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Entries and Past Performances PerformancesAURORA AURORA THURSDAY MAY 27 V BATHER CLOUDY TRAGIC SLOW The figures under the heading Bee in the entries below show the beet time of each horse at the distance since January 1 1925 no matter where it finished In cases where record was made en other than a fast or food track abbreviations show track con ¬ ditions SSOR7 IS FIUST FNDFX OF 1926 01 ISC IS FIRST IXDEX OF 31 AY AYllarin llarin starts at 215 p m Chicago daylight Ravines time Superior mud runner A fiood mud runnrr jt Fnir mud runner M Maidens Apprentice allowance allowanceThe The followinz abbreviations are used to designate tracks nt which time records shown in entries were made Akron King Edward Aqreduct Lagoon Aurora Latonia Bclmont Park Laurel Blue Binncts Lexington Blue Grass Lex Colored Fair FairLing Bowii Ling Branch Brooklyn Maple Heights ChurnMll Downs DownsClarksburg Marlboro Clarksburg Miami Columbus Mobile Colwood Park Mount Boyal Coney Island Niagara Falls Connaught Park ParkBade Orlando Bade Park Omaha Delorimier Park ParkDevonshire Phoenix Devonshire Pimlico Dorval Raceland Dufferin Park Beno Empire Salt Lake Erlanger Saratoga Fair Grounds Tampa Fairmurt Park ParkFort Tanforaji Fort Erie Thistledown Hamilton Thornclif f e Havre de Grace GraceHavana Tijuana Havana Timoinm Hawthorne Toledo Huntington United Hunts Jamaica Wheeling Jefferson Park ParkJuarez Willows Park Juarez Wicds or Kemptcn Park Woodbine Kenilworth Youngstown Aurora Mile Track TrackFirst First Bacc 34 Mile MilePurso Purso 800 3vearo1d Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 23 1923 112 3 1 OS OSTodays Todays I ml HorsePostPos Wt Re AWtHan 01765 Income 8 Aur 101 114 110 01832 I5lack Air 21P 101 l19im 107X 01905 Shuffle 1 JI 38 110 110X715 01832 Sister Diana M Mr r iiav S3 ii4i 105 010843 Hilly Dow M 4 105 705 01832 Tomniic McCoomb 7 Hav 102 114 3 112 700 97375 Sally dOr M 3 CI 105 116 105 CO 01517 Southern Melody MelodyM M 3 FG 1US1 120 in 100 TOO 01867 Zncca M IOJP 10S 121 105 GOO 01C20 Lady Allen Mll Lat 112 1155 103X090 Tlie Law 5 110 Second Bace 4 12 Furlongs FurlongsPurse Purse 800 2yearolds Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 13 1925 54 2 101 101018S6 018S6 Sheffield M 5 Aur 105 3C = i 108 018S6 Edna Mitchell M 4 CD 101 53 IOC 720 720018SC 018SC Flying Hish M 2 Aur 111 57 111 715 01943 Dick 11 112 710 71001B33 01B33 Tlie Wire 12Aur 111 5Gi 1177W 01866 Smile Awhile M 3 Aur 105 3SIs 104 700 01866 Affectionate Marv MarvM M 8 Aur 105 57 57s = s 101 090 01866 Welty M lAur 114 58 S 103iJO 93852 Dad Wilson M 7 Tij 111 100 Vs IOC 000 000Polyfena Polyfena 3 Ill Jontcol 108 Slutts 10 114 I Third Bace 34 Mile Purse 1000 3vrarolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record June 2 1325 112 3 108 10801800s 01800s Whiff 12 Aur 110 113 5 102X725 01449 Joe Campbell 4 Hav 115 113 7114X720 015203 The Abbot 2 Hav 10 113 4 112X715 97979 Parnell Lad 311 tn 108 