untitled, Daily Racing Form, 1928-05-14


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WUnWAWT Han e Ames, Inc. VV riW VV fL 1 1674 BROADWAY, CORNER 52ND SI. NEW YORK CITY TO WIN A BIG BET TUESDAY WON-Odds 5 to 1 This liis long-legged horse should pay at least six to one; jump out in front at the rise of the harrier • nd stay there all the way to the judges stand. The referred-to horse was never in better racing condition, is in with light weight, likes the distance and. with old boy riding, looks to us like the SlREST Yesterdays "Harvey Transaction,* and the only horse advised, won easily at odds of betting pr | osit.i n of the meet, and we are going to bet plenty Tuesday. Go with us and. let me say, 7 to 1. that whether you are a small player or a big bettor, you dont get in on many chances like this one and. . if you are right after the MONEY and want to do business with a man at the track every day and are a square shooter, willing to treat a mau as you would like to be treated, then here is my proposition: _ _ — — — — — 1 will wire you the name of this horse Tuesday at noon, providing you pledge secrecy and agree to g W r B "* ■ • 1 i K _• wire me the winning of only a $■" play on this first one. Then, after you have evidence in hand that 1 H £k MV7AVT I *and *% » O _fc ■** ■ 1 W I f ■ f E "1 _l Vf Keiid g.MMl pri ed winners, increase my play a- yon WIN. Write or wire me tonight, include 1 M.fM, H W CT W I H € 1 I jfl ~ 1 I II I P I fll|I lilfl. V _— »_ w •— » — • * ■ ■ _ — u «■ m M.U M — a » — • -w — m •***. «» your street address, and dont miss this opportunity to WIN some quick money. . j j HARRY E. McCLARE Subscription, 00, in advance, by telegraph or in person. 411 WEST BROADWAY I.OUISVILLE, KY. No amount of financial assistance has been denied our connections to make Mondays "" ~~ — " ■"■""■"■" ™ ——" ~ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ ™ —— ~ "—~ ~ ~ for i1||i event a positive certainty. Ignore past performances, they will reveal nothing of the ?■ B W §M 1 Hi JktM laTJ fi H Hw v m a horses true form. We do not claim jOO per cent winners, but last year our percentage lyiWltlltlJll Listen! ; !■■!■■ jnimnOTlHIH ,_ Telephone Numbers: Columbus 2415,2422, 2428, 5455, 0995, 6760 hails from Louisville, Kent tick v, and. from __ __ __ ___ ___ __ ___ __»_■______»______________________________ MASTER RATINGS. — OCCASIONAL. ihe long string of long priced winners that .._.... .. — . WEEKLY BOOK. 35c— At All Newsstands. BS Rives the folks, he is not a New York TOD21IODE SSf =S»w Wire to Prove You Mean Business Memnhis-T itpnt MPHj BAblL . . . O.D4, WOl .... mempms patent -Flora jriora -Tnil.Panal ion canai. Eni1 we W,U entor ",to an aSrppment Wlt" °" to furnish genuine inside information for six days that PADDriDAI «M 1 OA |AI Nothing to it but this fellow all the way. Pounds V/UKrUKAL . . . Jj l I .TV, WOI1 we secure direct from the men who really are doing things at the tracks now operating. the l est and lit; IS READY TO WIN. Down NOTICE: Every " reader of this paper was It costs us a great deal each day to obtain this information, therefore we are endeavoring to enlarge fctroug. told in advance our first jockey special o«r clientele to the maximum. wwv * a • would go and win SATlHD.U. It would At 8 a. m. each day for six days we will wire you a two-horse parlay. At the end of that period, lMf A H HI. GIVEN FREE to all who remitted ISIO pro-, id. d :i t least five parlays have won and you are ahead more than .XI by playing only a $."i w:u fU ffW% |B ffl|in I for our daily s.