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SALE OF THIRTY HORSES AT ARLINGTON JULY 26 O » LEXIXCTON, Ky., June 28— A sale of some thirty head of horses in training, the property of M-ssrs. Phil T. Chinn, J. O. Keene and Joseph F. Patterson, has been arraiiK-d to be held in the paddock at Arlington Park at 11 oclock Friday. July 1G. The Keene boraM will be shipped from Fair-mount Park to Arlington within a few days. They are now in racing trim or soon will be r ady to race. The Chinn and Patterson horses, with the exception of three of th*« Chinn hQtBM now at Fairmount, will be shipped fmrn Lexington to Hawthorne about July 1". and will be kept UMTS until the day of the sale, when they will be transferred to Arlingtoti Park. While at Hawthorne the horses will be shown in trials. They will all be ready to when sold. John Bain has been engaged as auctioneer of the sale. The catalogs will be ready for distribution within ten days.