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FAIRMOUNT PARK OOLLINSVILLE, ILL., FRIDAY, JUNE 21. 1929— Fairinount Tark 1 Mile. Twenty fourth day. Fair-ii ■ ii i Joe-key Club, spring meeting of "7 days. Weather clear. st.wiird-, J. 11. Campbell, A. T. Spivey and Capt. E. C. Walker. Judges, Brownell Berryman, R. S. BhelDy aim I. C. Galliger. Staiter. W. Snyder. Racing Seeretary. J. B. Campbell. Racing starts at 2 00 p. in Chi. ago time. 3:00 p. m.t. W indhates whip. S spurs. R blinkers. Figures in pi. it i. theses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and we. gut earned. •iuduules apprentice allowance. QryOerO FIRST RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. False Pride, Sept. 8. 1928—1:05—4—106. Purse ,000. «[ 4 CS*_»«J 2-year-olds. Maidens. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third. 00. June-21-29-I.P Claiming prico. ,200; if for more, 1 pound extra for each additional 00. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt hi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37557 MTOLM w 10S G 8 Sh 8 41 li M Knight Coldstream Farm Sta 351-100 37622 ALMA VITA W 100 8 2 31 2- 3 2 L Trimble Kecncland Stud Fra Sta 3918-100 377 lll.MUEYYILLE wll.J 12 6 51 Gl Gl 3" It Finnrty M J Hayes 143-100 37744 MID MINT w I0J 11 4 6 5 51 41 H Eouman C Graffagnini f21Gl-100 37744 THISTLE JOHN w 110 7 1 4 4 21 5J It Mozer G Collins 1122-100 37625 VIOLIN w 108 1 11 9i 9 7 6 A Yerrat G W Willing Jr 1315 100 37622 •PATH IMP IS w 107 2 3 P P V 1- O Clclland Lewis and Kemp 1685-100 37557 l.I.AOK HOB will 5 12 R» 10 9= 85 A Collins R J Gilmore 930 100 37622 MdNEY ORDER wr. 110 10 5. 2S 3* 8 9" T Burns B S Cutler 2402-100 37557 ALMA CLARENCE w M 9 10 ll1 12 11» 101 V Wallis Oakland Farm Stable f 37677 DE YELDARB w 10s 3 9 12 IU 10] ll1 APrgrass J V Marchbank 3897-100 37677-JOVIAL FRIAR wr. Ill 4 7 7J P 12 12 G Fowler K N Gilpin 1 tMutuel field. Time. :24. :49. 1:02%. 1:09%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID , EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS- KT GLEN .12 .84 .36 356—100 142—100 68—100 ALMA VITA 48.22 11.28 2311—100 464—100 EMERYVILLE 2.G6 33—100 ii.n r I., t, by My Play— Clen Lass, by Trap Rock ttrained by A. Sinitha; bred by Mr. C. B. Bhtiff. rl. Winner entered to be claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 2:02. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; se-olid and third the same. MY il.KN. outpaced to the sticwh. came to the outside :ir.d. under energetic riding, rap-dly closed • big gap und wore down and outfinished ALMA VITA. The latter foreed the early pace, took the lead in the stretch, but failed to withstand the winner at the end. EMERYVILLE began slowly and was outrun most of the way. but passed the others in the last eighth. MID MINT ran a good race. «nilSTLi: .IOHN moved up fast entering th- streteh. but tired in the final drive. PATSY LEWIS bet the pace to the stret.-h turn nnd quit. MONEY ORDER ran well to the stretch, then tired. Scratched— 37741 Pink Blossom. 105; 37741 Avarice. 100; 37744 Tom Ormont, 103; 37744 Aunamatian, 105. Ov. rweights — Alma Vita. 1 iKiund : Patsy Lewis. 