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" 11 " 1 . , ; 1 1 : I i I I I ! ; X tl WHEELING WHEELING, W. VA WEDNESDAY, APRIL 16, 1930. 1-2 Mile. Seventh day. Wheeling Driving Club. Spring meeting of 1G days. Weather rainy. Steward. John I. Day. Presiding Judge, J. M. McGraw. Associate Judges, S. S. Bender, S. G. Phillips and J. L. Watkins. Starter, W. Harris. Racing Secretary, S. S. Bender. Racing starts at 2:30 p. m. Chicago time, 1:30 p. m.. W indicates whip, S spurs. It blinkers. Figures in parentheses following the distance of each race indicate horse, date, track record, age of horse and weight carried. Indicates apprentice allowance. A CtCiVC FIRST RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net valuo TcODOO to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. ApriI-lC-30-AYlie Index Horses AWtPPSt Y Y2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4GG12THEO. FAY wb 8 110 6 4 1! I5 l3 Is E McLalin Mrs A R Smith 420-100 4GG13JJ. J. BAMBRICK w 4 115 1 2 3"k 23 2 2 L Madden Mrs W C Daly Jr 90-100 45443LENNY w 5 107 5 3 4ll 31 31 3! J D Colns W Mikel and Son 1860-100 4GG13:ROYAL BELLS wn 3 10G1 2 1 21 4 4 4 M Wimcr Blue Bell Tark Stable 330-100 4G5723 JIM MILLER w 3 103 3 5 5 5 5 5 E Goodich H W Miller S00-10O 45850CACIQUE w 7 1031 4 6 G Pull. up. A Colvin A G Tarn 5930-100 Time, 1:02. Track muddy. ,- DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , THEO. FAY 0.40 $ 2.80 $ 2.20 420100 40100 10 100 J. J. BAMBRICK . 2.20 2.20 10100 10-,100 LENNY 2.20 10100 Winner B. g, by Theo. Cook Fay-a-way, by norron trained by O. L. Foster; bred by Mr. E. F. Simms. Winner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 2:39. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow for all but Cacique. Won easily; second and third the same. THEO. FAY outsprinted the others to the first turn, then, opened up a long lead and was never threatened thereafter. J. J. BAMBRICK had 110 mishaps and was no match for the winner, but the best of the others. LENNY finished gamely and outstayed ROYAL BELLS. The latter was crowded back and bumped by the winner rounding the first turn, losing much ground. JIM MILLER disliked the going. CACIQUE dwelt at the start. Scratched J4174!Tuberose, 107; 29G13Kcnter. 107; 4G427 Ruthie, 100; 4G5942ElIen Adair, 105; 4GG13 riatoon, 110: 4G591 Kin Folks, 107; 4G349 Gay Broeck, 97. Overweights Royal Bells, li pounds; Jim Miller. 1: Cacique, 1. A S2.Ci.tCCi. SECOND RACE 5-8 Mile. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value 40000 to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, ,000. April-lC-30-Whc . Index Horses AWtPPSt Y Yz Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4 G G 1 5 THE LM A L. w 3 103 2 4 21 2 11 li E Goodich J F Jenkins 120-100 4GG143VINlN W3 107 1 1 li li 23 2 II Hay S Most 160-100 4G570 FRANCES E. wn 4 107 6 3 4i 3"k 3 3"k M Wimer C Drake 7550-100 4G592 MAD SKETCH wn 4 117 3 2 6l G3 41 4U J Congore J M Reed 1SSO-100 4G594NOT GUILTY w 5 107 7 G 5 51 53 5 L Logan Mrs R Miller " SSO-100 43124 MAY BRUEN wb 10 107 9 7 7"k 7i 6V Gl J OMalley J Bronnenberg 10GSO-100 40410SARATOGA w 5 110 4 9 9i Si Si 71 E Bernier H T Palmer 4260-100 4GG12 WINSOME wn 7 110 10 5 3 41 71 S1 W Barr J Gorga 1390-100 41073 SALT PETER w 13 1141 S 8 Si 0U 93 91 W Psmoro R Crawford 3240-100 4G570 COMMISNER DEEw 3 110 5 10 10 10 