Churchill Downs, Daily Racing Form, 1926-05-27


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CHURCHILL DOWNS LOTJISVIILE KY WEDNESDAY KAY 26 1926 Churchill Downs 1 Mile Sixteenth day Kentucky Jockey Club Spring meeting of 20 days Weather clear Stewards Charles F Price S C Nuckols T C Bradley and Elijah Hogg Placing Judges AV II Shelley N H McClelland and E B AVebb Racing Secretary AV H ShcKey Clerk of Scales N H McClelland Starter AA Hamilton Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 p m AV indicates whip S spurs B blinkers Fig ¬ ures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate date track record ago of horse and weight carried Indicates apprentice allowance FIRST EACE Y8 Kile Kay 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Claiming Net valuo to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Horses AWtPPSt 14 Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 01217s TAMPER WB 7 IOG 4 9 10 73 2 2i In S Steele J M Hubbanl 1320100 132010001680TRINKET 01680TRINKET w 3 9710 G 5 51 lll 1 2 E Benham R A Fairbairn 560100 01714 LADY INEZ WB G 101 13 13 13 11 10 G 31 D Neal Mrs AA D Millard 740100 01735 PRUDY w 4 101 12 12 12 13s H1 7l 4 R Finnrty AV F Poison 1200100 01805 JOLLY BOY w G 111 1 1 in 1 3 3 5i J Heupel F P AVilson 1 1330100 01772 MINSTREL BOY WB 4 111 7 4 31 41 5 41 61 S Griffin I B Humphreys t 01505 RUSSELL CAAE WB 4 111 8 8 7l 81 8 8 7 R Zcchini D Borgman 1380100 01738 QUN NAVARRE WB 3 97 11 7 61 61 6 9 S D Dubois E B McLean 910100 01807 IMPOSSIBLE WB 5 111 14 14 14 14 14 10 9 J McCoy Tyler Martin t 01098 BARROAV w 5 111 C 2 2 21 41 5 10 N Barrett J D AVilson 210100 01839 SARAVIA w 3 97 9 5 4 3 71 Hi 11 G Johnson Kenton Farm Stablo 3640100 364010001611ARCHIBALD 01611ARCHIBALD w 3 100 2 3 S 91 9 12 12h J Ryan D T Morris f 01735 LADY AENNIE w G IOC 5 It 11 121 13 13s 131 R Cheam J H AVomack f 01681 AVASHOE WB 3 101 3 W 9 10 12 14 14 AV Garner F Henzo 980100 980100tMutnel tMutnel field Time 23 47 l13 i 127 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Tamper 2840 straight 1200 place 640 show Trinket S40 p ace 540 show Lady Inez 500 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Tamper 1320 to 100 straight 500 to 100 place 220 to 100 show Trinket 320 to 100 place 170 to 100 show Lady Inez 150 to TOO show showAVinner AVinner Ch h by Broomstick Tampa by Rabelais trained by J M Hubbard bred by Mr Harry Payne AVhitney AVhitneyAVent AVent to post at 205 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow AVon driving second and thin the same TAMPER closed a gap then had to race wide on the last turn but under hard riding got up in the last few strides to outgame TRINKET TRINKET met with slight interference in the early running but finished with a rush the first two finishing in the middle of the track LADY INEK closed a big gap and also finished with a rush PRUDY also closed a great gap in the last threv sixteenths JOLLY BOY showed the most early speed but tired tiredScratched Scratched Ol735Golden Lynn 10 01710 Hullo 10L 10LOverweights Overweights Archibald 3 pounds AVashoe 4 A QR SECOND RACE 78 Kile Kay 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse 1200 3yearolds and vFJ 7JvP upward Claiming Net value to winners 550 each third 100 Index Horses AAVtPPSt VJ Str Fin Jockeys 01708 BRIER HILL w 4 106 5 4 I 1 2 2s If3 R Finnrty AA E Hupp 70100 7010001680ROSE 01680ROSE MIST w 3 92 7 7 41 21 1 1 It3 D Dubois J Lo 01735 SANDALAVOOD WB S 11L 9 8 S1 9l 33 3 3 T Murray J B Cloher 13TO100 13TO100016803AVAPONOCA 016803AVAPONOCA w 4 111 1 5 71 8 4 4 4 E Legere E B AVheeler WXMOO 01549 ALLAIRE w 3 97 8 9 9 61 8 71 5i G Johnson H