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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesBELMONT BELMONT PARK THURSDAY MAY 27 27TVEATHEIt TVEATHEIt CLEAR TRACK FAST The figures under the heading Rec in tho entries below show the best time of each horse at tha distance since January 1 1935 no matter where it finished In cases whero record was made on other than a fast cr good track abbreviations show track con ditions 9SOS7 IS FIIIST IXDEX OF 1026 01186 IS FIRST INDEX OF 3IAY 3IAYRacing Racing starts at 230 p m Chicago time 130 Superior mud runner X Good mud runner Fair mud runner II Maidens Apprentice The following abbreviations are used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park ParkBlua Laurel Blua Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Ler Colored Fair FairLong Bowin Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbns Mobilo Colwood Park Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkDade Orlando Dade Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Dnfferin Park Reno Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmount Park Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thorn cliff a Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timontum Hawthorne Toledo Hnntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenilworth Toungstown Belmont Park 1 12 Miles 6 14 Feet First Race 1 Mile MileWlieatley Wlieatley Purse PursePurse Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Allowa Track record Sept 3 1923 135 3 11 113 Todays AWtllan Happy Argo Pheasant Lrl 101 143 143Amberjack Amberjack Bel IOC 140 Green DragouWbd 114 143 Kiftg Jimmy Aqu 111 138 138Araby Araby Bel 10S 141 H HZuker Zuker Rocky Lane Hang On Colorful M Iingard Cork Elm Bel 113 141 Early Vote Bel 100 l42vt Second Race About 2 Miles MilesThistledale Thistledale Steeplechase Purse 1330 4 yearolds and upward Allowance 973C81 St Lawrence 6 145X73 01861 Burton II M 7 137 7 01550 = Ascetic M 5 137 1 01827 Smart Sinner M 6 130 75 90486 Handsome 5 142X71 01827 Cherki M 5 102 70S Lipiniji 4 132 Ready Wit 132 Third Race 4 12 Furlongs Widener Course CourseWildbfiar Wildbfiar Purse Purse 1200 2yearolds Allowance Track revord May 22 1926 32 2 01828 Cheops Bel 113 33 11 01553 The Heathen 12 01758 Master William 120X730 01729 Avisack II 114 723 01398 = Golden Box 114 721 01758 Jim Crow 11 01828 Whiskery M Bel 112 5 01831 Shoplifter M Bel 115 5I 01864 Buis de Hose M Bel 11G 57 112 700 01864 Middle West M Bel 11G 57 112 700 01273 Gun Royal M 112 700 700Vagabond Vagabond King 112 Northern Pass Hi Fourth Race 34 Mile Main Course CourseTwelfth Twelfth Running Hollis Claiming Stakes 2000 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track recoid Sept 4 1923 110 1 122 01360 Voltaic Jam 115 111 = 5 5Federal S6357 Federal Bel 1131113 = 01554 Montfeirat Pirn 115 113 113Roland 01362 Roland Aqu 102 112 112Applecro 01574 Applecro s Pirn 105 113 113Mayie 016781 Mayie Jam 105 113 113Zukvr 01497 Zukvr Jam 10G 112 112Anaconda 07411 Anaconda Bel 115 11375 11375Priceman 01S62 Priceman Jam 114 11373 Fifth Raco 1 Mile MileIlempstead Ilempstead Handicap 1200 Added 3yearolds and upward upwardTrack Track record Sept 3 1923 135 3 113 01830 GOUBX SPIRK Bel 120 13S 4 105X7 105X701830s 01830s Cherry Pie Aqu 110 137 G 108 7 01830 Quatrain FG 103 1S8 4 112X7 01421 Chilhowee FG 12G 139 5 120X71 01422 Blind Play Bel 111 136 5 107X7 Spot Cash Pirn 12G l4G s G 115X71 Martha W tun Gamble Bel 105 137 Sixth Race 4 12 Furlonss Widener Course CourseMoonbeam Moonbeam Purse PursePurse Purse 1000 2yearolds Claiming Track record May 22 192G 52 2 115 01860 Lois RinehartBol 110 CGH HI 01609 Solid Gold 111 01510 Iena Rinehart 101 01758 Olire Dexter 112 99789 Daffodil IOC 01729 Green Back 103 103018S4 018S4 Glenning MBel 116 57 11 99529 Kill McCabe M 115 01860 Suky M Bel 110 5C 101 01864 Arsacid Mllel 11 57Ii 109 01860 Lomondo MBel 113 57 110 110018CO 018CO Medley MBel 113 5J 107 107018SO 018SO Lady Cona MItel 110 56 108 Partner 102 102Pipestem Pipestem 104