-rvice. Those who remitted parlay each day. our regular terms of .SMI a day shall begin. Our term, may se large but, after all, I| Bill rQ f f% I *•" did not get it. Our next one goes MON- Jtu know that in order to get real inside dependable information you will have to pay for it. If VII 1 JafihVandHK • DAY, and a probable WINNER. FOR EXAMPLE: W FRIDAY: MONDAY: THURSDAY: Yesterdays Adv. "Soft riav:" YELLAS 1.20, WON STITCHES $ 8.90, WO X 3IULDOOX $ 5.70, WO X LADY MAK1K... ..$ 9.60, 2N1 DIXBK.VTH $ 0.7 1, WON BAB .NONE 2.28, WOX MvlQ QO J fW% ROSIXA ...... ..8.90, WOX KING DI ... ..."... . . $ 9.40, WO X SHOB1 PRICE, .f*!""? 5-1, WON J.I1 flA IWlin t ASSIK 0.56, WON VLGOL ..0.56, WON VKLL AS 1.20. WON • LtJ»Jlmd» II VII Knowledge: On several occasions we gave WEDNESDAY: SATURDAY: out a horse that was coupled with a stable REPLEVIN 2-1, WOX GERARD "... 6-1 WOX This was the "Dig One" we advertised in S.itur- -NOT THE ENTRY. The horse won every KKD SUBLETTE $ 7.20, WOX KIXG BASIL 8.64, WON day s Ad. If v,.„ rPaily are sincere and intend to take care of your end. telegraph us with your name and Master Rating Also Gave: HDo W6 KflOW SOlT16-B8£ address and we will wire you six parlays. If you only want this information for a week, please dont | , • • M • A/ g/% WIT ~», .1 • ~ . ,,, answer this advertisement. Another thing, please dont stuff any big money into the mutuel machine. PorflPia IVlQVIQn M An WaII *J*f Thing. "Wk "" .vollr business away from the tracks. 1 allll/lU ITldlldll. JJJ.Tl/, If UU ..«„,.,., .._ _ ....._., Office open all day. First parlay will be wired you immedialely. MONDAY — NO. 2 JOCKEY Every day the Master Ratings demonstrate that OOC/MAI rpi IDCC rkMDICD there is NOTHING I.IKE EM. if vou want to OrtuIAL LV/LlrOt V/UUKItK lV TUE ****** KAT" 1201 BROADWAY XEW YORK CITY SS "Tri,t",0rn,UOK Should be as good as our first one. which l.MtjS. lll.lt I .III. rail Satllrdav Wirp J]0 for our dai,v an, _««_ — _HBaalH — __ _ -_««-—_____—.____ HifeVTW % L T paddock special and receive this big JOCKEY If !|i ii fi 9 l ¥ TUNE 1N 0N STATION FINAL ~* I S2 S5 S]r /i A = Free 0 Special Winn°-JZ™nners- JAU W1L5UIN IfiflP * Internationally Known as Parlay Kmg ■;■ We would like to hear from reliable ginglj Copy_ 35c_10 Week3. . EfiU Is a colt thai has been especially prepped for ths business men who could make a wager for «- two iioiisI s n 1 1 V «-. B!t8 t o i t . "t" S*H race today and EVERY THINGS READY for a us twice weekly on some good things and ., , I ~Z vvwiKtlT „„ „ c ■* one ■ «:. 1142 Suite New York CORKING RACE. fn.ler NO consideration miss play square. Next goes Mondav. Broadway, 806, City ,«„,*££ I?5£$ wJTa-n this opportunity, also the MASTER RATINGS say TERMS: 0 daily, including Paddock a,-,w £ni?Jt fi.rJL Z?l L . x, watch the "EXCELLENT PLAY " in the second Special. Look, Again I Walloped the Layers! 00 FREE CODE TODAY race. This one is RIGHT ON EDtiE FOR A WIN. Wire early. Immediate service. oi AgmORAr-H-tl-M-M-tt. «ttt./»i.» « t ic ,.„, For these horses, ask your newsdealer for SAT! RDAYS TRANSACTIONS: FINAL WORD SERVICE SlFR • Ruby4.04,W0n"PS | rvlfl I/ MACTCD PI Afl/TD plenty these days. From coast to coast the news- UAlLl ITlAMLK ILUlfVLK m wi •.■■.! » me« EF-Valtino $ 8.40,Won-*l tttandZfimuJandnStt jl X ££1, NEWSSTANDS FRIDAYS TRANSACTIONS: what SITREME is producing for our army of fol- t™™,. fARIX 4.84, Won lowers. The above 00 FREE CODE comes from SSflBBB" Kirr Dnrnoin ItftnvSBBBV ==========t== llltl. ON 4.36, Won tMi * est source and we are positive this one wilt BEF Dig Dargain UUer *andand$ __ THURSDAYS TRANSACTIONS: mnn!,11111111 MONDAYS 00 Both Occasional and Sheet, sent one week. 0. 