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LARGE LIST OF ENTRIES ♦ One Hundred and Twelve Horses Named for Quickstep Handicap. ♦ Prartirally Ml the Kiistrsl Sprinters of the ounlrj Nominated for Popular l.ittoicu Kixture. • T. »1 ISYILLF. Ky.. April 12. -With one hundred and twelve cligibles for the Quickstep Handicap. ?." .000 added, and which will I be decided at the Latonia summer meeting, indications point strongly to one of the best field-; that has ever contested for this rich prize going to the post. The Quickstep, for thr year-olds and over, is a three-quarters dash and included in the list of nominations are practically every sprinter of note on the American turf. Following are the conditions, the eligible*, pedigrees and their owners for the Kentucky Jockey lubs fixture: "III-: Qt HKSTKl" Il.WMCAP tliree year 1 H-ami tmwnwi. -y sul.-ri"t ion if :0 each : 10 add liotial to Mart: S.YOiO milled, of which to mi-omI. Sttri to third, fourlli to save stake Wciir ta five ila; liefire the race. Winners of a race other tlian rtahaksg or selliic: potae afii-r |ii:l lii ation of Height*, three pounds extra. Acceptances to ho iiaiie I through tl nlry lo the ilay before the r-oe :it Usual time of closing TIIKKK-ylAIMKIts: XIII. K And ley Farm Primes Ho eon. h. m. ." . by Sp:iui-I. Friar* II lady Dsreea. A lid ley Kami Suti.rfrank. eh. j;. 4. by Supeiinaa Franks Haaghtll Itedwell. II. ;. Senator Norris. b. h. .".. hy ml gel cypher Oat*. P.c.lw.-ll. II. Q. faOU III r. I C, 4. by Cudc.-l oi Sir Matton Pennsylvania. Ite!air Stml loin TiRer. b. e. 3. by Stefan the Ureal lsalHan Camden. J. N. Devon, eh. r, :. by Light Brigade hiiiaa. ainden. .1 N. — Kollieimel. eli. f. 4. by Light Itri ■tie Lidy Uotln amilen. .1 X. Dark Phantom, br f. 3. by Mght gvigaOt BeWta Camden. .1 M.issillon. b g, :.. by UgM Iri Cade Meilaena. lark. K S Ite.l Manner, b. c, 3. by Jim Caff ni-y Star Spangle, lark. U. s I en in a ii. blk. e. 3. bv The Finn Penan, e. lark. It. S I.emnisiate b. c. 3. bv Leathers Peep Collins. I! V I e o Clner. b C. i. by Ijist Coin or IliKi Time 1ieeioiis Pearl Colston a Amler ..n ilenisler II.. eh. e, 4. h WormleiRhton Krminie Anderson. omhs. S S. Menifee. I. .-. 4. by North Star III. ltoiirliou Las-orncan. J. W TrlsCe See. eh. f. .".. hy fclttaur Triuia orrijjan. .1 W San I tar. eh. h. ." . by Sunder Yokohama. Corneaii. .1 V . Imperial Bade, b e. i l.v While Bade BeMra l.iiy. Carae. I" Pitrbfera, rh. ". ::, ay Trap Bach Inferno Jlleell Croissant, t;. i rink Caabaas, eh. g. ."