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t : : : ; ft ENTRIES AND PAST PERFORMANCES LEXINGTON THURSDAY, APRIL 17 s "Weather conditions as forecast by United States "Weather Burcnu and as at press time indicated: WEATHER CLOUDY; THACIC FAST Racing starts at 2:00 p. m. Chicago time, 2:00 p. m. Track Records and Comparative Times Herewith are the comparative times and track records for the distances more frequently raced over on the principal tracks of the United States, Cuba and Mexico. The value of such information is apparent at a glance when considered in connection with the best time of each horse appearing in the entries. 1-2 5-8 8-4 7-8 1 1 1-16 1 1-8 1 1-4 Track. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Mile. Miles. Miles. Miles Agna Calientc :47 :H8 J6 1:10 1:25 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:03 Aqueduct :40 :57 1:10 1:23 1:30 1:43 1:48 2:05 Arlington Downs 1:00 1:14 1:27 1:40 1:40 1:50 2:00 Arlington Park 1:00 1:10 1:23 1:37 1:45 1:50 2:03 Aurora :47 :55 1:11 1:38 1:43 1:52 2:05 Beliuout Park 1:02 1:10 1:22 1:35 1:42 1:48 2:00 Bowie :4C 1:01 1:10 1:23 1:39 1:44 1:52 2:07 Churchill Downs :4G :5U 1:11 1:23 1:30 1:44 1:40 2:03 Dade Park 1:00 1:11 1:25 1:38 1:45 1:50 2:05 Umpire City :40 :C9 1:11 l:3S 1:44 1:51 2:03 Fair Grounds New Orleans :47 :59 1:11 1:24 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:01 Fainuount Park 1:00 1:11 1:3S 1:44 1:51 2:03 Ilavre de Grace :47 :59 1:11 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:05 Hawthorne :48 :59 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:01 Jamaica :58 1:11 1:38 1:42 1:49 2:01 Jefferson Park :47 1:00 1:11 1:38 1:44 1:51 2:00 Xatonia :4S :59 1:09 1:25 1:30 1:42 1:4S 2:00 Laurel :59 1:11 1:20 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:02 Lexington :47 :DS 1:11 1:2G 1:37 1:42 1:49 2:03 Lincoln Fields :59 1:10 1:23 1:35 1:43 1:50 2:04 Miami :4C :59 1:10 1:38 1:44 1:50 2:04 Oriental Tark :47 :59 1:11 1:27 1:38 1:43 1:50 2:03 Pimlico :47 1:00 1:10 1:20 1:37 1:44 1:51 2:04 Raeeland :47 1:00 1:12 1:24 1:33 1:44 1:52 2:04 Sc-atosa :47 :57 1:10 1:23 1:36 1:45 1:50 2:01 St. Johns Park :49 1:01 1:13 1:41 1:48 1:50 2:11 Tijuana :47 :58 1:10 1:25 1:37 1:43 1:49 2:02 Washington Park :C9 1:11 1:24 1:37 1:44 1:50 2:04 1st Lexington S ce less ian n"e Fnrsc 00. 4-year-olds and . upward. Claiming. Current, jVot. 17, 1928 1:08 2 Futurity Course 124. :s""OTE Claiming price, ,200. "Weight, 112 pounds. Ind. PP. Ilorse Wt. Rec. AWt.Han. Ind. PP. Horse. TVt. Rec. A.AVt.nan. 40380 5 Coots 4 112.. 725 43S94 C not Shot... Lex 111 1:11 4 112X710 45970 4 Film 4 112X720 45091 2 Spectacular .... 5 107.. 705 43538 3 Judge Murphy.. 45987 1 Lemnos 7 1120700 -...Lex 100 1:10 4 112X715 41915 7 Tchadar . . .Lex 110 l:17m 6 112. .095 The past performances ol the horses entered in this race, together with latest workoui and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt. St. Str.Fln. Jockey PP.Sts.. Best Company Class ot Race Coots 119 B "y Broomstick Pigeon Wing, by Hamburg. Last work: " 104 3-4...1:17ft -Trainsr, H. S. Hart. Owner, G. Collins. MatST-SOJ.P g 1:14 ft 19-20" 112 2 2 1 2 ThomasH3 0 WrIustigatrll3,Viradoll2,GoldMint 110 A MaE24-30sJ.P 5J f l:C9sl 27-10 110 2 2 2 31 ThomasH3 5 Bocaratonell3,OldDutchll3,UnDeanl08 A Macll-30J.P 2 1:13 ft G 108 1 2 2h 3U JonesL 0 LckyHit llO.Tdywawa lOOJ.Virado 108 A Jan.21-30SF.G 2 l:14m 61 10S 1 5 51 53 ThomasP3 5 Donnay 118, Extreme 113, Dluniu 111 H Jan.l3-30F.G 3 l:13ft 9 10S 1 4 3J 1D ThomasH3 0 Uluniu 112, Leucite 110, Old Dutch 112 A Jan. 4-30F.G- 2 l:13sl 20e 1021 1 2 21 33 ThomasH19 11 HhScorellO,Zacaweistal34,DleHeartl09 S Jan. 1-303F.G 2 1:13gd G 102 2 : 3 53i CramerR3 7 DleHrt303,FstM,sn304,B,in,gOver 10G H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Warts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Last year.. 17 2 5 3 $ 7.360 This year.. 7 2 1 2 $ 1,825 film 119 Br" e by HiBD Time Movie, by Vulcain. Last work: 100 3-8... :35ft -- Trainer, J. Tigue. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. Mac 8-30J.P 5?j f l:07gd49-10 111 3 4 35 21! FinnrtyR C HighScorel30,ClubIlsell2,Mortgage 108 H Fcand25-004F.G 2 l:13ft 11-10 113 6 1 l1 2i FinnrtyR3 C GoldMint lOS.OldSlip llO.PatsyJanc 109 A Fdx20-304F.G 2 l:12ft 6 108 6 1 l1 Ink FinnrtyR 7 TadwawalOC.Agitatorlll.T.Serncr 108 A FtUlS-SOF.G 2 l:12ft 9 106 6 2 G3 6" FinnrtyR C HighScore 12C,BeamingOverl0C,Zida 104 H FtU S-303F.G 2 l:12ft 13 1051 3 1 33 21 FinnertyR3 8 Agitator 110. Scotland 105. Leucite 118 H Fth, 3-30F.G 2 l:13gd 18-5 110 7 5 2 1 FinnertyR 8 TbeDago 109,BkFlyer 108,MyHby 1081 A , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 10 2 3 0 5 2,0-lG This year.. 9 2 4 0 $ 2.325 Judge 3Ilirpliy 119 B y Omar Khayyam Great Lady, by TJltimus. Last work: 103 3-4...1:17ft J-J-i Trainer, J. H. Baker. Owner, E, L. Baker. Oct25-29Lat 2 l:17m 6 3081 5 4 41 5" RideoutW 5 C,terBlackl02.NicaraKual08.notSliotl09 C Oct.23-233Lat 2 l:13m 21-10 108 9 6 5" 5 KnightM 9 A.Ranshawl00,BlueAshlOl,ChatrBrkl03 A Oct.l7-234Lat 2 1:12 ft 13 105 6 4 51 3 SmithV 3 7 Crofton 308, Lady Gossip 107, Boris 105 C Octl2-29Lat 2 l:llft 63 10S 8 8 63 51 SmithJ 3 9 Virado 103,LadyGossip 102,Crofton 303 C Oct 4-293C.D I 1:26 ft 16 108 3 5 6 6" DuboisD 6 Lady Gossip 105, Chip 103, Virado 105 C E?p.2S-29C.D 2 l:13ft 11 112 9 4 43 41 MurrayT 12 HhScre 307.Agitator HO.NkCullop 115 C Bejil7-29Lex fc 1:15 hy 2 112 7 2 2 3s WestH 3 8 LadyGossipl07.Herrickll5,Spo,gI.adyl07 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 15 2 0 3 $ 1,500 Hot Sliot 1 1 O B, g, 4, by Tryster Select Shot, by Star Shoot. Last work; 1063-8 :39ft -L--1 Trainer, W. "W. Taylor. Owner, H. P. Headley. Kor.l4-29Lat 2 1-2 m 12-5 105 3 1 1 23 RussellK 3 5 Mickey D. 113, Typhoon 115, Retort 117 C l?oll-293Lat 2 121 hy 11 109 3 4 48 510 DuboisD 8 7 HighScore lll.Betort 332,FirstMsion333 A Xo 2-29iLat 2 1:17 m 4 110 4 2 2s 25 RussellK 3 7 FirstMission310,Kulamanll5,IJypnom338 C . OcL30-293Lat 2 l:lSm 11-10 109 4 2 51 5" HeupelJ 4 C Retort 10C, Virado 105, FirstMission 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 19 3 4 4 ? 4,157 Spectacular 1 07 m 5 by arn -iynE Colors, by Star Shoot. Last work: 10C 3-4. . .l:10f t A-v 1 Trainer, J. V. Steward. Owner, J. V. Steward. Ftb,24-303Mia 1and l:45ft 8-5 115 4 5 5i 531 RoseG3 5 SignOff 11G, TonyJoe 11G, Gadalong 109 C Ftii22-30liMia 1 3:45ft 7-5 112 4 3 1 l5 EabyJ3 8 Dragon lll.Fairdale 112,Nealon Kay 114 C FrfUS-SOMia 1 1:45 ft 4-5 10S 3 3 21 l1 RoseG3 5 TlieFreshm115,Mlboroll4,NlonKayl31 C KklO-30-Mia ls l:45ft 11-3 105 4 3 31 1 RoseG3 32 MickeyD.116.T.Frehmnll4,J.A."Veil 10G C FU l-SOMia 1 1:39 ft 6 101 8 5 542 43i RoseG" 11 Vesta 105,3Iickcy D. 113,SunMeddler 109 C Jan.2S-303Mia 1" l:43ft 11 112 5 1 1 2 AllenCE 9 MickeyD.HC.GadalongllC.BronFIashllC C Koxl2-293Pim 1 l:47ft 6 113 6 7 7 61 SmithW O PryAt,ntnll7,PlayIJ.103.IirkPafcial07 C OcL29-29Emp 1:53 ft 15 123 3 6 6 6t3 SmithW C Negopoli lOO.XecromcerlOS.Vacafn 113 C Oct21-29Emp 1J2:06 ft 6 113 2 1 1 1 SmithW 3 7 Negopoli 11C, Vacation HG.JnCavgh 110 C OcUS-23Emp lo 1:45 It 10 120 5 6 61 7i SmithW 8 Draw,gB,rdl21,Baskl21,Necromancer 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .19 4 2 4 5 3.G00 This year. .6 3 1 0 S 2.500 LcmnOS . 119 Ch" s emonora Snowcapt, by Roi Herode. JL JL Li Trainer, G. E. Lewis. Owner, W. R. Cox. Mae 8-30TlIia lh 2:34 ft 13 112 3 G 510 7 McDmtL1 9. Elfin Star 114, Blanco 102, Dolan 107 C Mac G-30cMia 1J l:52ft 40 112 2 1 lh 1 McDottL5 12 SfmSignallOl.O.BrkJoe 107,Aviator 111 C Feb.25-303Mia 2 l:12ft 7 114 4 4 51 6 MurrayT 10 Corsicanll2,SandyHatchl00,GraceII.10G C Ftlx21-30sMia 2 l:12ft 15 115 13 4 42 Murray! 