Oot 40100 95981 THATS TE TIMEw 4 106 4 6 G 71 6 B 6 M Skyrm AVinchester Stable 13670ldO 99999 BARRACUDA w 7 111 G 10 10 10 10 7 V Moore S N Holman 3470100 92207 3 SINGLEHAND w 4 10T 3 3 6 3 7 6 Sl W Garner P Coyne 2070100 01583 FRCES LOUISE w 3 97 2 2 31 Bi 5 1 9 ° 9 J Jones L Jones 4910100 01738 BS BELVE MBwsB G 106 10 1 2 41 9 10 10 D Neal L B Draun 1680100 1680100tDead tDead heat first and second money divided dividedTime Time 23 47 113 l265s Track fast 2 mutuels paid Brier Hill 340 straight 400 place 300 show Rose Mist 480 straight 30O place 420 show Sandalwood 540 vbow vbowEquivalent Equivalent booking odds Brier Hill 170 to 100 straight 100 to 100 place 50 to 100 show Rose Mist 140 to 100 straight 150 to 100 place 110 to 100 show Sandalwood 170 to 100 show showAVinner AVinner Br g by High Time Montrose Belle by Pataud trained by R C Frakes bred by Mrx F Johnston AVinner B f by St Rock Lady Algy by Ormondale trained by J Lowe bred by Mr John E Madden MaddenAVent AVent to post at 233 At post 3 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and thinl the same BRIKR HILL under hard riding throughout led all the way with the exception of a few yards when he was momentarily bended by ROSE MIST and the two horses finished so cl e togither that it was impossible lo separate them ROSE MIST raced close up and taking the lead raced gamely to the end SANDALAVOOD was racing fast at the finish AVAPONOOA finished well A LI A 1 UK closeU a gap in the stretch stretchScratched Scratched 90292 Coyne IOC 01543 donaslee 101 01735 Little Cook 97 01C11 Kid Boots 10 01C823Yoriek 106 01738 Ills i way 92 THIRD RACE 78 Kile Kay 21 1921 123 4 110 Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Churning Net value to winner 900 second 200 third 100 Index Hone AWtPPSt V4 tt Sir Kin Jockeys Owners Enuiv OddM Strt 01805 NIMROD WBC 111 J 2 1 1 i 1 IV E scoble p Stanton 720100 01577 OMNIA w3 97 9 1 2 23 2 2 2 n Finnrty K H Elkin ElkineiVSa 2140100 eiVSa FRKOIC RAPLwB 3 101 2 7 64 6 5 1ffi 3 AV Garner F M Grabiier 270100 01714 FLYING SPARK w 3 97 6 3 41 8 31 4 4 G Johnton G AVatts 230010 IM5UI SHE GOES irr 3 54113 8 71 Cl CJ V 5J 1 Fischer Million D Downing 11230100 11230100M 61805 MY DESTINY w 4 106 8 9 SI 10 gu 6 G S Griffin M Andrews IGOlOO IGOlOOS 61738 B E CLAKK WB C 111 10 5 12112 10 9 71 N Burger S W W Grant 3300100 3300100C 81735 MISSION CHIMESwu 3 107 f G f 4s 71 Si II Kaiser C Harridan t tShady OI583 MYHRH w 3 102 3 11 10 9 91 S 9 M Skyrni Shady Brook Farm Sta t tW 99656PH1L McCANN w 5 111 7 12 111 11 11 10 10 J Hcupel W Perkins 13X0100 1577 LUCKY DONNA w 3 97 1 10 9 7 J 71 II1 11s L Canfield G Collins 0875S HOHOUHY W 5 IOC 11 13 13 ir 13 13 12s J Kyan J B Fajno 01577 IRRESPONSIBLE w 3 102 4 4 3 4 12 = 12 13 J McCoy W L Lewis t IMutuel field Time 23 AG i 113 127 Track fast fastV V mutuels paid Nimrod 1i4 straight 880 place 60 show Oninia 2020 place JllSO how Frederick Raphael 40 show showEquivalent Equivalent booking lds Nimrod 720 to 100 straight 340 to 100 place 210 to 100 show Omnia 10 to 100 place 490 to 1H show Frederick Raphael 70 to 100 show showWinner Winner B p by Under Fire Adore by Trap Rock trained by P Stanton bred by Messrs Gal lahtr Bros BrosWent Went to post at 304 At post 2 minutes Start cood and Mow Won easily second and third driving NIMROI riven n uood ride from the start set a fast pace all the way and was coins away at the finish OMNIA fonwl the pace throughout but was easily held Fafe by the winner FKKI f KRICK RAPHAEL raced close up early and wasshut off and forced back but came again with fine speed when clear FLYIXC SPA UK made a game finish DP SUE GOES finished with