20. 1924— 1 :12V-3— 106.1 Purse ,200. 3-year-olds. JJ 4 " f Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00: third. 00; fourth. 0. Mm Horses AWtlISt , V. Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kiuiv. Odds Strt 005»21» :BKKN* I.I.AZKS wb !*4 3 5 4 P 2- l1 L Kdwrds K K Bryson 695-100 t •SU«*HAKR will :7 1 ?.- ?. 15 2i V Harvey H Ci Bedwell "Ji-lOO , BtMt * l IKl" w Mi 4 4 5= 41 4J 5« P. Thpson J A Coburn 11.-100 | !.-»7t:5*.--» ■ lOlt 2 3 2; 21. 5« 41 L Steinht A Mounce 1255-100 BMI I iM ARTORACK wb 1 11 i 1 3 1* H 3 f.» C Lanjr Htm Jersey Stabls 757-100 M3M**KK;Kapoo wb hi « 6 t; t; k « j TaMara J Funll Jr 2225-100 : Time. :232s. :48=s. 1:14. Tracl fast. J2 miituel. l.ai.l t.reeii BRom, .7. .HI straight. .70 dace. $:..70 show; Haze. . .70 place, .80 t uhow : Adieu. .4 » show KiiuivaNiH booking .dds ClW MMM, 607 to lim straight, 27". to KM place. 8.7 to 100 show: Ilaae, i 127 to 1011 pla--. . 40 to MB show: Adieu. 20 to 100 show. Winner Br. f. b Blazes Kmeriibl tiem. I.v Mcliee trained by T. Lynn: bred by Mr. Joshua S. os.l.-n. I Went to post at :::20. At pad 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. i.KKKN it.lWfff steadily improved his jxisitiou while racing on the outside and. rescinding • i gamely when called on. passed 1IA/.K in the final drive and won going away. The latter slipped through; ; on the ins.de when enter. tig the streteh and raced into a short lend, but was tiring at the end. ADIKL «raa outrun to the stretch, but fini-hed with a rush. SOX wa~ nun h used in forcing the pace and tired. MAIOi.KACK .|iiit badly after leading to the stretch. Overweights Haze. 2 pounds; Sox. :: Maiygrace. ».. £4r7flQ FOURTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Nov. 17. 1924—119—6—109. Purse ,200. 3-year-V" 4 I/O elds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth, , 0. ___ , i ln.|.- IC.is.s AWtlISt i4 | Str Kin Jockeys Owners Kquiv. IMds Strt •BUI Ml SKAI.Li. ;i: nlM «» 1 I" 1U 1 l« r Hstings Mrs J Bowan 265-100 I 00.78:1 MACKBTH w f. Ill 2 2 2- 2: 2- 2- P Krogtte V H Smith 440-100 i 1 I IIM6UiVrN RAJAH w I 117 :; fi BB #■« 3*| 3* J Tainaro W A Smithson 105-100 1 I . BB3B3 iKYKI.ASH w 4 109 4 4 U * BJ 4.u 0 Taylor Mrs T J Honaliue 2105-100 00616 :K CADORNA m I 111 7 5 3k C- 4* »• J Iyland It Bemus 4110-100 ■ BBfIS CATB8BT w 4 113 13 6 6 6 6 V Smith J T John.son 1S90-100 Time. 24. :48«s. 1:15. 1:21S- Tra.k fast. : nmtii N pii.l Muskallonge. .::tl straight. $..40 place. .10 show; Macbeth. .70 place. .2.0 Kh.w Sun Itajah. 10 show. | Koiiivabnl iKK.king odd- Miiskallotr: . 2C..7 to 100 straight. 70 to 100 place, .7 to 100 show; Mai -Ih-iIi. 12.". to 100 place. 1.7 to MB show: Sun Rajah. .7 to 100 show. Winner CI. g. by Meelick iay and Kestive, by Knight of the Thistle trained by J. Rowan: bred By Mr Ccorge I. Bla-kfordl. Weut to |* st at : ;.".:;. At |mst 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving Ml SKAI.I llM.K at on. e ra«ed into the lead and. making a good jiace under restraint, saved ground where possible and outfini-h-d MACRaTTfl ui th" final drive. The latter raced in closest pursuit all tie wa and res|Kini..l gatr. ! w-.