8 Sarateall4.Corsican 114.Reputation 114 C Fdj.l9-30Mia 2 l:12ft 8 114 4 3 31 310 MurrayT" 12 Tinllat 114,MyDella 100,PignW,gII.114 C FtbL G-30Mla 2 1:13 ft 10 111 2 1 21 6i GnwodC" 12 Trappy 111, Aristocrat 111, Letalone 111 C , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .12 0 0 1 S 100 This year.. 8 1 0 2 $ 900 Tcliadar 119 Br" m 6 ty Tcllaa Arden Rose, by Orlando. Last work: 105 3-4. . .l:18ft -J Trainer, D. B. Miller. Owner, D. B. Miller. j Sep.l6-29Lex fc 1:14 m 23f 110 10 9 9 7" ClemntsH 1010 LkyXenoral07,FshgGmllO,ToBillsllO C Aigl4-296L.C.F 11:46 ft S2 104 82 JohnsonS -9 Riot 109,TimGleason 109, Clownish 105 C JunEbs l l:43ft 114 101 S 8 8" Ss SavageJ 3 9 Ice 114,Grass Maid lOS.Chief Tierney 114 C Jun. 3-295Bbg 2 l:12ft 63 106 6 6 G11 510 SavageJ 5 C Atcnas 112,AVarInstigatorl08.Pgraphlll A May 4-29Lex 11 1:56 gd 123 108 3 9 9 8" WhiteG 3 9 QunRoyal lOS.Onup 108,St.a.Stripesll3 C May l-29eLex l10 l:4Sm 26f 109 12 Fell. HorvathK 12 LsvilleLoullO.SptDrslOS.NevermorellS C f Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- t Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 8 2nd Lexington Purse 800. 2-year-olds. Maidens. Fillies. Allowances. 1-2 Mile General Ilaldenian, April 27, 1928 :475 2 11G. Ind. TP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Han. 45720 3 Reverberate ... 11C..725 11 Delma Dunn.... 110 40311 8 Red Tam... Mia 109 :49 116. .720 12 Sporting Miss.. 110 11C..715 13 AVatch Girl..... 110 4C334 9 Sister Mary.Mia 110 :49 1 Beauty Belle... HO 14 Carolyn Barker. a-"" 15 Prediction 116 2 Modern Times.. 110 HO " Lila . 11..... 4 0urnan - 5 Belle of Bour- 17 Lady Sweep.... -110 bon 11C 18 Aurilla HC C Tavy .......... 11C Canfield and nayes entry Rererberate, TaTy. 7 My Margaret.." -r-iv-" 110 Greentrec Stable entry Ournan, Cazanova. r 10 Cazanova ..... HO J " j The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. i Str.Fln. Jockpy PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. IlCYCrljCratO 1 1 i Ch f y Thunderer Flora McFlimsey, by Ballot. JL -L U Trainer, E. Haughton. Owner, Greentree Stable. Fch.26-30,F.G 1 :33sl 209 113 9 8 6 4 JonesL 10 BillMrrisl25,Sclionerll9,L,aXegley 110 A Ftb.l2-30F.G g :35ft 69 111 8 6 61 41 SmithV1 12 Zebrall5,SparwHawkllC,PhilReuter 114 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. This year.. 2 Red Tam 1 1 Ch f 2 by Donnacna Ben Valley Maid, by Everest. Last work: 813-8 :38ft A-JLO Trainer, W. "W. Finn. Owner, P. T. Chinn. 3rar25-30St J I :50ft loe 100 4 5 51 51 MarnclIiJ 8 PereXoellOS.MtcrRosello.ChlWind 115 A Jlac 5-30Mia J :18f t 12 109 9 9 S51 8 RobsonA1 12 Kensington 107, Squall 105, Directly 107 A - -Fcb.25-30MIa g :33ft 40 107 11 51 52 RobsonA1 12 Servitudell5,Lynoganl09,BettyBet 107 A Feb.lS-30Mia g :36hy 20 110 10 10 8 KnightM 10 AllColuinbiall4,Scrvitudcll5.Unknnll4 A FthLl4-30Mia g :35ft 30 107 8 51 S3 LcIschnR3 12 AllClumbiallS.BMltell llu.ImagaryllS M Jan.31-C03Mla. g :33gd 41 119 8 S 713 RobsonM 12 AllStagell9,Imaginaryll9.BIoodltcll 119 M Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-v This year.. 6 Sister Mary 1 1 Ch" f 2 M by HePhaists Maladena, by Malamont. J. J. U Trainer, J, Howard. Owner, J. Howard. rac25-30J.P 3J, f :43 gd 9 30SJ12 12 1213 9 GcvingL 12 T,rtdPcel21,P,pleLadyll2,Kervatorll2 O MaEl7-30J.P 3J f :44hy 17 107 11 10 10a S31 GevingL1 12 TcaGrnllS.AlIegto 105,BnEdMry 110 O Mac S-SOMla :49gd 6 110 3 5 53 2" DePmaR 12 RisgStarl02,J,aQucenl0S.BdnDare 110 O " FeU25-30,Mia g :33ft 100 107 9 11 7S2 DePmaR" 12 Servitudell5.LyIIoganl09.BettyBet 107 A Feb.22-30Mla g :33ft 40 112 8 9 913 DePrmaR1 9 SunMaskll2,Shap 112,RegularFellcr 118 A . Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won.- . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, This year.. 5 0 1 0 $ 150 Beauty Belle lift ch- f 2 to Colonel Vennie Flestabelle, by Handsel. J.XU Trainer, A. Goldblatt. Owner, J. B. Respess. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Modem Tillies 1 1 Br. f, 2 M. by Pataud Margaret Lawrence, by Vulcain. J--1-V- Trainer, C. W. Moore. Owner, C. W. Moore. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Oilman lift Ch f 2 ty Hourless Nan Knochr, by McGee. J. U Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, D. D. Canfield. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Belle Of Boiirlion 1 1 B" f 2 ty Aea Khan Clintonville, by Transvaal. Last work: 1011-2... :49ft -L J-U Trainer, R. C. Frakes. Owner, Lair and Parish. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Tavy 1 1 Chl f 2 M ty St" Germans Alster Cress, by Watercress. JLLU Trainer, E. Haughton. Owner, Greentree Stable. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Margaret 1 1 B f 2 M by Donnacona Anna Gallup, by Ogden. J. X U Trainer, C. Sloan. Owner, S. B. Jones. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Cazanova 1 1 B- f 2 ty Bunt5nS Great Waters, by Great Britain. J-lU Trainer, T. P. Hayes. Owner, T. P. Hayes. , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. " 3rd. Won , Delllia Dunn 1 1 C. Br- f 2 M, by Captain Alcock Fil-de-Fer, by Wrack. J-JLU Trainer, J. H. BaScr. Owner, Mrs. W. H. Hoffman. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wen. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Sporting Miss 1 1 B f 2 by sPorticand ooi Audacity, by Wrack. JL JL U Trainer, W. G. Sparks. Owner, H. B. Hanger. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., "Watcll Girl 1 1 B" 2 ty D Watch-Crugie, by Broomstick. J. X U Trainer, C. L. Dodson, Owner, Mrs. L. G. Kauff man. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Carolyn Barker 1 1 B f 2 M ty KinEr Corin Furieuse, by Ethelbert. iJ.U Trainer, A. C. Smitha. Owner, A. Smitha. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Prediction 1 1 B f 2 M ty Dozer Kldred, by Peep o Day. Last work: lOf 3-8... :30ft J-J-U Tiainer, R. L. Stivers. Owner, R. L. Stivers. , Starts. 1st. 2nd." 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Lila 1 1 C. B. f, 2 M,.by Stimulus Lilane, by Vindex. J.J.O Trainer, C. C. Van Meter. Owner, C. Clay. , Starts. 1st. -2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Lady Sweet 1 1 B f 2 M ty Ch::rokeo Sweet Lady, b7 Rock View, J.J-U Trainer, S. S. Combs. Owner, Gallahar U Combs. , Starts. 1st. 2nd 3rd. Won , ,. Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Aurilla 1 1 Br f 2 M ty Tnunacrsr Sarnia. by Quebec. Last work: 10C 3-S :37ft J-X U Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, S. Furst. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., s 3rd Lexington purse 00. d-year-olrfs and upward. Claiming. Leon- 1 1-16 Miles ardo 11 April 25, 1921 1:12 3 103. iJfOTE Claiming price, ,200. "Weight, 112 pounds. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Ree. A.Wt.Han. 40339 C Gold Ridgc.F.G 112 1:4S 4 112 X 725 40339 8 Evelyn L...F.G 10911:48 4 107X605 40381 13 Bogan J.P 105 1:49 5 112X720 4C010 O Saucy Suc.F.G 105 1:47 5 107.. 693 40367 12 Our Pal Dcv 103 1:47 4 112X715 4C33G lLady Basil. .CD 107 1:49 3 102.. COO 42273 7 St. IgnatiusLex 110 1:49 4 112 X 710 463S3 2Vendeuse . .F.G 102 1:4S 3 102.. 