2. OrTQ A|| SECOND RACE— 3-4 Mile. My Dandy, Sept. 7. 1028— 1:11%— 3— 106. Purse ,000. 3-* 4 OxJxJ yeai-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00; third, Juiie-21-2S»-l.P 00. Claiming price. ,000. Index Horses AWtlISt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37512 J I iCI.S w 4 114 I 9 8: Ch 32 1 M Knight E McCuan 411-100 3751iMl".l:lWICK wr. 4 ll 9 3 6 5i 5" 5« 2J J Celeda R E Bisi 8G9-100 ; 37323SE1: :i:ANT SETHw 5 118 12 1 P 2* 1J 3= V Wallis G W Ogle 387-100 37512EIHL GALLGER w 5 109 10 4 G= 3* 4 41 M Rose W M Cain 1553-100 37558 BKiO .MONEY wb I 109 9 3 1* 1": :■ 5" G Fowler J Gagliardo 772-100 37512 SIX SWEEDER Willi 8 11 12 ll1 8" 6» A Collins Mrs J McKc-ever 875-100 375l2li:KEECT MODEL W 4 Ml 5 12 10V 8" 71 7"1 CTmk RL Baker 401-100 37T.28 LIXIEU wb 4 118 4 7 7" 9- 9l 8i T Bums Hogan and Phillips f 94 2 100 36K42 HESITATION wb 4 KM 7 8 P 10J 6* 9» V Smith G Collins 1139-100 37259 MARABOU w 4 114 6 10 11 12 103 104 L Trimble Irrepressible Stable 1041-100 37114 SANDY HAMPTON w 3 100 11 2 31 7h 11 11* A Prgra«s J P Gruber f 37715 EiiKl.lCK wb : 105 15 4 4" 12 12 H C Graffagnini f tMutuel field. Time, :23%, :48. l:14,/i. Track fast. , 12 MUTUELS PAID . ,-EOUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS TOCUS 0.22 .12 .22 411—100 256—100 111—100 MERIWICK 8.14 5.42 307—100 171—100 SERGEANT SETH 4.08 104—100 Winner Ch. g, by Dozer— Limelight, by Star Shoot trained by E. McCuan; bred by Mr. John E. Maddiii. Winner entend to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST— 2:36. AT POST— 2 minutes. Start good and slow. Won dining; second and third the same. lot IS. outp.ued in the early si.ig.-.-, gained gradually in the last half and, coming with a game rush and well ridd; n, wore down the leach rs in the stretch, then held MEKIWICK safe. The latter raced etaac up to the last eighth: came to the outside and gained considerable ground to finish fast. ■BBGKAXT SETH forced the early pace to the str-teh. then took the lead, but tired and could not hold it. ETHEL OAI.l.IOKR had no mishaps. BKOOMONBT showed the most early sped, but began ciuit ting on MM tuin. SIN SWEETER b. gun slowly. SANDY HAMPTON nnd EORLCCK quit Scratched— 375121 Witchmount. 10»; 37719 Little Asbestos, 114; 37G80 Trumpet, 101; 37749 Lily Sue 109: :;7-".- Rraxbant. 114: :t7510 Will Bank. 101. Overwc ight — EorlU k. 4 pounds. * r7C£5"| THIRD RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Helens Babe, June 16, 1928— 1:44%— 5— 111. Purse O 4 © P JL ,000. 3 year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second, 00 Juiie-21-23-F.l» third, 00. Claiming price. ,200. Index Horses AWtlISt % % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37679HH.H LIFE wn C 111 2 3 2 4" 4" 2i 1 I, Martin Murdock and McQuillan 6!i-100 SYMt**SWOOr wn G 107 • • 5" 5J and* 4J 2" V Smith Nugent Bros 411-100 37716 HAI.ElINT wb 7 113 7 9 81 2" 21 3* 31 D Jones R A Forha 599-100 37400 BUM Go ltltAGHwn 4 112 10 12 12 71 72 5 4" M ItoM W M Cain 3256-100 37745 UTBJICro w 3 Jin 5 1 11 1 - 11" 5"J M Kniuht T Maguire tMO-IM 37750 TOWTIfr wb I 112 8 2 ?, G CJ G G LTiimlile E E Major Sr SJ4-100 37321 TIM GLEASON w 5 112 1 I M* 10 W 7 71 1 O Hrdy O L Steele M0-1M 37403MISS MARYLAND w 4 KG 11 11 D| 11- 11« 9M SJ C Turk Mrs E H Barto 227 100 375C3 JANE BROOKEK w 4 110 4 G Gi S 8» 81 9 A Collins S Louis t 37iJS MINT WAY w 3 101 3 7 P 9J D" 10" 10 C 1-M»:u,la Mrs F Sheldon t 37750 HI". .