113 4 112x710 01799 Kerry Girl 10JP 37 114 3 107X705 01799 Ulack Sand ISTij 95 113 S 4 103700 01793 C T Wortliing Wortliington ton Haw 114 113 4 101X635 01765 Red Seth 7MII 100 l13 l13s s 112X030 01834 lad Luck 1 4 103XC83 00146 Uttle Itlaze 5Hav 9fi 114 3 102 085 00305 Lighter 8 Tij 124 l18sy 7 101X085 01834 Ranock 3 MII 10 5Jl15 ih 4 107X685 99544 Karachi 11 Iat 110 113 4 107X085 01858 Delphi 13 Tarn 105 1114 102 085 97285 Ink 14 Aur 103 120 5 94XC83 94XC83Fourth Fourth Bace 5 12 Furlongs Purse 1000 yearolds ami upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 22 1925 103 4 112 00398 Kiick Pond ICI 112 105 5 100725 01408 Variation 11MH 103 100 110X720 018695 Miss Rosedale 12 KP 103 1OC r 113X715 01869 Fiuday 13 MII 111 100 C 100X710 01869 llody Ciiard 17 KP 105 103 0111X705 01835 Red Heart 4JP 99 103 g 3 39 700 01869 Acnes Call 5DP 104 1005 4 110XC93 01802 Chcsterbrook 7 Win 113 100 7 111XC90 92490 Pillager 14 IP 110 107 4 111X690 01766 Alice LOUR 2 CI 97 106 4 103 C83 01869 Lady in Cold 3 Aur 104 l10h 4 100X085 98014 Vjisqucz C Tij 114 107 4 111 085 01872 Racket 9 38X 8 01050 Judge Lynch W fg 95941 Pop Shot 1C Tij 107 l09sy 4 1050685 99448 = Pickpocket 15Aur 110 108 5 10BCSO 10BCSOMessidor Messidor 8 102 Fifth Bace 1 Mile and 70 Yards YardsIllinois Illinois Claiming Handicap Purse 1200 3yearolds and upward Track record June 11 1923 144 K 0 111 1 01872 liULLET PROOF a CP 108 145 9 111x725 00767 Sandrae 7 Lat 110 145 4 10871r 01767 Elizabeth K C Haw 102 144 4 105X710 01954 Apolosy 4 Haw 93 143J 5 110X703 01767s Johnny Jewell 1 MII 107 140 5 110700 01401 Fapnza 3 Ken 108 144 5 113X695 j 01801s Green Woods 5 3 107 690 j jSixth Sixth Bace 1 116 Miles MilesPurse Purse 1000 4yearolds and upward Claiming Track record June 20 1323 143 C 114 01871 London Smoke 3 Mia 111 143 3110X723 01804 Dustproof 3 C 106X720 1 01871 Molinero 15 JP 101 148 8 111X715 J 01871 Settee 8 Mia 107 143 5 113X710 j 01799 Chile 7 0108X705 01870 Slanderer 4 MII 108 14C C 111 700 01870 Cheer Leader 10 MII 10S 145 12 106X095 01006 Waukeag 12 MII 104 14U 12 111X695 01871 Freecuttcr C 11 1015x695 01870 King 15 1 710S690 710S690C1804 C1804 Tule 2 KP 103 150 1505s 5s 103XOIK 01870 I outes 3 FG 105 148 0 106 690 01799 Sandy 11 11 9 111 030 0300180i 0180i Kairllght 13Hd IOC 1 49h 3 111X690 111X69001S71 01S71 Demijohn 14 HdC 974149h 6111X630 01906 Yankee Uoy 1C 8 111X090 111X090Seventh Seventh Bace 1 Mile Purse 1000 3yearolds and upward Claiming ClaimingTrack Track record Sept 22 1323 140 3 110 01838 Cunsight 11 Tij 107 141 7 113 X 25 i 01932 Green Hills 5 3 100 720 01838 = Mart Hunch 3Tdn 105 141 6 103X 15 j 01834 Ladv Choeo 13 Tdn IOC 142 5 108X710 i 01901 El Astro 3 C 100X705 01872 John Finn 12 7111X700 01953 Illusionist 1 Aur 1011443 0103 095 01906 Invictus 2 Aur 112 144 f 108 095 01765 Amelia S 4 5107X690 01871 Gipsv Flyer 01511 102 1425 4 10xC90 01872 Masquerado 7 7 114XC90 114XC90018G7 018G7 Martdonna M 8 3 30C30 95501 Citizen 10 Tij 97142 8 118 090