690 4C3333 3Margate ...Lex 103 1:40 7 102X705 37CS4 10 Thistle Major 45987 14Demon Mia 111 1:17 4 107. .700 M Lex 303 1:4S 4 112. .600 4C42CJ 4True Boy. . .A.P 107 1:40 7 107XC95 4125C llLucky Nancy 3C5153 3 Alcman CD 10S 1:47 4 112x093 ....A.P 93 1:40 4 102. .090 The past performances or the horses entered In this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds WLSt. Str.Fln. Jockey lP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Gold liillgC 1 1 O B. g, 4, by Flittergold Bslle of Blue Ridge, by Vulcain. Last "work: 77 1-2 :5Chy J-J- Trainer, P. Rcuter. Owner, T. J. Moran. Mas25-30-J.P lfs 1:51 gd 2J 111 12 7 53 lk CimeraUG13 12 Coy 104, Finland 109, SemperFelix 111 C Mat20-30J.P li 2:03hy49-10 115 S 6 48i 31 LandoltC 9 CryBabyia".,Misnomerll2,IlrbAshby 112 O Matl5-30J.P -1J 2:02 m 41-10 110 5 2 2J 1 PalumboS14 10 i:mplettcia",SteStrnckllO,WalterR. 112 C JDmlS-COJ.P ljr l:4Sft 3 310 S 8 6" 4i CimcrakG3 12 Kcydrt llO.r.rabllag 110, High Life 112 C FtfcCO-COF.G 1 l:4Tft 39 115 2 5 72 6 MeyerC3 7 LtlcGypllO.Kauconal05,Braggadocio 112 C Ftb.ll-30F.G 1; l:47ft 19 112 6 1 1 33 MeyerC 9 Bun 107,IIayessChoicc lll.GrabBag 112 O Feb, 5-30cF.G li l:56gd 19-5 115 7 2 33i lsi MeyerC S RoyalOmarll3.Cisfieldll5.FlagLtnt 113 O . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. Last year. .21 4 3 5 5 4.146 This year.. 13 3 13 ,350 Bogan 119 B. g. 5, by Trojan Salvestra, by Watervale. Last work: 103 lm. . .l:44ft " Trainer, J". Howard. Owner. J. Howard. Mai:27-303J.P 1 l:46ft 11 101 5 1 1 2 LandG8 11 BkAlicelOS.FairArgumtlOO.TfKing 113 O Kacl3-30J.P "lr l:48ft 10 103 7 2 33 5i LandG1 12 Keydet HO.GrabBag 110, High Life 112 O JIae 5-30Mia 1J 2:03ft 10 112 9 9 llUl33 ChvcttaF3 31 BnRulerll3J.Cfidcntial 104,RalDonlll O Mar 3-30Mia 1 l:47gd 7 110 7 6 8s 810 LandG1 8 Your Play 103, Chum 112, Mockery 106 O FeU-4-30MIa 5Jfl:C6ft 7 115 2 5 51! lnk MurrayT4 12 CorsicanllC.Stoga.MajellO.ThderCl 118 O Dcc26-293J.P 2 l:13ft 29-10 107 1 2 21 21 CarroIlW 3012 Brillante lOO.OneCent lll.Arrogant 1110 Dcc.l2-293J.P 31:16 Ed 8-5 110 4 2 43 3J CarroIlW 12 OrcsfsII.113.Cfirchcel0S.MatIIuutrll5 C Dctl5-293Lat 2 l:12tt 6 115 4 6 6 ChvettaF 11 Clcoral07.MdsChoicell2.SndyIIatcbllO O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . : Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .10 3 1 1 $ 3,075 This year.. 5 1 1 0 $ S50 Our Pal 1 1 O B, g, 4, by Prince Pal Ola Lee, by Assagai. Last work: 84 3-8 :41ft AX Trainer, W. C. Weant. Owner, Oakland Farm Stable. 3Iat20-305St.J 1and l:49ft 10 108 5 5 3J lnk RoseM3 C LightAirl04,irhriayerll8,i:ockhawk US O JlarSO-SOoSt-J 3 1:15 ft SJ 10S 5 5 5 5,: RoseM3 5 Nhelsonl08,PaganLdiell3,ChleyJ.S.103 O JIatl5-30liSt.J li l:5Sm 12 110 3 5 33i 2s FrogttcD3 5 Elfin Star 118. Blade 114, Fair Class 108 O Mac 7-30;Mia 1J 1:54 ft 6 111 4 6 6i 48 McDottL3 7 Cham 108, YourPlay 100. FairClass 113 O Slat 3-30Mia lf l:47gd 30 310 2 7 -51 52 ChvettaF1 8 Your Play 303, Chum 312, Mockery 306 O Jan.24-30Mia 1 l:3Sft 30 1141.4 7 781 7" MurrayT 7 Tutti Frutti 115, Herrick 113, Boris 115 A Jan.22-305Mia "1 l:45ft 20 104 4 5 43J 411 LcischnR3 5 T.Frcshmnl09.Marlborol09,MickeyD.109 C , Starts. 3st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .14 2 3 2 $ 2,075 This year.. 7 1 1 0 $ 655 St. Ignatius IIP Br" 4 1y TorchDaarer lafly Rachel, by Jim Gaffney. Last work: 101 lm. . .l:4Gft J-JLi Trainer, O. A. Bianchi. Owner, W. W. Williamson. Eeix2i-29Lex 1 l:47ft 15 112 3 8 7J 781 FlnertyR 3 8 Draha 104, Goodman 107, Guide 107 O Snl7-29Lex fc l:lthy 5 108 8 8 7 6l FinertyR 9 PcggyLeelOO.KblaiKhan 113,TheBat 108 O Jan. 7-297Lat 1-ft 1:50 m 29-10 110 6 5 510 5S1 PascmaA 7 Vandal 113,Wooloracl30,LitHapson 103 C Majl7-293CD 1 l:16ft 3S 111 3 5 5" 4" MeyerC 3 C GrenrGuardl30,Blindnillsl00,Amstmll5 O Uayl3-29C.D 1 l:42m 21 10S 5 5 4 . HorvthK 1 5 McG lgle:05,RoyalJurnll5.BdyBasU 108 C Not l-2S5Lat ll:37ft 68 100 6 6 61 6" L Jones 6 Naishapur WJ.LnMree- 0uiMieurll2 H Oct26-2SLat 3 1:12 ft 56 105 S 9 S" 7 DOHrdy 30 Mtinique308.T.Cbtawl00.JgeM,pny 103 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. "Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year. .5 Margate 109 Br" m by Delhi First Ballot, by Ballot. Last work: 1003-8... :36ft J-i Trainer, L. Veatch. Owner, Serenata Stock Farm Stable. JtaK24-30St.J 3J 3:57sl 30 306 3 1 2 21 CarroIlW9 9 Parolell. lll.FireOn HC.BlackBart 110 C Mai2O-303St.J lje l:49ft 99 304 3 5 5 6J MarelliJ1 8 Blade 334, Chatson 109, Corinne StarlOl O jiarlS-SOSt.J 2 l:14ft 61 308 7 9 9J 6a MarinclliJ3 9 SaratogaMajelll.Motelll.Graceland 111 O Mat 6-30cMia l.l:52ft 15 104 9 4 73 7" RileyG 12 Lemnosll2,StmSignal lOl.O.BlkJoe 107 C Wac-SOMia 1J2:03 ft 10 104 3 2 5i 5 CarroIlW 7 Scott 109, Elfin Star 114, Sunspec 100 0 Ftb.20-30;Mia lfc l:46ft 12 1091 5 4 51 61 KnightM3 10 DrSignallOS.DaffodilllO.SfmSignal 100 O FeUll-303Mia ls l:46ft 8 132 4 8 111311 GarncrW4 11 Whistler 103. Festival 112, Dowager 107 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Woj.-, , Starts. 1st 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .19 3 6 4 $ 3,527 This year.. 11 1 l o S 870 DeillOll 1 07 Er- B 4 by D"dge Hester R., by Plaudit. XV I Trainer, J. S. Ward. Owner, Everglade Stable. Man S-30TMia n 2:34 ft 32 305 5 7 613 5" FouhyN 9 Elfin Star 114, Blanco 102, Dolan 107 O Man 5-30rMia 1J 2:03ft 10 .105 5 3 2 632 FouliyN 11 BnRulcrll33,Cfidcntial lOl.RalDonlll O Fch,27-30Mia 13:53 ft 9-5 312 3 3 53 62 McAffcD3 12 SerajeTol32,Sunspccl07,MayrWalker 11" O Ftkll-305Mia 3and3:46ft 8 331 7 7 7i 7 McAulfeD 11 Whistler 103, ITestival 112, Dowager 107 O Feb. 6-3FMia 2 1:13 ft 10 111 7 7 61 4i McAffeD 12 Trappy 111, Aristocrat 111, Letalone 111 C Jan.23-303Mia 2 l:13ft 30t 113 8 8 9J Sl McAffeD 11 Zurich 113, Tin nat 110. Roseomar 10S O iir- -Starts: 1st. 2nd. 3rd.. - Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won-. . Last year.. 4 This year.. 6 . True Boy T 07 Ch B 7 by 8tedfast Tansy "y cygiad. g -LU I Trainer. H. T. Fleming. Owner, King Bruce Stable. Mtt29-30J.P l:Glsl 10 109 1 7 7" C" LandG3 8 Old mil 100, Bozo 109, Baby Delhi 103 C J M22-30RJ.P 1J 2:18hy 7 105 7 C 2 2" LandG1 8 ForcellO.StandBearerlOS.BlPhillips 100 C Ji MatlS-30J.P 1 2:07liy 7-5 110 10 8 5" 5" EllswthW 10 Mulatto 103.LcnaM. 103J,SaucyPolly 107 C J M15-30JJ.P 11 2:lGm 47-10 103 4 3 1 1 EUswthW 12 Jim Itcll 105. Isostasy 113. Torcher 110 C 11 JI13-305J.P lfr l:48Vft 42 110 C 7 Vi G1 EllswthW 0 Donnatina 105, Wcntz 102, JIulatto 105 C 11 Km 7-30J.P 1and l:54hy 6 109 9 11 7Ji 3J EUswhW" 11 Kmplettc 104,PrettyRun 104,Keydet 109 C II Mm 5-30JJ.P 11 l:54ft 2G 110 7 2 41 451 EUswhW 8.FireOpall04,Rapida HO.MarcaAgnes 105 C Rb.lO-SOF.G 1J l:531itt 41 112 7 7 71 G10 FinnertyR 7 Jaekirganlll.SethsBlotlOO.CisfioldlOO C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. Last year.. 25 1 0 2 $ 1.114 This year.. 14 2 12? 1,600 J Alcnian 119 B" c 4 ty 0n Watch Hul1 Gull fcy Marta Santa. J JL --" Trainer, J. M. Gcodc. Owner, R. H. Anderson, i JLV 27-29" CD ls l:47sl 3S 108 3 5 3!1.3J AbclA 1 G LillianT.llO.MnVrrystllO.AVooIorac 110 C J Maj-23-29C.D 3 l:12ft 41 10S 13 10 SJIO11 AbelA 15 Tyrol 11C, Zurich 111, Moscow 11G C O Majl7-29C.D 6 f 1:20 ft 9f 107 13 14 131J11 HeupeU -15 Zurich 107,SporfgI.adyl02,WatchOn HOC O Maj 4-29 Lex fcl:10y5gd 60 112 4 8 7" C WatsonK 1 8 Willa 107. Deep Itlvcr 112.BcssieAllx 107 A AprLex fcl:10andft 36 103 5 6 711 T JonesL 1 7 JgeMphylOG.BysPgy 107.DpUivrl07 A OctlS-2SLat 3 1 :1C hy 25 107 6 6 51 3 J McCoy 10 Glenno 108.SandySliore HOJ.Virado 110 A Oct. 9-2S5Lat 1:13 ft 9-5 115 1 1 11 1 W Gner ,012 B eMCn HS.Amst d m 115.BieLndll5 A k BePi21-2SIL.F 3 l:14ft H-5 115 1 1 2" 3 L McDt "12 SandyShore 115.1eace Lad llS.Chip 115 A , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 5 0 0 1 $ 100 Evcljll L. 1 r7 B f by Midway Mi;trcss Pat, by McGoe. Last work: 105 lm 1:47ft Trainer. E. J. OConncli. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. S irar25-30,!J.P 1and 1:51 gd 65 101 2 G 9J 9 UnkrautC 12 Gold Ridge 111 Coy 101. Finland 109 C Hatl9-30 J.P 1and 2:03hy39-10 109 C 5 7i Si LandoltC11 12 CelCampuslOCMtcrSverOS.RyWnyllO C i jrac 8-30U.P l:50?strd 14 102 3 5 5 8s UnkrautC1 8 Cisfield 115, Dr.Frcd 115, Grab Bag 113 C Fob.2S-306F.G is l:51m CJ 109 1 C 3i Z- LandoltC10 11 B.PowerslOO.Sweep-NctllO.Ragabald 109 C t rUxl3-305F.G 1,s l:4Sft 17 109i 5 2 2" 1 LandoltC14 11 MyBeutyl02,F.Argumtl07.W.Knownl07 C Feb. 5-30F.G" 1,V 1:49 UBd 23 100 3 4 S" S15 GrcenC 12 Emplottel05,Rnpidal05.LouisvilleLoul07 C i Jao.28-D0;F.G ijg l:52m 12 102 8 5 5 44 GrecnC10 11 BlueMt,rll2.F,synarel01,M,claAsn-sl03 l , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Last year..lG 2 1 1 5 1.900 This year.. 9 1 0 1 5 825 SailCy Sue 1 07 Br m" 5 7 Bla Servant Electro, by Electioneer. Last work: 101 3-4. . . .l:17ft --" Trainer, C. Porter. Owner, Warm Stable. JlaclO-SO.P lje l:!7ft 9 107 8 7 9Ti 911 JonesL1 9 Cometll2,Rejation 107,LillianMooar 107 C Filn24-30:F.G lfo l:47ft 19-10 10G G 1 l5 1 RusscllIC 10 Kmplette lOS.FrArsnmt 109,OldBill 111 C Ft-UlO-307F.G IS l:5tft 5 106 1 3 4J 35 RusselllC 9 Finland 111, Turquoise 112, Pride 103 C Feb. 5-30F.G 1J l:5Ggd39-10 112 4 3 5i Ss2 SmithJ1 S RoyalOmarllS.CisfieldllS.FlagLfnt 113 C E Jan.l7-30!F.G 1J l:53ft 11 100 4 GTJ GM SmithV H Wcli t.TimcllO,Cometl07.Nicodemus 110 C . Jn. 1-30:F.G li 1:5G Ed 5J 101 1 2 1 lh SmlthV S DtorFredlOO.JuniorC.lOO.LsvilleLou 102 C J OctlS1!! 31:12ft 10 112 9 9 7 71 ConnllyD "12 Gideon 110, Platoon 10G, Edna Glenn 112 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 7 3 2 1 $ 2.725 This year.. 6 2 0 1 ? 1,575 Jjady IJjxsiJ "J 0 B m- 6 by Basil Lamp Post, by Sweep. Last work: " 821-2.... :51m J-UJ Trainer. W. F. Poison. Owner, Basil Manor Stable. JIat23-30IJ.P 2 l:15gd S7" 105 10 7 Si S10 QnbushG1 12 A.P.Canalelip,FlagLieuttll5,RndUpll3 C ; Frfi.20-C07F.G lc l:48ft 7G 112 5 6 6 G1S AnrsonA 7 SethsIlallotlOO.Cockrill HG.GrabBag 100 C Jn. 8-30F.G lj 1:49 ft 1 12 110J 1 10 8" 8" AndcrsonA1 12 LleKidlOO.Col.CampuslW.M.MeGoeylU C Jan. 2-30;F.G li 2:02liy 45 107 7 8 858 8: CramerR1 S T.nuguenotl07.MilesPriorll2.Padona 112 C Oct 7-292Haw 3 1:13 ft 319 107 9 7 7!J G" MayT 412 Bogan 115, Watch On llO.irdenThts 108 C Ben2S-29L.F 3 1:13 ft 62f 111 9 11 Gi 8,J ClilavtaF 11 GibbonslOO.EnaCrnn Hl.AxWlIffc 109 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year. .22 2 1 2 ? 1.9S9 This year.. 4 . . YciUlCUSC 1 AO B. m, 5, by Craigangower Plausible, by Plaudit. Last work: 84 1-2 :51sl -ivi Trainer, J. C. Shea. Owner, J. T. Looney. 3tar27-30TJ.P JS 1:49 ft 17-5 103 9 S 7J 76 QnbushG1 12 CIBoss 107,Peep O.lOSJ.Dvgn Qun 102 C Mai:21-30TJ.P l-fs 1:53 sl W"5 1M 10 2 3S 35 CimerakG 12 Trpe ofDawn99,Adieu lOl.LkyJudge 109 C JIacl3-30J.P le l:lSVift 64 102 1 4 5 G2 FryeJW1 12 Keydet HO.GrabBag 110. High Life 112 C MmIO-30J.P liV l:4Sft 7 101 7 5 9J 710 FryeJW 12 CapfnAplej,kll4,Trpe ofDnlOl.Coy 109 C Mac 4-30F.G 1J l:52ft 12 10S 2 4 7" 719 KnightM" 8 Sbrlshtl07.B,gliMonger lOO.NySetb IOG C F.h.2G-30F.G 1,j 1:49 ed 17-5 102 7 7 7 71 CimerakG 8 Ixuisvcll2.F,rArgumtll2,FireOp,l 1031 C . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year. .23 1 2 0 5 1.250 This year.. 14 0 2 2 S 425 Thistle Major 119 B. c, 4 M, by Hourless Lucky liz, by Ivan the Terrible. Last work: 104 lm. . .l:44vift " - Trainer, G. G. Moshier. Owner, Hayes Sc Moshier. Jao.lS-29Lat 31:14 gd 39"ll0 2 7 7SJ S CollinsG 5 12 My Dan 110, Career 110, Woodlot 110 M Jun.l3-29JLat 1-k l:51m 1G 107 7 6 6" G11 CollinsG 1 7 IfieWdel lOS.BlkThderlOS.BchwdlO? C Jun. 5-29Lat 1" l:43ft 11 110 10 10 910 CrumpW 10 AnistrdamllS.AllegncelOl.Everblue 105 C May 4-29Lex 1 l:47gd 109 105 5 5 7 5s CollinsG 11 LkyXeralOSJ.Conftial lOO.ThrGlrl 103 C May l-29!Lex fc l:12!m 49 115 6 6 5i 4 JonesL 7 SadallaMaryGardnrllO.Lion Heart 115 A Apc26-29Lex fc l:10ft 46f 107 9 G 1011 ConnllyD 12 MuIdoonll5,DarkAngelllO.Geo.GroomllO C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3nl. AVon.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 7 Illicit JfailCV "I O Br. f, 4, by Lucky Hour Grace Harban, by Buke of Ormonde. Ivti Trainer, J. P. Grubcr. Owner, French Lick Springs Stable. Sep. 4-29sD.P 1 1:40 f t 12 101 4 3 G5U13 MayT 12 EfeldeelOO.OurJoan 102,QueeifWhims 102 C Aug29-29JD.P 1 l:51ft 61 100 S 6 51 5 CarrollW 8 Seth sBlotlOG.AthcnslOS.ChoChoSan 105 C Aug2G-29!D.P 1 1:42 ft 22f 100 1 4 3s 3s FowlerG 12 Imperator llG.YargeellS.RockyCliff 11G C Jul.22-29TA.P 1J l:53fr lCf 99 11 10 1010" AustinM 15 Jap Lac 95. Balroma 102, Revolver 101 C JuL16-29TA.P lTsic l:47Vft 29f 93 11 11 12s1251 HikesJ 12 CloverClub 102.Flashes 107.SdyLady 111 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 7 0 0 1 ? 50 Lexinffton ee ess ,ian nie Booneslioro Purse. Purse . 00. 3-year-olds. Pillies. Allowances. Current, Jfov. Futurity Course 17, 102s i:os 2 124. Ind. PP. "tlorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.flan 43702s 8 Supreme Sweet. 109.. 725 43911 5 My Carolyne... 109XG95 43943 10 Manta 109.. 720 43S95 1 Sweeping Wil- 43SG15 G Kincsen 109.. 715 low 109.. GOO 43749 9 Ellice 112X710 42291 3 Bar SinisterM 105.. C90 4G4015 2 Justina 115X705 43197 4 Chelys 109.. C90 38498 7 Supryse 109X700 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr.Odds Wt.St. Str.Fln. Jockey PP.Sts. Btst Company Class of Race. Supreme Sweet 1 OQ f 3 ty His Tme Miss Jazbo, by Waterboy. Last work: IOG 5-8. . .l:01ft --Vyt Trainer, C. H. Trotter. Owner, O. TorreU. rt27-30Mia 5J f l:01ft 4-5 103 3 1 li 2i LeischnR1 9 PennantLass lOS.Mud HO.Greenock 115 A ril.23-30:Mia 3 1:11 ft 9-5 107 3 1 Is 2a KnightM P PennantLass 109,StandByll9,Mr.Dick 95 C - Feb.l9-30Mia 3 l:llft 3-5 113 3 1 l3 2nt MurrayT 9 St.Prisca 113, Megazza 110, Coady 112 A FA.13-30sMia 5 f l:05ft 1-7 115 2 1 1 1 MurrayT1 7 Buntline lOO.Bonda 109,CberryLaurel 109 A Feb. 3-30Mia 3 l:llft 2J 107 2 1 Is 2i LykeL,1 12 St.PscalOl.LaGolondra lOO.Tsruga 100 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year. .5 1 4 0 ? 1,400 Mailta 1 HQ Ch" f 3 ty Cudgel Paloma, by Golden Sun. JL V7 O Trainer, H. Cavanaugh. Owner, B. Combs. Kbr.lS-29IHF fc 1:15 hy 10 119 10 3 11 1J IIrdyDO . 10 GoldStepl22,Un.Lutherl22,L.Fingers 119 S S Kor.l4-29Lat 3 l:22m 51 IOG 5 4 5 5J HainesF 7. Overboard 112,Perjuryl09,Ashtabula 109 A Uor. 5-29Lat 3 1:19 hy27-10 109 7 2 2- 21 SmithJ 5 9 DuskyMdnm.PhsStarlOO.SunstrokelOO C Kor. 1-29Lat 3 l:17m 9i 110 G 1 lh 31 ConnllyD 8 S noganPlayl08.MuflFr-dl07,Col.Bell 110 C - Octl9-29Lat 3 1:14 ft 2 112 5 1 Is la ConnllyD 412 Gotoit 112,Aspirin 115, BobbyPowers 115 A . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.. , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 5 2 11? 5,125 KillCSCIl I AQ B. f, 3, by Cudgel Buckwheat, by Spanish Prince IL Last work: 104 5-8. . .l:03ft -Lvt Trainer, J. V. Pons. Owner, J. V. Pons. Man 4-30F.G 1 l:39ft 3-4 10G 4 3 3U 3U RusscllK1 4 BtlierRklll.RveilleBy lll.CIBch 110 A V Frf.27-305F.G 1 l:3Sft 11-5 103 3 4 4i 2"k RussellK 4 D.DidUpset llll.B.OverllO.P.Marian 110 A a FeU19-305F.G 1 1:39 ft 19-20 101 5 1 2 2 LandoltC G BrtherRankl09.Niatol02.WoodRiver 105 A V F10-305F.G 3 1:13 ft 19-10 107 3 2 Ill1 SmithV 8 Eil-Weirl08,BlkCldll2,Il.Thurston 110 A V Trfx G-30F.G 3 l:13Vft 1-4 111 2 1 Is li RussellKi 9 BrotherRank HG.MissPat lll.Bano 11G M I Jaiul4-305F.G 3 l:12ft 18-5 101 5 2 2J 21 SmithV 5 Zida lOG.Snooze 103.Theo.Rochester 110 A 1 Jaa.lO-30F.G 3 l:12ft 13-5 111 6 2 2 2 MeyerC" 12 Gambol 111. Gotoit 111. Dpsedaisy 1U A I . Starts. 