-u called on in the last eighth. SIN RAJAH was weakly ridden » ..l .n trouble r peal-dly. KYKI.ASH taced fairly well. scrai.h.-d •. ,.7r.:,.-lano,a. M; BMMPCmaraa, lo» : taHti:: i .r.i Bill hum II.. 117. AaTKAQ fifth RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. April 10. 1919— 1 :45V-4— 107. Purse 200. 3-W 4 J*y year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 10; second, 00; third. 00; ! fourth. 0. Index BIM A Wt liSt U g ~t Str Kin Jockeys Owners lvuiv. tdds Strl |BB 3Sf*ZKOD w Ml l 2 in l1 i; l1 i=k j Tmawrw BJ J Yemen 1110-100 BBUi HARRY CARROLX. ■ BM I I 3i 1*1 S*l 3*1 21 W Harvey 8 Louis B3-M tiotMorr i i i:i:i ip in N I I t" B*H 4 1*111 HcOelc A Bcfairo t;55-ioo I O0.7.7C V-l l.i:i: • K • * 2» 2" U 2J 4 O Clllanl U M Simpson 7.15-100 j BBSM-*BIL.LT MANN" w 9S 2 1 » 5: 7; B* V I. Bdwrdj J Arthur 135-10 ] BBBM COMPROM1SK v Km 4 « S 8 I »• fi1 V WaHis C H Hughes HSB-MB : BB1H »FRED DLBNER ■ I •"• I 4 41 4 :: 0 BrWWB .1 K Beall 70"-100 DsaHiir.KMAN m Mi . I :;. t1 I • I s B TfcpaM .r a Coburn 570-100 Time. :24V :50. 116V 1:43J5. 1:49V Track fast. *2 niiHu.N paid /.....I. 1 20 sir. light. 4. ". pla. e. $.7.70 show; Harry Carroll. .40 place. .00 . sh.w r.ulter. up 41 -how i:.|iiivalenl l»...king till X.od. Ill to KM straight. 02.7 to MB place. 1S.7 to 100 show; Harry Car roll 27ii to 1 N pl.i.-e. 14.". t.. 1"M show: Butti n up. 120 to BKi show. , Winner Cm. g. by kcw Mane Odile. by Star Shoot tram. I by BL J. trcuicn: bnd by Mr. ;.ffor.l , A oel ran I . Went to |Ki»t at 4 27. At | -rst ;; minutes Start good an 1 slow. Won driviug: HH J and third ti,e -1111. ZKol took the lead at MM* and won .ill the way. but was Mag his Beat at the finish I ! HARUi • AKKol.l. cmie fust through the ttfCtth and aBaaal got up to win iu a game finish. BlT-TKIti ! I 1 m.i.i. up groiiiel 111 He- last half and fin. shed fast and etoac up. SII.ENK ran well to the stretch. Cut I :.l Overweighl Z.od. 4 poundx. ££ PJ -% fk STXTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915— 1 : 43— 4— 116. Purse 200. 3 year-olds and j JJt.1 4 IU upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50; second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index Horses AWtlISti i r« Strlin Iufccf Owners K ptiv. Odds Str t I 1 : BBBM »HIDAjUOO w IW I 3 31 3 2" 2= 1» 1. St-inht .T Nechamkin 375-1 ». oocio DBRNIBR SOD ntMf 1 u ; I 3« P 2" J Leylaad W R Ktrkaatricfe OB-MI aBfB9*iNVfCTVa wb 5 Mi I 1 2J 21 lh 1* P W Harvey Mrs M ■ Mara MMM B3*1 n PATRMJK a ri 131 I » P rJ C 4J 41 V stott I T akaaaa 723-MB ■MitMAltY B. w 3 99 4 5 45 4i 4 $»••••▼ Wb1U« J Buono.oio E7B-M0 MB3B*BARXKT WBSIXfl w I »2 3 I lo 1J -:.J 6 6 O Brown J ■ Baal BK-BM Time. 25. 