-THE w G 112 12 10 71 3 3 11« 11* V Wallis Paradise Stock Farm Sta MT-M 376HI 1 I Si i ANSWER w 3 M0 6 4 41 12 12 12 12 A Pm-rass B B Rice PM-Wt tMutu.l field. Timo. :24%, :49%. 1:15%. 1:42%, 1:49%. Track fpst. , — MUTUELS PAID s EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS HICH LIFE 4 38 00 .20 619—100 200—100 110—100 BWOOP 6.36 3.G4 168—100 82—100 HALF PINT 4 .01 132—100 Winner II. b, by Prince Pal- BaM Oic-c-n. by Box trained by W. P. Gaines: bred by Meavn. John D arr and Rro. Winner en:er.-d to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 3:10. AT TOST— 1 minute. Start good nnd ►,:.,*-. Won driving; sc-.-ond nnd third the same. LIFE, wc-ll ridden, raced foiv.ailly under rotiaiut to the stretch, came fast into the lead Ifcud .-aMly SWOOP. The latter saxed pit unci to the stretch in a gc»od position, but was j»o nmtc h for the winner 1IAI.I" PINT was made too mu h BM of racing into c-.,nt-nt ion on tlic- |.m. k [ttret :, :n ; lir.d in the finr.l drive ERIN 00 RRAtHl c lose d a wide gap. LITTLE CHIP set the pace to the stretch before tiring. MISS MARYLAND raced poorly. BIG STICK guit, Scratched— 37807 Jenny Dean, 102; 37514 War Grail, 102; 37514 Al Stebler, 112; 37807 Magic Light, 107; :.7750J hicola, 104. Overweights — Half Pint. 1 pound: Jane Brooker. 3; Dusty Answer, 1. I — 3 OryOfJO FOURTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. False Pride. Sept. 8, 1928—1:05—4—106. Purse * • CjM*d ,000. 2-year-olds. Claiming. Net value to winner 00; second. 00; third. 00. JUI10-21-29-F.P Claiming price. ,500. Index Horses AWtlPSt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owner.- Equiv. Odds Strt 37625*3CEEHAN w 111 8 1 2 2 11 1" V Smith B B Rice 1G2-100 37622 DOROTHY LEE w 104 6 3 4" 41 3- 25 T Swigert E J OConnell GOG 100 37625 BOTH LONG wb 111 5 5 11 11 2* 3 A Prgrass J W Marchbank 470 100 37508- BREAKAWAY wn 106 14 3 31 4 41 J Celeda It E Bisi 91.100 37253 MURMURING PINESw 108 2 7 7 7 51 5 J L Trimble Kceneiand Stud Stable 318 100 37.325OMAR-FLO w 106 3 8 8 8 7» 6 G Fowler W M Ingram WP 400 r*5874MARY VIRGINIA wb 109 7 2 .r 5» 6 7» M Knight Mrs W D Bernhardt 437 100 37030 FERN CLARENCE w 108 4 6 G* 6 8 8 V Wallis Oakland Farm Stable 49flvl00 Time, :24, :49. 1:02. 1:08%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID n EftUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-s, KEEHAN .24 .38 .62 162—100 69—100 31— ICO DOROTHY LEE 6.38 3.70 219—100 85—100 RUTH LONG 3.06 63 — 100 Winner— Ch. c. by Ultimatum— Patsy D.. by Pataud trained by B. B. Rice; bred by Mr. P. II. Doni!-l!y. Winner entered to lie claimed for ,500. WENT TO POST— 3:40. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. KEEHAN forced the pace of RUTH LONG to the stretch turn, raced the latter into defeat and took the lead, holding sway to the end. but just lasted. DOROTHY LEE stumbled repeatedly in the first three-eighths, had to work her way up on the outside, but gained ground steadily and outfinSI. d the others, almost wearing down the winner. RUTH I.ONO began tiring entering the stretch, but easily defeated the others. BREAKAWAY ran a good race. MARY VIRGINIA tired. The others were alwaya outpaced. Scratched— 37622 Anne*. Ill; 37622 Texas Longhorn. 