10 10 L Madden Mrs I Caplin 6820-100 Time. 1:03. Track muddy. - - DONATIONS PAID- , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , THELMA L $ 4.40 $ 2.60 $ 2.20 120100 30100 10100 VINLIN 2.40 2.20 20100 10 100 FRANCES E 8.40 320100 Winner Ch. f, by High Noon Cheapside, by The Finn trained by G. F. Jenkins; bred by Mr. S. B. Mason. AVinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 3:05. AT POST 3 minutes. Start good and slow. AAon handily: second and third the same. THELMA L. came fast on the outside of VINLIN rounding the stretch turn and, finishing fast, won going away. VINLIN set a fast early pace and held tha others safe throughout. FRANCES E., always close up, was doing her best at the end to stall off MAD SKETCH. The latter came fast in the final eighth. AAINSOME tired badly. The others were outrun. Scratched 4GG3GLassa, 117: 4G371 Seths Jewel, 97; 4GG14 AVestern Light, 102. Overweights Thelma L., 1 pound; Salt Peter, 2; Ainlin, 5; Winsome, 3. ACtCtTC. THIRD RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse 00. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net TCvf J-F A value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price. 00. ApriI-16-30-AVlic : . Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4GG1 1SAVIFT CURRENT w 3 99 4 1 1 1U 1 l3 E Goodich C Dollaway 1220-100 4G573PIII DELTA w 3 108 1 3 2 2" 21 2 L, Logan J T Ireland 450-100 4G591JIBE wn 8 108 8 7 4 S1" 4 31" E Bernier II T Palmer 20GO-100 4G5923A. B. BENS ING ERw 6 113 G 2 3 41 3" 4 M AVimer II Massey 350-100 4G530CIIECKMATE w 4 US 7 8 51 51 5i It Cooper J E Lewis 4S0-100 4G5973SAUCY POLLY w 4 113 10 9 71 S3 S G J OMalley M Guclardo 2GO-100 4GI549 ORMOGIRL w 5 109 5 5 51 Gl Gi 71 P AA"stock L ICerr 2500-100 4G5!33REIGH SHOT w G 108 3 6 Gh 7l 71 8s AV Taylor AV D Ilcndlcy 1140-100 4 G54 9 TRANS ATLNTIC wn 4 103 2 10 10 10 10 9! J Renick Miss E M Lanter G310-100 46595 TOANNA w 5 116 9 4 81 93 9 10 R Buckley C Jones 4140-100 Time, 1:25. Track muddy. - DONATIONS PAID-. , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , SWIFT CURRENT G.40 0.00 $ 3.40 1220100 400100 70100 PHI DELTA 4.20 3.60 110100 80 100 JIBE 5.20 160100 AVinner Ch. f, by Peter Quince Falco, by Light Brigade trained by R. Bollaway; bred by Messrs. Black and Camden. AVinner entered to be claimed for 00. WENT TO POST 3:36. AT POST 2J minutes. Start good and slow for all but Transatlantic. AVon easily: second and third driving. SWIFT CURRENT showed the most speed at all stages and was never in trouble. PHI DELTA, always close up, was hard pressed in the stretch to save second. JIBE saved ground all the way and finished gamely next to the inner rail. A. B. BENSINGER raced prominently all the way, but finished on the outside of the others. CHECKMATE, away slowly, closed considerable ground and finished gamely. SAUCY POLLY could never get up. Scratched 40331 Blue Agate, 10S; 4G331 Hand Maiden, 103; 4CG13 Agnes AVynn, 103; 4GG35 Midday, 113. Overwcights Swift Current, 2 pounds; Ormogirl, 1. 1 I . I t 1 ii Continued on eigUteeeiith jjage . 4 A , 4 4 4 . , 4 4 4 j , F j i i A 4 4 i j j 3 , : : . , - I " y , t! e Lf io WHEELING Continued from third page. A 2tZQ FOURTH RACE 6 1-2 Furlongs. Purse C0. 