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WASHINGTON PARK NOTES f H? $ HOMEWOOD. HL. Junc 27. William Martin, who was forced during the early Aurora meeting to relinquish his position as patrol judge and undergo an operation, was a visitor at Washington Parle today, apparently recovered. Jockey Earl Pool, who ode Handy Mandy to victory at Latonia Saturday, returned to accept mounts at Washington Park today. Col. Matt J. Winn was an early arrival today and immediately proceeded to activity by attending three important business sessions pertaining the local track affairs. The most important was that which had Washington Park matters to pass on. An ambitious program for its future was the subject. Lincoln Fields also came In for consideration at another session. Chas. F. Price, who will serve at Lincoln Fields as the presiding racing official, was among the comers this morning from Latonia. Judge Price at once began act! vi ties with preliminaries attaching to the opening of the important Crete course. The Mrs. L. M. Holmes string of racers is also intended for Canadian racing and will be shipped to Windsor Thursday.