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J E WRIGHT WRIGHTF02 F02 A LIMITED TIME GET WISE WISEONLY ONLY 500 WEEKLY WEEKLYYesterdays Yesterdays One Horse HASTE 121 Won WonTuesdays Tuesdays Ono Horse WOODY 1800 Won WonMondays Mondays Ona Horse BENEFICENT 2300 Won WonSaturdays Saturdays One Hone HoneAROADY AROADY 1160 Won WonSMALL SMALL ADS LOW RATES BIG WINNERS 9 TODAY 121 1 1It It is our opinion that todays horse will pay very near the limit Oar advice is to subscribe now tho present rate is just to convince you that wo stand supreme It costs you only 500 for a week to fiadout GET BUSY WOW I IIS IS THIS WORTH 500 WEEKLY s sWire Wire your subscription with address Im modiato service and lone shots shotsJAKES JAKES E WRIGHT 110 Peail St New York City