112; 37400 Patti Louise. 100. Overweight — Fern Clarence. 3 pounds. °78ft FIFTH RACE— 1 Mile. Irish Pal, Sept. 14. 1927— 1 :38%— 2— 90. American L-gioa «l i OOO Purse. Purse ,200. 3-year-olds and upward. Allowances. Net value to winner Jiine-2l-29-K.P 50: second. 25; third, 25. Index Horses AWtPPSt Vt % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Eg;tii? Odds Strt 37C81GOLN AUBURN wb 4 108 5 5 1» 1» P Ill L Trimble W J Henfling 94-100 37626 IIERADE w f 103 2 3 2 2« 2 23 23 A Yerrat Mullrick Stable 2OS8-10O 37258GOLD MINT w 5 113 4 1 5" 4» 5 3 3" J Parmlee Mrs R Pollard Gul-lOO 37187 REDCLIFFE wb 4 113 3 4 7 6 41 41 41 A Collins W F Benton 879 100 37185STERG SILVER w 4 108 1 2 61 7 6 G» 5= M Knight Sundheimer and Pershall 5sS 100 37464 CORBEAU w 3 100 7 7 4" 5" 3i 5" G« C Turk F Dunn 954-100 37681 STEP ALONG WB 7 113 6 6 3 31 7 7 7 R Finnrty J H OMalley 3954-100 Time. :24%. :48%. 1:13%, 1:39%. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . r-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS-, GOLDEN AUBURN .88 .66 .96 94—100 83—100 48— 100 HERADE 9.02 6.84 351—100 242— ICO GOLD MINT 4.54 127—100 Winner — Ch. c. by Golden Guinea— Deserted Village, by Oliver Goldsmith trained by G. It. Green; bred hv Mr. Hal Price Headley. WENT TO POST— 4:11. AT POST— 1 minute. Start good and slow. Won easily; second and third driving. GOLDEN AUBURN, much the best, gamely set the pace all the way and. holding the others safe, made every post a winning one. HERADE always raced in closest pursuit, challenged repeatedly, waa held safe, but outfiuished the remainder. GOLD MINT raced well throughout and held on gamely in the fiual drive. RPRCLIFFE gained considerable grouud but was outrun most of the way. CORI.iArr tired. STEP ALONG was done after half a mile. 3 Tfift/l SIXTH RACE— 5 1-2 Furlongs. False Pride. Sept. 8, 1925—1:05 — 4—106. U. 8. Vet-«J Out: ans Hospital No. 926 Purse. Purse ,000. 3-year-olds. Allowances. Net value to June-Sl-29-F.P winner 00; second. 00; third, 00. Index Horses AWtlPSt % Vj Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 36919 JEAN VALJEAN w 115 10 1 1» P P 1* L Trimble Keeneland Stud Stable 5R 100 36907 GRIFF W. w 110 3 5 31 3" 3* 2» J Gielloni Jones and Williams 492 100 37463 PHOTOGRAPH w 100 2 6 2* 4* 2«" 3 V Wallis Oakland Farm Stable 57G 100 37080 SPORTING LADY w 110 8 2 4* 21 4» 4« DO Hardy W F Strausa 2141 100 36982 ENOLA B. w 105 5 9 7» 5 5« 5°* J D Clins Joliet Stable 7173-100 JOE DAYTCH wb 110 4 7 5» 7 7" 61 H Louman C A Coyle 8590 1C0 36909 SEN RUBEN w 110 1 4 6" 61 6 7 A Prgrass J W Marchbank 6269 DO 37463 SYEPHONA w 110 6 8 8" 81 8 8" M Knight Paradise Stock Fm St tJ74-100 PENDERGAST wn 110 9 10 10 10 9» 9» A Yerrat Paradise Stock Farm Sta lie t 37510 ROSETTE w 105 7 3 9« 9 10 10 W Fisher A P Foley 7849-100 tCoupIed as Paradise Stock Farm Stable entry. Time, :23%. :47%. 