Workouts, Daily Racing Form, 1929-06-29

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.ft — — • V — — ■ — e Key: B— Breezing. D— Driving. E— Easily. H— Handily. O— All oat. 0— Eased ap. 179 HOMKWOOD, 111.. June 28.— Todays training gallop were as follow : WASHINGTON PARK. Weather clear ; track sloppy ; "dogs up" — • 3-8 MILE. 172 Chicago :39%h 174 Pikes Peak.. .41 b 175 Favorite Girl. :38 h 174 Koy«l Equity :37 h 175 Fern I :40 h 176 Sweet Mnndy. :39%h 177 Covnor Pratt :45 b 177 Safety Pin... :39%k 176 Laddiego . . . :37 d 170 Spectre :39%h 176 Miss Pe;irl... :40 b 176 Venarock . . . :37 h 1-2 MILE. 177 Al Sabath... :55 b 175 Quibbler :.r2h 174 Bern ish Way. :52 h in Sandy Man... :53 b 154 Ethel Slierlck :55 b 169 Spanish Lay. :55 b 170 Eire Kir.g :55 b 172 Sir Harry :57%e 173 Mat Mahoney :54%h 176 Who Win :55 b 177 Pride :54 b 6-8 MILE. 177 Burns Sun. 1:15 b 175 Red Face 1:14 b 177 "tie Fl.inag"nl:05%h 176 Watch On...l:05%h 173J.ip Lac 1:07 h 177 Zevesgold ...1:15 b 176 Moderation ..1:06 d 3-4 MILE. 167 Bruute Pfdl:26 b 176 McGonigle ..l:21%h 176 B. ssie .Mix.. 1:24 b 177 Onup l:24%b 178 Charmarten .l:22%b 173 Title Oak 1:25 d 176 Edna-Dale . .1 :23%h 177 Vimont 1:24 b 104 Laurel Hall. .1:21 %h 1 MILE. 174 Duck It l:52%b 173 Ray l:52%b Nothing notewoithy done this morning. COLLJNSVILLE. 111.. June 28.— Todayte training gallops were as follows: FAIRMOUNT PARK. "Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 148 Cabildo :37%h Marty Kronin :3S%h j 70 Caroler :35%k 175 Nery Rhymes :38 b 158 Helen Bond.. .SSr.b 150 Saga mo :35%h 175 Judge Murphy :37feh 177 Sport g Lady. :39V.-.b J 35 K u kui :37V.h 174 Tim Gleason. :37h 176 Mike Carey.. :37%h 173 The Runt :38 h i-* MILE. 151 Corvaulet ... :54%b 177 Leuinoa :54 h 172 Flag Bearer.. :53%b 155 Sandy Lady.. :51%h 168 Frightful ... :51%h 173 Sligo Branch. :51 b 176 King nizh... :51%h 172 Tulane :50%h 173 Loretta B.... :547id 6-8 MILE. 178 Goodman l:07%h 177 Omar -Flo ...l:05%h Hv Love l:03~h 3-4 MILE. 176 H. Smith 1:20 h 177 Sunny Port. .1:21 Vfeb 174 Morocco 1:18 h 172 Yam Toy l:16%h Nora 1:17 h 1 MILE. 164 Tempter l:55%b Caroler showed good speed from the barrier. Yam Toy was breezing all the way. L.ATONIA, Ky.. June 28. — Todays training gallops included the following : LATONIA. Weather clear ; track sloppy — 3-8 MILE. 165 Bos*ie :40%b 178 Nicaragua .. :38%b 177 Boyer :41%h 177 Outpost :41 b 172 Colonel Shaw :40 b 176 Prince Bulbo. :39%b 176 Cut Steel.... :37%h 177 Picadome ... :36id 141 ChaUon :4«%b 177 Rushing :38%b 174 Colonel Bell.. :35%d 176 Red Rider.... :35%h 177 Flying Tal.. :40%b 167 Southld Son. :37 f.h 167 Kentky Ace. :37%b 169 The Choctaw :42%b 171 Ky rock :38 h 173 Taystee :30,h 178 Mr. Max :35%u 176 Whisp :40%b 177 Mike Hall :40ib 1-2 MILE. 177 Broadside ... :51%b 169 Mn Caldwell :52%h 176 Bounce Away :50%h 173 Miss Pink... :52 b 176 Billy Basil.. :51%b 175 Mgaret Scott :51 b 174 Cnel Gilmore :53%b 172 Myor Walker :51«f.h 176 Chariot :52%b 177 Major Tom... :5l%b 177 Donora :51%b 177 Mickey D :50%h 176 Dick OHare. :54%b 177 Pauly :51 b 177 Great Sport.. :53%b 176 Star Lassie... :49% 176 Jalna :50%h 176 Uncle Luther. :51%b 171 Ld Bdelbane :51%b 6-8 MILE. 173 Broad Axe. . .1:04 %b 176 Margaret F.. .1:07 b 177 Boco Grande. l:06%b 175 Nellie Basil. l:04%b 176 Bern ice Van. 1:02 h 177 Peter Parley. 1:06 b 173 Carry Me 1:06 b 136 Royal Sport. .1:08 h 148 Ellen Adair. .1:06 b 173 Ungrateful ..1:06 b 3-4 MILE. 176 Bve 0Baby..l:21 b 175 Margana ...l:16%d 177 Big Chief l:23%b 173 Peggy Mac. ..l:23 ib 176 Emergency ..1:20 b 177 Wisdom 1:18 b 174 Friar Mint... 1:21 b 174 Yucatan 1 :20%b 178 Irfaneh 1:21 %b 1 MILE. 164 Martinique ..l:48%b 177 Sesqui 1:54 b HAMILTON. Ont. June 28.— Todays training gallops were as follows : HAMILTON PARK. Weather cloudy ; track heavy ; "dogs up" — 3-8 MILE. 173 Air Chief :37%b 173 Shakitup ... :37%b 162 Master Bobie :39 h 178 Sea Kale :39 h Princely ACn :38%b 176 Wrackell :37 d 1-2 MILE. 157 Bannerette .. :51 d 142 High Dell :51 d 175 Cul. hard .... :55 e 147 Money Moon. :55 e 172 Flamingo ... :55 e 177 Table Talk.. :50 b 6-8 MILE. 176 Burnt Sienna. 1:07 b 177 Hoi Polloi. . .1 :07 e 177 Equation l:06%h 178 Jimmy Brwnl:07 d 175 Encamp 1:06 h 159 Trout let 1:06 b 144 Fair Oil 1:05 d 3-4 MILE. 177 Jewel Kit 1:25 b Mountain Grsl:24 b 141 Lens Sweep.. 1:23 e 177 Sunspec 1:24 b NEW YORK. N. Y., June 28.— Todays training gallops over the local courses included the following: AQUEDUCT. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 106 Alight :40 b 177 Pretty Patsy. :36 d 175 Euroute :38 b 176 Sport resa ... /Mi 176 Lust :36%d 176 Sun Lad :43 b 163 Merry Vixen. :38 h 177 St., Otis :3.V»id 175 Morjack :36%d 172 Vigilia :36 d 176 Morover :U b 1-2 MILE. 171 Gallant Fox.. :49 ,b 176 Prise Heart.. :S2%n 175 Hereiam :51%d 167 Valnt neart :o2%b 6-8 MILE. 173 Sugar neart. 1:05 d 172 Seacraft 1:05 d 3-4 MILE. 176 Gold Star l:l«»-.b 176 Star Flyer... 1:17 b 177 J. Miriif II! 1:05. b 175 Sageboys l:17%b 176 Mr; Andrewl:16%b 7-8 MILE. 178 Lillian M....l:33 d 177 Sepoy Isf£%l 176 Papyrograph l:34%b 1 MILE. 174 Fefctic 1:59 b 177 Our Carol. ...l:48%b 171 Light Carl.inel:50 b 167 Sandy Ford.. 1:18 b 173 March Hare.l: ir.h JAMAICA. Weathi •:• dear; track good — 3-8 MILE. 176 Betty B-.iu.. :37 b 176 Molasses Jnc :35 -,h 175 B, II rffflkr.. :$•%■ 177 Old Kid .... :37-,h 141 BMp Water.. :40 b 170 Penalo :3s I. 114 Freneh Leave :40 h 177 Ramoneur ... :35%ti 175 Herb A«!il.r.. :38%h 176 Susie Jane... :38 b 177 Moonstruck . i"-,!! 