3-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price, 00. April-lC-SO-Whe , , Index Horses AAVtPPSt Yi Y2 Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds t Str t 1G593CLAY PIGEON wb 7 118 3 2 11 Ill 1 W Psmoro R Crawford 80-100 4G593SUNOLIN wb 4 103 9 1 31 21 2i 2 JD Colns H C Rumago 1010-100 G G 3 5 FLAHERTY wb G 108 7 7 G 51 41" 3 J Futrell O Viau GSO-100 4GG14 MILANO w 3 1081 S 5 2: 3: 3h 4J R Buckley R J Jones 4G0-10O 43390 PECORA wb 7 113 4 8 4 4 5 5 M Wimcr C Drake 2G40 100 4G549 MADDENSTOWN wb S 113 G 4 5 Gl G1 GI J Guerra R Lucas 3540-100 4GG14 GOVERNOR PEAYwb 3 107 5 10 81 7J 7 7s L Madden J D Triez 7580-100 4G549 FORLUCK w 4 108 2 9 10 9J 8 8 R Cooper E A Schwert 6830-100 465"2RATTLE w 3 99 10 G 91 81 9a 9 E GoodIch H Neusteter 900-100 46G36NEPTUNIS wb 4 108 1 3 71 10 10 10 A Bcnoit Miss B Watson 69S0-10O Time, 1:26. Track muddy. , DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , CLAY PIGEON $ 3.G0 $ 3.20 $ 2.80 80100 60-100 40-10O SUNOLIN 8.60 5.20 330100 160100 FLAHERTY 3.00 50100 Winner Ch. g, by Trap Rock Bonne Cause, by Elf trained by R. Crawford; bred by Mr. S. Ross. Winner entered to be claimed for.. WENT TO POST 4:06. AT POST 9J minutes. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third the same. CLAY PIGEON acted badlv at the post, but showed the most speed throughout and held the race safe during the stretch drive. SUNOLIN. well up throughout, proved best of the others. FLAHERTY began slowly but steadily improved his position and finished well. MILANO tired. NEPTUNIS ran out on the first turn. The others were outpaced. Scratched 4GG14Vladimir, 102; 4GG34 Racing Star, 113; 4Go93 Pennsylvania II., Ill; 4Gu0 Sporting Life, 103. Overweights Sunolin, 2 pounds; Milano, 11; Rattle. 2. irA FIFTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Wheeling Register Purse. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and up-4tjll3tF ward. Claiming. Net value to winner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth. 5. April-lG-30-Whc Claiming price, ,500; if for less, 2 pounds allowed for each 00 to ,200. Index Horses AWtPPSt Yi Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4GG15DRY NATION wb 7 103 7 2 1 l3 1 1 E Goodich J Bronnenberg 2SO-100 4GG15 LAST CHARGE wb 4 108 2 7 G 31 2 2 E Fator Mrs S H Hollis 400-100 4GG1GMARY McCLAIN w 4 101 G 3 41 2" 3s 35 J D Colns W Mikel and Son 910-100 4GG15KKY COLONEL w 5 10G 1 G 7 G1 5 41 J Futrell W W Loney 400-100 4G592BUCHON w 5 111 4 1 2 41 41 51 J OMalley M Guciardo 2380-100 4GG37ELLA BANK w 4 1081 5 4 3 516- 6 A Colvin A G Tarn 350-100 4G594KALAKAUA w 7 111 3 5 51 7 7 7 J Guerra P Angelino 1230-100 Time, 1:18. Track muddy. - DONATIONS PAID , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , DRY NATION $ 7-60 $ 4.00 $ 2.80 28C-100 100-100 40-100 LAST CHARGE 4-20 2.40 110-100 20-100 MARY McCLAIN 3,u0 AVinner B. g, by CoYoneV Vennie Crystal, by The Commoner trained by J. Bronnenberg; bred by Mr J I!. Respess. Winner entered to be claimed for ,2C0. WENT TO POST 4:39. OFF AT ONCE. Start good and slow. Won handily; second and third the same. . , DRY NATION showed suddenly improved form in the going and displayed the most t speed through-nut t AST CH ARGE gained steadily and finished courageously through the stretch. MARA. McCLAIN tired in the final drive, but was much the best of the others. KENTUCKY COLONEL began slowly and could never get up. BUCIION and ELLA BANK quit badly. Scratched lG013sBean Aspiu, 110 : 4033G, Pheasant, 108. Overweight Ella Bank, 41 pounds. A 4- SIXTH RACE 3-4 Mile. Ohio Purse. Purse ,500. 