1:00%, 1:07%. Track fast. . 52 MUTUELS PAID—, ,-EQUIVALNT BOOKING ODDS JEAN VALJEAN $ 3.16 $ 3.42 $ 2.60 58—100 71—100 30—100 GRIFF W 7.54 4.36 277—100 118—100 PHOTOGRAPH 2.90 45—100 Winner— Ch. c. by Stefan the Great— Jeanne Bowdre, by Luke McLuke trained by W. S. Rust; bred by Messrs. J. O. and G. II. Keene. WENT TO POST— 4:46. AT POST— 3 minutes. Start good and slow. Won easily: second and third driving. JEAN VALJEAN began fast, immediately raced into a long lead and, decidedly outclassing Ins opponents, cantered all the way and won eased up. GRIFF W. raeed close up to the stretch, then came fast in the final drive and outgamed PHOTOGRAPH. The latter showed good speed, raced with the leaders all the way and held on gamely in the final drive. SPORTING LADY raced well, but tired in the last quarter. JOE DAYTCH raced wide, but showed speed and ran a good race Scratched— 37680Starfish. 110; 37808 Major Johnson. 110; 37556 Runmaid. 110. OryOOCT SEVENTH RACE— 1 1-16 Miles. Helens Babe. June 16. 1928— 1:44%— 5— 111. Pur;e O 4 J3*J ,000. 3-year-olds and upward. Claimirg. Net value to winner 00; second. Jun: 21-2! -l .P 00; third, 00. Claiming price ,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt M % % Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 37057 FOREBEC w 4 116 3 1 3 2* 1" 11 11 V Wallis G E Pruett 4M-100 37079 FRIGHTFUL, w 7 111 2 7 6 31 2i 3* 2» L Martin J D Grant ECO-100 37514HUEY w 7 111 11 9 11 10» 9* CI 3** C Edwards Hogan and Phillip* 1291-100 37 509 ADAMS APPLE wi; 4 107 10 10 8 7» 31 21 4" J Celeda II G Knott U M 100 37328 SIR MAURICE wb 6 107 7 11 10 11 11 51 5« T Swigert J H Edwards 571-1100 37624 NEW GOLD w 8 112 8 5 7»k P 10* 11 6« D O Hrdy T J Johnson t 37624 TOST DISPATCH w 8 112 5 8 91 91 7» 7» V R Finnrty J Robson 1785-100 37205«RIOT w 5 107 4 4 5: 5" 6« 8« 8» J D Colns Joliet Stable 9271-100 ;:6912»SUE BARKER w 5 102 6 2 1" P 4 4" 9 G Fowler A L Smitha Mi -100 37750HARPOON w 3 99 9 6 21 4» 81 10 10 C Turk W C and E W Relchert 71100 377 16 UNCLE BOOT w 4 112 1 3 41 6 51 91 11 A Cjllins Ozark Stable 3,7 100 tMutuel field. Time. :25%, :50. 1:16. 1:43. 1:50. Track fast. , MUTUELS PAID . EQUIVALNT BOOKING 0DD3-, FOREBEC 1.68 .52 .76 484—100 176—100 83— 1C0 FRIGHTFUL 6.60 4.48 230—100 124—100 HUEY 6.94 217—100 Winner— B. g. by Troutbeck— Fornia. by Prestige trained by O. E. Pruett; bred by Mr. Edward Cebrian. Winner entered to be claimed for ,200. WENT TO POST— 5:21. AT POST— 4 minutes. start good and slow. Won driving; second and third the same. FOREI-EC. prominent from the start, forced the pace and took the lead when entering the stretch and. withstanding a long, hard drive gamely, outlasted FRIGHTFUL. The latter gain-d gradually, moved up fast when entering the stretch and. holding on well, ouifinished HUEY. The latter CasMtl an immense gap and finished fastest of all. ADAMS APPLE tired after racing his way into a prominent position in the stretch. SIR MAURICE gained mu h ground. SUE BARKER and HARPOON quit after showing eaily speed. Scratched— 371s8Uc.nimol, 111; 36843 Dur.beatb, 112; 376S2 Edith Gray. 102; 37807 Cannon Club. Ill; 37S0C Foreland. 112. Corrected weight — Uncle Boot. 112.