1111 i W# :"- *a vvS ul1 .v,lb "s| tJ Jollr newsdealer, slip 35 i u/ v M It /. ,.., . » . * oil Remit to MASTER CLOCKER Kl B i W C,nts jn hjs mU f [. vMKK,,A.s FOREMOST 440 S. DEARBORN STREET CHICAGC. ILL. SJIJ . ■ - B WEDNESDAYS TRANSACTIONS: TfRF WEEKLY. SUPREME FLASH." turn to hl«k« £L THEO. EAY Lost page 2 and you will have the cipher code for the ■ ABBLEtROSS $ 3.08, Won above long shot. __________ __. WJ- ET-IW _" 1 _ Tl TUESDAYS TRANSACTIONS: PREVIOUS THREE STRAIGHT MONDAYS 00 JI/JOlHISB 1/ HC l_ 1 I V/ 7B-J* HISSIONARI 9.10, Won FREE CODE WINNERS WttKL I IS_HL_1__ I * *" O ■" LS=£ w°n STUPENDOUS . . .$ 5.90, WON wiL»u£olxm™9i5iwm MASTER SWEEP. 0.80, WON D ATIMP PITinE Code Book No. 351 malXi£JStwm GRAND BEY ....$ 7.40, WON A/i Ksln U U U1UE KELLYS CODES FOR MONDAY: iSSS. ir;:":?:. V£tl Tol iS SSLTS. e" above TnS 2*"- ATTuriTJA FRIDAYS TRANSACTIONS: PIPPIN we put over TUESDAY. WORLDS GREATEST RACING WB KKI.Y AURORA. LITTLE E... . 6.50, Won LAST TUESDAYS FREE CODE: B-352-31-49 31IKAFKL $ 5.38, Won IVIIOOIUIHHn Wj I QC I f N A R Y I ....OIj.IU. Q1fl WOW WUIM TWf ,IWU fiRFAT l-Ktt FRFF INI-UKMA- INFORMA Thursdays two horses- «.t.A» CHURCHILL DOWNS: PARCHESIE ....... ..70, $ 5.50, 2nd I »** ~* * there any wonder that Supreme TION bhKVILtb a-16-17-44 TAZEWELL 1.20, Won lms the largest circulation of any turf weekly in Wednesdays two HORSES: America today, and also t r«M_Ar*a AKMVt rartv LOUf. woii*iT s _UK»BS HAMILTON. OHIO: SOCIAL MUG 4.30, Won PREVIOUS 41 WEEKS SYSTEM HORSES Always Winner on a Elat Play. X-35-44-49-41 TOAXXA $ 9.18, Won lA/flAI Mnncn/VI SI E°IAL WUN U,U0U.UU One Horse a Day Selected by Americas Greatest VFxnFIllr TRANSACTI0,N:cf • Expert. JAMAICA: wnwna v-irV» i inintma: ■ osl No, there is no extra charge for system horses; . , v. .- A-7-44-2-25 ~~ nmiJm C.RAXDBEY «li i?i ,.r they appear on page six G Supreme Flash Weekly. CARMACS RELEASE FOR MONDAY: .40, AVon Can you imagine all the above winning informa- CHIKCHILL DOWXS: Three-WIre-Trial. SMITHVILLE: MILLIE Iv 3rd tion- fer - »r cents weekly. Throw away all your S-4* 31 12 33 — », . ... ,. J___ system, dope sheets, or any other paraphernalia you CARM S SATURDVY RELEAS1 JEFUO iMOT MlSS IVlOn-"-P_ may have. All you need is a "SUPREME FLASH" every week and I assure you that will be — n I d»r t*t IIT SfKaya ClEwUl CW» _ft: T-S-rlai/c Pa rlau *«n tO-_MP you FrO?l/»OC knpl VS hSI Won FClay S rarlay J 5 bU-. laughing in your layers face every day. Ask any . iTallCcS IVOCK, «PJ.0U, TTOll 0 I rfar- £i J follower, they will gladly advise you of the 7 X NlTiJiTkPf llSltll Willi DOV1 Mi N M0XDAY*S MIWs- PHENOMENAL SUCCESS they have had with For Code «uy Issue of Mill 12. UIHClvIivI « Wt/iVUt IT UU ACTIOXS— EXPECT 0-. SUPREME FLASH. Folks, our followers are our * * 7 BIGGEST B008TBBS. Saturdays George Rurke Phone Special: A new book with new code published every r ? °Ut 0V°rre ?" ,dail* i, via AVes,t"n LAST MONDAYS ,000 COMMISSION HORSE: r l Mi nn iu Thursday- price two dollars- crenct°taladTdere7sraapnd SSTJSSS KING CARTER... $ 5.10, WON I A**nAf" l T I I Mil WAII SOW by your dealer, or direct from Immediate service. Telegrams sent out ANOTHER ,000 COMMISSION HORSE sUIUUlUla plla«/V7 II UU immediately. GOES TODAY * his is an un.iuestionable proposition and 117*11* fl 1 1/11 _—_——_____— comes George Burkes Phone Specials WllliaHI BuIKe RellV . ■ r/-JJZ Available in t hi. ao. Cineinnati, New York and » I1TCIIP llirADHJI 2 TlOkl REAL WIKXING INFORMATION when you sub- New Orleans. 