3-year-olds and upward. Al- 40000 lowanccs. Net value to winner ,125; second, 25; third, 00; fourth, 0. ASS"10 Horses0 A AYtPPSt Y, Y. Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4G59G3SAAVDUST wn 4 107 3 1 21 11 1 Is E Fator Mrs M Hunter 200-100 4GG17SAN CARLOS w S 117 G 7 6 4 31 2nk A Colvin A G Tarn 300-100. 4G59G" SMOLDERING wb 5 109 4 6 41 3 2 3s P Garrity O Viau 220-100 4G59G OLD KIGKAPOO w G 109 7 4 1" 21 4 41 E McLalin O L Foster 1320-100 IG579 PORTSUR w 3 10S1 1 3 7 7 GI 5s R Buckley Bennett and Springer 1920-100 4G59G SATURDY NIGIITwn 4 110 2 2 31 5 51 G J Futrell M J Ternasky 43C0"1?? 4G59C MOTE w G 117 5 5 5 G 7 7 M AAimer R E Scholl 12.0-100 Time. 1:18. Track muddy. DONATIONS PAID-. , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , SAWDUST $ G.00 $ 3.40 $ 2.80 200100 70100 40100 os-::::::: 3.20 2 so eo-ioo 40-00 SMOLDERING 2.40 20100 AVinner B."f, by Sweep Santa Maria, by Golden Maxim trained by H. X. Skaggs; bred by Messrs. Barber and Starr. . WENT TO POST 5:07. AT POST minute. Start good and slow. AAou csaily; second and third driving. the first half mile and held the others saavtktst need OLD KICKAPOO into defeat after going safe t the stretch SAN CARLOS came fast in the last quarter and headed SMOLDERING in the " oinsin strides The latter moved up into a contending position rounding the far turn and finished PORTSUR was sharply crowded back on the first turn. SATUR- DAik?aGchea-017Stampdale, 112; 4G59G Jean, 101; 4G333Tommy Lad, 112; 4G534 Patsy H., 107; 4G30G Favorit II., 109. Overweights Portsur, 2j pounds; Saturday Night, 1. -4 SEVENTH RACE 1 1-8 Miles. Purse 00. 4-year-olds and upward. Claiming. Net 46661 value , to dinner 25; second, 00; third, 0; fourth, 5. Claiming price. ,000; AprH-lG-SO-Wlic if for 00, allowed 3 pounds. Index Horses A Wt PP St 4 Vs Str Fin Jockeys Owners Equiv. Odds Strt 4GG39FLPDOODLE w 7 113 3 2 1 1 1 1 1 R Buckley AV H Hoist 140100 4GGS9 GNOME SECOND w G 108 1 3 21 2 2 2 2U A Colvin A L and B Stablo 3S0-100 4 fi r 1 R PETER PRIM w G 10S 5 5 5 3- 3 3 3 W Reed L F Warby 18S0-10O ic595EASY MONEY w G 108 2 G 4 5 4 4 4 E Goodich B E Rumage 320-100 4GG34 JOHN J JR. w 10 113 4 4 3 4 5 5 5 R Cooper R Cooper 4G80-10O 4G57GBEROSUS w 5 108 G 1 Pulled up. L Logan J L Scobey 4S0-100 Time. 2:00. Track muddy. ,- DONATIONS PAID-. , EQUIVALENT BOOKING , ,,TATT,nTvrv ..80 .00 $ 2.60 140100 50100 30100 :."....!...... 380 3- 90-100 5-100 rVOME SECOND GNOME btOUJXii 4 00 100100 PETntfCr-B .g,"by PaicinVs-Aniace. by Assagai trained by A. T. Cragin; bred by Mr. F. J. Kelley. AAinner entered to be claimed for ,000. WENT TO POST 5:33. AT POST 2 minutes. AAon handily: second and third the same. Ktrt trood and slow. v pi noDLE displayed the most speed throughout and never was in trouble. GNOME SECOND, niwnvs in closest pursuit, vas best of the others. PETER PRIM disposed of the remainder after going h,p first half-mile EASY MONEY could not get up. JOHN J. JR. quit badly. BEROSUS was leading of fiiJ TfirsY turn "where he was apparently cut down badly and was pulled up very lame behind. Scratched--l335Lady Viola, 10G; 4GG16Rock Trap, 110; 4G395AVarfield, 113; 4G57G Brigand, 108; 40571 Dvonthi 108; 4G57G Middle Temple, 113; 40592 Bethlehem, 103.