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IMPRESSIVE GALLOP « Recollection Shows Advanced Condition in Sparkling Work. ♦ Roycrofter, Kentucky Cardinal and Other Croissant Horses Reach Louisville. i ♦ T.nriSVILI.K. Ky.. April 12.— Recollection, a strapping son of Jim Gaffncy- Memories IT., which is m heduled to carry the local colors of Kohn *L- Theisen in the forthcoming renewal of the Kentucky I erhy, elemonstrat. l his advanced condition when he worked a mile in the mud at Chun-hill I owns this morning in the presence of a mere handful of work watchers who beared the chilling winds and drizzling rain to see the colt go his first mile since his spring training had cotnme-nced. He covered the mile in 1 :." ." STidCT a choking pull and could easily have rattled off the distance in 1 :•" »». Harry Cray was in the saddle and the colt had his full Derby weight up and he went out unaccompanied by P.arns-dale II.. which usually acts as pacemaker in tin- colts gallops. Recollection is not a work horse and this fact makes his latest work all the more praiseworthy. He began from the three-quarters past and. under good restraint, w.nt the quart.-r in and5*s. three-eighths in :loir„ half in :•" " . five-eighths in 1:09-.-. and three-quarters in 1 :2." . The colt was not evea drawing a long breath when he was eased up. SI KK IIKIIBY KT.VKTlll. Trainer George Barnes was much impressed with the work and took occasion to congratulate Harry Gray when he dismounted. "You rated him to perfection and worked bin out in the manner in which I wanted him ! worked and in the time 1 desired." declared j i F.arnes to Gray as he watched the latter an- j ! loosen the colts saddle girth after the gal- j j lop and. turning to the group of onlookers Barnes added : "Up to today there was some doubt in my mind regarding Recollection being ready to start in the Derby, but after witnessing this mornings work all doubt in this regard has been dissipated and I am now satisfied that he will be in fit condition to start and. barring accidents, he will be a certain starter in the race." Those who witnessed the work agreed with trainer Harms that it was a most impressive one and the best at this distance at the local course shown this year, and it was undertak. n in the lace of the wSCSt kind of weather and track conditions imaginable which, however, served as no barrier to the plans of the colts ambitious trainer. The only other Derby gallops of the morning wen- witnessed when Carl Wiedemann s lly Colonel and Johnny Henrys Iraq, under the sspervbdon of trainer e . A. Blanch!, wen- worked, separately, over the three-ouarters route. Beth celts showed up One and galloped as though they could run in the mud. 11 Colonels time for the dis-taace was 1:31%, while Iraq was caught in I ::"--:.. KOV SOFTS! 1 Ht n BBT. Roycrofter. Kentucky Cardinal. I ry Moon and sun Altos, belonging to the O. i". Croissant stable-, arrived from Tijuana this morning in charge- of trainer I.. A Connor. The quartette stood the long journey without mishap and arrived in splendid condition. They joined the Others of the stable that are at Churchill Downs Roycrofter returned to Kentucky with an tnhsneed reputation earned i . his good performances in both the Tijuana Derby and of froth Handicap, in both of which he finished second to Carlarta. He is one- of the Croissant stai .es eligibies t the- Kentucky Derby, in which great race lie- will be- the- stables main reliance- The coll is in fine racing fettle and will reeiuire- only sufficient work to keep him in condition for his Derby I SgSgl lll lit Roycrofter rnrisl n the Kentucky tracks last fall in the- colors of . H. Knebelkamp. who sold him to Mr roiss.tnt last Whiter at New Orleans for a large- sum. Kentucky Cardinal returneel to Kentucky in excellent condition and will be- a valuable h.cndic. ip hois. Im- the ■table this y.-ar. Although he tailed t-i finish better than feiurth ii. the Coffroth Handicap, Kentucky Cardinal la- eel e ie-ditabl. on the -oast in his other race* Is four of which be finished second. lie- Croissant stable as now constituted at ih. local tracks csnusrisei thirty-six horses in training, and this number will shortlv be raised t" fifty-eight by the addition of the twenty-two Mgblj im-d two- ear-olds that are being trained bj Cal Milam at Lexington. Trainer Bhapofl announced that Jockey Sammy Steele i- now resting at his home- at Ainswe.rth. Neb. and will shortly return t the- stakes h-r - Steele sustained a broken collar bene- anil other serious Injuries when he fell whil-- riding in a race, in the early part f the- Miami meeting. Bhapofl recently engaged J. H Burke as one of the stables rid-rs . .d that j .• key is lien- bushy HsCSSjed galloping t!i. Stables horse-s Trainer I. A 0 een tne-lftti pngf IMPRESSIVE GALLOP Continued from first page Connor, upon his arrival, confirmed the report that Carlaris was suffering with a "filled" leg but he does not believe it will prevent the colt from coming here to fill his Derby engagement. If. T. Archibald, well known Chicago business man and sportsman, was a visitor at Churchill I»owns this morning to inspect his horses being trained by George Arvin. Mr Archibald expressed keen satisfaction over i his Kentucky Derby candidate. The two-J ear-olds also came la for their owners admiration. He is particularly proud of ! Candy Ban. a strapping chestnut by Ieter l Ban — Maty Orr. arhttSl be said no amount of I money would induce him to sell. Cand.v Blackbird, a colt by Black Toney — Some Bird. , is another one highly prized by Mr. Archibald. Buring the morning. Mr. Archibald received word that Candy Fast, a bay filly by Steadfast -Kager Cissy, a member of the stables division being trained by Ceo. Walker, has succumbed to pneumonia at the Lexington track. Cavalier Marrone. a Kentucky Derby eligi- ble and owned by Imil Beta, which was recently gelded, has been sent to John arrs - farm near Lexington to be turned out untii : the fall.