1st, 2nl. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won This year.. 7 2 4 1 ? 2,400 Ellice 1 1 O B. f, 3, by Black Servant Five Aces, by Disguise. IJLZj Trainer, D. E. Stewart. Owner, D. E. Stewart. Xac.5-29Pim 3 l:14gd 18 113 1 2 32 4i AllcnCE 10 BlkMmy 115,SunFalcon 118,Sistony 118 S Octl4-29Lrl 3 l:13ft 13 112 2 2 4J 4s AIlenCE 4 ? Khara HG.Murky Cloud llG.Conclave 108 A Bep.23-29IIdG 31:13 ft 13f 110 1G 12 iJlO"! AIlenCE "17 Dedicate 121. Hi-Jac. 120, Swinfield 115 S S EciHdG 3 l:13ft 5 112 3 1 1 lh AIlenCE 4 S Enid 105, Fruniper 107, Mucker 106 A SeO-igHdG h f l:07ft 9 110 G 4 5J 34 AIlenCE 7 Flimsy 111, Khara 11G, Snooze 10G A 4 Bep. 5-29L.F 55 f l:07m 19-20e 109 1 1 1 1 AIlenCE 5 MganBoyll2,nyLocust 109,SkMbetll2 A 4 Au;22-29sHaw 5h f l:Ggd29-10 108 1 1 VI 21 ParmleeJ 8 HeretizlOG.Justinall2,BannerBrlght 110 A 4 AuslG-29IIaw 5i f l:06ft 5 IOG 1 1 1 li ShropseE 12 SisAgnes 109, Particular 115, Jean 10G A 4 , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 1L 3 11 ? 3,400 JllStilia 1 Blk f 3 by Kine Heather Lady Julian, by War Cry. Last work: 10G 1-2... :19,ft --J-J Trainer, H. S. Hart. Owner. G. Collins. Jfac28-30J.P 3 l:17Vtn 17-5 101 4 2 4H 3J CramerR 5 BlackCrdllO,VicksbglOG.WhiIeawayl08 A A MatlO-30J.P 3 1:13 ft 9 97 2 3 5J 4i FryeJW 5 GoldMIntllO,T.SthrnrllO,CuIinySpl02 A x Mac 5-30J.P 3 l:12f t 49-10 1024 5 2 4i 41 CramcrR 7 TaddywalOG.Lckyllit lOO.OldDutch 109 A . Jan.lS-30F.G 3 l:15Vhy 8J 109 3 3 5 5" CramerR 7 MichiganBoy 118,Zlda 107. Byproduct 105 8 S Jan. G-30F.G 3 l:13gd 21-5 102 1 1 1 li CramerR G Thafslt 107.Stupendous lOS.Aleadcr 100 A Jan. 1-305F.G 3 l:llgd 12-5 108 2 5 4 4 CramcrR 8 MganBo.vll5,FtDrbnl08,CheySwpl08 A A Icc24-29J.P 2 1:14 gd43-10 103 2 1 li 1 CramerR G Thatslt llG.Stupendsl07J,CtcrBck 111 A A Dec21-29J.P 5i f 1:10 ra 11-5 109 3 1 3l 3 CramerR 7 BlamelslOG.CollBell 109.T.Rochsfrl09 A , IK.14-29JJ.P 31:14 ft 2 107 1 1 ll 1 CramerR 7 RedMounta!nlOSl,RevcilleBoyl07.Jarl07 A . Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 10 7 2 3 ? 0,568 This year.. 6 1 0 1 ? 800 - g J Ji J 11 11 II J J i J O O k , S i i E . J ; - S S C C - V a A V A V I 1 I S A S S A A 4 A 4 A 4 A 4 A A A x A . 8 S A A A A A A , . A - Supryse 1 OQ Ch f 3 by SuDromus Eyes of Yutb, by Uncle. JL J XJ Trainer, J. J. Flanigan. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Swikard. Jul 3-29A.P g l:01andgd 9 111 8 7 7i 710 PoolB 9 Capture 111. Conclave 10G, Aivos 108 A Jual3-29Was g l:01andhy 11-5 105 2 2 2n lJ MeyerC 1 7 Ch,trAnnel03,NMiYpreslOG,UhGtyl02 A Jua 7-29Was 8 :59ft 1 111 7 3 35 31 SmithJ T 7 CapturelOS.CherAnnelll.LlianTobinlll A Maj30-295Was 5J f l:07ft 17-5 11C 4 4 2i 2l FronkW 9 Lucile 119, Khara 114. ChatterAnne 114 S Mj21-29C.D ih t :34ft G-5 115 2 2 1 1 FronkW 8 StarLasslellO.WildDenise HS.ElIice 111 A Majl4-29C.l- 4J f :56m 3 111 4 3 3i 31 FronkW G DncleMatt 109.WiIdWaterslOG,Char,tl07 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 9 4 12? 4,436 Iiry Carol3110 1 HQ B 3 y princo Pal Bend Valley Maid, by Evorest. Last work: 10C 3-8 :3Gft -Lv Trainer, C. A. Karone. Owner, C. A. Marone. Xot.1S-29jIIIF g 1:01 hy 15 104 3 2 1 lnl AustinM 8 Monnie 109,Coby llO.IIummingBird 115 O Ko:13-29,Lat 3 1:23 m 7 IOG 4 3 G" 7" AustinM 11 Pr.Mexicanlll,FullTidel08,ThosSethll4 O Not. 5-MLat 3 1:19 liy 15 107 2 G G10 5si GrecoA 9 DuskyMdnlll,Mantal09,PhotosStarl09 O OcL24-29Lat 2 1:16 m 7i 112 S 8 S" 8" PoolW 11 Overboardl.MutualFrdllu.Tishybo 112 A 0ct.21-29:Lat 2 1:1G m lOf 102 5 1 Is l" GrecoA 12 Quiver 102,Mrs.Foster 107,J."Wirmsnl07 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.- Last year.. 10 3 2 1 ? 2,319 Sweeping Willow 1 HQ B. f, 3, by Sweep On Water Willow, by Rapid Water. JLUt Trainer, R. W. Collins. Owner, R. W. Collins. KbnULat 1 l:55m 13 112 2 1 1 1 HcCoyJ 1 G Primeval 112, Interior 112. Prcandcr 112 M NoT.ll-29sLat 21:23 hy G 112 9 10 918 GIS McCoyJ U0 FriskyFloll2,MissP,gcrll2,LleRpusll2 M Oct23-295Lat 2 laSVihy 7 113 3 4 4i 53 TurkC 10 11 IIumgBirdllS.LuxyIlS.LittlcRpus 115 M Oct.2G-29;Lat 2 l:18hy 9-5 113 10 4 5i 5 MeyerC 12 Midsolea 113,FriskyFIo 115,FigLcaf 115 M Scri24-29;Lex 5J f l:07ft 47-10 112 11 12 10l:10 CollinsG "12 Zircon 112, James M. 115. Rahway 115 A Scnl7-295Lex 5J f l:13hy 20 101 2 3 3 2J CollinsG G StarLassie HO.Tishybo 107, HIGIoss 109 A AugSlgD.P g l:00ft 17 105 G 6 51 4 CollinsG 4 G UleLcrll2,Bze t.Trail 114,H.ndiesl09 A An52G-29D.P g 1:03 ft 2 115 G 7 4 2s CollinsG 12 MgaretF,nll7,LlieBel!ell5,MhLo,sell3 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 12 13 0 ? 1,339 Bar Sinister 10 h f 3 M by Ttsatny!Ll Dainty, by Royal Flush III. JL U U Trainer, E. Haughton. Owner, Grccntree Stable. Scp.25-29JAqu g 1:00 ft 8 113 7 7 6" I10 MalleyT 10 OnTap 115, NellW. 115, Chrysalid 108 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wou.-, Last year. .1 ClieljS I AH B, f, 3, by Campfire Chewink, by Celt. Last work: IOG 1-2... :50ft JLVt Trainer, A. Baker. Owner, A. B. Hancock. 0ctl3-29Lat 2 l:llft li 10S 7 G 7" 913 HeupelJ 1 9 FiddIerll5,TryToo HS.PrceAthelinglOS A Oct 4-295C.D 2 l:13ft 5 99 G 5 9" 9 SmithV 9 SpngLady 109,BncrBright99,TheMnl02 A BoplSOCD 55 f l:07gd 13-5 112 14 8 llUl14 HeupelJ 15 Snooze 112, Monnie 112, Zircon M2 A JaL23-295A.P 5Jfl:03ft 13 109 7 2 2 2 PoolE 7 Dedicate 115. Labor 115, Fiddler 115 A uL1729A.P 5Jfl:0G ft 23 113 8 13 llm PoolE M8 Capture 117.MaYerkes 117.ThtleAnn 124 S JuLll-293A.P g l:02if.m 33-10 112 8 5 5J 5 PoolE 10 WiIdWrslll.ItichWidwl09,LyBuyrll2 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .8120? 1,331 5th Lexington phoenix Hotel Purse. Purse 00. 3-year-oMs ami upward. 1 M.-70 Yds. Allowances. Hydromel, April 28, 1927 1:12 3 105. Ind. PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. Ind. PP. riorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.nan. 409S1 2 MIKE HALL... 0 122x725 45805 C Patricia Marian Was 109 1:42 G 110X703 45SG5 G Stars and Bars 43095 1 Tea Cracker .. ...... --Haw 112 1:48 3 107 X 700 Emp 117 1:44 4 113.. 715 37990 3 OT Lynette Stone 459S4 4 Montanaro Was 103 1:41 5 122X710 M Lat 103 1:49 4 110..G95 The past performances ot the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racins record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fln. Jockey PP.Sts. . Best Company Class of Race. Mike Hall 1 OO B. g, G, by Hourless Clonakilty, by Catmint. JLiJj Trainer, J. T. Taylor. Owner, R. M. Eastman. Oct.30-29Newmarket - Eng. 15 1:52 ft 33 119 17 ChildsJ 3G DoubleLifel20,Yatout 113,P.RoyalII. 12G S OctlG-29Xewmarket Eng. 2J 3:41ft 33 119 13 ChjldsJ . 35 W.WickIowl04,Frndship99,BrnJack 12G S Ang30-295L.F 1:45 ft 1-2 112 1 3 2i 1 McDottL- 1 5 Canaan HO.RIJulian 115,Blessefield 115 A Aug 7-295Haw 1 l:3Sft 3-5 114 1 3 ll ll McCrsnC 1 5 T.Choctawl03,Star oMorn 104,Devonl04 A 32404 Lat 2i 4:05m 7-10 12G 2 1 1" 1 L. McDott 4 Brodside 107.HandyMandy lll.Devon 107 32223 Lrl 1 1-4 2:03ft 5i 121 9 12 5J in L, McDottl3 Display 12G. Sir Harry 113. Victorian 117 31G33 Haw 11-4 2:03 ft 49-10 12G 1 8 7J 2" L McDott 9 Display 12G. Crusader 12G, Misstep 120 . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 2 2 0 0 $ 2,150 Stars and liars 11 B. c, 4, by Pennant Remembrance, by Hamburg or Broomstick. Last work: lor 5-8. . .l:01ft -LXJ Trainer. E. Haughton. Owner. Greentree Stable. Man 4-305F.G li l:51Vift 39-10 108 G 8 G3i 5 RusscllK 13 Cluniulll,OldSlipl02,DinahDidUpset 104 8 Fctx25-305F.G 1 1:32 ft 13-20 112 2 1 Is li RusscllK 5 GaIahadllO,Ruanel05,LrdBrdalbanellO A reb.lS-30F.G ls l:45ft 19-20 112 5 2 1 li RussellK 5 LordBdalelOS.BtedTstlOS.BrdAxel A FeUll-SOF.G 1and l:45tandft 11-10 105 1 2 2nk 2" SmithV2 4 Wellet 103, Donnay 118, Mole mil 102 H Feb. 4-30F.G lj l:4Shy 31 103 2 1 1 1" SmithV1 4 LdBrabnelOG.OrgnFirOS.MoleHl 108 H Fclx 1-30F.G 1and l:45ft 31f 103 17 17 14"13" SmithV" 20 Donnayll2.UncomnGoldl08,S.oMorn 101 S Jan.30-30F.G 2 l:13sl 31-10 108 2 4 4i 31 SmithV 5 m.Scorel24.TirtleFyrnl07.Cl.House 110 H Jan.20-30SF.G ll:40sl 13-5 107 2 1 1 l:i SmithV1 5 BdAxe lOO.FredJr. lOG.Bramabiu 109 A Jan-U-SOOF-G lf l:4Gft 105 5 3 15 1" SmithV . 11 Leylandll2,Bridegroomll2,nerendeenll2 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 18 2 3 3 ? 2,575 This year.. 9 5 11 ? 4,500 Montanaro I nn B. g, 5, by Ormont Neddie, by Hilarious. XLit Trainer, L. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Man S-30Mia 1 l:3Sft 10 103 5 5 5: 5" RileyG1 5 GunRol 119,RdTransitl2G,J.M,neIII.114 H Feb.27-30Mia 5Jfl:01ft 40 110 7 9 9" S10 TonrowR. I PennantLasslOS,SupreSveetl03,Mud 110 A Dct 5-29Haw Land l:43ft 5J 103 8 6 5 4 HalbertF 1 9 BrnWisdomll8,GnPrincell8,Islam 103J S Sqi2S-29L.F lj 1:30 ft 11 104 6 4 4i 3 HalbertF 1 G Gdenl"ncell2,KarlEitel 112,Blkwoodll2 S Sep. 7-295L.F l 2:10hy 13 107 5 4 4" 4" HalbertF 7 BlckwdlOS.Martinlquem.RylJulnlOS S Sep. 2-29L.F 1J l:50ft 1 103 3 2 2"k In HalbertF 5 PatriciaMarianlOl.CanaanlOS.Dpron 103 H , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .22 5 3 3 ?20,265 This year.. 2 Patricia Marian 110 m 6 y Sir John Johnson Love Story, by Sunstar. Last work: 105 lm. . .l:42f t -" Trainer. H. S. Hart. Owner. G. Collins. Mat 4-305F.G 1J l:51ft 13f 10G 2 1 41 Sh JonesL6 13 Uluniulll.OldSlipl02,DinaliDidUpset 104 S FeU27-30sF.G 1 l:3Sft 7J 110 1 2 2 41 JonesL.3 4 D.DidUpsetlllJ,Kincsenl03,BgOver 110 A Feb. 8-30F.G lj l:44ft Si 101 3 3 3 3i CramerR G Uluniul05,UncomonGoldl07, Wellet 109 A Feb. 1-30F.G 15 l:45ft 13e 106 1 4 5 G CramerR 20 Dounayll2,UncomnGoldlOS,S.oMorn 101 S Jan.l8-305F.G 1 l:50liy 13-10 109 3 3 4i 4" CramerR1 4 Strongutl07,Inceptnll0,WrInstigr 110 A Jn.ll-30F.G 1 1:39 ft 12o 107 2 2 2S Gi CramerR 12 PaulBunyan 115,TantivyllO.Disturb 103 S , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 22 9 5 2 ?11.454 This year.. 8 10 1? 4,870 Tea Cracker 1 Cr7 B. c, 3, by Tea Caddy Belle Terre, by Kussell. Last work: 105 3-4. . .l:21f t Trainer, B. Slomer. Owner, C. W. Bidwill. OcL12-29Haw V l:18hy 2i 112 2 2 2i 2fo JonesL 8 RylSportllO,Cabildol02,rattiLouise 103 O Oct 5-29Haw 2 1:13 ft 17-10 113 3 5 4i 3J JonesL G EsfrBoylU.HsDancellS.LilnTobinlOl C SepL24-29L.F 21:14ft 17-5 112 8 7 63J lh JonesL. 12 Glycine 109TippyToe 101. Paquette 107 C Sejxl9-29;L.F g l:26ft 2 111 1 8 72 Gi MeyerJ 12 LdConcord 103.OnTrial lll.GeeWhiz 108 C Sep. 1-29L.F 2 l:13ft 12 112 1 2 2i Is MeyerJ "12 Ulverstonll2.ZadoraMayl04,SaSopbial07 O An5l3-29Haw 55 f 1:07 ft 6 114 3 8 811 G1 MeyerC l12 LaGoldrinal0G,GeeWhizll5,TomHill 110 C tPlaced first through disqualification. Xominated for 1930 Kentucky Derby. , Sfarts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .15 4 2 3 ? 4.4G1 Lynette Stone 1 1 O Ch f 4 ty wiEstone Lynmouth, by Marathon. X-LW Trainer, C. Patterson. Owner, Penn Villa Farm Stable. Jua24-29Lat 1 l:43andft 51 105 4 10 105510" DuboisD "10 Yucatan 110,l"gyMacl05,PeterDixon 110 A Jua. 7-29.Lat 21:14 m 81 102 4 5 5 5 GoolerW 4 5 Current 109, Vesta 105, Lady Gossip 107 A MaJ20-29C.D GJ f l:19gd 145 93 8 8 8" 8" RoseG 8 Luckynit lll.Goldenltacketlll, Boris 105 A Majll-29C.D GJfl:13ft 80f 105 12 13 13"13" RoseG 14 ClydeVnDusenll5.I"tIlIcmllO.Vmoll5 A APn29-29Lex fc l:llsl 11 106 G 6 5i 5J DuboisD G ThistleF.vrnlO!.RieniellO.FIyinj:Fieldl09 A C Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. G 6th Lexington Purse 3.ycap.oMs anfl lllnvari. Claiming. Hydro-l 1 M.-70 Yds. luel Alril 28 1927-1:42-3-105. 2COTE Claiming price, ,000. 3-ycar-olds, 110 pounds; older, 118 pounds. -IlL P.P. n,0rs-, , Wt. Rec A.Wt.nan. Ind PP. Ilorse. Wt. Rec. A.Wt.Ilan. 4oG08 2 Larl of War- 43855 5Don Bonn.. .Lex 109 1:44 4 113X705 wick Was 105 1:43 4 118X725 45748 1 Burnt Brown... 3 105. .700 4G102 8 General Jackson 45842 3MonticelIo . .J.P 104 1:49m 3 105XG95 J.l 105 1:4G 3 110X720 429S0 4 Show Down 3 110. . GOO 43757 9 Spot Light.. Lat 107 1:44 5 113X715 439441 7 Princess Donna 40422s GMaidens Tryst. - 4 108X710 Lex 108 l:51h 4 113XG90 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record: Date. Crs. Dis.Time Tr. Odds WtSt. Str.Fln. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class of Race. Earl Of Warwick "I 1 O B. g, 4, by Troutbeck War Witch, by Spanish Prince n. Last work: 105 3-4...1:10ft --J-O Trainer. H. S. Hart. Owner, G. Collins. FeU21-305F.G 1 l:46gd37-10 109 4 4 4 4" CramerR 4 GoldnWcstl01,RoyGibsonl07,BrdAxell2 C FeU14-30F.G 11:40 ft 43-10 105 2 5 31 21 CramerR 7 L.BdalbnellO,Bocatonel07,Arcfrusl09 A Feb. 7-30sF.G 11:40 ft 5S 111 4 4 41 4 CramerR G Arcturuslll.L.Brdalbanelll.Kadiak 111 A Jan.25-S05F.G 1J l:53ft S 115 4 3 2J 2J CramerR4 8 Byproduct 100. FrcdJr. 120,Leyland 119 S Jan.23-30F.G 1 1:4331 7 105 7 7 Gi G" ThomasH 7 MleUill 109.Klingsnel09,Sr o Mn 109 A Jn.l7-30F.G 1 1 :39 Vift 47-10 115 1 5 34 31 CramerR1 G Klingstone 112,On t.Air 102,Corbeau 115 A i Jn. 7-305F.G Ib l:4Ggd33-10 105 G 4 451 3 CramerR 7 CtPtine 107,Ruanc 1071,Redcllffe 105 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won 1 Last year.. 20 7 4 4 ? 7.S1G This year.. 9 0 2 2 ,050 General Jackson T10 B- c 3 iy Behave Yourself Windsor, by North Star HZ. Last work: 104 lm. ..l:43ft J---V Trainer, J. Tiguc. Owner, Paradise Stock Farm Stable. M2S-305J.P 1J 2:00m 61 114 7 7 6!0 C19 CavensJ" 9 Micli.Boyll7,B.N.Bobll7,BthcrBank 117 S J Miu:22-305J.P l,0l:52m 22 107 1 4 4S 3 QuillenC1 5 MiehiganBoyll2,Col.Bell 103,Cnbildo 108 A J: rAlO-30F.G 11:39 ft 51 107 2 4 5S1 51 CavcnsJ8 C BrothcrBank lOO.Kinesen lOl.Niato 102 A FA S-30F.G ll:39ft 5G 104 1 3 351 3J CavensJ 10 Zida lOS.LtnlngJouesllS.TliistleAnn 109 S J Fit 1-305F.G 1 l:40ft 81 104 C 7 7J 5 CavensJ 7 ByProdtl02,KlIeBoyll5,On the Air 104 A 1 Jan.28-305F.G ll:43m 2 103 2 2 2J 23 FinnrtyR3 4 CoralBehl03,JoYilFrrl07,GrcyAbssl01 A Jan.25-30;F.G 1 l:40ft SI 100 5 4 42 4 FinnrtyR 0 ItcvlcBoyll2,BadNsBoblOG,B.Chltnl07 A Jn.21-30F.G l:15m 7i 113 6 5 5 3 FinnertyR3 7 Zida HO.BudCliarlton 113.ChengTu 108 A , , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. . 8 2 3 2 J 1.925 This year. .9 0 1 4 ? 725 SjOt Light 1 "I Q Blk m 5 Wildair Electric Light, by Von Tromp. j Last work: 104 lm...l:45ft J--LO Trainer, J. C. Gillem. Owner, "W. E. Hupp. C Not. G:295Lat 1 l:5Ghy 25 107 5 5 5s 5;l AustinM 5 Diielistll7.BigSandyl03,Bo.icWeideI 107 C 0 Octl5-29TLat lV l:43ft 41 108 2 5 l1 RussellK 3 8 ClovrClublOS.Mry-DalelOS.Br.syFrjllO C C Oct 9-293C.D 1 2:0Gft 31-10 104 4 3 33 23 HainesF 5 BkThder 103,Dragon lOO.IIoldFast 102 C Oct 7-29 CD I l:3tft 71 10S 7 G 4i 2J SmithV 7 SthlandBoy lll.DonnBon 10G,JapLac 100 C Oct 2-293C.D 1J l:56ft 12-5 107 6 2 1 11 GoolerW C Hold Fast 107. Don T. 10G, Fasciste 111 C . Eep.30-29:C.D 1 l:4Sgd 81 112 9 10 93 Sl JudyJ no NickCullopllC,IIelene M.101, Congo 11.110 C 6qU9-2DLex 17 1:45 gd 41 112 6 4 31 2 JudyJ 9 PccssVgalOl.DrahalOl.BurninKGss 113 C , , ; Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year. .24 4 G G ,136 Maiddls TlySt 1 OR B" f by Tryster Nutbrown Maid, by Stalwart. Last work: SG 3-4 " l:lGft Trainer, J. Howard. Owner, J. Howard. Mar.29-303J.P 3 l:lGsl 7i 103 5 3 2 3 LandG3 S S.KentonllG,Agapntsll3,Braiiiabiaull3 C Mat 3-305Mia 2 l:12ft 5 107 5 5 4ci 3s LandG 3 Cog-Air 113. False Pride 119, Toki 114 C rA2S-305Mia 2 l:13sy 8-3 105 5 4 33 41 LeischnR G TlicOkah lOG.Trappy lOO.Falselride 11S1 C FA21-30Mia 5Jfl:03ft G 105 G G 31 2 CatroncF 9 SiinWoisliipll31,Fociisl0S,Falselride 118 C IVb. 3-30Mia f 1:0G ft R 102 1 2 2" lh CarrollW1 12 TheOkalill2.GnrneChvelotl09,Sptrcl0a C i , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .17 2 12 $ 2,000 This year.. G 1 2 2 $ 1,225 Doilll Boil "I 1 O B. c, 4, by Donnacona Bonetto, by Masetto. Last work: 104 lm 1:42ft ----O Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, Fuerst Sc Bauer. 