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LATEST TRAINING GALLOPS 90 BOWIE BOWIE, Mil. April 1L— Sundays training gallops here includ. d the following: Weather clear; track fast tii rke-f.h; urns mile. n 37 !- 89 Foreman 3J 88 Kickapo. K% M Dream Iadily ... 41 86 Intrepid 4L 7"i 1/d lialtinmre II. 41 OXE-1IALF MILE. 8b Billy Mann 52% Lockerbie ..bV. K Red ItOCJhH B*% 8". Insulate 51 82 Miss Host dale... 192.-. 87 Tester H 87 .laik Horjian. . . . M% Fi?E-Eif;nriis mile. Ss Kruns 1:01 80 Kxchequer 1:03 8.» Martiuial.- 1 ;05 8s CentrifiiKal 1 :02 TnREE-Ql Ai: I EUS MILE. 88 Happy Binh.lay.l :24 SEVEN-El ; II IMS MILE. Mystic 1 .44 ONE MILE. 17 Drumbeat 1:48--, K Fhema 1 :."." SB The ■ FcrclsmT. . .1 :r.3-. Pfllhlf !■! showed a good sallop. Drumbeat t..n will. Bxcheqoer nil well. Miss Kosedale had In r speed. nmn niBoped handily. .lack Horan ran l:aiuLly. BELMONT PAEK NEW YOI.K, X. Y.. Aiirii 12.— Sunday trainiiiK gallops her- included the following: Weather clear: track fast — Main Course 1 IIIIEE-EIGHI IIS MILE. 8s Blue Fish 38 S7 LiajOrd 35« Repulse 36 "ntitout 3ti Martha Martin . . Sfi, 8S Tallwo-.d 38 » E-H A IK MILE. 84 Conde 48%, 88 Polar Light 52 88 Sarmaticus 52 K Mino 4H% THREE-QI ARTEISS MILE. ss llrookwood 1:24 SS Hot Time 1:22 SS Polyglot 1:24 84 Chilhowee I:lfi% Morng Telogph.l :22 86 Post Time 1 : 1 S -5 Evert 1 :24 Polyphemus 1 :22 SS Zuker 1 :22 55 Finish 1:24 SSPompev 1:22 91 BOWIE Mornlays training gallops her 9 included the following: W« -ather clear : track fast TIIItEE-EICH I IIS MII.E. K Cobra 37. 89 Paddy Myites. . .: 38 Bounder 37% H "lift" 42 Revolt 47 Best Hour 37 ONE-IIAI.K MILE. 59 Camouflage 53 62 Kink 51 «.: 66 Mervit.ia 53 S4 Dubric .".21.-. 82 Bielltnt Iarrell.. 52 66 Sandrae 52 2S .1 ingle 53 % FIVE-EI;III IIS MILE. lObniental 1 :03-:. 9 I Martingale 1:07 S2 Permanent Wavel :03"-r THREE. EM; II TIIS MILE. s9 Iowder 1:19 88 Viburnum 1:20 SEVEN-KKillTUS MILE. U 1 .iason 1 :33"-, ONE MILE. 56 Hickory 1:56 Klemental showed a good speed trial. Dubric galloped handily from the barrier. BELMONT PARK NEW YORK. X. Y.. April 12. Mondays training gallops here included the following-Weather clear; track* fast — Main Coarse. ONE-HALF MILE. M Light View 51 % Skit 50 86 War Feathers ... 51 Maltha Whgtn. 55 Sir Maurice .... 51 T1IUEE-M AltlKltS MILE. 89 Applecross 1 :17-r. 98 K. Solomns SI . . 1 :17 89 Sarazen 1:17 ONE 31 1 I.E. 89 Briar Broom 1:45-- S! C.avotte 1:18 S9 Wilderness 1 :4S S9 Flight of Time . .1 :45% 89 Swinburn 1 :4.V-r.