a ruah MISSION CHIMES showed early speed s Scratched 18 1 Lawless 10fi 0173 Kittie Jim 101 101Overweights Overweights Frederick Raphael 4 i ounds Up She Goes 2V1 A I OR Q FOURTH RACE 1 18 Miles Oct 20 1921 l49i 4 119 Purse 1500 3yearolds A JJtfO and upward Claiming Net value to winner 1150 second 225 third 125 Index Horses A VtPPSt 14 y Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt OIS423CLOISTEH w 5 112 2 2 5 3 11 I1 E Scobie J McGee 170100 81741 SPANISH LAY w 3 100 3 3 3 4 3 1 3i 2 W Garner F M Grabner 350100 01879 DAY THAI wn 5 103 1 1 1 I2 21 t 31 D Dubois J Lowe 310100 1S41 ELSASS w 4 103 4 5 4i 2 4 4 4l R Finnrty S A Cowan 820100 01811 LANCER w 4 103 5 4 2 5 5 5 6 D Neal L T Cooper 720100 720100Time Time 24 i 49 114 140 153 Track fast 2 mutuels paid Cloister 540 straight 280 place 220 show Spanish Lay 380 place 260 how Day Trap 240 show = Equivalent booking odds Cloister 170 to 100 straight 40 to 100 place 10 to 100 show Spanish Lay IO to 100 place 10 to 100 show Day Trap 20 to 1OO show showWinner Winner B h by Friar Marcus Paloma by Cyllene trained by J McGee bred In England by Mr JL N Reynolds ReynoldsWent Went to post at 333 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won handily second and third driving CLOISTER was saved in the early running and passing DAY TRAP when turning for home Aas going away at the end SPANISH LAY was always close up and finishing with a rush outgamed PAY TRAP in the final few strides DAY TRAP Bet a good early pace but tired when challenged in the last quarter ELSASS made a move near the halfmile post but tired in the stretch LANCER ran i oorly FTH SAGE 78 Mile May 21 1921 l23Vi 4 110 Green River Pnne Purse 1300 3vearolds and upward Maidens Allowances Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 V Index Horses AWtPPSt Vi Str Fin Jockeys Equiv Odds Strt 89243 89243SBILL SBILL STRAP w 4 113 C 3 2 1i 1 1 E Blind Idle Honr Stk Fm Sta 70100 01710 BARLUNA w 3 IOC 2 7 5 4 J 2 21 21 R Zcchinl Audley Farm Stable 2960100 01740 TRACTOR w 3 110 S 9 S1 C 5 3i 31 W Garner A B Hancock Hancockwn 220100 S9273 DRONE wn 3 110 4 10 10 9 C 1 C1 41 T Murray K Spence Spencew t tJ1180100 OlfiSl VIVANDIERE w 4 108 7 4 9 7 41 41 5 J McCoy B O Hickman Hickmanw J1180100 O181O SUE BERRY w 3 IOC 11 2 G Si S1 5 6 S Griffin H Oots 2550100 Z55U1W Z55U1WO1470 01470 CAPTAIN FOX w 3 110 5 6 7 10 7i 8s 7 F Chvetta W C Weant 11050100 01873 JACK KNIGHT w 3 110 9 1 3 J 5 9 7 8s D Neal L B Draun 14580100 14580100WATRSON WATRSON TRAILw 3 110 3 5 11 2l 3 9 9 S Steele D Lehan t 01708 QUINCE BUD w 4 115 10 11 11 11 11 H 10 E Martin G Watts 10080100 1008010001C81 01C81 OUR GAINS wn 3 110 1 8 4 3 10l 10 11 H Kaiser O L Steele 12700100tCouplcd 12760100 tCouplcd as Audlev Farm Stable entry tK O Hickman and D Lehau entry Time 23 47 4 l125s 126 Track fast 2 mntuclR naid Rill Strap 340 straight 300 place 240 show Audley Farm Stable entry 1000 place 380 show Tractor 240 show Equivalent booking dds Hill Strap 70 to 100 straight 50 to 100 place 20 to 100 show Andley Farm Stable entrv 400 to 100 place KO to 100 show Tractor 20 to 100 show showAYinner AYinner IS g by North Star HI Serelin by Magellan trained by H J Thompson bred by Idle Hour Stock Farm Went to post at 403 At post 3 minutes Start good and slow Won easily second and third Driving BILL STRAP passed WATERSON TRAIL after going the first quarter and under energetic riding easily maintained his advantage to the end BARLUNA saved ground wherever possible and finr Ished resolutely TRACTOR also saved ground on the turns and wah racing well at the finish DRONE was away x orly arid forced to race wide all the way AlVAXDIEKE