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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesCHURCHILL CHURCHILL DOWNS THURSDAY MAY 27 WEATHEIl CLEAR TRACK PAST The figures under tho heading Rec in the entries below show the best time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made on other than a fast or good track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions 98087 IS FIRST INDEX OF 1926 0118C IS FIRST INDEX OF MAY MAYRacing Racing starts at 200 p m Chicago time 300 Superior mud rnnnfr X Good mud rnnnor Fair mud runner II Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The following abbreviations arc used to designate tracks at which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqueduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Belmont Park Laurel Blue Bonnets Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLong Bowie Long Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights Churchill Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Colwood Park ParkConey Mount Royal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkDade Orlando Dade Park Omaha Delorimier Park Phoenix Devonshire Fimlico Dorval Raceland Dufferin Park ParkEmpire Reno Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmount Park Tanforan Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thornclif fe Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timonium Hawthorne Toledo Huntington TJnited Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Windsor Kempton Park Woodbine Kenilworth Youngstown Churchill Downs Mile Track TrackFirst First Race 34 Mile MilePurso Purso 1300 5yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 21 1021 111 0 128Todays 128 Todays TodaysInd Ind HorsePnstPos Wt Itoo AWtIInn 01841 = Irwoinstcr 7Iat 108 111 7 114 725 01S051 Amir M lMia 10S IrKI 4 li 77fi 01240 Mnlly Jane 2 1 102X715 01873 The Engineer CLrl 111 l14s 3 102x710 01841 I iwl iwlrMst rMst 5 CM KHI l12f 1 107X705 01708 Miss Ninttira4Tij 101 li5is 5 K7X700 01835 SixMklid Beauty t FG 113 113 i 4 97 700 700Second Second Race 58 Mile Purse 12CO 2ycrrolds Maidens Colts end endGeldings Geldings GeldingsrTrcuk rTrcuk record May 20 1912 iO 2 113 01773 = Derringu CI 110 l001i 115 723 01736 = King Basil 7CD 10G 101 I 15 720 01736 The Code 4 115 715 01874 Step In 3 CP 115 102 115 710 01840 Dearborn 13CD 11C 101 115 705 01646 Wooldridse SCD 1K5 1C2 1C20150r 115 703 0150r John William II IIOi736 11 5 700 Oi736 Finn Guard c cBewitlms 11 5 700 Bewitlms 1 115 Lord Jim 5 115 Sunday Clothes 11 11Baslifonl 115 Baslifonl H 115 Prevail 12 Third Race 1 116 Miles Purs e 51300 3yearolds and upward Claiming Track record May 1M 1922 141 5 113 01807 Widgeon 5 CI 10S 115 7 107X7 01913 Payman tl 103 lir 5 lOJxTVO 01772 Eager 2 CI 10 147 f 1 COX 715 01681 Precedence M i 3 921710 01875 = Lady Von 1CD S9 130 H7X705 01839 Scampaway 4 3 107 700 Fourth Race 34 Mile MilePurse Purse 1500 Sytarolds and upward Claiming Track record May 21 1921 111 J12S 01776 Dry Moon 1 Bel 112 112 S 1H X 723 01910 Happy Top 21at 100 11 V 5 110x720 01708 Tin Runt AM 102 l12 i 5 1070715 017083 Miildonn 7 Lat 10S lijaj 4 10JX710 96279 Poinsittia 4 CM 1O2 112 4 105 705 01680 Antiquarian SIM JS 11 Its 4 102X705 01770 Clarice R SCI 11 l15s i 102X700 01839 Frances iock5JP 110 114 3 102 700 Fifth Race 1 Mile and 70 Tards TardsKtiiton Ktiiton Hotel Purse PursePurse Purse 1700 3yoarnlds and upward Allowances Track record May 30 1919 111 I 110 01844 Giblon 2 5 10SX730 01651 Traymore 1 CI lor l424i 4 l i725 01878 = Huntsman 3 CI 119 145 3 117X720 01843 Laveeu 3 CI 102 l42i 5 UK 715 01581 Buck 4 Lat 100 143 = 5 lox710 lox710Sixth Sixth Race 78 Mile Shady Brook Farm Purse PursePurse Purse 1600 3yearolds Fillies Alluwaucrs Track record May 21 1921 l23i I no 01877 LAKMK 5 ios 735 01877 = Florence Mills 11 X7 01713 Wildwood 3 CI 110 l32sv 1U8X7 01611 Peekaboo 2 CM 112 l33 isy 105 715 01775 Asinia 7 1050710 01614 Malvina B S 103 710 01877 Barbara 4 103X703 01810 Dawn of Tonior Toniorrw rw 1 105X70 C1810 105X70C1810 Mayfair 9 1037K 1037KSeventh Seventh Race 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1400 v ar lds claiinins claiininsTrack Track record May 1M 1922 141 I 113 01873 Holly Bay 7 101 7ir 7ir01873s 01873s SmaiktT 2 105X72O 105X72O01879s 01879s MartiiKo C 101 71 71O187 O187 Mary 1IW71O 01873 S a Drift 1 HCJx7OT 01741 Fiunstir I Mia 102 1I7S 1HS 7tx 01741 Vonare 5 Ma 10Z 1 i7 4 11CX700