1 N12-29Lat l10 l:5Ghy 11 103 3 3 !: 1 EllswhAV 1 3 BigBrothcrllO.BigSandylOS.DoublcO.lOG C Sot. S-29cLat 1" 1:59 hy 6 103 5 5 il 4? BryantD 2 O BorderCliief 112,Dragon 112,Iliff Uaff 103 C Kot. 5-29Lat 1J 2:07hy 7-5 101 5 4 4i 2nt BryantD 1 9 UrabalOO.IIpyllanljlOS.FlasbingGemUl C J.OT. 1-29Lat 1-,V 1:5G m 22-5 103 5 4 23 23 CarrollW 4 7 BderCIiiefllO.McCullocIillO.Dcarbornlll C Oct2G-29Lat 1 2:01hy 31 103 5 2 2 21 NealP 8 Woodlot 10S,Dar-Fur 113.BorderCliiefll3 C j , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .31 o 5 6 $ G.275 : Burnt Brown 10 B f 3 ty Blaclt Servant Beach Talk, by Sundridge. J Last work: 83 3-4 1:22ft J-J Trainer. E. J. OConnell. Owner, Knebelkamp and Morris. RU27-30F.G lj l:4Gft 13-10 107 5 4 31 33 CimerakG6 7 Chatters 103,Uabstcr lOS.CutSteel 10S1 C 1 Jan.31-30:lF.G 1 l:4Sgd 3-2 103 2 4 35 1 MartinL 7 A.Gsmithl07,MyElse 108,SdI" 1081 C Jan.2G-30-F.G 2 l:llKft 3 107 1 2 2" ll MartinL 9 Escondidal08,Zavesgoldll3,TlieCoacb 113 C Jan.l3-305F.G 1 1:4114ft 13-5 113 G 2 2- 351 LandoltC4 11 Associatel07.CoralBchl03,roisonIvy 107 C Jan. S-30rF.G 1 l:41ft 9 103 3 2 1 ll LandoltC4 8 StlirdIrce071.Dabsfrl07.CoralBcbl09 t Jan. 4-303F.G g l:14sl 25 109 9 8 71! 7" LandoltC1 9 GarnishlOO.Escondidalll.UltiateVotellO C i . Starts. 1st. 2n-l. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 4 1 0 0 $ 700 This year.. 6 3 0 2 $ 2,400 JlOllticcllO 1 C P B. c, 3, by Spanish Prince II. Miccosukee, by Hamburg. Last work: 103 3-8. . .l.olft J-vt Trainer. E. Haughton. Owner, Greentree Stable. Mar. 3-30F.G 1and l:4Gft 1 10S G 1 l1 11 KnightM 9 Star 110, Caramel 1031. .Rusticate 114 C . Fcb-SOVF.G lje l:47ft 7-20 110 2 1 21 22 P.ussellK G DixieLad HO.Caramel 103,UoadPin 110 M . rttSO-SOT.a 1,V l:4Sft 2-5 110 4 2 2 21 LeonardR G Gotoit 105,Caramel lOS.IIead Pin 110 JI . riMS-SOF.G lfg l-47ft 51 110 1 2 21 21 FinnrtyR 10 Broerr.ankllO.GotoitlOS.Troubanova 103 3d Td. G-304F.G 2 l:124ft 22 103 5 7 7C2 Gsl FinnrtyR 7 Clubllouse 111, Disturb 114,B,kCloud 10G A Jan. 2-30F.G 2 l:13andm 3-3 115 4 G 312 SmithV1 12 BadNsBobllS.PoisonlvyllS.neadPiullj A , Dcc2S-29J.P ll:50hy 3-2 104 1 i 2 2 SmithV 4 9 Eil-Weir 102, Coby 100. Playabit 103 C - . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-. . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 6 0 4 0 $ 742 This year.. 6 1 4 0 $ 1,350 SllOW Down "1 1 f c 3, by Ultimatum Rubke, by Runnymede. J.-LU Trainer, J. J. Flanigan. Owner, Mrs. E. L. Swikard. OctlO-29C.D Z l:274ft 8-5 113 3 1 1 1" SmithV s 7 Primeval 112,MissBessll2,IIigliGrace 113 A Oct 3-29C.D 3 1:14 ft 63 115 8 6 3 3 SmithV 413 Hieover 113,Overbrd 113,ItedBide"r 113 A 8ep.l7-29L.F g 1:15 gd 62 113 2 6 Gl 7" HalbertF 12 FtDbnll3.WlioWinll3.FlygAmborll3 31 Jul.2G-29JA.P 5?ifl:0Sm 29 110 3 3 46J 52 FronkW 4 G CampBoss llo.Timour 109,Old Cally 107 A . , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, . Starts. 1st. 2nd: 3rd. Won.-, Last year. .4 1 0 1 $ 1,000 PrillceSS Boiina l 1 O -5r Donnacona Poppy Princess, hy Heroisme. J- -L O Trainer, R. Kindred. Owner, R. L. Swope. Kot.1S-29IHF 1and l:5Ghy 21-5 1G1 3 1 V 2" GoodichE 4 8 Draba 107,DaddyNelsonlOS,BIewawayll2 C Noi;15-29"Lat l70 1:59 m 91 100 2 1 1 1 GoodichE 3 8 UiicIeA1113,3IksBabyl03,BlieLnardl08 C Xot. 9-29Lat 21:24 hy 13 101 S S S" S GoodichE 3 S GovrlrttllO.rr.Bulbolll.AnnaBeall 104 C No 5-293Lat 1" 1:57 hy 7 97 4 1 V 1- GocdichE 1 G Pgy3Iacl00.DavidL.114.DaddyNelsonl03 C Kot l-29:Lat lr 1:5G m 11 1021 4 5 G3 63; GrecoA 1 7 BderCbiefllO,DonnBonl03,McCulIocb 110 C Oct2S-29Lat hy 9 103 9 5 5S1 531 MorsonR 1 9 Cleora 107, Scott 112, Lee Cooper 108 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Last year.. 2G G 2 2 4,325 7th Lexington Pnrsc 0. M.v.olas ami C,nl,nl,.g. dec- 11-16 Miles ardo IL Al,ril 25 1921 1:12 3 103. XOTE Claiming price, ,200. "Weight, 112 pounds. Ind. PP. llorse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.Han. Ind. PP. Horse. Wt. Bee. A.Wt.nan 4C03G S Thistle Arious 4G2S9 3 nappy HanlyF.G 114 l:307sin 4 112XG95 F.G 108 l:4Sli 3 112. .723 43944 5 Jusl Jean...Lat 103 l:4S4s 5 107x093 4G431 lRufe MeClain 4G1733 12Ctasli . .. . . .Ilav 110 1 :45 4 107. .095 A.C 114 1:47 4 107X720 43319 2 Sandy Hampton 431C4 9 Xani-Hawaii F.P 110 lG-fim 4 112. .C90 Bbg 108 1:47 G 102x715 4G3S1 C Madam Enulie 459S73 llDolan Jam 122 l:47i G 107X710 Lat 108 1:47 5 107XC90 42937 7 Goodman ...Lex 107 1:47 4 112. .705 39373 10 Illustrious .CD 98 1:4Sand 4 107 :: COO 43944s 4 Daddy Nelson 33147 13 Talla Gay M. 4 107.. COO SI Lat 101 2:0G4h 4 112.. 700 The past performances of the horses entered in this race, together with latest workout and racing record if a starter this year: Date. Crs. Dis.TIme Tr. Odds Wt.St. Str.Fin. Jockey PP.Sts. Best Company Class ot Race. Thistle ArioUS 1 "I 9 S S. by Hilarious Lucinda, by Martinet. Last work: SG lm. . . .l:44ft -Ll- Trainer. H. S. Hart. Owner, G. Collins. iracll-30cJ.P 1J 1:56 ft 31 110 5 3 21 1 QnbushG3 12 Bozo HO.ChickUp 107,Bashful Beau 107 C Ftbi26-305F.G 1 l:474gd 12 107 2 6 5 351 CimerakG4 9 Dar-Furll4,Col.Seth 112,RoyalOmar 112 C Ftb.l4-30F.G 1J 1:53 ft 29-10 105 1-3 11 lh CramerR 9 GrbBagl03,Sweep-NetlOO,CtageBoy 110 C Feb. 3-30;F.G 1J l:5Sim 31 105 7 7 8 8 CramerR 9 Tm.vTicklel03.MirsCircell3,Btiruel03 C Jan.27-30F.G lfj l:48Vft 5 108 3 3 2 3" CramerR4 11 Bunthorne 103, Cisfield 103, Coy 103 C Jan.l8-30F.G 1J 1:59 r.y 81 10S 9 9 93 9 CramerR1 9 GoldKidgell2.Tempter lOS.O.GoShut 110 C Jan.lG-30F.G 1J l:544igd 5 109 1 4 G1! Gcl CramerR4 12 SunltomanlOO. Yaree 112.XancySeth 108 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won.-, Last year.. 1 This year.. 8 3 0 2 $ 2,275 It life McCIctill 1 07 s 4 Dy Eliminator or Rouleau Ildicain, by Vulcain. Last work: 7G 1-2.... :525f.m -1- " Trainer, E. E. Watson. Owner, E. E. Watson. Mai:30-30oA.C 1 2:07ft 10-5 113 4 1 l3 l3 Parmlee.13 10 XoseDive OO.Kamuela 117,Hopeiess 10S C MaE26-20A.C lc l:47ift 10 114 10 4 lh ll ParmleeJ9 11 Heroakel 10G. Itallim 107, Byway 107 C Mar.23-303A.C lg-l:47ft 11 110 9 S 751 S5i KeiserP8 12 Stoneage HO.nong King 110, Moses 110 C MaEll-30A.C lfff l:48Vift 5 110 8 10 G 3 RomanoT9 11 Supervisorll7,P,ritLomall0,JkD,pseyll7 C Ftb.23-30A.C liV 1:48 ft S 113 10 10 10:10 Luthei-T9 12 ValleyJoe 112,Patuxantll2,AVhizzIer 112 C Ftb.22-30A.C 11:49 ft 1S-5 110 10 4 532 2i LutherT8 12 SliastaNight95,IIighWinl02.FairLark 103 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year. .34 3 2 4 $ 3,099 This year.. 9 2 11 ,000 yaili-HsiWJUi TO4? m y aan Lady Sofia, hy Brazted. 