also was on the outside most of the way WATERSON TRAIL stt the pace briefly and quit badly badlyScratched Scratched 01805 = Amir 113 Overweights Barluna 1 pound Sue Berry 1 Quince Bud 2 SIXTH RACE 58 Mile May 20 1912 59 2 113 Purse 1300 2yearolds Claim ¬ 01960 ing Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 Index Horses 4 Str Fin Jockeys Ktiuiv Odds Strt 9C C 6 61 3i 2J 1 E Benham C Nuckols 120100 I874DR MAXON w 103 1 1 1J 1 I 2 W Garner P M Grabner 3600100 3600100O1709ROSETTA O1709ROSETTA STONB iv 109 42 4i 4 1 4 3i L Geving J N Camden 540100 01170 FOURTEEN SIXTY w 116 7 B 2J 2 31 4s E Lepere H P Gardner 460100 46010001840COOHOGAN 01840COOHOGAN w 110 23 GJ 6 5i 5s N Barrett Anderson Kendle 370100 3701000187C 0187C MARY BEVERLY w 36 3 4 7 C C C D Dubois G F Croissant 640010Q 640010Q01548MYRTLE 01548MYRTLE CALDWLw 100 5 7 3i 7 7 7 M Skyrm Shady Brook Farm Sta 4520100 Time 23i 47 J 101 101S S Tnwk fast 2 mntucls paid Gay Hallie 440 straight 320 place 240 show Dr Maxon 2200 place 8U show Rosetta Stone 300 how howEquivalent Equivalent liooking odds Cay Hallie 120 to 100 straight 00 to 300 place 20 to 100 show Dr Maxon 1000 to 100 place tJO to 100 Mmw Rosetta Stone 50 to 100 show showWinner Winner Ch f by Boniface Nell Wilder by Broomstick trained by W Perkins bred by Mr Went to post at 431 At post 1 minute Start good and slow Won driving second and third the same IAY HALLIE was outpaced in the early running but under hard riding moved up fast in the stretch and wore DR MAXON down but barely got up in time to win DR MAXON began fast and showed the most early speed but tired slightly right at the end ROSETTA STONB saved ground where possible and made a game finish FOURTEEN SIXTY forced thq early pace but tired in the stretch COOHOOAN was forced back right after the start startOverweights Overweights Fourteen Sixty r pound Myrtle Ca Id well 2 ft f t SEVENTH RAC 1 14 Miles May 21 1921 203A 7 106 Purse 1300 3yearolds V Af O A aad upward Claiming Net value to winner 1000 second 200 third 100 1 Str Fin Jockeys Eqniv Odds Strt 01875 BLARNY STONE wn S 103 1 1 W Garner Harried Bros 0181 1 MAC OBOY w 5 103 32 4J B 3 21 2 S Steele D McDado C10100 lR7r FLAMES WB 5 108 2 3 S C 2 3 3 E Legere L T Cooper 320100 32010001f507 01f507 OPEN HAND w3 91 S 7 CJ 4h 6 4 D Dubois Keeneland Stud Stable 570100 01807 REPEATER WB 9 10S 7 C 3 3J 4i 4 5s G Johnson F Swain 930100 93010001807HUMORETTE 01807HUMORETTE w 5 98 4 5 CJ 8 71 C C i R Finnrty W S Heaton 2720100 01 807 QUEEN AGNES w4 W 5 4 1 2 G 7 7 E Benham C B Dailey 7310100 7310100Ol Ol 01613 lTrniVA Cim A WC101 C K 2 7 S 8 8 D Neal Mrs AV D Millard 171010C Time 24i 49 l15s l41 i 20 s Track fast 2 mutnels paid Blarney Stone V OU straight SO place 260 khow Mac OBoy 580 place KK uivaientnliookinotld Bhirny Stone 200 to 100 straight 90 to 100 place 30 to 100 show Mac OBov 1X to 10 iilace 80 to 100 liov Flames 70 to 100 rhnw rhnwWinner Winner I g by Berrilldon Top Rock by Kockton trained by J Reed bred by Messrs W and Went to post at r M At post 1 minute Start good and slow W n easily second and third drivin BLARNEY STONE was saved in the early i tinning then slipped through on the inside when near thehalfmile post into the lead and drew away in the stretch to win in a canter MAC OBOY ilso was saved in tho arly running and made a game finish FLAMES had to race around on the on t yidi in the back stretch and tired when called on after turning for home OlEN HAND raced wide on iir Urn tum REIEATER tired tiredScratched Scratched 01875 Lieut Rust 103

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Local Identifier: drf1926052701_8_2
Library of Congress Record: