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HAMILTON, OHIO HAMILTON. OHIO. THURSDAY, MAY 24. 1028.— 1-2 Mile. Tenth day. Hamilton Jockey Club. Spring meet ins of is tare. Weather cloudy. Presiding Steward, J. T. Ireland. Associate Stewards. 11. 1. shepurd and W. Hangman. Presiding Judge, W. It. Booker. Associate Judge, C. Stands. Starter, G. Wingfield. Racing Secretarv, T. J Brown. Raeing stalls at 2:15 p m. tthiiago time, 2:13 p. m.l. W bMUeatCfl whip. S spurs, B blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse ami weights carried. Indiates apprentice allowance. * /fl 0"l Q FIRST RACE — About £-8 Mile. Donation 00. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to •Jt/J-O winner 00: second. 5: third. 5. Indi x Horses AWtllM U -.• Str Fin .lo.-ke.vs Owners F.iiuiv. Hook. Strt 24 801 3OH ME w 114 3 2 !"• 1- 1- U H Hav E ■ Carver igTiob 24801 BOSS BFJAVERICILL w 104 4 I 3J 2J 2= 2* T Malley CEDeline 120-100 24022 ROCKY BEN w 109 5 1 21 31 3 3" R Zcchini 0 Way 540-100 S4«MSAUCY POLLY w 107 1 4 5 5-1 4 1 43 W Pmrose Guciardo Bros 1250-100 245ir,-.l.X w 114 2 3 41 41 52 53 S Banks Mrs B Mock lLSO-lOO 24690 ARVILLA II. w 115 6 6 6 6 6 6 J Hatton T S Hampton 2720-100 Time. 1:00%. Track fast. SURPLUS REFUND- , EOUIVALENT BOOKINGS , OH ME .60 .60 .40 180—100 80—100 20—100 MISS BEAVEBKILL 2.C0 2.20 30—100 10—100 ROCKY DEN 2.C0 30—100 Winner— Ch. f, by Lough Foyle — See Saw II.. by Fitz Herbert trained by S. Gratton; bred by Mr. A. M. Chichester. Jr.. Winner entered to be claimed for ,400. WENT TO POST— 2:18. AT FOST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won handily: second and third driving. ill ME wt a good pace throughout rnd held the race safe through the stretch. MISS BEATERKILL was moi:ig up rapidly on the winner after rounding the far turn when sh stumbled, losing considerable ground, but closed up gamely again in the stretch and finished fast. ROCKY DEN ran wide on the first turn nnd was tiling nt the end. SALCV POLLY wsu-d ground on all the turns and finished resolutely next to the inner rnil. JAX tired. S ratched— 24S01 Pache o. 90: 23S04 Lilly E., 104. Overweights — Oh Me, 5 pounds; Sauey Polly, 1; Jax, 2. OylQI A SECOND RACE— About 5-8 Mile. Donation 00 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. ArfTCt-7 JLJ: Net value to winn?r S300 : second. 5: third. 5. Index Horses A WtllSi V4 i % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Hook. Str t 24432 PROBATE wd 4 111 7 1 2J 1" 1- ]J J l Smith II T Palmer 4.0-1O0 M«M*LBNA WOOD w 6 109 8 3 3 3- 2= 2" R Zucchini M I Martin 220-100 24682 "JOB wb 5 102 5 5 V 5»* V 3-i J RTntwrd Selby and Van Meter 1140-100 24569BB. HICKMAN w 11 101 2 2 1-* 2* 3J 4 G Seabo J L Morris 150-100 24350*SKY FLIGHT -RB 5 108 4 6 7 7* 5 5 I Barney K S Cleveland H"0-100 246»33SINGBEHAND wn 6 10G 3 8 8 8 7 6°k W Imrose Guciardo Bros 2600-100 24265 BRBDN w 5 106 1 4 41 41 61 T- T Malley G 1 • Bay 2*10-100 »43«J0 MY FRIEND PATwn 10 111 6 7 5 6 8 8 J Wise C Murray 4410-100 Time. ltOOi. Track fast. - 6URPLUS REFUND- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , PROBATE 1.40 .40 .00 470—100 220—100 50—100 LENA WOOD 3.00 3.20 50—100 60—100 0F 3.80 90—100, g. by C neral Probyn — Tickclette. by Balhousie trained by H. T. Palmer; bred by Mr. J. K. Smallinnni. Winner entered to be claimed for 1928.sh00. WENT TO POST— 2:43. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won driving: sei-ond and third the same. PROBATE raced DR. HICKMAN into defeat and took a good had. but was hard ridden through the ■tretch to retain his advantage. LENA WOOD closed up Bteadily on the outuide through the stretch and flnishid fast. JOF worked his way up next to the inner rail in the stretch and was racing gamely at the nd. 1»R. HICKMAN showed early speed, but quit badlv. S.i-at 1: d— 2I318 Is Z;.t So IOC: 21104 ontract. 106; 246iljPlay Tag, 110; 24317 Round Robin, 108. Overw-igl.ts — Joi". 1 1 ound : My Friend Fat, 0. Corrected weight — P.non. IOC. /lQ|"il EC THIRD RACE— Atcut 5-8 Mile. Donation S400. 3-year-oldsmo~upward7~ClaTmine. Net «*«-* JL«J value to winner 00; second, 565 ; third, 5. ""x Hor-.--s AWtlPSt 1 .... Str Fin Jo. K.. » Owner- Equiv book. Strt 2601 ARCHAI8T v.i-. 3 112 4 4 4i 2 1"1P»D Burney X S Cleveland 1710-100 24i. BROCKLESBY W 9 112 7 i f.1 65 Si 2» S Bond J Money 490-100 M«M ROMA vv S li." 8 2 3- 31 2h II Hav T Shearn 140-100 24CB5 II AZ*L McXAM BAwn 4 US 17 7 41 f 4". J Booth A Stevens 9420-100 24518-•■■». MAE B. wbGHO f. 1 2" 1*1 21 B* J Klnbard I E Eans 540-100 24008 HAPPY HOBO wn .", 117 2 3 P- 5 6- 6 R Z echini Mrs W M Heath 590-100 24«»3EARL POOL wn 7 112 6 8 8 8 7« 7» G Seabo W M Hoist 4..0-100 24044 LUCLE RUSSELL w 9 110 3 I fi»k 7r-8 8 M Coltoff M F Carroll 2220-100 Time. l:01/5. Track fast. . . *2 SURPLUS REFUND- . EQUIVALENT BOOKING . ARCEAUT 3.20 0.60 $ 3.20 1710—100 430—100 60—100 BROCKLESBY C.00 3.00 200—100 60—100 ROMA 2.40 20—100 Winner--B c. by George Smith or Archaic-Tuscaloosa, by Cl.uctauunda trained by W. Martin; bred by Saufo-d Stud. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST— 3:06. AT POST— 21 minutes. Start good nnd slow. Won driving: second and third the same. ARCHAIST saved ground while rounding the first turn and took the lead after rounding the far turn, but had to be hard ridden in the streti h to outfinish BROCKLESBY, The latter finished with a rush on the outside through the last sixteenth and finished fastest of all. ROM A rai-ed wide on the first turn and ran a good race, but was hard ridden at the end to outganio HAZEL Mi-NAMARA. The latt.r made n game challenge in the stretch and finished well. O. MAE B. quit in the last eighth. BAPPY HOBO acted badly at the post and ran wide on the first turn. S. ratch.d— 2 i91Pera:ta. 107; 24:n.-.-Uncle Abe, 117; 2426C Lady Shaw, 110: 24802 Stella May, 10T. Corrected v. eight — Happy Hobo. 117. Zlm Jt roUKTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yaids. Donation 00. 4-year-oidiTand upward. cTaim- *mtcCF Ji.3 ins. Net value to winner ?375; second, 5; third, 0. Index Horses AWtPPStU M» % Str Kin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Hook. Strt 24S96 LITTLE CLAIR w 7 110 4 4 2 1] Ill3 1» I Barney James Promiciibcrg .770-100 24800 WAPITI w 10 112 1 1 1« 2- 2= 2= 2" KMcCray S Corbet 490-100 247 SI BPRING w 4 112 2 8 8 8 63 .",- 3" B Zcchini Mrs J E Arthora 170-100 24646* *JIUMY FINN w 4 107 3 2 41 7*15* 31. 4= 1C ileed L Clous 1120-100 24750*1 IAB1 MAX wsii 7 107 6 5 31 3U 3i 4 P J H Rice GE Keller IKIC-IOO 24S07BOAZ Wl S 112 7 6 61 5" 4nk 6 6= D Fowlor F AYood lfi.r.0-100 24606-Ill. MAC MILLANws 6 101 5 I 5 4 7 P 73 W Bonmr MQaa D Hicks t::0-100 24804 »TONY BEAU w 10 103 8 7 7- 6» S 8 S T Malley C E I avison 600-100 Time. 1:49=. Track fast. r-W PURFLUS REFUND EQUIVALENT E00KING , LITTLE CLAIR 3.40 $ 5.80 $ 3.60 570—100 190—100 60—100 WAPiTI 5.80 3.83 190—100 90—100 SPRING o.80 40—100 Winner— R. m. by Huon --Cold Elsie, by McCeo. Adnio:;i;ion or Stalwart trained by James Bron-nenber-: 1 by Mr. G. II. Clay. Winner entered to be claimed for $".00. WENT TO PC3T— 3:35. AT FOST— 1 mlnuto. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. LITTLE CLAIR took the lead after going a half and drew away through the finai eighth. WAPITI set a good pace, but mis tiring rapidly at the end and lasted to save second place. BPRING WM cut off npeatedly in the last quarter and fast 0:1 the outside through tiie stretch. JIMMY FINN closrd a gap on the inside in the Stretch and fini-hed gamely. 1IARDMAN suffere-d from inter-fereme. BOAS was crowded back on the far turn. Scratched-2-1486 Yalta, 110: MEM Jai-Alai. 109: 21S07 Randel, 103; 24570 Patriarch, 108. Overweights— Dr. Mac J.Iillan. 1 pound : Tony Beau. S. Zt"i *7 FIFTH RACE— 6 1-2 Furlongs. Donation S4C0. 4-year-olds~and aywarC CUiatfa*. Net ■"rJtoJL 4 valuo to winner 00: second. £ ; third, 5. Index Horses AWtPiSt 1 ,■ Str Fin .lo.Ue.vs Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 23269 DRY NATION w 5 110 6 2 PI 1* 1*1 P* J 1 Smith II T Palmer C0-100 «474»SUNY DIYIDENDw S IB 4 4 5 f,3 3 P J Bevic W O Flowers 200-100 24868 "FOLLOW ME w 7 10.". 3 3 33 2= 2 31 T Malley C B Davison 620-100 24621 OSMAM wb 4 110 2 6 4"! 4h 41 41 W Kemi.f C H Morrison 700-100 2!." 20 BOB SPALDING W S 111 15 6 6 E P K McCrav B Gorbet 2260-100 06j61 BLANC SEING wn S 112 5 1 P 3"t G 6 1: Zcchini J R Schuster 190 100 Time. 1:23. Treck fast. S2 SURPLUS EEFUHD-, , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , DRY NATION 4.40 .60 .83 620—100 13C— 100 40—100 SUNNY DIVIDEND 3.00 2.20 60-100 10-100 FOLLOW ME £.80 40— I0O Winner— 15. g. by Colonel Venule — Crystal, by The Commoner trained by H. T. Palmer: bred by Mr. Jeionie B. lbspes-. Winner entered to be clirmed for ,0110. WENT TO POST— 4:04. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won driving: sei ond and third the same. DRY NATION showed the most speed throughout, but was doing his best at the end to retain his slight advantage. BUNNY DIVIDEND was cat off when his rider attoi::pted to MSN through on the inside of FOLLOW ME when approaching the stretch turn, then came to the outride in the stretch and finished fastest of all. FOLLOW ME ran well, but tired in the last sixteenth. BLANC BEING showed early speed. Scratched— 21 M*S Young April. 106; 24482 Margaretta E., 99. Corrected weight — Blanc Seing. 112. /ICilfl C SIXTH RACE— 1 Hile and 70 Yards. Donat on 00. 4-year-olds and upward." Claiming. «-±«7iO Net value to winner 75; second. 5: third, 0. Index Horses AWtlPSt t o % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Rook. Strt 24fi»61 CBri ENAS ws 8 M 4 7 7 5*1 L". Ill T Malk-v J J Winter 140-100 24605* ILLINOIS KTNG w 7 100 I 3 5 P B 2 21 J II Bice J F Boon r.90-100 24606 FLANK ATTACK Wi 98 6 2 3»Mh S 3! 5 G Seabo M M Hoich 1420-100 24433 NINE SIXTY w 5 108 2 1 2» 6 6* 5 1 4 D Fowler 1 M BtVTM 4S0-10O 246661* BLUE CADDIE vv i 110 7 4 4 1» 3"* 4» P] R Zcchini Mrs V Heath 170-100 24807 WATCH IT wr. 4 103 1 5 P 21 41 6= 6 ?. J KLnbard E H Pcrkina 1410-100 24S04 P.ITOLA wn 5 10.7 3 8 8 8 8 7= 7* J Wise C E TVwi 11 6280-100 24606 SABATTUS MAID w 5 106 8 6 6"* 7* 7= 8 8 1 Burney J T Looney 2780-100 Time. 1:50. Track fast. SURPLUS REFUND-, . EQUIVALENT BOOKING . CRUDENAS .80 .00 .40 240—100 100—100 70—100 ILLINOIS KING 6.00 5.20 20C— 100 160—100 FLANK ATTACK 6 00 200—100 Winner— Br. g. by Cruzados— Ardenes, by Amigo trained by G. J. Winter; bred by Miss Anita M. Baldwin. Winner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO FOST— 4:33. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Wei", easily: second and th;rd the same. CRlDENAS closed up fast on the outside after going the fiist half and. passing ILLINOIS KING, drew away easily. ILLINOIS KINO raced into the lead after going f ive-eighths. 1 i:t failed to withstand the winners challenge. PLANE ATTACK, crowded bai-k early, came r.uain on the outside and easily took third place. NINE SIXTY showed «arly speed, but suffered from interference. WATCH IT and DUE CADDIE raced one another into exhaustion. Scratched -247.-.0 Brunell, 100; 24020 Castlcreagh, 100; 2480C-Thomas Tiatt, 10; 24C03 Mason Towle 100. « Overweight — Crudenas. 3 pounds. Corrected weights. — Blue Caddie. 110: Ritola. 105. *?zJQ"IQ SEVENTH RACE— G 1-2 Furlongs. Dor.ation"0L 3cTrldsT~ Claiming. Net value A»"±€7 J-CJ to winner C0; second, 5; third. 5. Index Horses AWtlPSt jj jj Str Fill .lo.keys Owners Kquiv. Rook. Strt 24691 SNAPPY PAL w lo.s 1 Z 2". li 1- lJ It Z echini B McSle 1 1 v D0~100 24805 MISS EMMA w 10T. 6 3 31 2"k P PI D Burney K S Cleveiand °90-100 24867 3*TIIK FRCH GTRLwa 104 8 1 Q 3 21 31 T Malley K M Little 590-100 21403 SPANISH FLYER w 110 2 5 6-4* 4" 42 J Bevic Cvclono 320-100 24521 TOM HAYES wn 103 5 4 5* 5« P f,s S Bond W P Carroll 4220-100 24747 = LOTHARIO w 101 3 6 4" 6i 61 6 1 W Bonner D G Iino 4160-100 24661 *»PENNYRILB w 102 4 7 