1 X.J Trainer, A. Smitha. Owner, A. Smitha. Octl4-297F.P ! l:3Gsl 12 107 4 C 7" 716 HauauerC 9 Sniper 107,1unkie HO.OceanCurrent 112 C Oct 7-293F.P 1" l:4t"igd 21-5 110 5 11 WIO13 PrgrassA 12 UncIeBootlOS.T.OrrnnlOS.BrngGrsllO C Efp.lS-29Lex 1and 1:52 M 4 10G G 5 G 718 RussollIC 7 Respond 114, Updike lll.IIuon Pine 114 C Sep. 5-297D.P 1J l:5Sm 12-5 107 2 3 53 515 MayT C Boiirbonl05,BillyDoranl05,PrettyBunl04 C Aus31-29D.P Its 2:00ft I25 1"8 3 1 ll l1 MayT 12 MascaralOS.LonschampsllO.HigiiSpot 110 C Auc2S-293D.P li 1:54 ft 1S-5 103 3 2 G G81 FowlerG 4 8 Yargee 113. Sharon 110. Respond 113 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. . Last year.. 24 7 2 1 $ 5.16-1-Dolail -J AI7 Br. h, 6, by Huon Rocking Chair, by Ogden. JLU I Trainer, X. Gentry. Owner, H. C. Hatch. Man 8-C0?Mia 1J 2:31 ft 8 107 4 1 2 3 RileyG 9 ElfinStarll4,Blanco 102.0U1 Blk Joe 107 C Wat l-303Mia 1J l:59hy 20 117 3 4 3 "21 McDottL4 3 Mary-Dalell0,FldaGoldll7,HoyalSonll5 C Ftb.2C-C0Mia li 2:33ft 40 112 1 8 61 6S1 McDottL3 8 BlackBartll2.ElfinStarll2,IIigliPj-crll0 O Feh.20-30Mia li 2:06ft 20 114 2 5 5 5 McDottL4 7 DrRkiullG.S.VzBello lOO.CongolI. 109 C Ftb.l7-30Mia 1 2:37Visy 6 116 1 4 4" 48 McDmtL 10 BlIeLardlC9.JudgeCrlyll2,ParolelI.113 C Ftb.lO-30Mia IS l:52ft 15 112 1 7 7 7" McDottL 7 Brush 112, Dragon 117. Aviator 112 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 22 2 2 2 $ 2.925 This year.. 9 1 1 1 $ 975 CJ000Iliail 1 1 O B s 4 y Martn Adore, by Trap Rock. Last work: 100 1-2... :30ft -L-Li Trainer, J. M. Hukill. Owner, Furst and Bauer. Oct 9-29C.d" 6i f l:20ft 53" 103 4 7 G3J 51 XealP 10 FlornecDolanlOO.GIdeonl08,LleTorchlOS C Bep.2S-293CD l-is l:47ft H 103 3 10 9 9 HainesF s12 Myth 103,Machete 103,FlorenceDolan 103 C Ecp.24-297Lex 1 l:47ft 6 107 2 2 2 21 SchutteH 3 8 Draha 104, Guide 107, Lady Viola 104 C 8ep.21-293Lex fc lUOft 16 111 8 8 52 431 HardyDO 4 10 MyGardnerl07,Drif terlOG.AnnaBeall 107 C Eep.lG-2SLex 1 l:49m 131 110 7 7 lOlO30 HardyDO 412 MyMcClnl02,BgerFacellO,DonnBon 110 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 12 1 1 i $ 900 DttldV TfelSOIl 1 1 O B. g, 4 M, by Bondage Sanfara, by Ingoldsby. " 1 JL JL L-i Trainer, J. H. Downing. Owner, Downing and Quinn. NoUS-29cIHF ls l:5Ghy 25 108 8 4 4 33 HrdyDO 1 S Dralial07,PrincssDonnalOl,Blewawayll2 C Sotl2-29Lat 12:02 37 10S 11 5 Gl 710 McCoyJ 411 Tommy 103, XancySeth 108, DonT. 108 C Xot. 9-29Lat 1" 1:59 hy 51 100 8 8 8" 7" EllswthW s 8 ElnSixtjll3,Dar-Fur 113,St.Charles 103 C Vox S-293Lat 1, 2:04ihy 22 107 12 7 51 G" RldeoutW 12 Ashburne 107. Griff W. 108. Chiz 100 C No 5-293Lat 1" 1:57 hv 10 103 5 4 451 4si McCoyJ 4 G PrincsDonna 97,I"gyMacl00,DavidL. 114 C , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. Last year.. 12 0 1 1 ? 219 J J: J 1 , , j C 0 C . , i 1 j : J 1 i . . . , - Happy Ilailly 1 1 O Cn c 6y Zeus Miss Asnes y Marathon. XJLj Trainer, J. Gruber. Owner, C. W. Moore. MaE22-30J.P 1J 2:lShy 17 1091 4 7 7 G" DepcriniR3 8 FofcellO.TrueBoy 103,StanddBearcr 103 O JIar.20-303J.P li 2:01 hy 11 1081 5 3 331 21 DcperiniR 8 Turquoise 107,Torcher 112,Talladega 112 C ; Iatl8-30J.P IS 2:07 hy 13 112 3 6 6" 3" MoneyJD3 8 StagcStruckll2,Torcherll2HHbAshby 112 O JIanl4-30J.P 1 l:54,hy 11-5 106 3 1 1 2" QnbushG0 10 Qblerlll.Gst ofIInorl08,LsvilleLoul01 O. Mac 7-30J.P lf 1:53 hy C 114 10 G 71 5 MartinL9 12 Haymaker 109,F.Hawleyll l.T.Kanty 109 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 25 2 6 2 $.2,750 This year.. 15 0 3 2 $ 500 Jucl Jean 1 Cr7 B- m 5 y Boniface Irosity, hy Atheling II. iu I Trainer, L. K. Rogers. Owner, L. Stivers. XOT.1S-290IIIF 1-,j. l:36hy 11 114 G 5 5i 3 GevlngLi. 5 S Drahal07,PcsDonnal01,DaddyXelsonl0S O Sot 4-29Lat 11:59 hy 40 10S 2 5 4s 40! GrecoA 1 9 Aclrema 103,XancySeth 103.HoldFastl03 O Oct31-29Lat lfs 1:56 m 40 103 3 5 2" l3 GrecoA "11 LecCoopcrlOS.HpyllanlylOS.Dar-Fur 108 O Oct.22-29Lat l l:50m C5 102 G 6 53 45 EllswthW S Ptlcipatel03,BlkTderlOGl,Col.Shawl03 C OctlSLat 1A l:39Jft 53 102 7 G 7" 714 XealP 8 Mary-Dale 102,Drone 105,IIold Fast 102 C , Starls. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Wron. , , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Last year.. 21 2 2 0 ,334 CrilSll 1 07 B. c, 4, by Wrack Bonnie less, by Star Shoot. JLU I Trainer. W. Hinphy. Owner, W. Hinphy. jraelG-30sIIav l-,tf l:44ft G 109 3 4 23 3 WallN5 3 KgIavidlOG,SanCarlosll2,Stampdalel03 O JUcl3-305IIav IjV l:15ft 2 113 i G 51 4i AustlnM 7 Pacheco 113, Belmona 100, Tangram 108 O Mac 9-305IIav 1J l:525ft 21 112 1 G 9SJ 9 MozerR 9 PlayB. 102,Btimore 90,ChanniugL. 10G n Mac 2-30sIIav 1-fg l:45y3ft G 114 1 4 21 3l MozerR 13 SanCarloslll.M.MalonelOS.Kingsport 120 II Fi1.24-305Hav lsul:43 si 4 117 5 9 G G9i MozerR8 10 Kingsportll3,MtMaIonel08,I.altjmore92 n lVUlO-30IIav 5fl:0Cft S-5 120 5 5 42 4i MozerR3 5 MrctCal 107,KgDavid 107,OIdKpoo 107 A , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd Won . . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won. , Last year. .14 2 12 -1.S25 This year. .11 3 2 2 $ 2,925 Saildj Hampton TIP Ch e 4 y rullon Cloudlet, by Roehampton. Last work: 10G 3-4. . .l:17f t -- Trainer, J. P. Gruhcr. Owner, J. P. Gruber. OctlS-29Lat 2 l:12ft 127"lll G 5 ll12 JonesL "12 Gideon 110, Platoon 100, Edna Glenn 112 O Bop. 5-29D.P 2 l:15isy Glf 108 4 5 5S1 95 WimerM e10 Arrogantll3,PatsyII.108,JeanneAdele 100 O Aiig30-29D.P 2 l:13ft 23f 113 2 3 35 3 PoolW "12 Bagabald 111, Owl 103, Pot Full 111 O Ang2S-29D.P 2 l:13ft llf 110 9 9 llll" MertzH 12 LkySwpll0,PresidentSothl03,Brbonll7 O Ausll-SlL-CF g l:00ft 18-5f 10? 4 MertzH 12 Lit.HttiellO.EnolaB.OS.Dr.McArtur 115 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 14 1 0 1 $ 750 Madam Emclic 107 B. m. 5, by Huon Julia N., by Peter Ouinee. Last work: 103 lm. . .llft J-U I Trainer, "W. Elliott. Owner, Elliott and Lewis. Mac27-303J.P ll:46ft eVlOG 7 10 10lo103 ThomasH3 11 Bl:ickAlicel03,Boganl01,FairArgumt 109 O Macl2-C03J.P 1-S l:4S,ft 130 112 G 11 11s 11" SheltonJ 12 CryBaby 109,Itapida lOO.BakedApple 98 O Fd..lS-C0;F.G lje l:4Sft 7 110 8 G S S" DellJ1 10 MdsChoicellO,HtachellO,B.Phillipsl03 O FtU.lO-30F.G lc l:47ft 13 104 4 G Gl 6 EllswhWi 9 DollySetlil04,Sw.p-Xetl04,FairArgt 107 O Jan.30-303F.G 1:51 si IS 110 8 11 12"12" SmithV3 12 F.Lieutenantll5.Cornbeltll5,GriffW. 113 C Jan.24-30;F.G lj 1:19 d23-10 103 4 7 54 G1 RusscllK3 11 CtageBoyllO.SaucyPollylOG.ToinKy 113 O . Starts. 1st. 2n1. 3rd. Won . Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won Last year.. 44 1 3 7 $ 1.714 This year.. 8 1 0 0 $ 750 IllllStrioUS 1 07 B. f, 4, by Captain Alcock Green Pepper, by Ruskin EC. Last work: 105 3-4...1:lS-7sft r-v I Trainer, J. M. Goode. Owner, Byrd and Hicatt. Jul.2G-29A.P 1J 2:00hy 39" 101 3 9 94 913 MeyerC 12 TorchBoy 114,FarAway lll.PatField 101 O Jul.22-29A.P IS l:53ft 73 103 14 12 12115 MeyerC 13 Jap Lac 03, Balroma 102. Revolver 101 O JuL -29Lat I,",. 1:52 m 19 102 11 9 G14 4" CollinsG 11 Ldy Violal02,EagerPlayl07.BlindIIillsl07 0 Jul. 2-29Lat lj l:5Shy 13 104 7 6 G3 5" DellJ 7 MountLogan 107,Tommyl07.PostHornll3 O Jun.21-29:Lat IS l:52ft 8 104 8 5 51 5 DuboisD 3 9 HoldFast 104.Keitlill3,DanI5urnham 113 0 Jun.lS-293Lat V IMHgd 81 106 8 8 7 6SJ PhilpotH 9 Valence 113. Hold Fast 112, Chiz 1C5 O , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won , Last year.. 23 1 2 5 ,450 Palla Gay 107 B- f 4 M ty Prince Bal Marian Gay, hy Celt. XV 1 Trainer, C. Patterson, Owner, H. R. Penney. Mar21-29J.P 21:13yJt 165 110 11 12 12612 FowlerG 1012 La-CoedllO,PeaceStarll7,BlyXickerll5 A MatH-29J.P 1" 1:56 m 63 102 9 11 11;1234 G Fowlr s12 Illustrs 105,LilnMooarl05,Geo.Terry 103 O Mac 9-29J.P 21:H ft 14 G 102 S 10 12912 G Fowlr 12 Ryerftrll3.CngLady 102,Pheasant 113 O FtbL2S-29J.P 2 1:17 si 63 110 9 9 10,s 91S G Fowlr 11 BigSdyllS.TdercshllS.BioPnehita 115 A , Starts. 1st, 2nd. 3rd. Won., , Starts. 1st. 2nd. 3rd. Won., Last year.. 4