■. by Pater UliitH e Winnie •. Croissant. ;. frank Pisjtaa Win II.. eh. e. ::. l.v Ma in tenon Iigpon Pie. C-oissant. i. Krank Belle, b f. ■".. bf Pennant Polly Prim. -oissant. .. frank Sun Alt—, l . R. ." . hy Sun ltriar L»s Alto-Croissant. ;. Krank Kov .rofter. br. e. :!. b] Time Onora •oi-ant. ;. Krank Kentucky Cardinal, rh. e. 4. by North Star III. Lucrative. Croissant. :. Krank Stanuiv. eh. h .". by P.allol Mis.. Crittenden. Iirumheller. .corKc Pal. eh. g, ::. by Atwatl Viola Mabel Fairlmirn. 15 A Malvina It.. I . f. 3. by Sir John John-on Le*e Story. Ierriss and Metart.v Jimmie piinu. Ii e. .,. bj lieersjr smith Uttseaarrglasa. .oldldatt. M Aread . b. K. - 1J Ieter Pan Juerea .oldblatt. M Sir Peter, br e. 4. I . Paieines Souvenir, .oldblatt M Iea h f. ::. bv Tea Caddy Krieas- . rainier, f M Chieao. br. R. . . hy iranite Svnl hetie •riffwoiNl farm Stable Sint;|e foot, b e. 4. by Wraek iraima I. Ilaieoek. A 1! Iraelor. blk e. .!. bv l.emonora Tr«. ede-Ilarned Pros QBiiai Ko. blk. f. 4. bv Moss Ko II ClhUaa Hell.. Hawkins «V f.-rRiison No.lurnal. blk. e. ::. iv Kternal Itelieo Ileadley. Hal Pri.e Supremiis. b e. 4. by V!ti inn — Ma ml. Hamilton. II -adley Ha, Pri e Helen - P.abe. b. f. .;. l.v lir.iwn Priii... ii Helen Barbae. Il-niv. 1 Iraq, eh e. .".. bf Near Khayyam S.iml.ra Ilolnian. S N. Tan-ara. br. e. 4. by l.iyht P.ri iide lananra. He«t . W. K ltriar Hill, br f, 4. by IHrIi Time Montros- Itelle. Hupp W | Hob- Beat, I. r 3. by Cuke M. I. uke Betethj Ierhlaa. llopp W Ii rh. f. ... by HirIi Time - Photo Idle Hour Kami S aide Kill Strap, b i . 4. by North Slar III. Serelia. Idle Hour Kami Stable ibovvii Sugar br. e, 4. by Beaara Prin. • i: NareH a i.e. Idle Hour Kami Stab!. — Km k heat ake. eh. f. 4. by North Stir III Kati.-r Cake. I«ll«- Hour Kami staid.- BahhBag Over, eh. c, 3. by I North Slar 111 KeamiiiR Keauty Idle Hour Kami Stable Kar.olo. rh. e. .:. by SEerta star in BareM. I Idle Hour Kami Stall!.- Kan, .. Suivi. b. . .;. bv I Torloi-k Moorland M.-l, ,|, Idle II..iir Kami Staid. ■ Mae IVn.-il. eh. . ::, bv North Slar III.- Kiilldo/..-Idle Hour Kami Stable Beat to Beat, b e, 3, bv North Slar 111 Padula Idle Hour Kami Stable Pre idetit, br. h. ."., by M. Kinley Kribble Ka.-er A. A Captain Ha!, blk. c. 4. by Klark Tonev WaveriiiR. K-en.l and Stud ham;. |e Mars, ch. . 3. bv Waist. ir- i .-Mow P.lo— K •• :e I.nnl Stud Iani Uoma . blk. t. .:. bf lanin Pan I, .una lioma Ke.iton Fanaa, The Aware, eh. t, • . b] Colon.-; entile Smirk. Kilmer. Willie Shar|M- Sun-aid I. r. 4. bf Sun | Knar Bhaje*. K.iik m N Wiblnmvl. eh f. :; by M.i-tei It.!. I ert re-tw...Hl ;irl. Keha V Theiaea Berallectiaa, b. c, •"• by Ilatl Uaflae] BeeMrfra II K.lin «V The lata Mlaeae, rh . 3. bf Trap Bach Mi-pl.n. Utfraaa, Falb Grajrlias, «r .. ::. by Grej Fai II Pi piNiinint | l.if..xm lolk Kllllelin. eh. .. 