7* 7 7* P F Burke LcEveritt IMO-lOO 2-1747*IELARIOUS w 100 78 8888 G Seabo I J Collins 9960-100 Time. 1:234;. Track fast. I2 SURPLUS REFUND , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , o*t.t,„,, SNAFPY .T PAL 5 5.00 .60 .80 150—100 80—100 40—100 KISS EMMA 3.8O 2 80 90— 1C0 40—100 THE FRENCH GIRL 3 20 60-100 Winner— h. g. by Prince Pal— Schnapps, by Burgomaster trained by T. Scott; bred bv Coldstream Farm. Winner entered to be claimed for .2 X . WENT TO POST— 5:02. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third handily. SNAPPY PAL showed the most speed throughout and easily held the race safe after completing the first half milo. MISS EMMA was close up throughout and sal finish* J THK FRENCH GIRL The. latter lost ground by racing wide on the last turn nnd tired in the. stretih. SPANISH FLYER in close SjaaHers mu-h of the race, finished gamely. DELARIOIS ran cut on the first turn. Scratched— 24748 Little Battie, 100; MSB*. Prince Bull.o, 102; 24091 St. CCcctta, 100 24747 Lady Jule. 95. Overweights— Snappy Pal. 1 pound: The French Girl. 4; Tom Hayes. 1: Lothario, 4. OJQ1 Ql/o EIGHTH RACE— 1 Mile and 70 Yards. Donation 00. "~4-year-clds~aid upvard". aT:t/±«J and Claiming. Net value to winner 75; second. 5: third. £50. Index Horses AWtlPSt % i2 ■,, Str Fin Jacfcepj Owners Ei|iiiv. Rook. StFt j 24746--RICHELIEU WB 11 103 6 7 7"1 41 P l V T Malley W A Baunr-.-.iUicr 470-100 24604 3 PADLOCK ws 6 109 3 2 1J H 1 I1 21 J Pevic CRHammat 590-100 t 24750 3*FOLll COURTS w 7 106 1 6 51 5« 41 43 3* W Barrett W Mi-Nair 2* 0-100 21226 HP OF T. NTHwb 10 10S 8 4 2i 23 2" 31 41 J L» Smith II T Palmer I"70-10O 24807* DR. BARNES wr. 4 104 7 8 8 7" 5» P 5"" B Bond Mrs G Norria 6610-100 14768 •UNDERGROWTH w 4 101 5 5 6 6" 6= 6" 63 W Bonner C R Hood ll-O-lOO 24571 EQUTTY w 7 112 4 3 4 8 71 7 7 B Zcchini Miss L Donahue 200-100 i 24803-OCCTDENTA wc 9 102 2 1 P and 8 8 8 W Pmrose JGavidia 4460-100 Tim?. 1 50. Track fast. ,- SURPLUS REFUND- r — EQUIVALENT BOOKING v SIKJ11 ?114° • *M * 24 0-100 100-1M2T-1M Z™l°°£„W™ 680 2C0 190-100 30-100 FOUR COURTS 2 80 40—100 Winner-Oh. g, by Celt— Network, by Eon trained by W. A. Baumgartner; bred by Mr. Arthur B. nani-ock. Winner entered to be claimed for C». WENT TO POST— 5:28. AT POST— 1J minutes. Siart «eod and slow for all but Dr. Barnes. Won driving: second and tliird the same. RICBELIETJ steadily improved his position and. finishing garni ly on the outside through the stretch, got up to win in the final stride. PADLOCK set a fast pace and raced gamelv in the final drive. POUB CO! RIS worked his way up next to the inner rail in the stretih and flalahra in close quarters. -HARP OF TUP NORTH shewed early speed, but tired badly. EQUITY raced wide on the tnrnw. Scratched 24S66 Walespa, 100: 240;»iUMaddenstown. 115: 24004 Fairlight. 105; M646 La Kross, 105. Overweights — Ri, helieu, 9 pounds; Four Courts, 3; Padlock, 4; Dr. Barnes, 4; Undergrowth 3- 1 Occidenta. 2: Harp of the North. 3.