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e SWEEPSTAKES WINNERS AGUA CALIENTE, Mexico. April 3. George Fisher, a miner of Butte, Mont., Avon the capital prize in the Agua Caliente Sweepstakes. It totaled 1,750, which Aas 45 per cent of the stakes. Fisher had the good fortune to hold the ticket on Victorian, Avinner of the race. But Fisher lost almost half the prize Avhile he was Avinning it! It seems that the miner began to be troubled two weeks ago Avhen he learned he held the ticket on the favorite. He feared to lose all, and determined to "hedge." In company with two brothers, he appeared at the race track early Sunday morning and, in the face of the 2 to 1 odds offered against AMctorian in the regular books, George made frantic efforts to lay off some insurance. He laid Victorian at 4 to 1 for ?5,000, and offered more. Harry Fink took most of the bet. Bert Baroni took some. And so George Avound up with 0,000 less than le grand prix, a penalty for not standing pat. Second prize went to Bob "Wood of Santa Ana, Calif. He held the Alexander Pantages ticket and drew ?23,-000. The ticket on Donnay, Avorth 1,500. Avas held by A. M. Comer of Emmitsburg, Mil., and fourth money of ,750 went to George Gabriel of . Baltimore, Md., Avho drew My Dandy. Those holding "also rans" split up a total of 1,500, and non-starters di-Aided ,750. Transfer members di-Aided ,750. The grand total was 15,000. 1$ j