3. by Atuell Mai ! -and I. M.n. laawe I AII.rIiiii !■ . :; t. Ererrcl Ten Pin Lew*, John — starbe.k. b h. ■" . i Traatbeek l-tar Ljrae, I. A sieinw.iy ih r 3. b NTerarleiffhtaa retlj I otuielly m Glaaaa, J s. LaAachy, b. r 3. bf Barraa llerk.v t.- MrLeaa, i: K Prlaee of Wales, br .. :: bj Hicbl Illlle S.IMl 1o.ket M. lherson. J file On . Ii | 4. l.v Ind.-I f ...-fl.-uroii | II. i, i h.r-oii. J Cert.ti i. e, ; bf I itiinus Laay S i vol M I mi I I Anna M lliu|.lne rh, m. ti. bf ] Ieter gum..- l-ili-ii Hall i Uaaaale. Ku-,1 rami. 1.1 .. I, i. Petrr raa I Miss Han In rR Baaaate, Kr.-.i Bareaga, !i r :•, bj H -..n— o t , bjah I I I I | I | ! Parkview Stable HnerR.v. b. h. .". by Colonel Venule oiiini. n ia Parkview Stable ChriataMM MorninR br. f. 3. by ■ Kternal Vetii.-e. Parrish. J. ". PereentiiRe. ell. e. 3. by Midway Qeeejp Avenue. KniRht h Perkins- Little isitor. b. f. 4. by Sweep j Margaret Ha ti;iR- Beapera, J. it. Faretsa BelaHaaa, h. r. 4. by sweep ih.- Baraaeaa. ttaarra. J. It. Dry Nation, b. e. 3. by Colonel | V.-nnie Crystal. Brapeaa, J B. Great S|»ort. br. e. 3. by Oalaaetl V.-nnie AtiRiline. Ki.dim.-er. . V. — tiiblon. ell. h. .".. by The Man- | :irit Oreen. Itieil.tiR.-r. C V. Caraettis. eh. e. 4. by Ureal Hnta i n Oreen Bare, Simitel Cinema, b f. 3. by Sweep Magic Laatera II. Sillivan. H. ~ Take a Clianee. br. . 3. bf Thee, I Cook Lea Invalides. Tartar, J. Prin..- Charles, b. e. 3. bf ! Helmet Klizabeth M Three Be Stock larm tiirl Scout, b. f. 4. by Hand Crenade MyrtleR.ih- Traaler, J. J. Kbig Nadi. br. r, 4. by Khag laaars Nailinette. Watts, Barrett sons Qafaee KinR. eh e, I, hy Peter Quim e l.n ill.- MoroK. Watts. Jariett ft Sons Myrtle Bee, br. f. 3. by I. like M.l.uke iil Maid Watts. Garrett ft eaas W.« iii.-rw.-ii. blk. e, 3. by Drib Watts. Barrett V Sons Mary I awles. eh. f. ".. bf Lake M.l.uke Ladf Morrow Wlii.-liii .-. W. H Samaiitan. b. R. .".. by t.ranl Parade Bed Crass IV. Whit. -1. m-e w. II Raaaa Beheeea, eh. f. 3. by C. loa.l Ventiie Lillian Shaw. Whitn.y. II P Iiddlesti.ks. eh. R. 3. by Pea- nan. Iol.lerol. Whitu.j. II 1 Oarftea, b. g, 3. by Pater Paa - Batb Uiar. Whitnev. H. P. — Noah. b. e, 4. by Peter Paa Kirst rught. Whitney. H. P. Cearagesaa, rh. e, 4. by Vrahjk Pro im II Oaarage Whitney, ii p. Beaaaa, b, e, 3. by p.-t.-r Pan -Deaaera. Wiedemann. Carl Mv olonel. ell. e. 3. by Luke Mi i. uk. laiiiiie Mirata. wild Base Kami Oar ITatftr. a, r. I, bg The*. Cook June Bag, Wllliaasa Brat Beaaiatlca, b. g, I, bj Bllarlaai Paris Jueeii. William- Bras. San, n. .11. , h g, ::. by BBarteaa I. lie tid.: i:li.ims pro- Suppirt.r. eh. ". 3. b Hilarious I : i 1 1 • -1 * Braaae Y,.. ton. Statib-v Dstlka i.nd Ilrak.-s. eh. R. »l. b stJetaa The Ls a