25 EAS1 COXGRESS Mill I I Ii1uIl/_ IINr UKIll A 1 lUlN " rii" f"" "S S|" ia! ""s ",rMV " """ Ii,rl;»l See Wofkly Rat in* Cuide for Telephone CHICAGO, ILL. *± f "8 5 Numbers and ode Words Mil UAMrV Vg 1 3 FU |« V III IN AllVflNlH kMIAVWr your investment. Terms for this commission horse II V lTlVllAi 1 111 tUJ I Mil XjU is Miy . Wire your subscription immediately Woohh Rnrinn InlAo ,;™,!lflr!!asi™lHIS5 1 have ixformatiox from v real :""i ,k" "snppFMFVnViwTvrro uutae weekly Racing reward Sr™; ox a prospective 75r9plfo"dwfyUBLISHINGNce0w wjme Suite 407. to* «* 1 rewardpd ■«* " « copy of -1IIE SE- | WINEEB THAT WILL START AT LOUIS- World. woiias. Crones, i.tf.tUM Racta- jwacuig Weeklv v eeKiy =====______ CRET OF BEATING THE RACES." a 10- l| MILE I On Sale at All Xewsstands booklet of real inside information. No I page E _EEE_EH!WR_ 1 If ni! 1 IT t /» lOIIICWII I C DArrc RACES Pri.e Iweiltj-Five Cents cho.te. No obligation WlllNrSDAY MAY lh m. so. w-vmsh .»-k. , „., ».o. i,.„. j. K. willis "i££ »_?~ I , SJSzL L. fM .1 .1 PURFIMPR = — = ■B______BB_B_HB______HBE____I tins lm , but will say this is one of the UULlUlUl OUII Sill — ,,ropositions j have i,andied in _«eewT SS ISXESr MEN TVE GOT IT t: ,, DON T GAMBLE ON THE RACES . ™* ***• ,1,U,St *J» f0r ef,to Vtront and YOU CxTnmZl ME" Tn0Cewa0RK0CF0R YOU and «iuu yo,. you ii. .1 u it ii. if ii vou Mm want «,uu to i.i beat ik.il the me [ want th,- small and larpe bettor to answer 5 FOR ANY TEN DAYS horses Weekly, monthly. Yearly. With small Play horses that FIGURE to win. Accurate handi- T 7. h,!- advertisement I wil Ihnve few ■ capital you can make |10 to 0 daily. Janu- rappUj i, ,l_p|« when ,ou know h„w. There is T T L a .,-„ »?P" v 5__?-5?! n * a me* _ » b° u,st . ten y,ea" tlonal Ila K nv, during .h the t Louisville ,i ahead of the line. ary 1, 1928, to date, EDGE PLAYS made ,,o ekceae t«r anv mm not kaowlu how to handicap meeting present-day people in my ,8C0. Special Rixty-day trial. Write me. Full particulars FREE m ttriaei attached Secure a,ld can ani "vvl11 »iako you money if you ■■■■ your subscription. Dont fail to send your Its worth a Stamp. your free copy of "Pies Your O— 0 Winners." I.earn Will wire or write me immediately and meet ■■■*"■„ *rora ~*~ •?** ,raok »■«*«■•• an i no ,0 andi.-ap. and l-o a winner. Write TODAY. obligations promptly. scratched horses, hut fit horses. My many clients ni/xu lA/ll I IQ n*u+rm Km your KIUM WILLlO InV. • .. will vouch for marvelous UaVtOn, , . D~, my success at Kentucky J J F E J T BELL B1?TT ,T offer fe „ Bet »-, ,y Is : $" for mo w,nns me the 1040 10407 clif.on Cllfl0n B]vil Blvd r,r„plnn, Cleveland. mil„ Ohio tracks. Consult a specialist of the Kame. I wire winnings after you collect. Wire or write 0ne or two horses daily at 11 oclock. Telegraph PJinF INFORMATION — immediately for service. remittance or remit by express order in letter. IllOIUt. I IU I UlllVIrt I IUII not considered. .1VMFS Propositions Strictly cash only. I WILCOX D ALL BUKE-WEITB TODAY FOR A COPT ©f |V/|v #■ V» 1 17 Watterson llotel, Louis ille, Ky. UROWXHOTKL, LOUISVILLE,* KY. w* wt r w-k •How to Pick the Horses Thai Carries the Cash"— lVIOTlt I 5 I V A O ■ FT1 —1 * w * * * mmm a * A __and it ia FREE. It tells you all alwut the Kame and j — ■= explains the New Superior Method of Handicapping. . — « •■ xt wm m nm« u a_. *» • ■• ■ ■■ ■• — wmch win seow yo.. 1...W to pi.k winners wit., , _« 1 DAILY RACING GUIDE Subscribe to Month y Form t surprising reenlanty. Ante for it today. 1 E I ■ g W I _«fc •% *unSey Br "Tashon D c DOOK IS Ull Dale HAS THE WINNERS Book and insure its receipt.

Persistent Link: https://drf.uky.edu/catalog/1920s/drf1928051401/drf1928051401_22_1
Local Identifier: drf1928051401_22_1
Library of Congress Record: https://lccn.loc.gov/unk82075800