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| LEXINGTON TURF NOTES 4-— • LEXINGTON. Ky., June 28. J. Franklin Wallace and others made up a carload of hor.-es for racing at Race-land next week and shipped out from here tonight William Pondas. manager of the meeting, toilay said over the telephone that horses are wanted for the meeting. Purses are from •;lno to ,000. six races daily, and the meeting six days. "I»:. k" Wilson is leaving here Sunday morning for New York with a carload of thorouKlibr.-ds for various owners. Horace N. liavis today said In- will have room for about twenty mares at his lllue Qnuaa Heights Stock Faun after July 1. on Which date the marcs belonging to BL Teller Archibald are to be tran.-i.-rred to Arch Manor, The Plains, Va. Thai is the farm that Mr. Archibald has for about four y.-ais been making ready for his breeding activities of the future. Wcsly Ilogan will be the stallion at the head of the stud.