1-2 MILE. 176 Attamart ... :SJ6%n 174 Sweet Vbena :51 b 177 Dress Ship... :49 d 176 Sister Drosa. :51 b 177 Enthii«:.iKtic. :50 l 176 Speedy Shaw. :50 l 177 Moonlight ... :52 b 170 Hernia, Tick :49%d 176 My Valentine :02 h 174 White Veil.. :51 b 6-8 MILE. 177 Mild l:02%k 177 Three Joea. . .1:05 h Omars Maid.l:02%d 3-4 MILE. 176 Bosky 1:15 d 168 Glen Wild. ..1:16 h 176 Chester 1:19 b 176 Peter Peter. .1:19 b 1 MILE. 177 Buddha 1:44 b 176 Manxana 1:47 b 177 Golden Pnantl:49 b 176 My Son l:48%b 176 Lehigh Valleyl:53 b 176 Pena Chic... 1:48 b 176 Melmor 1 :52%b 11-8 MILES. 178 Fire Opal 1:59 b Buddha was well in hand. Ramoneur has his speed. Glen Wild is in good condition. Bosky is training well. Mild was not fully extended. Fire Opal went easily all the way. BELMONT PARK. Weather clear ; track fast — 3-8 MILE. 173 Agua Caliente :38 h 164 Marine :35 h 177 Domina :38 b 176 Morsun :38 b 172 Indigo :35 h 175 Swarm :38 b 177 Kildare :38 h 160 Westwick ... :36 h 176 Lewis :39 b 1-3 MILE. 176 Affable Ann. :51 b 177 Osmand :46 h 167 "f Executive :52 b 174 Oesel :48:ih 172 Folking :50 b 164 Some Ticket. . :50 b 177 Full Flight... :49 h 155 Sun Worship. :49 h Fleeing Hell. :48%h 161 Sarazen II... :49 b 172 Ironsides ... :47" li 6-8 MILE. 173 Kawita 1:05 b 3-4 MILE. 175 Blue Lrkspurl:19 b 170 Nellie Wood.l:18%b 176 Candy Pig. ..1:16 h 144 Tipperary II..l:17%u 177 Iollan 1:17 b 1 MILE. 173 Comstockery .1:39%U 177 Petee-Wrack 1:41 h 177 Double Pay.. 1:42 h 172 Srs and Barsl :41"-ib 173 Genie 1:41 b 1 73 Sour Mash... 1:45 h 172 Justinian l:39%h 173 Valorous l:44%h A heavy fog covered the track until 8 :i0. No horses could be timed until after that hour. WINDSOR, Ont.. June 28.— Todays training gallops were as follows : DEVONSHIRE PARK. Weather rainy ; track heavy — 3-S MILE. 178 Corinth :41"£ 178 Midhour :42 Dnto :40% Natures Darlg :41% 177 Fair Justice.. :41% 177 Pat Gaietv :40% 152 Flying Torch. . :39-and 177 Kendeavous ... :43 116 Hilika :39 Sauce Box.... :39% 160 High Skip :42 171 Sea Rocket... :41 171 Highld Captn :39 137 Sparus :39% 138 Hesper :42 55 Scarlet Bugler. :41 176 John J. S :40 162 The Lure :41% 84 Jean Bond :42and 178 Vagabond King :43% 162 Jake Jacoby... :44 178 Wacket :38% 1-2 MILE. Bravo Alouzo. :55% 173 Mc Tinkle :54 177 Bonny Boy :50=f, 177 Paul G :55% 155 Forenoon :53% 158 Shasta Grande :55% 6-8 MILE. 176 BigBillTaon .1:10 176 Sheriff Seth..l:0S Dr. Charlie... 1:09 3-4 MILE. Alard 1:25 143 Runanelf 1:26% 177 Beau o.t. West. 1:23% 177 The Engineer. .1:25 172 Backbone 1:23 177 Toanna 1:26 84 Long Joe 1:24 162 Wellet 1:24% 170 Nevermore . . .1:25 1 MILE. 177 Fair Rowena..l:57 141 The Dago 1:58 178 Linen King. ..1:58% 156 Wheatstick ...1:54%

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