505. 116S. 143. 1:50V Track ttst. inutuels j.h .1 Hidalgo, .70 stiaight, :. j.la. e, $.S 20 show; Uernier Sou. .10 place, fSJM Hl.-.u . Iiivk tus. B3JM show. K.iuoaleiit l«N»king «ld- Hidalgo. MB to Kni straight 12.7 to 100 place, 00 to lK show; IK-ruier K.u Ut t" 100 place. M to 100 show ; Invictus, M to KM show inn.-: It c. by Spjui-h Irime II Minuet, by HjiiJ«I» ijrained by C. K. Tanner; bred by Mr. I 1 Richard T. Wilson. I Went to l» pst at 4:.7!. At post 1 mtniitc. Start good and slow. Won driving, s ud and third1 tle-ame HlUAl.i.O ra.ed . lose up I rum the start mil. res|Mindiug to hard riding wh.-u called on. wen, jii he Ust stride. DKRMKK Sol was rushed into third pla.. from a slow b-g. lining and. finishing w Hi a r.isli would hare won in another btnde. INVKTI S ra. e.| KAUNKY WKI.I.S into def.-jt ;lu,i I 1 taking the l.tid. tired, but finished well VAN PA1KHK finished w,Ul a BMRMi rtlsh HAKNKV W KLI-S juit after setting the early pace. Scratcta-d 00T.K7 Duckline. 98. Overweitiit* Bern.er * uu, 2 jiounda, Mary B., L I — « M Si a u m a = f4?7~i "I SEVENTH RACE— 1 1 16 Miles. Nov. 25. 1915—1:48—4—116/1 Purse ,200. 3-year-olda W 4 X A and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 50: second. 00; third, 00; fourth. 0. Index BjBM AWHTSU, V- % Str Kin Jockeys Owners BBBM. Odds Strt 00643 "SLATK w 11 4 100 4 1 li 2" 2J P V L K.lwrds K P Bobie 1015-100 00643 BOXANA wit 5 1W I r. 3-J .;« PP 2»k D Krogtte C Smithson .10-100 BBBB3*MAXIB wb I IU I 2 4j 6 6 5 MftW smith D I. Bice MMM OOtUSSANDlILK w 4 110 2 6 5» a» 5 P 4 V Wallis ", W Lee 1795-100 ■itfMOOH MAGIC w 4 112 5 4 6 4a 41 4| 5 J T.imaro J T Johnson 16.7-100 0061 HABBISll waaiMfl 1 S-M V 11 Fell. W Obcrt J ¥ Ku-hurd.fon 2170-100 Time. :25*s. b0%. 1:16V 1 44. 1:51. Track fast. S2 mittuels paid Slate. 2 .* straight. .10 place. .40 show; Roxana. hB7.24 place. .40 show: Maxie. $:;.20 show KAjuivaleiit IxM.king .«lds Slate. Mil to 100 straight. .30.7 to 100 place. 120 to 100 show; Roxana. 1C0 to 100 place. 70 to 100 show: Maxie. 00 to 100 show. Winner--Ch. g. by Trap Rock — LaaaaBca, by l.langibby trained by W. I. Meltzer: bred by Mr Samuel Boss.. Went to post at .7:28. At post 1 minute. Start good aud slow. Won handily; second and third driving. SLATK was closest up from the start and. responding gamely when called on. took the lead and was going away at the end. KOXANA raced close up throughout and finished gamely MAXIK was iind-;- stout restra nt until at the eighth post and finished with a l»elated rush. SANDPII.K had no mishaps. HARKISI1 set a good pace, but swerved at the eighth [ ost when put to a drive, then stumbl-d aud fell. S-ratched 0t»U2-Kot novo. HE!; OOtilO Muri-1 s.. DO. Overweight Koxana. 1 jiound.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1926041301/drf1926041301_3_1
Local Identifier: drf1926041301_3_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800